CHAPTER 12 Nervous Tissue 1 Structures of the Nervous System • Brain • Nerves – bundles of axons plus their associated CT & blood vessels – follow defined path & innervate specific regions/structures • Spinal cord – connects to brain thru foramen magnum – protected by vertebral column • Ganglia – masses of nervous tissue outside brain & spinal cord – closely associated with cranial/spinal nerves • Sensory receptors = dendrites – monitor changes in internal/external environments 2 Functions of the Nervous System • Sensory function – receptors sense changes in internal & external environments – AFFerent neurons carry sensory info TO brain/spinal cord • Integrative function – processes sensory info by analyzing sensory information & makes decisions regarding appropriate behaviors – interneurons have short axons that contact neurons in brain/spinal cord; participate in integration • Motor function – after integration of sensory info, nervous system elicits appropriate response – EFFerent neurons carry motor response away from spinal cord to effector organs/glands 3 NERVOUS SYSTEM DIVISIONS CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM •Brain & Spinal Cord ONLY!!! •Integrates sensory input from PNS & sends output back to PNS PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Autonomic Motor •Info from CNS to viscera (involuntary) Sympathetic ●”fight or flight” Sensory ●Input from viscera to CNS Somatic Motor •Stimulates skel. musc. only (voluntary) Sensory ●Input from somatic receptors to CNS Parasympathetic ●“rest and digest” 4 Divisions of the Nervous System • Central nervous system (CNS) = brain & spinal cord ONLY! • Peripheral nervous system (PNS) = all nervous tissue outside CNS – Somatic (voluntary) nervous system (SNS) • neurons from cutaneous and special sensory receptors to the CNS • motor neurons to skeletal muscle tissue – Autonomic (involuntary) nervous system • detailed in Chapter 15 • sensory neurons from visceral organs to CNS • motor neurons to smooth & cardiac muscle and glands – sympathetic division (speeds up heart rate) – parasympathetic division (slow down heart rate) 5 NERVOUS TISSUE HISTOLOGY • Neurons = nerve cells – electrically excitable can convert stimulus to electrical signal (action potentials) – parts of neuron • cell body – nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm & organelles – rough ER & free ribosomes for protein synthesis • dendrites = sensory (input) portion of neuron • axons = output portion of neuron – carry impulses away from cell body to effector cell – attaches to cell body @ axon hillock – axon collaterals = branches of axon – synapse = point of communication btwn neuron & cell » serves as site of control of nerve impulses » prevents “backwards” transmission of impulses 6 NERVOUS TISSUE HISTOLOGY • Neuroglia = supporting cells of nervous tissue – actively take part in nervous tissue functions – do not generate a.p. but can reproduce site of brain tumors (gliomas) – CNS neuroglia (4) • astrocytes – processes contact capillaries, neurons, pia mater – strong support neurons by holding in place – processes around capillaries isolate neurons from blood-borne toxins help establish blood/brain barrier • oligodendrocytes form & maintain myelin sheath around CNS axons • microglia function as phagocytes remove debris 7 NERVOUS TISSUE HISTOLOGY – CNS neuroglia (c’td) • ependemyal cells produce, monitor & circulate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which is ISF of CNS – PNS neuroglia (2) • Schwann cells – surround PNS axons – myelinate single axon – facilitate regeneration of PNS axons – can enclose several unmyelinated axons • satellite cells – surround cell bodies of PNS ganglia – provide structural support – regulate exchange of materials btwn neurons & ISF 8 Myelination • Some axons covered by multilayered lipid & protein covering called myelin sheath • Provides electrical insulation which allows nerve impulse to travel faster • Produced by Schwann cells in PNS & oligodendrocytes in CNS • Neurolemma = cytoplasm & nucleus of Schwann cell – ***found only in PNS! • Nodes of Ranvier = gaps in myelin sheath that appear @ intervals along axon – one Schwann cell found between two nodes 9 Myelination in the CNS • Oligodendrocytes myelinate axons in the CNS – one oligodendrocyte myelinates several axons – broad, flat cell processes wrap around CNS axons • No neurolemma is formed – probably results in lack of regrowth after injury (because PNS axons can regenerate) 10 Gray and White Matter • White matter = primarily myelinated axons • Gray matter = unmyelinated structures – nerve cell bodies, dendrites, axon terminals, bundles of unmyelinated axons and neuroglia – In spinal cord, white matter surrounds inner core of gray matter – In brain • thin layer of gray matter covers surface • found in clusters called nuclei deep within CNS ***A nucleus is a mass of nerve cell bodies and dendrites inside the CNS.*** 11 Electrical Signals in Neurons • Neurons are electrically excitable due to the voltage difference across their membrane – graded potentials participate in localized cellular communication – action potentials can communicate a signal over long or short distances • The difference in voltage across a membrane is referred to as the membrane potential – resting membrane potential is the voltage difference that exists when a cell is at rest (not being stimulated) • Plasma membrane of neurons contains ion channels that open/close in response to stimuli 12 Ion Channels • Allow movement of specific ions across the membrane & down their electrochemical gradient – positively charged ions move to a negatively charged area (lower concentration of positive charge) – negatively charged ions generally are too large to leave the cell, thus the tendency is for positively charged ions to flow into the cell • Four types of channels – leakage channels randomly alternate btwn open/closed conformation • more K+ channels than Na+ K+ is “leakier” • membrane is more permeable to K+ – voltage-gated channels open in response to a change in voltage across the membrane function in generation of action potentials 13 Ion Channels • Channels c’td – ligand-gated channels open/close in response to specific chemical messenger (ligand) • ligand can be NT, hormone or an ion • two modes of operation – direct activation by binding of ligand to receptor – indirect activation of channel via 2nd msgr system – mehanically gated channels open/close in response to mechanical stimuli • stretching of muscle • vibrations within ear 14 Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) • Results from unequal distribution of ions btwn ECF & ICF – buildup of negative ions in cytosol (PO4-3, amino acids) – buildup of positive ions outside membrane (Na+) • Separation of charges represents a form of potential energy – the greater the charge difference across membrane, the greater the potential (voltage) – potential energy difference at rest is -70 mV (this is RMP) • Resting potential exists because – concentration of ions different inside & outside • extracellular fluid rich in Na+ and Cl• cytosol full of K+, PO4-3 & amino acids 15 Resting Membrane Potential (RMP) • Resting potential exists because – membrane permeability differs for Na+ and K+ • 50-100x greater permeability for K+ • inward flow of Na+ can’t keep up with outward flow of K+ • ***Na+/K+ ATPase pump maintains R. M. P.*** – w/o this pump, ion concentrations would reach equilibrium and the membrane potential (excitability) would be destroyed – K+ has a natural tendency to leak out of cell and Na+ tends to flow into the cell (down their respective gradients) – pump returns 3 Na+ to ECF and 2 K+ to cytosol 16 Graded Potentials • Local changes (of varying magnitudes) in membrane potential • Any stimulus that opens a gated channel produces a graded potential • Make cell more or less polarized – hyperpolarization = membrane has become more negative – depolarization = membrane has become less negative • “Graded” means they vary in amplitude (size), depending upon strength of stimulus • Are decremental because they die out as they travel further from their origin • Occur most often in dendrites and cell body of a neuron • Graded potentials occurring in response to NT are called postsynaptic potentials 17 How do Graded Potentials Arise? • Source of stimuli – mechanical stimulation of membranes with mechanical gated ion channels (pressure) – chemical stimulation of membranes with ligand gated ion channels (neurotransmitter) • Graded/postsynaptic/receptor or generator potential – ions flow through ion channels and change membrane potential locally – amount of change varies with strength of stimuli • Flow of current (ions) is local change only 18 Generation of an Action Potential • Action potential = sequence of rapidly occurring events that briefly reverse membrane potential due to rapid changes in membrane permeability – depolarization = membrane becomes less negative inside – repolarization = restoration of RMP (-70 mV) – threshold potential = -55 mV • potential at which an action potential is generated • all-or-none principle: if stimulus causes depolarization to threshold, action potential is generated – no “large” or “small” a.p. – stronger stimulus will not cause a larger impulse • Action potentials can travel over long distances w/o dying out 19 Depolarizing Phase of Action Potential • In resting membrane, Na+ inactivation (inner) gate open & activation (outer) gate is closed (Na+ cannot get in) • Depolarizing graded potential or some stimulus initiates movemt of Na+ into cell (↓ potential) • This further depolarization activates Na+-gated channels which open & allow rapid influx of Na+ until threshold reached • @ threshold (-55mV), both Na+ gates open & Na+ enters & membrane becomes several hundred times more permeable to Na+ • more channels open in adjacent regions of membrane (positive FB) • influx of Na+ makes inside less negative (up to +30 mV) • @ +30 mV, Na+ inner (inactivation) gates close 20 Repolarizing Phase of Action Potential • As Na+ gates close (at +30 mV), K+ gates are activated & membrane permeability to K+ is increased • K+ flows out of cell (down its gradient) until RMP is reached • If the cell “overshoots” K+ efflux, hyperpolarization results – -90 mV cell further from threshold no a.p. can occur • K+ channels close and the membrane potential returns to the resting potential of -70mV via action of Na+/ K+ ATPase pump 21 Refractory Period of Action Potential • Period of time during which neuron cannot generate another action potential • Absolute refractory period – even very strong stimulus will not produce another a.p. – inactivated Na+ channels must return to the resting state before they can be reopened – Na+ inner gates closed & cannot reopen • Relative refractory period – 2nd a.p. can be generated by very strong stimulus – Na+ channels have been restored to resting state, but K+ channels are still open • Allows unidirectional transmission of impulses • Axons w/ large diameter have greater membrane surf. area & shorter abs. refract. periods than small-diameter axons 22 Propagation of Nerve Impulses • Continuous conduction (local current flow) – starts @ axon hillock where membrane is most sensitive to changes in potential – step-by-step depolarization of adjacent segments of membrane – membrane polarity is reversed (out becomes (-) & in becomes (+) – inactive area of membrane (downstream) has resting polarity opposite charges attract (+) “pulls” (–) – this opens voltage-gated channels in adjacent regions of membrane & a.p. moves along axon – occurs in muscle fibers & unmyelinated axons 23 Propagation of Nerve Impulses • Saltatory conduction – in myelinated axons only – depolarization occurs in similar way @ nodes of Ranvier where voltage-gated channels are concentrated – current flows thru aqueous cytosol & ECF of Schwann cells – nerve impulses appear to jump from node to node – much quicker/more energy efficient • open fewer voltage channels • less use of Na+/K+ pump less ATP used • Axon diameter – large fibers are all myelinated fastest – medium fibers myelinated, but slower (b/c less surf. area) – small fibers unmyelinated & slowest (longest abs. refr. per.) 24 Encoding of Stimulus Intensity • How do we differentiate a light touch from a firmer touch? • Perception of intensity results from frequency of impulses (not the magnitude of an impulse) – frequency of impulses • firm pressure generates impulses at a higher frequency – number of sensory neurons activated • firm pressure stimulates more neurons than does a light touch 25 SIGNAL TRANSMISSION AT SYNAPSES • Presynaptic neuron = neuron sending the signal • Postsynaptic neurono = neuron receiving chem/elec signal • Electrical synapses – ionic current spreads to next cell through gap junctions – advantages • faster transmission of impulses a. p. jumps directly from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic neuron • capable of synchronizing groups of neurons as in the contraction of cardiac & visceral smooth muscles 26 SIGNAL TRANSMISSION AT SYNAPSES • Chemical synapses – Synaptic cleft separates pre/post-syn neurons chem signals can’t “jump” from one neuron to next – Presynaptic neuron releases NT into cleft; NT binds receptor on post-synaptic neuron – Binding of NT produces graded (postsynaptic) potential • Repeated binding eventually produces a.p. – Synaptic delay = time required for events to occur @ chemical synapse 27 Mechanism of Chemical Synapse • Action potential reaches end bulb and voltage-gated Ca+2 channels open • Ca+2 flows inward & triggers release of neurotransmitter • NT crosses synaptic cleft & binds to ligand-gated receptors – ligand-gated channels activated & ions flow across membrane • ion flow can change postsyn. potential • If Na+ in depolarization • If Cl- in or K+ out hyperpolariz • If depolarizing potentials reach threshold, a.p. is triggered 28 Excitatory & Inhibitory Potentials • If NT causes depolarization excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is generated – excitatory = a.p. generated if sum of EPSPs exceeds -55mV – usually results from cation channels opening – partial depolarization makes cell more excitable • If NT causes hyperpolarization inhibitory PSP (IPSP) – inhibitory because membrane is further from threshold – usually result of K+ or Cl- channels opening 29 Removal of Neurotransmitter • Diffusion: NT diffuses away from cleft & is no longer effective • Enzymatic degradation – EX: acetylcholinesterase breakdown of ACh • Cellular uptake – Uptake by nearby neuroglia – Re-uptake by secreting axon – Clinical application: some drugs block uptake process • EX: Prozac = SSRI blocks serotonin reuptake serotonin’s effects are prolonged 30 Summation of PSPs • Summation = integration of synaptic inputs • Spatial summation results when several presynaptic neurons secrete NT that affects single postsynaptic neuron • Temporal summation results from repeated release of NT from single presynaptic neuron • One postsynaptic neuron can receive numerous excitatory/inhibitory inputs • Sum of inputs determines postsynaptic response – EPSP: excitatory input > inhibitory input • above threshold a.p. generated • below threshold cell more sensitive b/c partial depolarized – IPSP: inhibitory input > excitatory input • membrane is hyperpolarized & no a.p. occurs 31 Summation of PSPs • Clinical relevance: strychnine poisoning – Under normal conditions: inhibitory neurons in spinal cord release glycine (a NT) which inhibits XS contractions of skeletal muscle – Strychnine binds & inactivates glycine receptors • inhibitory effects of glycine are removed • uncontrolled muscle contraction results – diaphragm remains fully contracted death ensues via suffocation 32 Small-Molecule Neurotransmitters • Acetylcholine (ACh) – excitatory effect @ NMJ via direct ligand-channel binding – inhibitory @ some parasympathetic synapses • indirect activation of receptors via G-protein • slows heart rate – inactivated by acetylcholinesterase • Amino Acids – excitatory: glutamate & aspartate – inhibitory: GABA & glycine • generate IPSP via opening of Cl- channels • Valium enhances GABA effects – prolongs effects of GABA – acts as anti-anxiety drug 33 Small-Molecule Neurotransmitters • Biogenic Amines – catecholamines • norepinephrine (NE) & epinephrine (Epi) – also act as hormones when released from adrenal gland • dopamine: responsible for emotions, addictive behaviors – Regulates skeletal muscle tone – Parkinson’s disease result of degeneration of dopamine-secreting neurons • serotonin responsible for mood control, appetite, sleep induction – SSRIs prevent reuptake – Zoloft, Prozac for treatment of depression 34 Small-Molecule Neurotransmitters • Nitric oxide (NO) – potent vasodilator: increases blood flow in regions where it is released – unique because is formed on demand & acts immediately – first recognized as vasodilator that helped lower blood pressure – extremely toxic in high quantities – metabolic pathway = target of Viagra 35 Neuropeptides • 3-40 amino acids linked peptide bonds • Can be excitatory or inhibitory • Brain has receptors for binding opiate drugs – Enkephalins have potent analgesic effect (200x morphine) – Opiod peptides = body’s natural painkillers • Dynorphins • Endorphins: responsible for “runner’s high” experienced after exercise • Substance P transmits pain-related input from PNS to CNS – Enhances perception of pain – Suppressed by enkephalins & endorphins 36 Modifying Effects of NTs • NT synthesis can be stimulated or inhibited – Parkinson’s patients benefit from L-dopa b/c it boosts dopamine production for limited time • NT release can be enhanced or blocked – Amphetamines promote release of dopamine & NE – Botulinum toxin inhibits release of Ach paralysis • NT receptors can be activated or blocked – Agonists activate: Isoproterenol activates NE & Epi receptors dilate airways during asthma attack – Antagonists block: Zyprexa blocks dopamine/serotonin receptors treatment of schizophrenia • NT removal can be stimulated or inhibited – Cocaine blocks dopamine reuptake euphoric feeling 37