
Week 12 - Monday
What did we talk about last time?
Defining classes
Class practice
Lab 11
We can extend the idea of moving balls
Let’s make some balls hunters and some balls
Hunters search for the nearest prey
If they reach a particular prey, they eat it
Prey balls always head away from the nearest
The Prey class has:
 x Location:
 y Location:
 Aliveness:
 Speed:
It also has accessors for x, y, and aliveness
and a method we can use to kill the prey
Finally, it has an update method where it
decides what it will do next
The Hunter class has:
 x Location:
 y Location:
 Speed:
It also has accessors for x and y
Finally, it also has an update method where it
decides what it will do next
Members are the data inside objects
But, sometimes, wouldn’t it be nice if some
data were linked to the class as a whole,
rather than just the object?
What if you wanted to keep track of the total
number of a particular kind of object you
Static members are stored with the class, not
with the object
public class Item {
private static int count = 0;// one copy total
private String name;
// one copy per object
public Item( String s ) {
name = s;
// updates global counter
public String getName() { return name; }
public static int getItemsInUniverse() {
return count;
Static members are also called class
Static members can be accessed by either
static methods or regular methods (unlike
normal members which cannot be accessed
by static methods)
Static members can be either public or
In general, static variables should not be used
Sometimes a value will not change after an
object has been created:
 Example: A ball has a single color after it is
You can enforce the fact that the value will
not change with the final keyword
A member declared final can only be
assigned a value once
Afterwards, it will never change
Using final, we can fix the value of a member
It will only be set once, usually when the constructor is called
It is customary to use all caps for constant names
public class Animal {
private String name;
private final boolean MAMMAL;
// never changes
public Animal( String s, boolean mammal ) {
name = s;
MALE = mammal;
public void evolve() {
// compile-time error!
It is possible to set a static member to be
constant using the final keyword
Usually, this is used for global constants that
will never ever change
Making these values public is reasonable
Since they never change, we never have to
worry about a user corrupting the data inside
of the object
The number of sides of a pentagon is always 5
Other code can access this information by using the value
 Exactly like Math.PI or Math.E
public class Pentagon {
private double x;
private double y;
public static final int SIDES = 5;
// never changes
public Pentagon( double newX, double newY ) {
x = newX;
y = newY;
public double getX() { return x; }
public double getY() { return y; }
We want to compare the running time of one
program to another
We want a mathematical description with the
following characteristics:
 Worst case
We care mostly about how bad things could be
 Asymptotic
We focus on the behavior as the input size gets
larger and larger
First, let’s compute an expression that gives
us running time for a program
Assume that any single line of code that
doesn’t call a method or execute a loop takes
1 unit of time
Then, we sum up the number of lines that are
executed in a method or in a loop
Add up the operations done by the following code:
int sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
sum += i;
System.out.println("Sum: " + sum);
Initialization: 1 operation
Loop: 1 initialization + n checks + n increments + n
additions to sum = 3n + 1
 Output: 1 operation
 Total: 3n + 3
We could express the time taken by the code on
the previous slide as a function of n: f(n) = 3n + 3
This approach has a number of problems:
 We assumed that each line takes 1 time unit to
accomplish, but the output line takes much longer
than an integer operation
 This program is 4 lines long, a longer program is going
to have a very messy running time function
 We can get nit picky: Does sum += i; take one
operation or two if we count the addition and the
store separately?
In short, this way of getting a running time
function is almost useless because:
 It cannot be used to give us an idea of how long the
program really runs in seconds
 It is complex and unwieldy
The most important thing about the analysis of
the code that we did is learning that the growth
of the function should be linear
A general description of how the running time
grows as the input grows would be useful
Enter Big Oh notation
Big Oh simplifies a complicated running time
function into a simple statement about its
worst case growth rate
All constant coefficients are ignored
All low order terms are ignored
3n + 3 is O(n)
Big Oh is a statement that a particular
running time is no worse than some function,
with appropriate constants
147n3 + 2n2 + 5n + 12083 is
n1000 + 2n is
15n2 + 6n + 7log n + 145 is
659n + nlog n + 87829 is
O(n log n)
Note: In CS, we use log2 unless stated otherwise
More on Big Oh notation
Keep working on Project 4
 Due this Friday