2011-2012 Mathematics 2nd Wordpress Project Name : Musa Surname : Çelik Class : 9-A No : 228 Topic: Quadratic Equations and Polynomials Quadratic Equations and Polynomials Life is based many different things, but science is the most basic thing of the life. Because people wonder about what is happening around them, and they are looking for answers to the questions that begin with why. Actually, they are looking for logics, reasons. Mathematics provides them to find their answers. Mathematics is the life and science itself. One of the most important topics of the mathematics is functions. We use functions in daily life. Actually we use multi-functions. Those multi-functions get bigger and more complex, so then we call them polynomials with degrees. But we use a simple type of polynomials, which consist of quadratic equations. Those equations are with degree two as you understand from the word “quadratic”. Quadratic equations and polynomials are very close topics. Every quadratic equation is a polynomial, but not every polynomial is quadratic. As we deal with x and ys people from very former times wondered how to solve these kinds of equations. For this reason people reinforced many techniques to solve those types of polynomials. One way of solving functions (polynomials) with degree 2 is quadratic formula, for example. And many people got themselves crazy while trying to find the ways for solutions. As you could understand, many people form BC to now on work on quadratic equations and polynomials. As a result it was so hard to deliver those ways to here. I can give many examples to the works but I can give you some works and the scientists who worked on these topics and who developed for us: Quadratic equations Even though the Babylonians didn't have any notion of what an 'equation' is, they found the first algorithmic approaches to problems, which would give rise to a quadratic equation today. Their method is essentially one of completing the square. However all Babylonian problems had answers which were positive (more accurately unsigned) quantities since the usual answer was a length. The first known solution of a quadratic equation is the one given in the Berlin papyrus from the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2160-1700 BC) in Egypt. This problem reduces to solving x2 + y2 = 100 y = 3/4 x In about 300 BC Euclid developed a geometrical approach which, although later mathematicians used it to solve quadratic equations, amounted to finding a length which in our notation was the root of a quadratic equation. Euclid had no notion of equation, coefficients etc. but worked with purely geometrical quantities. His Data contains three problems involving quadratics. In his work Arithmetica, the Greek mathematician Diophantus (ca. 210-290) solved the quadratic equation, but giving only one root, even when both roots were positive.Hindu mathematicians took the Babylonian methods further. Aryabhata (475 or 476-550) gave a rule for the sum of a geometric series that shows knowledge of the quadratic equations with both solutions.Later, Brahmagupta (598-665 AD) gives an, almost modern, method which admits negative quantities. He also used abbreviations for the unknown, usually the initial letter of a colour was used, and sometimes several different unknowns occur in a single problem. The Arabs did not know about the advances of the Hindus so they had neither negative quantities nor abbreviations for their unknowns. However al-Khwarizmi (c 800) gave a classification of different types of quadratics (although only numerical examples of each). The different types arise since al-Khwarizmi had no zero or negatives. He has six chapters each devoted to a different type of equation, the equations being made up of three types of quantities namely: roots, squares of roots and numbers i.e. x, x2 and numbers. Al-Khwarizmi solves each type of equation: 1. Squares equal to roots 2. Squares equal to numbers 3. Roots equal to numbers 4. Squares and roots equal to numbers 5. Squares and numbers equal to roots 6. Roots and numbers equal to squares - essentially the familiar quadratic formula given for a numerical example in each case, and then a proof for each example which is a geometrical completing the square. Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi, often known by the Latin name Savasorda, is famed for his book Liber embadorum published in 1145 which is the first book published in Europe to give the complete solution of the quadratic equation. ViËte was among the first to replace geometric methods of solution with analytic ones, although he apparently did not grasp the idea of a general quadratic equation Part Two: Solving The Quadratic (Theory) A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable x (with a≠0). Because it is a second-order polynomial equation, the fundamental theorem of algebra guarantees that it has two solutions. These solutions may be both real, or both complex. The roots x can be found by completing the square, Polynomials ca. 2000 BC Babylonians solve quadratics in radicals. ca. 300 BC Euclid demonstrates a geometrical construction for solving a quadratic. ca. 1000 Arab mathematicians reduce: ux2p + vxp = w to a quadratic. 1079 Omar Khayyam (1050-1123) solves cubics geometrically by intersecting parabolas and circles. ca. 1400 Al-Kashi solves special cubic equations by iteration. 1484 Nicholas Chuqet (1445?-1500?) invents a method for solving polynomials iteratively. 1515 Scipione del Ferro (1465-1526) solves the cubic: x3 + mx = n but does not publish his solution. 1535 Niccolo Fontana (Tartaglia) (1500?-1557) wins a mathematical contest by solving many different cubics, and gives his method to Cardan. 1539 Girolamo Cardan (1501-1576) gives the complete solution of cubics in his book, The Great Art, or the Rules of Algebra. Complex numbers had been rejected for quadratics as absurd, but now they are needed in Cardan's formula to express real solutions. The Great Art also includes the solution of the quartic equation by Ludovico Ferrari (1522-1565), but it is played down because it was believed to be absurd to take a quantity to the fourth power, given that there are only three dimensions. 1544 Michael Stifel (1487?-1567) condenses the previous eight formulas for the roots of a quadratic into one. 1593 Francois Viete (1540-1603) solves the casus irreducibilis of the cubic using trigonometric functions. 1594 Viete solves a particular 45th degree polynomial equation by decomposing it into cubics and a quintic. Later he gives a solution of the general cubic that needs the extraction of only a single cube root. 1629 Albert Girard (1595-1632) conjectures that the nth degree equation has n roots counting multiplicity. 1637 Rene Descartes (1596-1650) gives his rule of signs to determine the number of positive roots of a given polynomial. 1666 Isaac Newton (1642-1727) finds a recursive way of expressing the sum of the roots to a given power in terms of the coefficients. 1669 Newton introduces his iterative method for the numerical approximation of roots. 1676 Newton invents Newton's parallelogram to approximate all the possible values of y in terms of x, if: Sigma(i, j = 0 -> n) [aij xiyj] = 0 1683 Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus (1646-1716) generalizes the linear substitution that eliminates the xn-1 term in the nth degree polynomial to eliminate the xn-2 and xn-3 terms as well. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) had pointed out that trying to get rid of the xn-4 term usually leads to a harder equation than the original one. 1691 Michael Rolle (1652-1719) proves that f'(x) has an odd number of roots in the interval between two successive roots of f(x). 1694 Edmund Halley (1656-1742) discusses interative solutions of quartics with symbolic coefficients. 1728 Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) expresses the largest root of a polynomial as the limit of the ratio of the successive power sums of the roots. 1732 Leonard Euler (1707-1783) tries to find solutions of polynomial equations of degree n as sums of nth roots, but fails. 1733 Halley solves the quadratic in trigonometric functions. 1748 Colin Maclaurin (1698-1746) generalizes Newton's relations for powers greater than the degree of the polynomial. 1757 Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777) gives series solutions of trinomial equations: xp + x + r = 0 1762 Etienne Bezout (1730-1783) tries to find solutions of polynomial equations of degree n as linear combinations of powers of an nth root of unity, but fails. 1762 Euler tries to find solutions of polynomial equations of degree n as linear combinations of powers of an nth root, but fails. 1767 Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1813) expresses the real roots of a polynomial equation in terms of a continued fraction. 1769 Lagrange expands a function as a series in powers of another function and uses this to solve trinomial equations. 1770 Lagrange shows that polynomials of degree five or more cannot be solved by the methods used for quadratics, cubics, and quartics. He introduces the Lagrange resolvent, an equation of degree n!. 1770 Euler gives series solutions of: xm+n + axm + bxn = 0 1770 John Rowning (1699-1771) develops the first mechanical device for solving polynomial equations. Although the machine works for any degree in theory, it was only practical for quadratics. 1771 Gianfrancesco Malfatti (1731-1807), starting with a quintic, finds a sextic that factors if the quintic is solvable in radicals. 1772 Lagrange finds a stationary solution of the three body problem that requires the solution of a quintic. 1786 Erland Samuel Bring (1736-1798) proves that every quintic can be transformed to: z5 + az + b = 0 1796 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830) determines the maximum number of roots in an interval. 1799 Paolo Ruffini (1765-1822) publishes the book, General Theory of Equations, in which the Algebraic Solution of General Equations of a Degree Higher than the Fourth is Shown to Be Impossible. 1799 Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) proves the fundamental theorem of algebra: Every nonconstant polynomial equation has at least one root. 1801 Gauss solves the cyclotomic equation: z17 = 1 in square roots. 1819 William George Horner (1768-1847) presents his rule for the efficient numerical evaluation of a polynomial. Ruffini had proposed a similar idea. 1826 WilNiels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) publishes Proof of the Impossibility of Generally Solving Algebraic Equations of a Degree Higher than the Fourth. 1871 Ludwig Sylow (1832-1918) puts the finishing touches on Galois's proofs on solvability. 1873 Hermann Amandus Schwarz (1843-1921) investigates the relationship between hypergeometric differential equations and the group structure of the Platonic solids, an important part of Klein's solution to the quintic. 1877 Felix Klein (1849-1925) solves the icosahedral equation in terms of hypergeometric functions. This allows him to give a closed-form solution of a principal quintic. 1884, 1892 Ferdinand von Lindemann (1852-1939) expresses the roots of an arbitrary polynomial in terms of theta functions. 1885 John Stuart Cadenhead Glashan (1844-1932), George Paxton Young (1819-1889), and Carl Runge (1856-1927), show that all irreducible solvable quintics with the quadratic, cubic, and quartic terms missing have a spezial form. 1890, 1891 Vincenzo Mollame (1848-1912) and Ludwig Otto Hoelder (1859-1937) prove the impossibility of avoiding intermediate complex numbers in expressing the three roots of a cubic when they are all real. 1891 Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) presents an interation scheme that simultaneously determines all the roots of a polynomial. 1892 David Hilbert (1862-1943) proves that for every n there exists an nth polynomial with rational coefficients whose Galois group is the symmetric group Sn 1937 Scientists at Bell Labs build the Isograph, a precision instrument that calculates roots of polynomials up to degree 15. 1938, 1942 Emil Artin (1898-1962) uses field theory to develop the modern theory of algebraic equations. 1957 Vladimir Arnol'd, using results of Andrei Kolmogorov (1903-1987), shows that it is possible to express the roots of the reduced 7th degree polynomial in continuous functions of two variables, answering Hilbert's 13th problem in the negative. 1984 Hiroshi Umemura expresses the roots of an arbitrary polynomial through elliptic Siegel functions. 1989 Peter Doyle and Curt McMullen construct a generally convergent, purely iterative algorithm for the numerical solution of a reduced quintic, relying on the icosahedral equation. 1991, 1992 David Dummit and (independently) Sigeru Kobayashi and Hiroshi Nakagawa give methods for finding the roots of a general solvable quintic in radicals.