Literary Analysis Peer Evaluation Worksheet Revised Fall 2014

Peer-Evaluation Worksheet
Literary Analysis
Name of person whose paper you now have: __________________________________
Your name (peer editor): __________________________________________________
Read through the entire paper once. Write down any general observations or impressions
you have below:
What is the essay’s title? Write it below. Then, write a suggestion for a more descriptive
or interesting title-- one that goes beyond stating the assignment:
Write the thesis statement below (word for word) and label topic, opinion, and evidence.
Does it have a clear sense of topic, opinion, and evidence? If not, suggest an alternate
thesis below:
Does the essay contain carefully-chosen quotes that support the thesis and are cited in
MLA style (both in-text citations and a Works Cited page)? Write suggestions for
narrowing quotes or citing correctly below:
Is the essay written in present tense (YES or NO) and in third person (YES or NO)?
Is the essay organized in a logical order based on building an argument instead of
retelling the plot? If not, make suggestions for organization in the margin of your peer’s
Do the topic sentences accurately introduce what is contained within each paragraph
AND relate to the thesis statement? If not, write suggestions for unity in the margin of
your peer’s paper.
Reread the last sentence of each paragraph, paired with the first sentence of the next
paragraph. Is there a clear progression of thought from one paragraph to the next? Write
suggestions for better transitions from one paragraph to the next in the margin of your
peer’s paper.
Circle any weak words that do not seem appropriate to a college-level paper. Also, circle
any clichés and suggest alternatives in the margin of your peer’s paper.
What do you like best about this essay?
What do you think needs the most work in this essay?