High Gear Archives – 07022003

High Gear Archives – 07022003 - 12312003
HIGH GEAR for December 31, 2003
The December 31, 2003, meeting was called to order by President Neal Cunningham. Although
the calendar said it was New Year’s Eve, the weather was more like spring.
Dave Amberg led a rather small crowd in prayer. Lunch was a delicious open-faced turkey
sandwich, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, pound cake and sherbet. All was preceded by a wine and
cheese reception.
Guests were Charlotte Bradbury and Jay Stewart, who where welcomed by Pat Porteus’
enthusiastic rendition of the welcome song.
John Mozzicato was welcomed back with cheers. He expressed heartfelt thanks for all the
support during his illness. He shared that people at the hospital thought he was some politician
with all the cards he received!
Sergeant-at-Arms Marcia LeClerc was gentle today but did fine John Mozzicato for returning to
Rotary. Dan Larson will soon be a grandpa for the first time, Larry Churchill was in the New
York Times and George Agnelli thought he might have been seen at the UConn game.
Roy Spiller thanked the 46 Rotarians who signed up to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. The
amount raised was down this year because of a Saturday snowstorm. Some was made up with
ringing on two Fridays. $2935 was raised this year, down $735 from last year. The 55 hours of
ringing averaged $53.36 per hour. Ringers also included 12 non-Rotarians. Jack Sayre signed up
to ring five times! The 15-year-total is $36,274 and 904 hours. Next year, we will ring at the east
entrance to Stop and Shop and at the Silver Lane Shop Rite.
Last Calls
 There are three rooms still available for the February 9-11 ski trip. Call Roy Spiller if you
are interested.
 The published club roster will now include email addresses. If you do not want your
email address included please contact Sue Klock.*
Mark Your Calendar
The Paul Harris Dinner is scheduled for March 10, 2004 at the Marco Polo. More details will
Special thanks to Sue and Helen from Krause Catering. A check was presented to both.
Jack Ghagan won the raffle.
Please Note
The January 7, 2004 meeting will be a Club Assembly.
High Gear Editor (Dec.'03) Margaret
HIGH GEAR for December 17, 2003
The December 17, 2003 meeting was called to order by President Neal Cunningham. Dan
Firestone gave his annual holiday prayer. Lunch was a lovely buffet complete with ham, turkey
and lasagna. Holiday roll was the dessert.
The welcome song was led by Walt Kupchunos, as we welcomed Stephanie Mauri, Tom
Blackwood, Bob Dugger (Glastonbury Rotary) Jan Sayre and Todd Andrews.
Sergeant-At-Arms Report
Marcia LeClerc reported a number of anniversaries, including Jack Sayre’s 23 years, Don
Cramer’s 25 years, Jim Fallon and Dee Blackwood each at 11 years and Jim Shay at 10 years.
Birthdays were celebrated by Dan Larson and Walt Kupchunos.
Dan Firestone (president elect) announced that Bill Secord is the Sergeant-At-Arms
representative for the 2004-05 Board of Directors.
President’s Report
President Neal announced that e-mail addresses would now be published with the
address/telephone number list. For those who wish to opt out of having their e-mail address
included, please see Sue Klock.*
The Concession Stand raised $5268.83. Thanks to all who helped.
$137 was raised for the Rotary International Rose Parade float which will feature our own Frank
and Ceil Collins. Thanks to all who contributed.
The raffle was won by Roger Nicholson.
Make-Ups: Herb Tischofer (2) Naples, Florida
Carol Krantz reported that about $1900 was raised in the fruit sale. About 50 percent of the club
participated and sold 450 cases. The highest seller was George Agnelli with 46 cases. Thanks to
all who sold and loaded fruit.
Jim Fallon introduced the East Hartford High School students from the Chamber Orchestra and
Next Edition who provided a heartwarming performance. Always a special treat.
No meeting next week (Christmas Eve).
Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2004!
Margaret LaCroix
HIGH GEAR for December 10, 2003
The December 10, 2003 meeting was called to order by President Neal. Gil Wishart provided a
thoughtful prayer and we were treated to lunch of Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots
and bread pudding for dessert. Thanks to the talents of Don Hallquist, Christmas carols
permeated the room.
Sergeant-At-Arms Report
Marcia LeClerc reported that Larry Frazier paid for having a new granddaughter and John
Shemo was on the Brad Davis Show. Carol Krantz, Bill Saunders and Jackie Danise celebrated
Medical Report
John Mozzicato is home!
Steve Jacoby reported that the Holiday Fest activities were postponed by the snowstorm and will
be rescheduled, including the police identification program on April 3, 2004.
The East Hartford YMCA invites Rotarians to a holiday luncheon on December 13 from 11:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at South Congregational Church. Please bring non-perishable food items if you
George Stewart won the raffle.
Carol Krantz reported that fruit sales were disappointing. Pick up is scheduled for Saturday,
December 13, 2003 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. behind the old Dunkin Donuts (Nathan's) in the
Putnam Plaza.
Make-Ups: Herb Tischoffer- Naples Bay; Don Cramer-eClub; Frank and Ceil Collins- Troy and
Rochester, NY; Lugano. Switzerland; Houston, TX; and Cairo, Egypt.
Bill Saunders asked flu hotline volunteers to consider volunteering in December in light of the
current Flu Frenzy.
From Bill and Bev Saunders
Our thanks to the Club for the cards, phone calls and expressions of sympathy in the loss of my
The annual meeting of the Rotary Club of East Hartford followed. The following slate was
adopted for next year: (Complete minutes of the annual meeting will be filed separately)
Dan Firestone
Carol Krantz
Dan Larson
Bill Saunders
Sue Klock
Margaret LaCroix Director
George Schoen Director
Don't miss the holiday program next week.
Margaret LaCroix
HIGH GEAR for December 3, 2003
December 3, 2003 was frosty outside but friendship and good will warmed the holiday party. 98
Rotarians and significant others joined in the festivities which included shrimp, chicken and
prime rib dinners topped off with ice cream roll. The music was somewhat of a topic, as Don
Hallquist's battery was not charged for his keyboard. Nonetheless, we thank him for always
sharing his time and talent to make our meetings and parties more festive!
Rev. Roger Nicholson led us in prayer. Marcia LeClerc noted there would not be a sergeant-atarms report in the spirit of the holiday.
John Mozzicato was missed at the event, but not to worry, he is expected to be home next week
although he still has some recovering to do.
Roy Spiller announced the 2003-04 Paul Harris Award Winners:
Neal Cunningham
Dan Larson
Loretta Dienst
Congratulations to all!
Spiller also asked for volunteers for ringing the bell for the Salvation Army for December 20
from 3:00 to 6:00 pm.
There are rooms available for the annual ski trip on February 9 to 11, 2004. Call Roy Spiller for
President Neal thanked all Rotarians and their family and friends who worked the concession
stand this past football season.
A Jeep-load of necessary items was collected at the party for donation to the East Hartford
Homeless Shelter. Thanks to all!
Special Note:
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Rotary Club of East Hartford will be held
on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 at 12:15 pm. at the Veteran's Memorial Clubhouse for the
purpose of electing officers and directors and for such other business as may legally come before
the meeting.
Health Alert
The flu has hit Connecticut. It is not too late to protect yourself from what may be a very bad
strain of flu. Call the American Lung Association of CT flu hotline at 1-888-NO TO FLU to find
a clinic near you. Also, if you are a flu hotline volunteer, please consider signing up for time
slots in December. The hotline is very busy. Thanks!
HIGH GEAR for November 26, 2003
A wonderful Fall day -weather, fellowship, and seasonal Thankfulness- greeted us as we entered
the Ridge for our annual Thanksgiving meeting. Dean Rowland and Kathy McCabe presented us
with a bountiful table of wine, cheeses, crackers, fruit, and pepperoni. What more could you ask
for!!!!!! Don Hallquist highlighted our entrance to the main dining room with the great seasonal
hymn "We gather together to ask the Lord's Blessing". How appropriate for our great club.
Thanks. Don! Pres. Neal called us to order, and the Rev. Bill Flynn gave us a thoughtful
invocation in which he thanked our Lord for all our gifts, and asked that we show gratitude
through the services we can provide. A tasty meal of Chicken Cordon Bleu, sweet potatoes and
apple, green beans, and chocolate mousse, was promptly served.
Upon reconvening the meeting, Pres. Neal asked for the introduction of guests. Several guests
were introduced with most notable being former member Rich O'Brien, and Dan Larson's
daughter, Debby, a junior at the University of Connecticut's School of Education. Dan referred
to Debby as the family athlete as she was South Windsor's female athlete of the year in her
senior year in high school. The Welcome Song was aptly led by Nick Cecere with Don at the
keyboard. Sgt at Arms fill in, Dan Larson reported only two fines, both Rotary anniversaries George Schoen and Bob Richmond.
The following were the announcements for the day!!
1. Dan Larson asked for help on the 13th for the fruit distribution. Call him if you can help.
Also, next Wednesday will be the last day for fruit orders. Send them to or call Carol Krantz.
2. Frank Collins got off the Phone with our Rotary International President at 12:10 PM. He
wished our club a Happy Thanksgiving.
3. Dick McCarthy announced that Bill Saunder's Mom passed away in Johnsonburg,
Pennsylvania, on Monday. Services will be held this weekend in Pa., and Bill will be with us
next Wednesday.
4. Jack Ghagan reported on John Mozzicato's well being. He is progressing and hopes to be out
of The Glastonbury Health Center sometime next week. His room # is 200, and his phone # is
5. Pres. Neal reported that he had received two thank-you notes for Rotary gifts, one from the
American Lung Association for a gift of $500, and the other from Riverfront Recapture for
$250. He also announced that we received about $5000 for our efforts at the football concession
6. Just a reminder that our Holiday party in next Wednesday evening at Adams Mill. Our
charity of choice is gifts for the residents the homeless shelter in East Hartford.
7. And finally - the raffle was won by Larry Churchill - who else has a chance??
Jim Fallon introduced our Thanksgiving Speaker, The Reverend Ted Mosebach. Jim introduced
Ted as someone who truly cares about East Hartford. Ted started his talk on a very light vein
with several stories from the far distant past!!! He then quoted the 100th Psalm "Make a Joyful
noise unto the Lord! Give thanks to him for the Lord is good and his steadfast love lasts
forever." He talked about the opposite of "Thanksgiving" which would probably be
"complaining". There might be a lot to complain about, but when put in its proper perspective,
we should be thankful for all we have. We might pay high taxes, but these enable us to live in
the greatest country in the world. We should all be thankful for what we have - family. friends,
our home, our community, and all else we enjoy in this time and place!
Happy Thanksgiving -Enjoy, and count your blessings.
Bob Wood - filling in for Bill Secord
HIGH GEAR for November 19, 2003
Outside, the drizzle and chill of mid-fall; inside, sweetness and light. The fellowship of Rotary
easily overcame the pre-winter gloom as Roger Nicholson gave thanks for the opportunities
Rotary provides us for service above self. A hardy lunch of stuffed chicken breast, creamed
cauliflower, and mashed potatoes culminated with bowls of rice pudding. Chuck Clarke
introduced guest Pat Danehy, while George Agnelli withstood withering skepticism of his
crooning ability to lead a rousing rendition of the Welcome Song. Sergeant-at-Arms Dan
Dienst recited a litany of fines for the day: Dan Russell paid for yet another new car. We sang
the birthday song for what might have been Staci Brazalovich’s 21st birthday. Glenn Peterson
paid for nine years of wedded bliss. Steve Bates paid for a surprising Giant’s touchdown. Scotty
Howat contributed $1.00 a year for all 84 of his youth. Dave Amber paid for his picture in The
Habitat News. And Jim Fallon secretly slipped Dan a dollar for a similar transgression (he tries
to keep out of the newspapers).
Jack Ghagan provided the club with an update on John Mozzicato. John has had something of
a setback and is undergoing surgery again today; but he greatly appreciates the outpouring of
friendship he has received from members of the club. After today he can be visited at the
Glastonbury Health Care Center, 1175 Hebron Avenue, Room 273b, phone 860-659-6262.
Many make-ups: Dee Blackwood at Enfield; Don Cramer at Fort Myers Beach; Skip
Guillemette at some anonymous club with a forged signature; and Jim Sheehan, Neal
Cunningham, and Steve Jacoby at the Rotary Foundation dinner. President Neal won the
raffle—which prize he magnanimously turned over to Michael Knepp for the Salvation Army.
Steve Jacoby reminded everyone of the need for volunteers to help run the upcoming children
identification booth—more details coming. Next week is our traditional Thanksgiving Rotary
meeting—wine and cheese provided beforehand.
Margaret LaCroix again reminded us of the Rotary Holiday Party—Wednesday, December 3,
at Adam’s Mill. Cocktails at 6 pm; dinner at 7 pm. Everyone must pay Margaret in advance—
no payment at the door. She will not be present at next week’s regular meeting, so checks
should be sent to: Margaret LaCroix at 115 Hawthorne Mead Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033.
Please make checks out to the East Hartford Rotary Club. Dinner choices are chicken stuffed
with broccoli and cheddar cheese, baked stuffed shrimp, or prime rib. The cost is $37.50—which
includes wine at the tables. The charity supported by the holiday party this year is the East
Hartford homeless shelter. We should consider taking gifts of the following type for our
donations: toiletries; bath robes; slippers; gift certificates in small denominations for such
establishments as CVS, Target, McDonald’s, or Big Y; disposable diapers; school supplies;
sanitary napkins/tampons; pajamas; or the traditional toys.
Program: Jim Fallon did NOT introduce our speaker, Dr. Tom Galvin. It remains unclear if
that irregularity had been secretly manipulated by Past President Tom or not. Dr. Tom brought
the club up to speed on “progress” in dental medicine over the past ten years. His theme—“It’s a
different world.” Some of the latest research has linked gum disease to heart disease, a promising
discovery that might lead to more effective treatment of heart disease and arteriosclerosis. As
medications proliferate throughout an older population, it has become more difficult to keep
track of possible medical interactions and the need for precautions during office treatments. New
amalgams for fillings have reduced the use of mercury, but as a result fillings have become less
durable. Dr. Tom offered his own mental stability as proof that mercury had probably not been
that dangerous (except in waste water—don’t ask). Dental cosmetics such as bleaching and
veneers have become popular, although insurance still does not pay for such treatments.
UConn’s dental school stands #1 academically and is comparatively reasonably priced ($25,000
a year for four years compared to $60,000 a year for a school like Tufts). But the number of
dentists coming out of dental school is falling, partly due to the closing of schools such as
Georgetown, Marquette, and Loyola (what do the Jesuits have against pretty teeth?). Also,
dentists are bailing out of primary care and are going into specialties. There has been an
exceptional increase in the number of women going into dentistry (35-45% at UConn), and that
phenomenon might exasperate a shortage in dental care as some women choose to practice part
time while they raise families. The startup costs for a dental practice can be prohibitive—
$400,000 to set up, while at the same time carrying $250,000 in student loans. Insurance is not as
much of a problem in dentistry as it is in general medicine. But “HIPAA” fines can be very
steep. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act sets up strict regulations around
the handling of medical records. This regulation increases the difficulty of maintaining proper
Finally, the biggest change over the past number of years has been the overall reduction in tooth
decay. But as this generation of children drink more “yuppie” water (from Maine?) and get less
fluoride, cavities have been making a comeback! Would Dr. Tom do it all again? Only if he
could get a license this time.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Secord
HIGH GEAR for November 12, 2003
Through the French doors, the Paul Harris nominating committee looked everything like the
Knights of King Arthur’s Round Table as they held a pre-meeting in the “Sun Room.” After they
emerged, Don Hallquist played a jazz version of “Over the River and Through the Woods”
while we waited for the bell to ring. Ted Mosebach offered our prayer of thanksgiving. Lunch
consisted of breaded fish fillet, peas (which Don Hallquist refuses to eat even if he can’t get
dessert afterwards), and a medley of rices. We saved our forks for the pumpkin pie dessert.
Except for our speaker of the day, there were no guests. Don Cramer completed a make-up in
his regular Fort Myers Beach retreat.
Margaret LaCroix reminded us that the Rotary Holiday Party is scheduled for Wednesday,
December 3, at Adam’s Mill—6:00 pm cocktails, 7 pm dinner. Everyone who plans to go must
pay Margaret in advance—no payment at the door. Dinner choices are chicken stuffed with
broccoli and cheddar cheese, baked stuffed shrimp, or prime rib. The cost is $37.50—which
includes wine at the tables. You may send your checks to Margaret at 115 Hawthorne Mead
Drive, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Please make checks out to the East Hartford Rotary Club
(Margaret has enough beautiful dresses). The charity supported by the holiday party this year is
the East Hartford homeless shelter. We should consider taking gifts of the following type for our
donations: toiletries; bath robes; slippers; gift certificates in small denominations for such
establishments as CVS, Target, McDonald’s, or Big Y; disposable diapers; school supplies;
sanitary napkins/tampons; pajamas; or the traditional toys.
A collection envelop made its way around the tables for donations for the Rotary float at the
annual Rose Bowl parade. This year’s parade is special for East Hartford because our own
Frank and Ceil Collins will be riding up top! An impromptu pool has been formed regarding
what kind of flowers Frank and Ceil will be dressed as. Sergeant-at-arms Carol Krantz cited
Dan Coulom for being quoted in the paper; George Agnelli for the birth of his granddaughter,
Olivia Ruth Agnelli; Marcia LeClerc for being elected to the town council; and Dan Russell
for his grandson’s state soccer championship. Dan Frazier, Jim Sheehan, and Hyacinth
Douglas-Bailey paid for their birthdays.
President Neal formally inducted Michael Knepp as a new member of the East Harford Rotary
Club. Mike, director of our regional Salvation Army chapter and a former member of Rotary in
New York State, thanked the club and commented on how impressed he has been by this club’s
level of commitment to community service. Roy Spiller is accepting early sign-ups for the onehour turns at ringing the Salvation Army Christmas bells—and absent names will be noted.
President Neal reported the reception of thank-you letters—one from the Summer Youth
Festival and one from Mayor Larson for our participation in Rebuilding Together. Herb Barall
won the raffle. Carol Krantz reminded us that citrus fruit orders are due by December 3 (the
night of the holiday party) and that delivery will be on December 13. Those individuals not
wishing to sell fruit may make a donation of $50.00 instead.
President Neal also announced the reception of a remarkable gift from the estate of Dick
Olmsted. Dick left the East Hartford Rotary Club $15,000 in his will. Bill Leone has
recommended that instead of putting the money in the general fund, we name a permanent
scholarship after Dick.
Spurge Stokes reported on our concession stand at Rentschler Field. He was able to turn over
$355 in tips directly to President Neal (only because Carol Krantz had charged an extra $2.00
for every beer when she was working). Spurge thanked Rosemary Hogan especially for
working early and late every week helping to keep track of the inventory, and he thanked Jay
Stewart and Charlotte Bradbury for working the last game and providing us with the needed
18 people. He gave a breakdown of the number of people who had worked multiple games:
Number of games worked
Rotary members
Spouses of Rotary members
Non-Rotary members
Program: Jim Fallon introduced our speaker, the president of Manchester Community College,
Jonathan Daube. Dr. Daube delivered an entertaining and informative talk on the importance
of community colleges in today’s marketplace and on the remarkable quality of the education
provided at Manchester Community College. He invited everyone to visit the beautifully
reconstructed and extremely active campus at any time. The community college system in
Connecticut presently serves 12,000 students. East Hartford especially benefits from the new
“middle college” program for high school students. Over a thousand East Hartford residents are
presently taking courses at MCC, 38 of the courses being given in East Hartford’s Community
Cultural Center. MCC is the only college in Connecticut besides Yale that has received the
prestigious “Truman Presidential Award.”
Respectfully submitted, Bill Secord
HIGH GEAR for November 5, 2003
A wet, dreary Fall day outside, but a full, boisterous group within the welcoming back ambience
of the Ridge. Our President demonstrated his adaptability today by quickly overcoming the
challenges of a microphone on the fritz and the lack of a High Gear editor and a Sergeant At
Arms. Substitutes were immediately volunteered by the Prez!
A busy day all around with many announcements.
" Johnny Moe is slated for extensive surgery Thursday morning at Hartford Hospital to be
followed by up to three months of convalescence at a location to be determined. For now he can
be reached at 545-3867 on the 6th Floor, Conklin Building, Hartford Hospital. He is reported to
be in good spirits prior to surgery and would welcome cards and calls.
" Scotty Howat had successful gall bladder surgery and is recovering at home. Calls and cards
to Scotty and Nurse Ann at 403 West Center Street, Apt. 401, Manchester, 06040 would be
" The 2003 East Hartford Holiday Fest is holding a kick-off party on November 13 at the
Holiday Inn, 363 Roberts Street from 5-7 p.m.. Please RSVP your attendance to the E. H.
Chamber at 289-0239.
" Our Annual Holiday Party will be held at Adam's Mill on Wednesday, December 3 with
cocktails at 6 p.m. The tariff is $37.50 per person. You can mail your check to Margaret
LaCroix, 115 Hawthorne Mead Drive, Glastonbury, 06033. Payments will NOT be allowed at
the door!
" The Nominating Committee is hard at work putting together a slate for the 2004-2005 Rotary
year. If you have any interest in being considered for Board positions, contact Bob Richmond or
Scottie Howat by November 17.
" Meeting of the Paul Harris Committee at 11 a.m. next Wednesday, November 12. All
nominations must be received by Jim Watts prior to that date. You can find forms on our Rotary
web site.
" Contributions for the Rotary Float in the Rose Parade will be collected next week. Rumor has
it that Frank Collins will be covered with roses and propped up among several beauty queens at
the apex of the Float pyramid. The sight could be well worth the $2 per Rotarian being solicited.
" Sue Klock passed out new rosters with several corrections from previous issue. See Sue if
you need additional copies. Dee Blackwood's business phone number was listed incorrectly. The
correct number is: (860) 749-1515.
" Carol Krantz passed out Citrus Sale forms to all. She encouraged an active effort to sell the
California oranges and Florida grapefruit but offered an "out" for those reluctant to do so. A
fifty dollar donation or $5 for each unsold case up to 10 cases would do it. Your choice.
Acting Sergeant At Arms Krantz reported a birthday for Art Bradbury and 27th Rotary
anniversary for Dick Lemieux.. Makeups from snow birds Tischofer and Cramer as well as three
more from the globe trotting Collins duo. Our speaker was PDG Bob MacDonald who gave an
interesting presentation on Rotary's Committee on Legislation. That's all the room I have for
today. (Secord, read the High Gear roster before next week!) Pinch hitting, this is Aaron
Boone…uh, WDOUGW.
HIGH GEAR for October 29, 2003
A truly lousy day was brightened considerably when we entered South Church to hear Don
Hallquist playing lively tunes on the church's piano! Thanks, Don, for your great contribution to
our club! It makes a difference. Pres. Neal brought us all together and Rev. Bill Flynn gave the
invocation asking us to live a life of good will and peace in keeping with the spirit of Rotary.
We took a moment of silence in support of the Spiller's Daughter Margaret, who is undergoing
surgery today. A tasty meal of chicken stuffed with broccoli, mashed potatoes, squash and
fruited Jello followed our opening ceremonies.
Calling the meeting back to order, Pres. Neal asked for the introduction of guests. Keith Griffith
of the West Hartford Club was introduced and asked our members to support a Rotary fund
raiser - Cow Chip Bingo. Roy Spiller introduced his grandson, Seth Brooks who is home from
the Air Force. Margaret (or is it Martha) Lacroix led us in the Welcome Song.
The Following were the announcements for the day!
1. Jim Watts again announced that Paul Harris nomination forms are available from him or on
the EH Rotary Web site. Get nominations to Jim before our Paul Harris selection meeting
scheduled for November 12th, 11:00 A.M. at the Ridge.
2. Carol Krantz announced that the citrus sale will begin next week and pick up is scheduled for
December 13th at Andy's Parking lot.
3. Sue Klock reminded us of our club's web site -EHROTARY.ORG!! Use it, you will find
much interesting information, not the least of which is information on the Foundation Dinner
scheduled for November 15th.
4. Bill Saunders gave a preliminary report on the success of the Golf Tournament. He noted 123
golfers, 90 sponsors, and a great raffle. It looks as if we will have a profit of about $23,000.
Great job -Bill and the golf committee. Some of the profits will go to support the East Hartford
School Business partnership.
5. Spurgeon announced that we need more workers for the game on November 8th. Do your
part - call Gil Wishart and let him know that you will be able to work that date. It's the last one so please help out!!
6. Next week we will be "back Home" at the Ridge!
Sgt at Arms Dan Dienst reported the following anniversaries: Bill Flynn - 25, Jim Sheehan - 19,
Kathy McCabe -10, and Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey - 1. All gave generously. The Raffle was
won by Bill Flynn who is leaving for Florida this weekend. Keep in touch, Bill! There being no
speaker we sang one verse of America and were sent on our way. The following is a list of make
ups-nice going - keep them coming. Frank and Ceil Collins - 5 - Official visits in Florida: Frank
Collins - Evanston; Chuck Clarke and Lionel Lessard - Rockville; Jack Sayre - Summit, NJ; Don
Cramer - Ft. Meyers; Tom Gallvin and Margaret LaCroix - On Line: and the following
concessionaires - 10/25/03 - Larry Churchill, Dan Coulom, Neal Cunningham, Dan Firestone,
Bindu Sidhu, Roy Spiller, Spurgeon Stokes, Bill Saunders, Steve Tamiso, Mary Martin, Kathy
McCabe, Mo Moshovos, Bill Secord, Carol Krantz, and Steve Jacoby..
That's all folks - Bob Wood
HIGH GEAR for October 22, 2003
A truly damp, cold day with the promise of some snow flurries greeted our Rotarians as they
entered our temporary meeting place at South Congregational Church. It was warm in spirit
once we were in the hall. Spurgeon was trying to locate the raffle tickets while at the same time
recruiting workers for Saturday's Uconn game, and Dan Larson quietly sat by and collected the
lunch money. Pres. Neal called us together and Rev. Roger gave the Invocation and asked us to
keep in mind "the cause and vision of Rotary." A luncheon of Moussaka, salad, and chocolate
cake followed. "Nuf said"
Pres. Neal called us to order and guests were introduced - Dick Seidman from the Hartford club
who invited us to the Hartford's Club meetings for the next two weeks to hear from two East
Hartfordites - John Larson and Frank Collins. Carol Krantz fumbled the next intro - Mike
Knepp, prospective member! Carol was rewarded with a chance to lead the Welcome Song. Sgt
at Arms Dan Dienst recorded the following donations -Anniversaries for Doug Willett and Bindu
Sidhu, a birthday for Pat Porteous, and a new grandson for Jim Fallon.
1. Applications are now available for our Paul Harris awards. Pick them up from Jim Watts,
and hand them in before our Paul Harris selection meeting scheduled for November 12th at
11:00AM at the Ridge. All Paul Harris fellows are requested to attend.
2. Doug Willett announced that the District Foundation Dinner will be held at the Marriot on
November 15. $40 per person. See Doug for details. Featured speaker will be a Peace Scholar
who is attending Duke University
3. Carol Krantz announced that the Citrus Sale will start November 5th and end with a
December 13th delivery date.
4. The International Dinner has been rescheduled for sometime in April.
5. Neal and Spurge spoke ot the need for more volunteers for the concession stand. We have the
next three Saturdays and are understaffed for each week. Call Gil Wishart and volunteer. To
date only 32 Rotarians have volunteered. Do your part!!!!
6. The Board voted to give $250 to Riverfront Recapture, a long standing East Hartford favorite.
Jim Fallon introduced our speaker Eric Sohn from Idea Fountain business resources. Eric gave
us a power point presentation on how to grow your business "Bigger, Better, Faster." He went
into great detail on strategies of "business coaching" on how to get your business to keep up with
the rapidly changing business climate, and to be able to keep a step ahead of your competition..
He gave those in attendance a CD which explained his whole presentation in great detail. If
anyone needs a copy give me a call. Maybe next week we might have a "Retirement Coach" as a
Make ups were slim - Don Cramer, Dan Russell, and Bob Brown. Let's keep them coming!!!
Til Next week at South Congregational Church -
Bob Wood
HIGH GEAR for October 15, 2003
Today was a typical blustery Fall day, cool and windy! Conversation before the meeting
indicated that it would not deter the golfers. Pres. Neal called the meeting to order promptly at
12:15. The invocation was thoughtfully given by Larry Frazier. The luncheon consisted of an
open faced turkey sandwich, mixed vegetables, coleslaw and a chocolate mousse. Quite good!!!
When we reconvened, the following guests were introduced: Mike Knepp, Candace Morrell,
Kathy Maday, and Al turner.
Sgt. At Arms Dan Dienst took center stage and announced the follow anniversaries: Larry
Frazier and Scotty Howat, each with 36 years, Ceil Collins- 7, and John Mozzicato- 5. George
Schoen paid for a granddaughter's wedding.
Pres. Neal acknowledged thank you notes from Joe Terrini, President of the EH Little League
thanking us for our support of the Rotary Little League team, and Ken Kulo and Laurie Foran,
students we sent to the RYLA program this past Spring, The following information is to be
1. Mary Martin thanked the following for working at the Marathon on Saturday - Dave Amberg,
Art and Charlotte Bradbury, Neal Cunningham, Dan Firestone, Don Hallquist, Rosemary Hogan,
Dick Lemieux, Mary Martin, Kathy McCabe, Pat Porteous, Jack Sayre, and George Stewart.
Great Job!!!
2. Pres. Neal mentioned that we are in need of concession stand volunteers for these dates 10/25, 11/1, and 11/8. Please do your part!! He also mentioned that there will be a meeting with
the caterer this week to critique their performance and to try to get them to focus on our needs
and keep our stand properly supplied.
3. Skip Guillemette wanted me to let the club know that his wife Laurie's mother died this past
week in Manchester. Our thoughts are with them.
4. Our roster keeper, Sue Klock,* indicated that a new roster will be completed late October. In
the meantime here are a few additions or corrections. Hyacinth Douglas-Bailey's address is 26
Windsor Hill Road, So. Windsor 06074 -Home 644-5022, Work 610-3350. Don Hallquist's Bus.
Phone to be changed to cell phone #543-4787, and Lionel Lessard's business phone should be
588-9420. If you have any other changes call Sue quickly!*
5. The Raffle was won by Bob Richmond.
6. Lionel Lessard introduced Kathy Maday, principal of St. Christopher's School, who gave us a
history of the school's 40 years of operation and its mission to the community of East Hartford.
She issued an invitation to our club to help them celebrate their 40 years of faith based education
at an open house on Sunday November 9th at 3:P.M.
Larry Hangland Introduced our speaker, Rebecca Earle, Head of the Connecticut Institute for the
Blind, or Oak Hill, as it is sometimes called. She gave us a brief history of this 110 year old
Institution, and how its mission has changed over the years. It started out as a prep school to
prepare blind students for further education. Since the state and federal mandates of the 1970's
which required that students be educated in the least restricted environments - namely by placing
the handicapped students in more of the public school situation, Oak Hill has changed greatly.
The organization now works with students that have a variety of disabilities. The school's
charter was changed in the 80's to reflect this trend. They are now involved in running group
homes for disabled students and for developing programs to serve their needs in the normal
community. They are also running Housing for the blind as sort of an independent and assisted
living venture. CIB is also working with the latest in technology dealing with several handicaps
and disabilities. They run a program called NEAT which is a demonstration center that brings
people together with equipment that makes life more accessible. A very interesting and
informative program!!!
Make ups!! Keep them coming - Loren Andreo 2, Don Cramer, Herb Tischofer 3, Jim Watts,
Bob Brown, Steve Jacoby, Skip Guillemette, Frank Collins 3, and Ceil Collins. Good Work!
* If you are reading this, and you know of an error or correction in the roster, please contact Sue:
either via email, suehklock@aol.com, or via voice mail, 860-430-1442
And, there were a few additional corrections which were not included in High Gear above -these include corrections for Gerry Brady,
business phone should be (860) 289-5477 and there was an "e" dropped from name of his street,
should be Wyndcliffe Park. Also dropped the final "e" from Skip's last name. Apologies to both.
HIGH GEAR for October 8, 2003
We were Ushered into South Congregational Church With Maestro Don playing "The Bridge over the
River Kwai" and the "Notre Dame Fight Song". It certainly was a great early Fall day. It seems as if most
of our members remembered to come to South!! President Neal called us to order promptly and Rev. Bill
gave the invocation and was thankful that we were a part of Rotary with the opportunity to serve the
community and to help work toward world peace. A tasty meal of Sauerbraten, red cabbage, and boiled
potato (served in honor of Arnold's Victory) was followed by a fresh fruit cup.
Calling the meeting back together Pres. Neal asked for introductions, and Roy Spiller again introduced
Mike Knepp, a prospective new member. The Welcome song was lead by Don and Skip. Time for
1. Pres. Neal received a check for $2000 for our first two games at the stadium.
2. Gil Wishart needs many more volunteers for the concession Stand on 10/25. 11/1, and 11/8. Call him
to volunteer- Do Your Part!!
3. Dan Russell spoke of two GSE Opportunities - India and Hong Kong in January of 04. Know any
interested people 25 - 40?
4. Mary Martin asked for Marathon volunteers Saturday 10/11, 7:30 at Pitkin Street. Park at Leito's Car
wash. Bring Rake or Shovel!!
5. Margaret Lacroix announced the opportunity for a Flu Shot -10/30 11:00-6:00, Lung Ass'n. on Ash
Street. We all need one!!
6. Sue Klock passed out new rosters. Call her for any omissions or changes.
7. International Dinner Saturday, November 15th, Save the day..
Sgt. at Arms Dan Dienst collected for Peter Klock's and Moe Belanger's Birthdays-72 for Moe. The Raffle
was won by our EX Banker, George Stewart.
Art Bradbury introduced our Speaker, Keith Barker, A UConn Administrator, and former Chairman of the
Computer Science Department.
Keith came to UConn for a sabbatical in 1982, and came back full time in 1984. He has been involved in
Developing Teaching and Learning skills, off campus learning, and is presently coordinating UConn's
graduation. Keith's presentation centered around his work with two universities located in South Africa.
This work has allowed him to meet with our South African Rotary connection Humphry and Sonia.
Keith worked with two Universities - Fort Hare, a predominately rural Black school, and Stellenbosch, a
White school. Keith's work was to institute a faculty development program involving Good Teaching
Techniques, Practicing Good Teaching, and Training Trainers for these skills. He has spent much time in
the area of Faculty and Professional Development at UConn and was able to use these skills to raise the
level of teaching at these South African Universities. He spoke of some of the issues facing these
universities -some similar to our own - such as diversity. He was also able to share with us a wonderful
visual illustrating 23 species of African Wild Life. A great program.
See you next week at South Congregational Church ----------- Bob Wood
HIGH GEAR for October 1, 2003
We gathered at the East Hartford Golf Course for the first of several meetings away from our
"Home Base"-The Ridge! It was a typical Fall day, cool, somewhat cloudy, but a harbinger of
things to come. We were slow to gather, probably due to the early hour, and also rather sparsely
attended, due to some degree of forgetfulness!!!! President Neal brought us all together with a
tardy ring of the bell, followed by our usual opening ceremonies. Art Bradbury gave a
thoughtful invocation and asked us to remember the "privilege that we share" as we are thankful
for what we have and can do for others.
Breakfast was a great buffet -eggs, French toast, bacon, sausage, ham, home fries, assorted
pastries, and juice! Well done John, with a little help from assistant chef Jack Ghagan. When
we finished the breakfast, we were called back into session, and Roy Spiller introduced our lone
guest, Mike Knepp, from the Salvation Army. Don Hallquist got us started with a rendition of
the Welcome Song played on a portable keyboard. Sgt. at Arms Dan Dienst gave us a waiver on
any fines and warned us to be ready next week.
The following were the announcements. Take note!!!!
1. Dan Russell asked for volunteers to help him move some historical society materials. Call
him if you can help.
2. Bill Saunders announced that the golf committee will meet at 11:00 A.M. on October 15th
before the Meeting at South Congregational Church. Note Change of date.
3. President Neal asked on behalf of Mary Martin for volunteers to work at the water station for
the Hartford Marathon on Saturday, October 11th, between 7:30 A.M. and Noon. Call Mary if
you can Work.
4. Spurge Stokes reminded this Saturday's volunteers for the concession stand to meet at the
Ridge at 8:00 for carpooling to the Stadium.
We are in great need of volunteers for the last three games. Please call Gil Wishart and tell
him you would love to work.
5. Roy Spiller announced that there are still a couple of openings for the February Ski(?) trip 2/9, 2/10, and 2/11. About $500 a couple for three nights and all of your meals. A great deal Call Roy if interested.
After all the announcements, Spurge held the raffle which was won by David Holmes. I think
that President Neal was looking for a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for the
Shortest Rotary Meeting held in East Hartford in this Scribe's memory -7:35 to 8:10. With no
other business, we closed with one verse of "AMERICA, THE BEAUTIFUL".
Bob Wood
HIGH GEAR for September 24, 2003
Still another spectacular early Fall day graced our weekly pilgrimage to the top of the Ridge.
Vincent Van Gogh was at the piano, Charlton Fisk was wielding the gavel, Uriah Heep handled
the sergeant at arms coffers, and Kofi Annan was back from Rotary visits to Matamros, Mexico
and Kansas City, Kansas. Rotary International's celebrity club was in session.
Our lone (but never lonely) guest was Den Weir, a banker from the Glastonbury Club and the
welcome song was loud and enthusiastic. As was our birthday song for Don Hallquist which
provoked howling in the hall. The howling, for once, was not attributable to Dan Larson,
although he is usually the source or the reason for such sounds. Herb Barall paid for a picture in
the paper (sic), and Jack Ghagan, Dean Roland and Dan Russell acknowledged their 30 years in
Rotary. Dean also paid for putting his bride, Saint Jean, through 59 years of living hell.
Announcements were as follows:
" Steve Jacoby is selling Entertainment Books for the Interact Club
" Four more volunteers are needed for the October 4th Football Game Concession Stand.
" Mary Martin read a thank you note from a recipient of our largess during the "Rebuilding
Together Program" last Saturday. Thanks to Bob and Debbie Wood, Roger Nicholson, Dan
Larson, Ted Mosebach and The Empress who carried Rotary's banner in this worthwhile event.
" Bill Saunders preliminarily reported on the very successful Golf Tournament held Monday.
He singled out Bob Brown, Don Cramer, and Kathy McCabe for special thanks. And the Club in
turn thanked Bill for his outstanding leadership and commitment to this event. A follow up
meeting of the Golf Committee is scheduled for October 8 at 11 a.m. at South Church.
" Due to the use of the Ridge for the annual Haunted House event in the month of October, we
will be meeting off site for the next five weeks. Next week, October 1, 2003 will be breakfast
meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Golf Course Restaurant, and meetings on October 8, 15, 22, and 29
will be at South Church.
Spurge Stokes had a triple play this week - he sold the raffle tickets, he pulled the winning ticket
from the basket, and he put the winnings in his own pocket. Not sure what the rest of us were
doing there.
Our speaker today was Angela Atwater, President-Elect of the Montville Club, and the Executive
Director of the Kidsafe CT agency in Rockville. Angela talked about the work Kidsafe CT does
to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children at risk for child abuse and neglect. East
Hartford provides over one third of their client base and by far the largest type of abuse
experienced by their clients is in the category of Neglect - emotional, educational, medical and
physical neglect. This was a sobering program and East Hartford is fortunate to have Angela and
her agency available to provide this service to our children.
That's it for this week. Indeed that's it for this scribe for this Rotary year as my High Gear stint
has flown by. It's time to pass on the duties to Bob "Tree" Wood. So in the words of her favorite
Divisional Champion rookie left fielder, "sayanora, Ruthie-san." WDOUGW
HIGH GEAR for September 17, 2003
Hurricanes are a force of nature, and not to be trifled with - especially if you've just moved from
the inland safety of East Hartford to the Connecticut shoreline about fifty yards from the ocean.
So today's meeting was set in a context of anticipation and low-level anxiety. Although it would
be hard to tell that with the sun shining so brightly, the intrepid Bronx Bombers within seven of
breaking Ruthie's heart once again, and UConn's beloved Swin Cash basking in the glow of
leading her team to still another national championship.
President Neal greeted a noisy, full house this day with two guests, both from Glastonbury, one
named Mark and another called Dan. Last names were impossible to hear over the din. Jim Watts
lead the welcome song while Dan Larson made a somewhat feeble attempt to add to the natural
wind in the room. Another Krause specialty, a half portion of chicken potpie, whetted our
appetites and just barely provided sufficient stamina to survive our Sergeant at Arms homily.
Dave Amberg donated the pocket change left after his daughter's wedding Saturday past, Steve
Jacoby paid for an anniversary, and Glenn Peterson, Dan Coulom, and George Schoen paid for
Bill Saunders reported that the Golf Tournament has made great progress in the past week with a
now full complement of golfers and more than 84 sponsors and $9,000 in raffle prizes. Special
thanks were extended to Leo Christmas for the generous donation from Electrical Contractors.
Ted Mosebach made a pitch for the Red Cross Blood Drive to be held September 27 at First
Church from 8:30 - 1:15. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-Give Life or just drop by.
Steve Jacoby reported that our EHHS Interact Club has 36 members with more to come from the
new International Baccalaureate program Interact is once again selling the Entertainment Books
as their major fundraiser.
With announcements complete, President Neal moved on to the Club Assembly with several
items covered:
" Concession Stand continues to evolve with receipts down over previous effort. We will make
every effort to get through the season before deciding on future commitment.
" Mary Martin reported the Gazebo is on track - the structure is out to bid - preliminary testing
on the soil is underway - Stu Harris is an expert on "shifting rubble" - electrical conduit to be
installed in spring - the Gazebo kit to be erected thereafter and Rotary will be called on to do
final landscaping in the April/May timeframe.
" The Lions Club fat or fit challenge is ongoing - still time to join in.
" The Club donated $500 to the American Lung Association to help with replacement costs for
show bus that was burned in their parking lot this summer.
" A long list of upcoming events were listed with specific dates given for the Columbus Day
Water Station on October 11, an International Shemo Special on November 15, Thanksgiving
Wine & Cheese on November 26, and a Holiday Party at Adams Mill on December 3. Lots
more to be scheduled in 2004.
" A spirited discussion of the Club's methods of enforcing attendance requirements was
concluded with an agreement to disagree, and
" Jim Fallon rose to plead for a "non-harassment fee" he would willingly pay to acquire
exemption from the current necessity of stashing Rotary pins in his car, throughout his laundry
and on more than one location in his body. Ever sympathetic and helpful President Neal
suggested a neck tattoo might serve as well.
Our sympathies are extended to Eleanor Agnelli whose brother (and my cousin) Philip died last
week in Virginia at the too young age of 59. Philip was a kind, hardworking and gentle man and
he will be missed by all who knew him.
That's it for this week. See you next week, God willin' and the Bay don't rise. Stay dry.
HIGH GEAR for September 10, 2003
It was a beautiful, bright early September day in New England as we gathered for our weekly
festivities. The Old Catcher (check out the fingers on his glove hand sometime) was clearly in
charge as President Neal rang the bell and called the boisterous crowd to order. The weekly
opening ritual was followed by a meal of acorn squash, beef stew and Jell-O for dessert - an
excellent beginning.
Our only guest was old friend Gil Spenser from Glastonbury who brought sad news of the
passing of Ethel Newkirk, wife of long time East Hartford Rotarian, Wayne Newkirk, who
predeceased her some years ago. There will be a service at Hillside Cemetery at 10 a.m. this
The goodly crowd was subjected to Sergeant At Arms Bill Flynn
trolling for dollars but our generally strict adherence to the Rotary custom left him bemoaning
what is becoming a mantra for him this month…"slim pickin', slim pickin'.
(Sort of reminds one of the Bosox these days as the season dwindles down, doesn't it, Ruthie?)
Bill did announce a birthday for the ex-Czaress Mary Martin, who demonstrated she has not lost
her quick wit. When challenged about her age, she reposted, "still young enough to be most of
yours daughter!" Jack Ghagan and Herb Barall paid for wedding anniversaries that combined
totaled 105 years. Saint Evelyn and Saint Reggie clearly have an express pass to heaven in their
future. A final dollar was collected by ever alert Dan Larson as what he described as "another
slithering attorney" tried to slip out early. The barrister subject to this calumny shall go unnamed.
Thank you notes were received from the Interfaith Community Health Group for a donation and
from the East Hartford Shelter for all the work Rotary contributed in renovating their quarters.
President Neal attended the recent grand opening and reported that the place "looks like a million
dollars." Among the Rotarians involved were Bob Richmond, Bill Saunders, Dave Amberg, Art
Bradbury, Dick McCarthy, Bob Wood, Mary Martin, and Marsha LeClerc. The driving force in
Rotary was Dan Dienst, marching in lock step with his spouse, Loretta, who clearly made this
project happen from start to finish. Congratulations to all who were of service on this project and
congratulations Dan and Loretta. East Hartford is a better place for your efforts.
Some Announcements: Next week is a Club Assembly - bring your ideas and issues with you
for discussion. There will be a Board Meeting on Monday, September 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the East
Hartford Cultural Center. Still time to sign up for the September 20 "Rebuilding Together"
event. See Mary Martin. Volunteers for the Boston College game are asked to be at the Ridge at
8:15 for the car pools. Gil Wishart is looking for volunteers for the Lehigh game on October 4th.
The Golf Tournament is around the corner on September 22. We are far behind on players and
sponsors compared to last year and 27 Rotarians have not contributed to date. A raffle gift, a
sponsorship or a playing spot would be appreciated. Talk to Bill Saunders.
Our speaker today was Dave Taylor from Big Brothers and Sisters and we had lots of makeups
to record.
In closing, God may be in his heaven, but all is clearly not right with the world on the eve of the
second anniversary of 9-11. Rotary fellowship or more precisely, Rotary's work for peace and
Rotary's example of service are needed now more than ever before. Let us as Rotarians model
the behavior we would seek in others around the world. See you next week.
HIGH GEAR for September 3, 2003
High Gear - September 3, 2003
Things were bustling at the Ridge today, despite the considerable handicap of being sans
Hallquist. Too often, we fail to truly appreciate what we have until its absence brings it to mind.
Our lone visiting Rotarian today, Milt Rosenberg from Bloomfield, referred to us fondly as the
"singing club" and we struggled to meet that standard without our piano player. But struggle or
not, we carried on. Despite the overcast day, the room was filled with energy and good will. A
tasty repast of lamb, potato, corn on the cob and a fruit plate for dessert did nothing to dampen
our enthusiasm.
In fact our enthusiasm made it difficult for a conscientious recorder of events to hear the
announcements around the room and the pronouncements emanating from our erstwhile leader,
President Neal. Nonetheless, our Sergeant-at-Arms, Bill Flynn, reported anniversaries for Bill
Secord (6), and Lionel Lessard (15), a birthday for David Holmes, and a TV appearance for the
local jeweler.
Announcements included praise and pride expressed by George Stewart for the work done by
Frank and Celia Collins at the recent Area Zone Institute; an appeal from Dan Dienst for
volunteers this Thursday to finish up work at the Community Shelter; and Bill Saunders'
increasingly desperate plea to ramp up the effort in securing players, sponsors and prizes for the
rapidly upcoming Golf Tournament. President Neal reported on the Football Concession Stand's
first week's performance. He noted that every one had a good time, the work was hard, the trade
was steady and the overall intake was over $12,000. It is unclear as yet what our cut of this will
be but the money to be made for Rotary causes appears to be significant. President Neal needs 7
or 8 more volunteers for the Boston College game on September 13. See Gil Wishart if you can
help that day.
Our initial speaker for this season was Greg Secord, Executive Director of the Hartford Chapter
of Rebuilding Together, a volunteer driven, non-profit organization that helps elderly, disabled
and the poor with home repairs and home maintenance skills. East Hartford is planning a
Rebuilding Together event on September 20, 2003 when they plan to work on 3-5 homes in
town. The group is looking for volunteers for that day. Shirts, lunch and a day end picnic will be
part of the effort. Sign up at www.rthartford.org or talk to Mary Martin. A worthy cause and a
good program. Makeups were turned in by Frank and Ceil Collins (8) and Bob Wood (2).
On a Sad Note: Roger Nicholson, in his thoughtful blessing, made note of the untimely passing
of Gloria Kreson, after a courageous battle with a debilitating disease. Our hearts and thoughts
go out to Frank and his family as they struggle to cope with their loss, And Gloria's passing is
our loss, too, for no one enjoyed Rotary social functions more than Gloria did and we will all
miss her mischievous smile and warm greeting. Our arms enfold you, Frank. A memorial mass
will be held this Friday, September 5, at 10:30 a.m. at Blessed Sacrament Church.
That's it for this week. Do good and be of service until we meet again. WDOUGW
HIGH GEAR for August 27., 2003
High Gear
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
(Revised Edition)
President Neal convened the Rotary Meeting with the usual opening formalities. Dave Amberg
gave the invocation giving special thanks for the day, good health, having the opportunity to
serve others, and for the fellowship of Rotarians. The lunch consisted of an open turkey
sandwich with vegetable, pasta and a plate of sweets for dessert.
Introduction of Guests &Visiting Rotarians:
Visiting Rotarians were Dan Rys and John Mitchell of South Windsor, and John's guest, Walt
Mealy; and Bruce Ralston, guest of Bill Flynn.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report:
Nick Cecere was Sergeant-at-Arms for the day, reporting fines as follows: Walt Kupchunos
for 25th Anniversary; Doug Willett for a new home in Niantic; Dan Firestone for having his 39
Hudson in Auto Magazine, and Steve Jacoby for his wife's picture in the newspaper.
Bob Brown won the 50-50 Raffle.
Bill Saunders - Stressed that the Golf Tournament is only 3 ½ weeks away and to date we have
65 players (we need 120-130), 16 raffle prizes totaling $3600.00 dollars (our goal is $10,000.00)
and 40 sponsors (we would like 120).
Spurg Stokes - Reviewed the process and details surrounding our work at the UConn Football
Game on Saturday at Rentschler Field. Essentially: Arrive in the parking lot at Veteran's
Memorial Clubhouse (The Ridge) at 8:30 a.m. promptly. Wear white polo shirt (no logo), beige
pants (or dark colored if you don't have beige), no jewelry, no nail polish, and comfortable shoes
(not open toed). You will car pool from The Ridge to the Field. BE PROMPT!
Mary Martin - Gave special thanks to those who participated in the "Clothes for Kids" program
with the East Hartford Social Services Dept. Fourteen low-income children received new school
clothes and supplies from the following Rotarians and their families: Cunningham, Christmas,
Krantz, LaCroix, LeClerc, Lemieux, Martin, Popp, Russell, Saunders, Schoen, Shemo and
South Windsor Announcements: Golf Tournament next Wednesday at Topstone and Wine
Dinner at Mill on the River on Sept. 12th. If you wish to participate, contact a South Windsor
Make-ups: Dan Dienst, aboard the M/S River Aria Cruise Ship - visiting Belgrade & Serbia, and
several Rotarian make-ups for attending Golf Committee Meeting.
Address Changes:
Doug Willett - 13 Lake Shore Drive, Niantic. Tel. #(860) 691-2657
Frank Kreson - Willow Arms Apartments (Apt. 222), 446 Main Street, East Hartford, 06118.
Tel. #(860) 895-9339
The Retired Hornet
HIGH GEAR for August 20, 2003
High Gear
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Acting President Carol Krantz (secretary filling in) convened the Rotary Meeting with the usual
opening formalities. John Shemo gave the invocation giving special thanks for the day, the food,
and the fellowship of Rotarians. He also prayed for the safety of our servicemen around the
world. The lunch consisted of beef pot pie with a side salad, and ice cream with strawberries for
Introduction of Guests &Visiting Rotarians:
Our only guest for today was our own Fred Campbell who is now President of the Port Orange
South, Daytona, FL. Club. Fred leaves for home on Friday and we wish them a safe trip home.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report:
Nick Cecere was Sergeant-at-Arms for the day and reported fines as follows: three
anniversaries - Frank Collins - 33yrs., Mary Martin - 15 yrs., and Leo Christmas - 1 yr.; and
three birthdays - Bob Richmond, Bill Saunders and Gerry Brady.
The 50-50 Raffle was won by Moe Belanger.
Acting President Carol - announced that the Rotary Board had decided there would be no
funding raising at the upcoming Bruce Springsteen Concert since we already have so much on
our plate.
Margaret LaCroix took a poll of Rotarians in attendance and announced that the Holiday Party
this year will be scheduled at Adam's Mill in Manchester.
Gil Wishart & Stew Harris reported on a meeting with concession officials for the upcoming
football games. Here are some of the rules:
A. Everyone (20 Rotarians) must be at the Field at 9:00 a.m. on game day.
B. Everyone must wear a white polo shirt (with no insigna) and dark pants (no jeans, shorts,
open-toed shoes, or jewelry, including watches).
It was suggested by those members present that the rules be clearly spelled out with subs
available on game days for those who are ill or have an emergency.
The schedule of home Uconn Football Games is as follows: August 30 - Indiana; Sept. 13 Boston College; Oct. 4 - Lehigh; Oct. 25 - Akron; Nov. 1 - Western Michigan; and Nov. 8 Rutgers.
Bill Saunders did not speak but requested this scribe remind everyone that the Golf Tournament
is only a month away and we need sponsors, players and raffle prizes. To date we have 37
sponsors (we would like 120), 40 players (135 is our goal) and 16 raffle prizes (we would like
Make-ups: Larry Churchill (2) and Margaret LaCroix (1) - Internet E-Club; Skip Guillemette Manchester; Herb Tischofer - Cruise (Radiance of the Seas); and Frank & Ceil Collins Westerly, RI.
Congratulations Acting President Carol - You did a great job today!
The Retired Hornet
HIGH GEAR for August 13, 2003
High Gear
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
President Neal convened the Rotary Meeting with the usual opening formalities. Art Bradbury
gave the invocation, giving special thanks for having the pleasure of a visit from our new District
Governor, Jeff Tager, and for the sunshine (which turned to rain before the end of the meeting).
The lunch consisted of prime rib, rice, sweet and sour pork, vegetable, and ice cream for dessert.
It was great to see Albee Trieber back today. What about those short pants on Bob Wood & Art
Introduction of Guests &Visiting Rotarians:
Our guests for today were Fred Campbell from Port Orange, FL (who thanked the club for
sending Roy & Peg Spiller to attend his Rotary Installation Ceremony for President of his
Florida club); Glenn Petersen from the Winsted Club and currently Principal of the new Magnet
School; District Governor Elect - Dick Seidman, and two others who will be mentioned
elsewhere in the newsletter.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report:
Nick Cecere was Sergeant-at-Arms for the day and reported fines as follows: a few Rotarians
for arriving late and leaving early; three for anniversaries - Art Bradbury - 35yrs, Bob Wood - 18
yrs, and Mo Moshovos - 34 yrs; five for birthdays - Ceil Collins (who donated $100.00 to the
Rotary Foundation, Tom Galvin, Herb Barall, Dan Dienst, Gil Wishart and Mo Moshovos.
The 50-50 Raffle was won by Dick McCarthy
Scholarship Recipient:
George Agnelli introduced Anna Dziadosz, a June graduate of EHHS, who is one of our
newest scholarship recipients. Anna thanked the club for her scholarship and indicated that she
will be attending George Washington University in the fall. Congratulations Anna and Good
Paul Harris Award:
Doug Willett made a very special presentation. He announced that he had made his wife, Diane,
a Paul Harris Fellow, in appreciation of all that she has done for Rotary and for the Town of East
President Neal - Thanked Steve Jacoby for scheduling the successful Saratoga Trip and thanked
those who provided donations for the Back-to-School Clothing Program for needy youngsters.
He also indicated that the Concessions Commitment for our first Uconn Football game on Aug.
30th is complete. All those signed up should prepare to report about 9 a.m. and work until
approximately 3-4 p.m.
Dan Dienst - has two left over dishes from the cookout at his home last week.
Mary Martin - thanked all those who participated in the State Games last week - Eighteen
Rotarians participated in at least one event. Thanks to everyone and special thanks to those
spouses who also volunteered.
Peter Klock - announced that he had chair-back seats available for the 6 Uconn Football Games
at $35.00 each. Anyone interested should see Peter.
Bill Saunders - pleaded with club members to get busy with sponsorships, players and raffle
prizes for the Golf Tournament on Sept. 22nd. We are woefully lacking in all categories!
Visiting District Governor - Jeff Tager:
Today it was great to have a visit from our new 7890 District Governor - Jeff Tager. Jeff
indicated that he had four goals he would like to accomplish for the year. First - he would like us
to make better use of the available RI Grants. Grants are now controlled at the district level and
some funds may be made available for local programs. Second - he would like each club to
focus on the Rotary Foundation by becoming a 100% club. This means that the club, through its
membership, would provide the foundation with $100.00 per member. These funds can be raised
by activities in addition to direct donations. Third - Develop a good Public Relations Program to
provide publicity about club activities within the community. he feels we need to improve our
public image. Fourth & Last - Jeff is placing emphasis on the Family of Rotary. This means
that we should all be concerned with the welfare of each other. He further asks that we appoint a
chairperson to coordinate this effort. The District Conference next spring will also emphasize
this family theme. A Family District Picnic is already scheduled for Sept. 14th.
Make-ups: Jim Watts (2) - Internet; Bob Wood (2) - Bridgton & Fryeburg; Loren Andreo (2) Westerly, RI; Roy Spiller - Rockville/Vernon; Gerry Brady - Bridgton; Frank & Ceil Collins Pittsfield Rotary; Ceil Collins - Zone Meeting, Wallingford. (Also numerous make-ups for
committee work and activities)
The Retired Hornet
HIGH GEAR for August 6, 2003
High Gear
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
Word has it that Rev. Bill spoke to the man upstairs requesting that the weather clear for this one
day in order that the East Hartford Rotary Club might have this day and evening of merriment. It
worked Bill - the skies did clear unexpectedly, and what a day it was! Whatever really
happened, we had a great day together both on the Links and at Dan & Loretta Dienst's home for
an evening cookout.
The day started at 10 a.m. with twenty-four golfers teeing off at the Twin Hills Country Club.
While it was a little wet, the course was beautiful and in very good condition considering all the
rain we've had.
At around 5 p.m. in the evening we all assembled for the cookout at Dan & Loretta's home.
There we gathered for an evening of fun, conversation and good food. Seventy-two Rotarians
and their spouses were in attendance.
Then, as the events were concluding, suddenly the rains began to come again. Thank you Rev.
Bill! Please pass along our thanks to the almighty for this grand reprieve.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report:
There was no report this evening and no fines.
Rotary Meeting:
President Neil called a meeting of those assembled to make announcements and thank the
Committee for putting on the events of the day. He also extended special thanks to Loretta and
Dan Dienst for the use of their beautiful home and great hospitality. Committee members were:
Kathy McCabe, Larry Frazier, John Shemo, Dean Roland, Ceil & Frank Collins, and Bill Leone.
Special thanks go also to Bob Brown for setting up the golf tournament.
The Winners in the Golf Tournament: Bob Brown announced the winning teams for the
tournament as follows:
First Place: Capt. Dave Amberg, Steve Jacoby and Ron Jacoby
Second Place: Capt. Bill Leone, Bill Flynn, George Stewart, and Art Bradbury
Third Place: Capt. Dan Larson, Larry Frazier, Jack Gaghan, and Leo Christmas
" Our new District Governor, Jeff Tager, will be visiting the club next Wednesday, August
13th. Everyone is requested to dress up for the meeting in your Sunday best.
" The Board of Directors has decided to work at the Concessions for 6 UConn Football
Games. A sign up sheet was passed around for the August 30 game only. Other sign ups will be
passed around at future meetings.
" A form was circulated for Rotarians to make school-clothing donations.
" State Games of America - Opening Ceremonies - this Friday. Mary Martin will call each
person who is working.
Frank & Ceil Collins - (4) Lyndhurst, NJ; Vancouver, BC; Albany, NY; Philadelphia, PA; and
Ceil Collins - Wallingford, CT.
The Retired Hornet
HIGH GEAR for July 28, 2003
Dateline: Glastonbury BPOE Pavilion
Annual EH/Glastonbury Rotary Softball Tilt
The EH Lineup: 1B - Dan Larson, 2B - Eric Larson, SS - Jeff Larson, 3B - George Schoen, LF
- Neil Cunningham, LC - Mike Cunningham, RC - Bob Richmond, RF - Jim Shea, C - Doug
Willett, P - Johnny Dangerously.
A mix of young and old. A winning combo. Five tightly contested innings - EH jumped to a 3-0
lead in the first. GL fought back but could only muster two more runs. Many, many fine
fielding plays - both infield and outfield by young and old alike. No slackers here. Injuries: D.
Larson - pulled hamstring (in the style of Nick Cecere); J. Dangerously - busted finger. A small
price to pay for victory. The Willett/Dangerously battery was unbeatable. With the Rotary gods
looking favorably upon EH, the final score was EH -3, GL - 2. Congratulations, Pres. Neal "Hall
of Famer" Cunningham. Number one booster: Dick Lemieux.
Thirty EH Rotarians and as many from GL were treated to a terrific English night prime rib
dinner. Pres. Jaconetta called the meeting to order. GL coach John Dufford offered a hearty
congratulations to the Boys of Summer from EH. Pres. Neal thanked the GL club for their
gracious hospitality. Was that Pres. Neal sans the Presidential Medallion?
Congratulations DG Jeff Tager on a great-looking new newsletter!
Upcoming Events: Aug. 6 - Golf/Picnic, Twin Hills CC/Dan & Loretta Dienst home. If your
last name begins with A-F, bring dessert; G-M, hors d'oeuvres; N-W, side dishes.
That's all the news that's fit to print. It's been a pleasure being your scribe for July.
Your retiring scribe,
HIGH GEAR for July 23, 2003
Rain intermittent today. Wouldn't be GHO week without rain. We need it anyway. Great to see
Albee Trieber today - welcome back. Always a pleasure to hear tunes from Don. Very casual
summer attire continues to be in full force. A fairly boisterous crowd today. How about the
clean-shaven Mo "I have no photos" Moshovos! Bill Flynn prayed for pork loin today and got
it. Pres. Neal is looking quite comfortable in his new role, however somewhat tongue-tied
today. Only one guest - Glen Peterson from the Winsted Club and new principal of the EH/GL
Magnet School. George Agnelli continues to look for respect. Nick "One Note" Cecere led a
high-fiving Welcome Song.
Sgt.-at-Arms Wishart reported an exceptional day today: Larry "The Count" Frazier - picture in
paper; Jackie Danise - 13th Rotary anniv.; Roger Nicholson - 46th Rotary anniv. - WOW!; Ted
Mosebach - 6th Rotary anniv.; Donna Kehoe - birthday; Bill Leone - 60th birthday - WOW!;
John Shemo - 50th birthday - WOW! John had all Rotarians under 50 sing happy birthday. The
QUINTET included our visiting Rotarian.
Pres. Neal reported on Board actions:
$100 donation to Intercommunity Mental Health Fund;
$250 donation to Back-to-School Supplies
Dues are Due! Pay Up!
On-line make-ups are allowable by RI - don't abuse. If you prefer to do a real make-up, check
www.ehrotary.org for link to make-up sites.
EH Lions Club has challenged our club to a weight reduction contest to raise community
awareness about obesity. Several viable candidates from our club are likely to emerge. Start
date - Sept. 3. Step up to the scale.
Pres. Neal would like our club to support a back-to-school clothing program for needy children.
Will have more info forthcoming. Sounds like a very worthy project.
Rentschler Field concessions are being organized. Our participation would include 20 volunteers
at 6 UCONN football games. We would earn 10% of net food sales and 7% on alcohol. Dates:
Aug. 30, Sept. 13, Oct. 4, Oct. 25, Nov. 1, Nov. 8. The Board supports this fundraiser - how
about you?
Pres. Neal read a letter from Rupali Shah, EHHS grad, thanking the club for her scholarship.
If you have any incorrect or missing info on the roster, contact Sue Klock.
Next week - Softball - Monday night - Glastonbury Elks. Players - try to show by 5:00. No
Wednesday meeting.
Following week - Aug. 6: Golf/Picnic - Twin Hills/Dienst. If your last names begin with A-F,
bring dessert; G-M, hors d'oeuvres; N-W, side dishes.
We asked God to Bless America at 110.
Your new AARP scribe,
HIGH GEAR for July 16, 2003
Your time-traveling scribe has returned to 2003. Good to see EH Rotary is alive and well in
2013. (If you missed the year "2013 which was edited without authorization to read "2003" in
last week's snail-mailed edition, you missed this scribe's feeble attempt at humor.)
Today's attire: Reminiscent of a Shriners' Convention. Bring on the go-carts - Where's the
Great tunes by Don Hallquist once again. A record-fast invocation by Pres. Neal. Meal today:
Catch of the Day. Hope you digested today's meal and ultimately this edition . Attendance:
sub-50. Will be looking for lots of make-ups.
Guests: Glen Petersen-Winsted Club; Kathy Craig - EH Holiday Inn; Nancy Hansen, Safety
Harbor, FL; McKenzie Ursin, scholarship winner from ECHS.
Don Cramer and Don Hallquist welcomed our guests in song. Sgt.-at-arms Gil Wishart - hissed
by many - had an extremely poor day. He's reportedly looking for a way out of this important
Board Meeting next Monday at 7 p.m.
Golf/Cookout Aug 6, Twin Hills/Dienst, See Bob Brown for sign-up.
Golf Tourney: Please contact any potential sponsors who you may know.
Bill Flynn reports: an error in Brescia's email address: bill@brescias.com. (NO "h")
Bill Secord introduced McKenzie Ursin, who thanked the Club for her scholarship. She was
captain of the varsity softball team, yearbook editor and National Honor Society member. She
will attend UCONN this fall.
Pres. Neal read a thank-you from another scholarship recipient: Anna Dziadosz.
Makeups: Larry Hangland, Wethersfield; Bob Wood, Bridgton (2x); Jack Sayre, Summit, NJ.
Your scribe welcomes any and all comments regarding the style and content of High Gear. For
those who prefer a sanitized vanilla version, hope this edition worked: "Just the facts, M'am,"
Next week: a return to Bizarro World?
Your fleeting scribe,
Johnny Dangerously
HIGH GEAR for July 9, 2003
It was a temperate 110 degrees today, down from 115 during the past week. Felt like Spring
again. Don Hallquist delighted us with some tunes from the past decade. Folks might have
mistaken today's meeting for a swimsuit contest. Some nattily attired Rotarians today! Secretary
Brazalovich and Treasurer Kupchunos were easing into their new jobs. President Bindu gonged
promptly at 12:15 p.m. District Chaplain Jacoby offered a prayer for peace in the Middle East.
Tastebuds served up a wonderful meal of pureed beef, mashed potatoes and creamed corn.
Tapioca pudding topped off the extravaganza. Lots of gum-flapping today.
Today's guests were Nancy Hansen, Glen Peterson, Russ Dale, Felix Klock. Tom Westbrook
performed a wonderful Roger Driggs impersonation of the Welcome Song. President Bindu
presented the Club with several proclamations from political dignitaries in honor of E.H.
Rotary's 85th anniversary. They included citations from Mayor LeClerc, Governor Blumenthal,
U.S. Senator Larson, and President Hillary Clinton.
Sgt.-at-Arms Wishart levied several minor fines - the most notable of which was Carol Krantz
for the purchase of a brand new 2013 GM Acceleron featuring the latest in generation III fuel
cell technology.
Announcements/Reports: The Sgt.-at-Arms party at Bill Leone's house was once again a hit.
Only downside was the bartender's inability to keep up with the demand for the Club's favorite
beverage, orange Metamucil cocktail. Today's program was the annual District Governor visit
from our own Mary Martin. DG Mary stressed adherence to this year's RI theme. Invite a
Friend to Rotary - Any Friend. She urged everyone's participation on the local host committee
for the 2015 RI Convention being held in Hartford. The UCONN opening ceremonies are
schedule to take place at Rentschler Field - home of the 2012 national football champions,
UCONN Huskies
Upcoming Events:
Lawn bowling/cookout-July19
Shuffleboard with Glastonbury Rotary-August 18
Saratoga Trip-August 9. See Steve Jacoby. Tickets $100.
Make-ups: Wishart - Scotland; Cramer - Avon; Bradbury - Maine; Spiller - Niantic, Florida
(2x); Dienst - Community Shelter.
We closed with one verse of America the Beautiful.
Your eternal scribe,
Johnny Dangerously
From July 9, 2003 Archive:
PP Picnic - Sunday, July 20, 2:00/4:00 dinner @ George & Jay Stewart's Clubhouse, Lake
Pocotopaug. A-F Salad, G-R Hors D'oeuvres, S-Z Dessert. RSVP by July 16 to Richmond 5687247.
Golf/Cookout - Twin Hills/Dienst - August 6.
State Games of America - Volunteers needed - Aug. 7, 2-5:30 / 5:30-8 - Marco Polo;
Aug. 7, 9-1/12-4 - East Hartford High School; Aug. 8, 4-9 - Rentschler Stadium; Aug. 9, 8-1/124 - East Hartford High School. See Mary Martin immediately.
Scholarship Winners: $2K each: Venecia Webster (Jack Davis Memorial Scholarship); EHHS
grad. -- BC bound; Andre Martin, EHHS grad. - Bryant College bound; Ursin McKenzie, EHHS
grad. - UCONN bound; Anna Dziadosz, EHHS grad. - GW Univ. bound; Rupali Shah, EHHS
grad. (Interact Club Pres.) - UCONN bound. Thanks Bill Secord and Committee.
Today's Best Impersonation: Pres. Neal - Ebenezer Scrooge.
HIGH GEAR for July 2, 2003
Thank God the shitée weather is behind us. Summer is officially here! Lather up the head-tops
with SPF 50. Break out the 50-pound metal Coca-Cola coolers and heavy wooden-pole
umbrellas. Put the tops down and head for Rocky Neck. Casual summer garb was in full force.
A few of our brethren couldn't wait to go home and change before heading to the water. KnockKneed Stewart and P. Klock wearing Bermuda shorts - attire unbecoming of civil Rotarians…
President Neal looked and acted the part - PRESIDENTIAL! PP Bob looked well-rested, if not
relieved. Amazing how a year as E. H. Rotary President takes its toll. We anticipate a full
recovery for Bob.
Dan Hallquist played some timely tunes. What would we do without ya, Don! Our new
secretary and treasurer - Krantz & Larson - respectively were trying to look important.
Congratulations for passing the test. George Stewart offered a prayer and asked everyone to
LEND A HAND - this year's R.I. theme. Mo Belanger had high praise for today's buffet.
Pres. Neal apologized for not introducing Sue Klock as a Board Member last week. Sue
introduced her son, Andrew, and friend/business partner, Dan Pratt. Only other guest: Bill
Squires - Enfield Club. A high-energy, broad-smiled Tom Westbrook did a masterful job
leading the Welcome Song. Who dares to top Tom???
Today's Sgt.-at-Arms Gil Wishart announced the following fines: Wishart - 2-yr. Rotary
Anniversary and multi-year wedding anniversary; Amberg & Watts - Rotary anniversaries;
Flynn - birthday.
Pres. Neal acknowledged a great article in the EH Gazette on the Rotary Golf Tourney.
John Shemo gave a report on the raffle. Unofficial results, in order of best sellers first:
The A Team (150 tickets sold!)
Board of Directors
Paul Harris Fellows
EH Elite
Raffle Winners:
First Prize:
Bill Pellegrini (Nick Cecere ticket)
Second Prize: Rosemary Hogan (close friend of Pres Neal)
Third Prize: Tom Galvin
Tickets sold:
Total Revenue:
$ 9,426
$ 6,874
John thanked everyone for their good, hard work.
Upcoming Events:
Past-President Picnic: July 20
Board of Directors' Mtg. July 21
Glastonbury Rotary Softball July 28
Aug. 6, Golf Course TBD
Saratoga Trip
Aug. 9 ($45pp/seats available/see S. Jacoby)
Make-Ups: Frank & Ceil Collins, Canandaigua & Binghamton, NY; East Windsor
Closing - God Bless America
Adjournment: 12:53
Have a blast on the 4th!
Johnny Dangerously