New Stage Course Phases Description of Systems and Issues Prescriptive tools and modeling International Aspects Prescriptive Tools & Models Network Flows Principally Transportation Limited direct applications Good start on modeling Integer answers for free Added realism Weight and cube -- conveyance capacity Frequency and Schedule Driven systems Inventory and Load Driven systems Trailer fill and customer service Location models Routing No Text There is no text for this portion of the course Be sure to ask questions in class Work on your case! The issues in the case parallel those covered in class Keep up. Attend help sessions with Manu. The Case is excellent preparation for the exam. Transportation/Network Models Single Commodity Route Selection (Shortest Path) Basic Network Design (Spanning Tree) Basic Transportation (Transportation Model) Cross Docking (Transshipment Models) Multiple Commodities Route Selection Getting From A to B Underlying Network Roads Airports Telecommunication links Costs of using each link Find the cheapest (shortest) path Example B A 90 138 66 C 348 84 Directed Edges I 84 132 120 90 F 156 D E 60 132 48 G 126 H 126 48 J 150 Shortest Path Model An introduction to AMPL and review of modeling Sets Define entities and index data The Nodes of the Graph set NODES; The Edges of the Graph set EDGES within NODES cross NODES; Shortest Path Model Parameters Hold data The Cost on each Edge param Cost{EDGES}; The Origin and Destination param Origin symbolic; param Destination symbolic; Shortest Path Model The Variables The decisions the model should make Which edges to use var UseEdge{EDGES} >= 0; /* The number of times we use each edge */ Shortest Path Model The Objective How we distinguish which solution is better minimize PathCost: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t]; Shortest Path Model Constraints Eliminate what is not feasible Flow Conservation at each node s.t. ConserveFlow{node in NODES}: sum{(f, node) in EDGES} UseEdge[f,node] - sum{(node, t) in EDGES} UseEdge[node, t] = (if node = Origin then -1 else if node = Destination Rules of the Game To be a linear program variables can only be of the form var UseEdge{EDGES} >= lower bound, <= upper bound; Other possibilities (for later) var UseEdge{EDGES} binary (meaning 0 or 1) var UseEdge{EDGES} integer >= 0; Called Integer Programming More Rules of the Game The Objective must be of the form: minimize ObjectiveName: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t]; maximize ObjectiveName: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t]; What’s relevant: minimize or maximize sum of known constant * variable What’s not allowed variable*variable , |variable - constant|, variable2... More Rules of the Game The Constraints must be of the form: s.t ConstraintName: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t] <= Constant s.t. ConstraintName: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t] >= Constant s.t. ConstraintName: sum{(f,t) in EDGES} Cost[f,t]*UseEdge[f,t] = Constant More Rules of the Game What’s relevant: Left-hand-side: sum of known constant * variable Right-hand-side known constant Sense of constraint >=, <=, = What’s not allowed variable*variable , |variable - constant|, variable2... Network Flow Problems Special Case of Linear Programs If the data are integral, the solutions will be integral Not generally true of Linear Programs, just of Network Flow Problems To Be a Network Flow Problem Constraints must be of the form sum{(f, node) in EDGES} UseEdge[f,node] - sum{(node, t) in EDGES} UseEdge[node, t] = or <= or >= constant And Each variable can appear in at most two constraints, once as a flow in, e.g., as part of the sum sum{(f, node) in EDGES} UseEdge[f,node] The Data The Nodes A named region called Nodes in the spreadsheet d:\personal\3101\ShortPathData.xls table NodesTable IN "ODBC" "d:\personal\3101\ShortPathData.xls" "SQL=SELECT Nodes FROM Nodes": NODES <- [Nodes]; read table NodesTable; Nodes A B C D E F G H I J More Data The Edges and Costs Named region called Costs FromNode ToNode A B A C A D B C B E C D C F D G E F E I F G F H G H G J H I H J I J table CostsTable IN "ODBC" "d:\personal\3101\ShortPathData.xls" "Costs": EDGES <- [FromNode, ToNode], Cost; read table CostsTable; Cost 90 138 348 66 84 156 90 48 120 84 132 60 48 150 132 126 126 More Data The Origin and Destination A Named Region called OriginDest Origin "ODBC"A table OriginDestTable IN "d:\personal\3101\ShortPathData.xls" "SQL=SELECT Origin, Destination FROM OriginDest": [], Origin, Destination; read table OriginDestTable; Destination J Getting Answers Out table ExportSol OUT "ODBC" "DSN=ShortPathSol" "Solution": {(f,t) in EDGES: UseEdge[f,t] > 0} -> [f~FromNode,t~ToNode], UseEdge[f,t]~UseEdge, UseEdge[f,t]*Cost[f,t]~TotalCost; write table ExportSol; Running the Model From a DOS prompt in ..\ilog Launch AMPL by typing ampl At the AMPL: prompt type model d:\….\shortpath.mod; include d:\…\; What’s in the .RUN file /* ------------------------------------------------------------------Read the data -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ read table NodesTable; read table CostsTable; read table OriginDestTable; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------Solve the problem You may need a command like option solver cplex; -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ solve; The rest of the .RUN File /* ------------------------------------------------------------------Write the solution out: May encounter write access error -------------------------------------------------------------------*/ table UseEdgeOutTable OUT "ODBC" "d:\personal\3101\ShortPathData.xls": {(f,t) in EDGES} -> [FromNode, ToNode], UseEdge[f, t]~UseEdge, UseEdge[f,t]*Cost[f,t]~TotalCost; write table UseEdgeOutTable; Applicability Single Origin Single Destination No requirement to visit intermediate nodes No “negative cycles” Answer will always be either a simple path infeasible unbounded Tree of Shortest Paths Find shortest paths from Origin to each node Send n-1 units from origin Get 1 unit to each destination Shortest Path Problem Just change the Conservation Constraints... s.t. ConserveFlow{thenode in NODES}: sum{(f, thenode) in EDGES} UseEdge[f, the sum{(thenode, t) in EDGES} UseEdge[thenod = (if thenode = Origin then -(card(NODES)-1) else 1); Use Some Care The Answer is how many paths the edge is in. Not whether or not it is in a path. Minimum Spanning Tree Find the cheapest total cost of edges required to tie all the nodes together B A 90 138 66 C 348 84 I 84 132 120 90 F 156 D E 60 132 48 G 126 H 126 48 J 150 Greedy Algorithm Consider links from cheapest to most expensive Add a link if it does not create a cycle with already chosen links Reject the link if it creates a cycle. What’s the difference Shortest Path Problem Rider’s version Consider the number of riders who will use it Spanning Tree Problem Builder’s version Consider only the cost of construction NOT A NETWORK FLOW PROBLEM Transportation Problem Sources with limited supply Destinations with requirements Cost proportional to volume Multiple sourcing allowed PROTRAC Engine Distribution Netherlands 500 Amsterdam * 500 * Tilburg 800500 500 Antwer * 700 p 700 * Belgium Liege 200 200 The Hague * 800 * 900 900 Miles 0 50 Nancy 100 Germany 400 * Leipzig 400 Transportation Costs From Origin Amsterdam Antwerp The Hague Leipzig 120 61 102.5 To Destination Nancy Liege 130 41 40 100 90 122 Tilburg 62 110 42 Unit transportation costs from harbors to plants Minimize the transportation costs involved in moving the engines from the harbors to the plants A Transportation Model The Sets The set of Ports set PORTS; The set of Plants set PLANTS; The set of Edges is assumed to be all port-plant pairs. If it is not, we should define the set of edges. A Transportation Model The Parameters Supply at the Ports param Supply{PORTS}; Demand at the Plants param Demand{PLANTS}; Cost per unit to ship param Cost{PORTS,PLANTS}; Transportation Model The Variables How much to ship from each port to each plant var Ship{PORTS, PLANTS} >= 0; The Objective Minimize the total cost of shipping minimize TotalCost: sum {port in PORTS, plant in PLANTS} Cost[port, plant]*Ship[port, Transportation Model The Constraints Do not exceed supply at any port s.t. RespectSupply {port in PORTS}: sum{plant in PLANTS} Ship[port, plant] <= Supply[port]; Meet Demand at each plant s.t. MeetDemand {plant in PLANTS}: sum{port in PORTS} Ship[port, plant] Observations If Supply and Demand are integral then the answer Ship will be integral as well. Single Commodity -- doesn’t matter where it came from. Proportional Costs. Crossdocking 3 plants 2 distribution centers 2 customers Minimize shipping costs Direct from plant to customer Via DC A Transshipment Model The Sets The Plants set PLANTS; The Distribution Centers set DCS; The Customers set CUSTS; Transshipment Model The Set of Edges We assume all Plant-DC, Plant-Customer, DC-Customer edges are possible. Convenient to define a set of Edges set EDGES := (PLANTS cross DCS) union (PLANTS cross CUSTS) union (DCS cross CUSTS); A Transshipment Model The Parameters The Supply at each plant param Supply{PLANTS}; The Demand at each Customer param Demand{CUSTS}; The Cost on each edge. param Cost{EDGES}; See the convenience of defining EDGES? A Transshipment Model The Variables The volume shipped on each edge var Ship{EDGES} >= 0; The Constraints Combine ideas of Shortest paths (flow conservation) with Transportation (meet supply and demand) A Transshipment Model For each Plant s.t. RespectSupply {plant in PLANTS}: sum{(plant, t) in EDGES} Ship[plant,t] <= Supply[plant]; For each Customer s.t. MeetDemand {cust in CUSTS}: sum{(f, cust) in EDGES} Ship[f, A Transshipment Model For each DC: Conserve flow s.t. ConserveFlow {dc in DCS}: sum{(f, dc) in EDGES} Ship[f,dc] = sum{(dc, t) in EDGES} Ship[dc,t]; Flow into the DC = Flow out of the DC Good News Lots of applications Simple Model Optimal Solutions Quickly Integral Data, Integral Answers Bad News What’s Missing? Single Homogenous Product Linear Costs No conversions or losses ... Homogenous Product Linear Costs No Fixed Charges No Volume Discounts No Economies of Scale