Vocabulary: Group#1 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (specific meanings will be provided) and the definition of the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write the connotation (+ [positive] –[negative] or n[neutral] next to each word 4) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. 5) You will generally be asked to apply a grammatical skill to your sentence as well. Group#1 AC, ACR – sharp, sour Common Word: Acerbic Exacerbate Acrimony ALI, ALTR – another Common Word: Altruism Alienate Alias ANIM – mind, spirit, breath Common Word: Animosity Magnanimous Animate ANTE, ANT – before Common Word: Antecedent Antediluvian Antiquated ANTHROP – human Misanthrope Philanthropy Anthropomorphic Common Word: Vocabulary: Group#2 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition of the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. BELLI, BELL -- war COMMON WORD: Belligerent Bellicose CAP, CIP – head COMMON WORD: Decapitate Capitulate Precipitous CED, CESS – yield, go COMMON WORD: Cede Incessant Intercede COGN, GNO – know COMMON WORD: Cognizance Agnostic Prognosticate CRED – trust, believe Credulous Credence Credential COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#3 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. CULP – blame, fault COMMON WORD: Culpable Exculpate Culprit DEMO, DEM – people COMMON WORD: Demographics Demagogue Pandemic DOL – pain COMMON WORD: Doleful Indolent Condolence EU – good, well COMMON WORD: Euphoria Euthanasia Euphemism FAL – deceive Infallible Fallacious Falsify COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#4 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. FID – trust, faith COMMON WORD: Diffidence Fidelity Perfidious GEN – birth, class, kin COMMON WORD: Congenital Engender Progeny GRAD, GRESS – step COMMON WORD: Retrograde Digress Transgress GRAT - Pleasing COMMON WORD: Gratuitous Gratitude Ingratiate GREG – crowd, flock Gregarious Egregious Congregate COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#5 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. IN, IG – not COMMON WORD: Incorrigible Inexorable Ignominious LAV, LAU, LU – Wash COMMON WORD: Antediluvian Lavish Lave LEV – Light COMMON WORD: Alleviate Levity Elevate LOQU, LOC – Speech, thought COMMON WORD: Eloquent Loquacious Circumlocution LUC, LUM – Light Lucid Elucidate Illuminate COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#6 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. MAG – great COMMON WORD: Magnanimous Magnify Magnate MON, MONIT – wan COMMON WORD: Admonish Premonition Monitor MOR, MORT – dead COMMON WORD: Morbid Moribund Mortal NAT, NASC – born COMMON WORD: Nascent Innate Native NEO – new Neophyte Neologism Neoteny COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#7 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write the connotation (+ [positive] –[negative] or n[neutral] next to each word 4) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. 5) You will generally be asked to apply a grammatical skill to your sentence as well. OB – against COMMON WORD: Obfuscate Obstinate Obstreperous PAN – all COMMON WORD: Panacea Pandemic Pander PRI, PRIM – first COMMON WORD: Pristine Primordial Prima donna PRO – ahead, forth COMMON WORD: Proscribe Proclivity Profuse ROG – ask Abrogate Derogatory Arrogate COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#8 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write the connotation (+ [positive] –[negative] or n[neutral] next to each word 4) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. 5) You will generally be asked to apply a grammatical skill to your sentence as well. SACR, SANCT -- holy COMMON WORD: Sacrosanct Sanctimonious Sanction SED, SID -- sit COMMON WORD: Sedentary Insidious Assiduous SEQU, SECU -- follow COMMON WORD: Non sequitur Subsequent Obsequious SON – sound COMMON WORD: Dissonance Resonate Sonorous SPERS, SPAR -- scatter Disparate Aspersion Sparse COMMON WORD: Vocabulary: Group#9 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write the connotation (+ [positive] –[negative] or n[neutral] next to each word 4) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. 5) You will generally be asked to apply a grammatical skill to your sentence as well. SUPER, SUR -- above COMMON WORD: Supercilious Superfluous Surfeit TACIT, TIC -- silent COMMON WORD: Taciturn Tacit Reticent TREM, TREP – shake COMMON WORD: Tremulous Trepidation Intrepid VAC – empty COMMON WORD: Vacuous Vacate Vacuum VAL, VAIL – value, strength Ambivalent COMMON WORD: Avail Convalescence Vocabulary: Group#10 In order to expand our vocabulary, we will study words grouped by their roots. You are responsible for learning the meaning of the root (I will provide the meaning) and the definition on the words in each root group. Homework: 1) Write the definition (including the part of speech) for each of the following words (make sure you understand the definition). 2) Use the word in a defining sentence. 3) Write the connotation (+ [positive] –[negative] or n[neutral] next to each word 4) Write down a “common word” that includes the relevant root word. 5) You will generally be asked to apply a grammatical skill to your sentence as well. VER - truth COMMON WORD: Verify Aver Veracious VIV, VIT – life COMMON WORD: Vivacious Convivial Vivid VOC, VOK, VOW -- call, voice COMMON WORD: Equivocate Vociferous Invoke VOL – wish COMMON WORD: Malevolent Volition Benevolent VOR – eat COMMON WORD: Voracious Carnivorous Devour 80 POWER WORDS (AFTER ROOT UNITS ARE COMPLETED) Vocabulary Workshop: Grade 10 Honors 80 Power Words Accost Behemoth Cavort Concord Delineate Ebullient Emulate Espouse Fatuous Garner Histrionic Incongruous Languish Mesmerize Nuance Penchant Pusillanimous Saturnine Substantiate Vacillate Ambient Belabor Coherent Consign Depraved Echelon Enervate Evince Feckless Glean Importune Inordinate Litany Myopic Obsequious Piquant Recumbent Sequester Ubiquitous Verbiage Articulate Cacophonous Complicity Decimate Dissemble Eclectic Ephemeral Exacerbate Foible Halcyon Incarcerate Juggernaut Maelstrom Nadir Oscillate Portend Redolent Sophistry Undulate Verdant Badinage Canard Conciliate Deign Dissidence Embellish Esoteric Façade Furtive Hallow Incendiary Laconic Mandate Nascent Paucity Promulgate Saturate Sporadic Utopian Winnow