DPI presentation template

How to Navigate Special
Education Web Applications
& Data Collections
Yvette Johanson – Data Coordinator
Nancy Molfenter – Transition Consultant
Mary Kampa – Post-school Outcomes Coordinator
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Overview of Data Collection
Systems per Indicator
Indicator Data Sources and Reporting Responsibilities
Data Source
Reporting Responsibility
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) District Administration
Year End
Wisconsin Student Assessment System (WSAS)
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) Suspension/Expulsion
District Administration
Educational Placement, Ages 6-21 Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) – District Administration and
October 1 Child Count
Special Education Directors
Educational Placement, Ages 3-5
Special Education Directors
Preschool Outcomes
Indicator 7: Child Outcomes
and their designees
Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement Survey
Special Education Directors
Disproportionate Representation
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) –
District Administration and
Third Friday of September Enrollment and
Disproportionate Representation –
Special Education Directors
October 1 Child Count
Specific Disability Categories
Special Education Directors
Timely Initial Evaluations
Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations
and their designees
Special Education Directors
Preschool Transition Part C to Part B
Program Participation System (PPS)
and their designees
Special Education Directors,
Transition Goals, Age 16 and Above
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
their designees and Special
Education teachers
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES) –
Post High School Outcomes
District Administration
Year End and the Post School Outcomes Survey
Resolution Sessions
Dispute Resolution Log
Mediation Agreements
State Systemic Improvement Plan
Statewide literacy assessment: grades 3-8
**NEW starting in SY 2013-14
Overview of Data Collection
Systems per Indicator
Cyclical Data Collections
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to complete these
data collections once every five years.
Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment
Indicator 11 – Timely Initial Evaluations
Indicator 8 – Parent Survey
Indicator 14 – Post High School Outcomes Survey
The list of LEAs assigned to each year in the current five year cycle
is available at the following location:
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
District Profile
The District Profile is the location to see how your district compares to the
statewide results and targets for each Indicator.
Location: http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/sped_lpp-profile
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Special Education Leadership
The Leadership Directory is the location to see the contact details stored for
Special Education. This information is updated through the School
Directory application (School Directory info: http://lbstat.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat_School_Directory)
Location: http://apps4.dpi.wi.gov/speddir
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Security and Application Access
Special Education Application
Special Education Web Portal
IDEA Flow-Through and Preschool Entitlement
IDEA Maintenance of Effort
High Cost Special Education Aid Claims
Parentally Placed Private School Student Data
Indicator 7: Child Outcomes
Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment Report
Indicator 8: Parent Survey Manager
Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations
PPS Summary Reports
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Post School Outcomes Survey
Security Platform
Special Education Web Portal
Secure Home - http://wise.dpi.wi.gov/
Available Roles
Roles Administered
Director of Special
DPI - Special Education Team
District Authorizer
DPI - Special Education Team
District User
District - Director of Special
Read Only User
District - Director of Special
District Super User
WAMS - https://on.wisconsin.gov/
Post School Outcomes survey
District - PTP Application
District User
Director of Special
Education/Pupil Services
Survey Designee/Interviewer
District - Director of Special
Education/Pupil Services
Survey Summer Contact
Program Participation System (PPS)
Wisconsin Integrated Security
Application (WISA) https://prd.cares.wisconsin.gov/wisa
WAMS - https://on.wisconsin.gov/
PPS Security Coordinator
DPI - Special Education Team
District - PPS Security Coordinator
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Special Education Web Portal
Application Overview
The Special Education Web Portal is used to access the following
IDEA Flow-through and Preschool Entitlement Budgets
High Cost Special Education Aid Claims
IDEA Maintenance of Effort
Indicator 7: Child Outcomes
Parentally Placed Private School Student Data Collection
Procedural Compliance Self- Assessment (Cyclical)
Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations (Cyclical)
Indicator 8: Parent Survey Manager (Cyclical)
Disproportionality: Procedural Compliance Self-Assessment (as required)
PPS Summary Reports
Indicator 8 – District Results (also publicly available through
the District Profile)
Special Education Web Portal
User Roles
The Special Education Web Portal uses the following user roles
Director of Special Education
Each LEA is required to have an individual assigned to this role.
This role has update access to all applications listed in the
previous slide
Responsibility for maintaining LEA District Users and Read Only
users, including password resets
District User
This role has update access to the applications granted by the
Director of Special Education
Read Only User
This role has read only access to the applications granted by the
Director of Special Education
District Authorizer
This role is set by the Special Education Team at DPI.
This user has limited access to complete assurances in the IDEA
Flow-through and Preschool Entitlement Budget application
A login ID can
only be granted
one role, so
users cannot
have a mix of
update and read
only access on
the same login
Special Education Web Portal
Special Education Web Portal
Non-Fiscal Applications
Special Education Web Portal
Fiscal Applications
Special Education Web Portal
Special Education Web Portal
Data Collection Information
Special Education Web Portal
User Functions
User Functions
Special Education Web Portal
User Functions – Add New User
Special Education Web Portal
User Functions – Maintain Users
Special Education Web Portal
User Functions – Edit User
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Wisconsin Student number Locator System
Wisconsin Student number Locator System
The WSLS is used to:
• Assign new Wisconsin Student Numbers (WSNs)
to students entering Wisconsin Public Schools;
• Ensure that the WSNs stay with students as they
move from school to school and district to district;
• Update enrollment data and identifying student
information (in the case of errors or legal name
changes, etc.)
The Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) application
uses the WSN and many of the newer applications we
are building will also use the WSN as the key student
Do you
know who
the WSLS
is in your
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Application Overview
The Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) application is used during the IEP
meetings of students age 14 and above in order to ensure that the student’s
PTP includes all necessary components (several types of goals, services to
reach those goals, invitation requirements, etc).
The application also provides several reports for tracking the progress of
the PTPs through three possible statuses
Unlocked – PTP just created, not reviewed yet.
Locked – PTP submitted for district level review
Submitted – PTP reviewed by district and submitted to DPI.
Students with No Associated WSN
If you would like to familiarize yourself as to how the PTP application is laid
out prior to using the application in a meeting for the first time,
there is a demo version available here:
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
User Roles
The Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) application uses three types of
user roles to control access to various aspects of the application.
District User
• Creates and revises PTPs
• Locks PTP for district review
District Super User
• Performs all of the functions of the District User
• Reviews PTPs and submits to DPI.
• Can unlock PTPs if required
Performs all of the functions of the District Super User
Can delete unlocked PTPs in the case of duplicates.
Moves students between schools in the district
Resolves WSN match issues
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Security Administration
The Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) application uses the Secure Home
platform, which is used by a variety of DPI applications and serves as a
portal to these applications. The security for these applications is granted
through the Application Security Manager (ASM) application.
There are two levels of users that grant access for Secure Home
Application Administrator
Grants access to the application users (Director/Designee, District
Super User, District User)
District Security Administrator (DSA)
• Grants access to the Application Administrators for each application.
List of available District Security Administrator (DSA) and Application
Administrators is available here:
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Requesting Access
To request access to the PTP, you will first need to create a Web Access
Management System (WAMS) ID. WAMS is a statewide system that allows
authorized individuals to access applications they have been granted
permission to use.
The following document includes information and instructions on creating
and updating an email address on your WAMS ID:
Once you have a WAMS ID and it is up to date, contact your district’s PTP
Application Administrator with the following information:
• Full name
• Phone number
• Email address
• User role required (District User, District Super User or
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Technical Assistance
The Indicator 13 website (http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/sped_spp-transition)
includes a variety of technical assistance documents to help you along the
• What’s New Page: http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/sped_tran-ptp-new
• PTP Manual (October 2013): http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/files/sped/pdf/tran-ptpmanual.pdf
• Step-by-Step Instructions: http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/files/sped/pdf/spp13-ptpinstructions.pdf
• Frequently Asked Questions (June 2015):
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Post School Outcomes
Indicator 14
Post School Outcomes
Indicator 14
Post School Outcomes
Indicator 14
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Individual Student Enrollment System
3rd Friday September Enrollment
– All Students
October 1 Child Count
– Students with Disabilities Only
Year End (attendance/exiting)
– All Students
Discipline (suspensions, expulsions, IAES)
– All Students
Individual Student Enrollment System
(ISES) – Progress and Summary Reports
To request access to the ISES Progress and Summary Reports, you will
need a WAMS ID (previously discussed).
See the Delegated Authority Web Application page for more information on
requesting access (http://lbstat.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat_delauthapp)
List of District Delegated Authority Administrators is located at the
following location (as of March 2015). These are the people in your district
that can grant you access:
Ask for the user role of ‘ISES Reports’
Individual Student Enrollment System
(ISES) – Progress and Summary Reports
Individual Student Enrollment System
(ISES) – Child Count Enrollment Report
View By Options include:
No option
Primary Disability
English Language Proficiency Code
Age on Count Date
Educational Environment
Topics include:
Disability Status
English Language Proficiency Code
Individual Student Enrollment System
(ISES) – Child Count Enrollment Report
View By = Educational Environment
Topic = Disability Status
Individual Student Enrollment System
Data Review
Statewide Validation of ISES data occurs in late October, after the data
is due (http://lbstat.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat_isesdates)
We run a handful of queries over the data to check for anomalies.
If your district has any issues that were flagged, the DPI Help Desk
sends the Director of Special Education and the district WSLS/ISES
Administrators an email that explains the issues (early November).
Not all issues need to be fixed, but serve as a reminder to check your
data against previous year submissions.
Last year around 50 districts did not have any October 1 Child Count
records in ISES by the time the data was due. Please ensure your
data is submitted by the initial due date so that we can help you
ensure your data is accurate!
Individual Student Enrollment System
Data Review – Topic Summary
October 1 Child Count of Students with Disabilities
• No Records
• Significant Increase/Decrease
• Preschool (3-5)
• Parentally Placed Private School Students with Service
• Accurate third party reporting of State School students
Year End (Graduating students with disabilities)
• No graduating students with disabilities
• Significant decrease of graduating students with
• Low graduating student count (based on 5 year average)
• Hearing Officer removal to an interim alternative
educational setting (IAES)
• Student with Disability expelled for more than 10 days
without educational services.
This list is
an indication
of what we
check, but is
subject to
Agenda Overview
Overview of Data Collection Systems per Indicators
District Profile
Special Education Leadership Directory
Security and Application Access Overview
Special Education Web Portal
Wisconsin Student Locator System (WSLS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) – Indicator 13
Post School Outcomes Survey – Indicator 14
Individual Student Enrollment System (ISES)
Wrap Up and Sources of Help
Wrap Up and Sources for Help
Special Education General Line – 608-266-1781
Special Education Web Portal
Contact Information
General Access Enquiries
Yvette Johanson - Data
yvette.johanson@dpi.wi.gov OR
dpispeddata@dpi.wi.gov // 608-267-9243
Budget & Self Assessment
Local Performance Plan (LPP)
As per this list http://sped.dpi.wi.gov/sped_sepcontact
Nancy Fuhrman - Early Childhood
Data Consultant
Ruth Chvojicek - Statewide Child
Outcomes Coordinator
Nancy Fuhrman - Early Childhood
Data Consultant
Nancy Molfenter - Transition
yvette.johanson@dpi.wi.gov OR
dpispeddata@dpi.wi.gov // 608-267-9243
Office: 920-492-5960 Cell: 920-809-7662
Indicator 7 Enquiries
Program Participation System (PPS)
Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)
Paul Sherman - Compliance
TIG Staff
General Questions
Post School Outcomes
Yvette Johanson - Data
Nancy Molfenter - Transition
Mary Kampa
Access / Login Assistance
Jenny Jacobs
Wisconsin Student number Locator System
(WSLS) /
Individual Student Enrollment System
DPI Help Desk
800-507-5744 // Online Help Desk Tool http://lbstat.dpi.wi.gov/lbstat_helptool