ATLANTIC CAPE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE May 8, 2014 Minutes – draft Attendance: R. Benner, B. Clark, D. Coulter, B. Dougherty, B. Heard, O. Hernandez, M. Huber, J. Katz, C. Knowles, M. Levy, S. Marzelli, R. McArthur, D. McElroy, G. Michelfelder, S. Natale, H. Peterson, R. Russell, S. Shields, J. Taggart, B. Zilovic. Excused: L. Ingram, B. Johns, G. Wilinski. L. Campbell, recorder. Approval of minutes: The minutes from April 10 were approved. Curriculum Proposals – ALL PROPOSALS WERE APPROVED ENGL212-Significant Themes in Literature, new special topic: Tracing Fairy Tales- S. Natale S. Natale discussed a new special topic and the committee accepted the submission. ENGL230-Technical Writing, new course, R. Russell Course is specialized for STEM/Technology programs. Will be a nice complement to ENGL102. The state has approved this type of course as general education. A grading section was missing from the syllabus. R. Russell will add and submit a revised syllabus. A member asked about the difference between TCOM125-Technical Communication and this new course. TCOM isn’t a writing course, whereas, ENGL230 is writing-intensive. ESLN074-Vocabulary Strategies, title change, S. Shields The course title was changed to “Reading and Vocabulary” to better reflect the course content. COMM/TVRF230-Visual Communication, change course level, J. Taggart, B. Zilovic, C. Knowles The State questioned the course level after the prereq. was changed from completion of ENGL102, to completion of ENGL080 with a C or better, or placement into ENGL101. This issue was discussed in both the Arts/Humanities and ISAS departments and a decision was made to change the course to a 100-level. New number is COMM/TVRF130. HOSP100-Orientation to Hospitality and Tourism, prereq. change, J. Katz This course is currently included on the Basic Skills course options chart in the catalog, for students who test into ENGL080. Due to a significant amount of writing in the course, the prereq. is not appropriate. The new prereq. will be completion of ENGL080 with a C or better, or placement into ENGL101. Computer Security Specialist, prof. series change, B. Dougherty, J. Taggart CISM176-Systems Security Methods (4 cr) is replacing CISM160-Systems Analysis & Design (3 cr) as a requirement. This change will increase the total required credits from 17 to 18. CISM222-Issues in Computer Security, prereq. change, B. Dougherty, J. Taggart Prereq. changed from CISM160 CISM154 or CISM174. CISM146-Computer Networking, new course, J. Taggart, B. Zilovic The Computer Systems Support, AAS degree is undergoing changes. Advisory Board and program review outcomes, have recommended the changes which will prepare students for a number of industry certification examinations. Syllabus revisions: Learning Goal 2 d. – “Understand” should be changed to “Explain”. A Committee member also mentioned that, generally, the number of Goals should be less than the number of objectives. CISM149-Computer Hardware, new course, J. Taggart, S. Marzelli Same rationale as above. Industry certifications will give students a better opportunity to gain employment. Two minor correction were made to the syllabus—Prerequisite- “maybe” changed to “may be.” Under Learning Goals & Objectives, 2. a.) “correctly” was added to the end of the objective. CISM179-Windows Server, new course, B. Zilovic, J. Taggart CISM229-Windows Server Administration, new course CISM269-Advanced Windows Server, new course CISM179, 229, and 269 will prepare students for certification in Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA). These will be required program courses for the revised Computer Systems Support, AAS. CISM295-Internship in Information Technology, new course, B. Dougerty, J. Taggart Internships provide students with hands-on experience and are very beneficial for gaining employment after graduation. A committee member questioned why there are no prerequisites. Students will need permission of instructor to register. Students might be placed in an internship early in their program. The CSS degree courses enable students to earn certifications throughout the program, so they can be successful in an internship. Computer Systems Support, A.A.S., program changes, B. Dougherty, J. Taggart The Computer Applications Option was created several years ago in preparation for the changes to the CSS degree. The courses that have been removed from CSS, are available in the Computer Applications program. The new CSS requirements will allow students to earn certifications. Also, students who have already earned any of the certifications may initiate the college’s Prior Learning Assessment process to translate their certifications or exam results into equivalent course credits. A Committee member asked if the Business dept. was made aware that BUSN120 has been dropped from this program. They had not yet been informed, but J. Katz will let them know. She doesn’t believe the change will be problematic. The Program Outcomes need to be updated and submitted for the program page of the catalog. TVRF295-Internship in New Media Studies, credit hrs change, J. Taggart The current course hours are listed as 1-9-3 and need to be changed to 1-6-3 to comply with state requirements. Syllabus corrections – Under Student Contributions, p 4: 1.) Allow for at least 9 6 hours per week for internship responsibilities. Remove the ISAS Departmental Academic Honesty Policy. New Media Studies, A.A.S., program change, J. Taggart, B. Zilovic Replaced COMM103-Intro to Mass Media with BUSN102-Principles of Marketing. This change was recommended by an advisory board that includes potential employers. There are approximately 30 students in the program. This change will cause an increased demand for the Business Dept., and a decreased demand for the Arts/Humanities Dept. A committee member asked if the departments had been notified about this impact. It was stated that the Business Dept. had been notified, but Arts/Humanities had not been informed. After discussion, several committee members were opposed to the following statement under the Rationale for Change: “The (Advisory) Board felt that COMM103 was more of a ‘Social Science’ or ‘History’ course and provided students with no real relevant skills or knowledge needed for today’s workforce.” The originators agreed to remove the sentence from the rationale. They are trying to make the program more technical. A Committee member asked if COMM103 could be offered under the “Program Electives” section of the program. The presenters stated that the Advisory Board would need to be consulted. BIOL203-Microbiology, prerequisite change, B. Heard The current prereq. does not indicate the need for students to earn a “C” or better in two college lab science courses. New prereq.: Two college-level lab science courses with a grade of C or better, or permission of instructor. OTHER BUSINESS Suggested Charges for AY 2014-2015 J. Katz stated that she spoke with O. Hernandez and he may have some new charges for the Committee. It was agreed that Charge #10 should be removed.