Expository Essay Revision Worksheet

Revision Questions
 Is my essay informative?
 Does my essay have a clear focus?
 Have I used an effective lead?
 Have I used specific details, examples, and facts?
 Have I elaborated and explained the details, examples, and facts?
 Is my essay broken into effective paragraphs?
 Are my paragraphs connected to each other and to the subject?
 Do I have effective topic sentences for each paragraph?
 Are my body sentences organized to help create meaning?
 Have I used an effective closing for my essay?
 Do I use language in an engaging way that keeps readers interested?
 Is my writing confident, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic?
 Does my writing present an appropriate level of language? (not too informal)
Word Choice
 Do I use specific nouns and powerful verbs?
 Do I use adjectives and adverbs appropriately for an essay?
 Is my writing free of wordy phrases and unnecessary words?
 Have I used specialized words related to the subject of my essay?
Sentence Fluency
 Are my sentences complete? Do they flow smoothly?
 Did I try to vary my sentence structure?
 Have I used effective transition phrases?
 follows the basic rules of grammar
 follows the basic rules of spelling
 follows the basic rules of capitalization
 follows the basic rules of punctuation
Revision Worksheet
Things That Are Bugging Me