GRAS Validation and GEANT4 Electromagnetic Physics Parameters R. Lindberg, G. Santin; Space Environment and Effects Section, ESTEC Presentation Outline Introduction A few Words About GRAS and MULASSIS GRAS Internal Validation GEANT4 Electromagnetic Physics Comparison with MULASSIS Tuning the parameters in GRAS GRAS applied to complex geometry: ConeXpress Conclusions 2 Introduction ConeXpress radiation analysis ESABASE Ray-tracing and SHIELDOSE-2 curve GEANT4 Ray-tracing (SSAT) and SHIELDOSE-2 curve Used following tools for comparison SSAT Developed by Qinetiq Ray-tracing (a.k.a sector shielding analysis) GRAS MULASSIS Developed by Qinetiq 1D multi-layer geometry. Developed by G. Santin and V. Ivantchenko Uses GDML geometry; modular physics Modular analysis driven via script 3 ConeXpress Results GEANT4 SSAT ray-tracing results agree with ESABASE However, GEANT4 GRAS full Monte Carlo gives very different results (orders of magnitude) Uses same geometry model as SSAT analysis First validation attempt GEANT4 internal comparison GRAS ↔ MULASSIS Shows discrepancy of ~20 % for a semi-infinite slab case Greatest difference in lower energy range (≤ 2 MeV) for electrons 4 Understanding the Problem (1/3) Average Dose per Event (MeV) GRAS vs. Mulassis 0.25 - 2.75 MeV 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1.00E-02 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 GRAS 1.00E-06 GRAS gamma 1.00E-07 GRAS e- The geometry setup used was the semiinfinite slab case 2 mm Silicon target 3 mm Aluminium shield 1.00E-08 Electron Energy (MeV) Dose in energies below 1.5 MeV comes from gamma radiation e--contribution starts to dominate around 1.5 MeV 3 5 Understanding the Problem (2/3) Average Dose per Event (MeV) Dose (MeV) for Electron Energies 0.25-2.5 MeV 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 1.00E-02 Total dose GRAS 1.00E-03 Total dose Mulassis GRAS e- contr. 1.00E-04 Mulassis e- contr. 1.00E-05 GRAS gamma Mulassis gamma 1.00E-06 1.00E-07 1.00E-08 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Electron Energy (MeV) GRAS analysis was inserted into MULASSIS to obtain e- and gamma cont. Gamma contribution agrees well between the two. Simulations show that there were differences in the e- contributions between GRAS and MULASSIS 6 Understanding the Problem (3/3) Dose Ratio GRAS/MULASSIS 250% Total Dose Ratio 200% e- Contribution 150% 100% 50% 0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Electron Energy (MeV) Dose from gamma-contribution is the same but... …e- contribution differs and… …statistical errors are small (<1%) compared to total dose value, so difference is not due to statistical error, furthermore… …the difference in dose between GRAS and MULASSIS is largest at “threshold energy”, so… …what’s the catch? 7 Electron EM Processes and Fine Tuning Same EM physics used in GRAS and MULASSIS Cause of different results was due to “fine tuning” of the electromagnetic energy loss modelling Several parameters influence the modelling of GEANT 4 EM: facRange: Integral: If true, dE(step) is obtained with integral of dE/dx curve Cuts: Maximum fraction of kinetic energy that particle can loose in a step Is the production cuts for secondary electrons StepMax: Is one of the most important. Limits the maximum step length. “Process” in GRAS. This parameter is not available in MULASSIS 8 Internal Validation Conclusion (1/2) GRAS vs. Mulassis in Slab, e-, MaxTheta=0 deg GRAS gives near perfect agreement with MULASSIS when using the same EM physics parameter Average Dose per Event (MeV) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Dose, StepFunction=1.0 Dose, StepFunction=0.2 Mulassis 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Particle Energy (MeV) GRAS / MUL. 101.0% GRAS / MUL. Ratio 100.5% 100.0% 99.5% 99.0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Electron Energy (MeV) 6 7 8 Integral set to true facRange set to 1.0 stepMax set to 100 mm (similar to not having stepMax at all) 9 Internal Validation Conclusion (2/2) Ratio GRAS / MULASSIS, sphere geometry Several runs were conducted to verify correlation 2-7 MeV e- E.g. 105.0% Sphere case, maxtheta=90, protons and electrons, Ratio 110.0% 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 0 2 4 6 8 Particle Energy (MeV) Notice the scale. Ratio GRAS / MULASSIS, sphere geometry 30-400 MeV protons 104.0% 102.0% Ratio 100.0% 98.0% 96.0% 0 100 200 300 400 500 Particle Energy (MeV) 10 EM Physics Tuning – Parametric Study Parametric study to look at effects of different settings Parameter ranges: facRange: 0.2 - 1. Integral: Boolean – true or false Cuts: between 0.01 100 mm StepMax: between 0.01 100 mm (100 mm ~ no step limiting) 11 Parameter Comparison (1/2) Average Dose for Particle Energy of 1.50 MeV 0.0006 Cuts= 0.01 mm 0.0005 Cuts=0.10 mm 0.0004 Cuts=1.00 mm 0.0003 Cuts=100.00 mm 0.0002 0.0001 0 0.01 Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) Average Dose for Particle Energy of 1.25 MeV 0.0012 Cuts= 0.01 mm 0.001 Cuts=0.10 mm 0.0008 Cuts=1.00 mm 0.0006 0.0002 0 0.1 1 10 StepMax (mm) 0.01 100 0,016 Cuts= 0.01 mm Cuts=0.10 mm 0,012 Cuts=1.00 mm 0,008 Cuts=100.00 mm 0,004 0 0,1 1 StepMax (mm) 10 100 0.1 1 StepMax (mm) 10 100 Average Dose for Particle Energy of 2.00 MeV Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) Average Dose for Particle Energy of 1.75 MeV 0,01 Cuts=100.00 mm 0.0004 Dose differs 2.5x depending on StepMax 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0.01 Cuts= 0.01 mm Cuts=0.10 mm Cuts=1.00 mm Cuts=100.00 mm 0.1 1 10 StepMax (mm) 100 12 Parameter Comparison (2/2) 1.5 MeV Particle Energy, Cuts=0.01 mm False, 1.0 False, 0.2 0.0009 True, 1.0 True, 0.2 0.0008 0.0007 0.0006 0.0005 0.01 0.1 1 StepMax (mm) 10 100 Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) Avr. Dose per Event (MeV) 0.001 1.5 MeV Particle Energy, Cuts=100.00 mm 0.0008 False, 1.0 False, 0.2 0.0007 True, 1.0 0.0006 0.0005 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 StepMax (mm) 13 Tuning Effect with Space Env. Spectra Ran simulations in GRAS for different spectra and Al shielding thickness: e- GTO e- MEO (Galileo) e- GEO p+ GEO MULASSIS simulated by using StepMax=100.00 mm and StepFunction=1.0 Trapped Electron Spectra MEO GTO GEO 1,00E+19 Fluence (/cm2/MeV) 1,00E+17 1,00E+15 1,00E+13 1,00E+11 1,00E+09 1,00E+07 0 2 4 6 8 Energy (MeV) 14 Tuning Effect with Space Env. Spectra Trapped e- GTO spectrum Trapped e- MEO spectrum Average dose per event (MeV) Average dose per event (MeV) Al. thick., mm GRAS MULASSIS GRAS/MUL Al. Thick. mm GRAS MULASSIS GRAS/MUL 3 0,05391 0,04625 117% 3 0,04824 0,04066 119% 4 0,01736 0,01399 124% 4 0,01458 0,01167 125% 5 0,00591 0,00456 130% 5 0,00474 0,00363 131% 10 0,00047 0,00049 96% 10 0,00045 0,00046 97% Trapped e- GEO spectrum solar proton GEO spectrum Average dose per event (MeV) Average dose per event (MeV) Al. thick. mm GRAS e- MULASSI S e- GRAS/MUL 3 0,02983 0,02410 124% 3 1,88 1,88 99,8% 4 0,00818 0,00653 125% 4 5,58 5,57 100,1% 5 0,00281 0,00228 123% 5 4,12 4,13 99,9% 10 0,00038 0,00041 95% 10 3,33 3,34 99,8% Al. thick. mm GRAS e- MULASSI S e- GRAS/MUL 15 Next Step – Complex Geometry Currently conducting analysis on complex geometry – ConeXpress Use radiation spectra from SPENVIS Run each particle spectra separate and combine to obtain total ionised dose. Presents different problems than simple geometry Number of simulated events has to be very high due to thick shielding generated by subsystems, especially for electrons 16 Next Step – Complex Geometry GDML model of ConeXpress 17 Conclusions Internal validation (GRAS ↔ MULASSIS) successful GRAS Parametric study of EM physics parameters shows difference Up to 30%, using a space environment spectra Up to 2.5 times, using mono-energetic beam particle source Tentative set of parameters chosen as Earlier difference due to different physics parameters facRange to 0.2 Integral set to true Cuts around 0.01 mm StepMax around 0.1 mm – trade-off between CPU time and small step size impacts radiation analyses results Suggested implementation of StepMax and facRange in MULASSIS 18