new curriculum sats parents (1)


Eager to Learn, Proud to Achieve

Key Stage 2 tests

Overview and changes

New national Curriculum

• In 2014 a New National Curriculum was implemented into schools.

• In 2016 – New tests have been designed to measure how well the children have learnt key skills, facts, information etc..

• The ‘look’ of the test hasn’t changed much

• The way that they are reported and the complexity and difficulty has changed.




New Tests Old Tests

1 Mental Maths Paper and 2 Problem solving papers

A possible 100 Marks were available

Mental – 20 marks (CD)

Paper A – 40 marks (40 minutes)

Paper B – 40 marks (40 minutes)

Focus on many aspects of Maths

1 Arithmetic Paper and 2 Problem

Solving and Reasoning Papers

A possible 110 marks are available

Arithmetic Paper – 40 marks (30 minutes)

Paper A – 35 marks (40 minutes)

Paper B – 35 marks (40 minutes)

Bigger emphasis on the number strands and fractions

A level 6 paper for higher achieving pupils

No level 6 papers

Tests have higher expectations.

They are more demanding.

This matches the New National Curriculum.


New tests Old tests

3 or 4 mini texts

Mixture of texts

Text 1 – lower challenge

Text 2 – more challenging questions

Text 3 – more challenging questions

Number of ways of recording answers – circle, writing, joining boxes, ticking boxes

15 minutes of reading time, 45 minutes to answer questions

Level 6 Paper

3 or 4 mini texts

Mixture of texts – but more narrative texts and only 1 information text

Text 1 questions will gain in difficulty as the questions progress

Text 2 questions will gain in difficulty as the questions progress

Text 3…

Number of ways of recording answers – circle, writing, joining boxes, ticking boxes

60 minutes to read and answer questions

No Level 6 Paper

Tests have higher expectations.

They are more demanding.

This matches the New National Curriculum


Some examples

• From the text, find and copy a word that describes how

Ruby felt.

• in a flash... (page 6) What does this tell you about the burning of rocks in space?

• The iguanodons are described as inoffensive brutes…

Look at the paragraph beginning: I do not know how long… (page 8). Explain how the descriptions of the iguanodons in this paragraph support the idea that they were both inoffensive and brutes. Use evidence from the text to support your answer

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling


Old tests

Paper 1 – Grammar, Punctuation and

Vocabulary – 50 marks (45 minutes)

Paper 2 – Spelling – 20 marks (around 15 minutes)

Speech marks

Connectives – and, so, but , because , when , if

Connectives – on the other hand, therefore

Time connectives - first, then, so, next

Connectives - after, before

Embedded clause/subordinating clause

Level 6 papers

New tests

Paper 1 – Grammar, Punctuation and

Vocabulary – 50 marks (45 minutes)

Paper 2 – Spelling – 20 marks (around 15 minutes)

Inverted commas

Co-ordinating conjunctions Subordinating conjunctions

Adverbs or adverbials (group of words)

Adverbs (of time)

Subordinating conjunctions or Prepositions of time

Relative clause

No level 6 papers

Tests have higher expectations.

They are more demanding.

This matches the New National Curriculum.

• Circle all the pronouns in the sentence below.

They bought new jumpers for themselves and a warm scarf for Dad.

• Punctuate this sentence correctly: sit down at once ordered the officer

• Fill in the blanks

One elephant, six _____

One mouse, three _____

One sheep, four ______

• Which sentence is in the passive voice?

– A. The man must have eaten five hamburgers.

– B . Five hamburgers must have been eaten by the man.


Writing – Expected Standard

Working at the expected standard (meeting all objectives below)

I can ……………………………………. through a range of writing for audiences and purposes

I can create atmosphere and advance the action

I can integrate dialogue to convey character

I can select vocabulary and sentence structures to match the level of formality

I can use a range of cohesive devices, within and across sentences and paragraphs

(including adverbials, repeated reference to the same thing, determiners, pronouns, conjunctions)

I can use passive and modal verbs mostly appropriately

I can use a wide range clauses, sometimes in different places in the sentences

I can use adverbials, preposition phrases and expanded noun phrases to add detail

I can use inverted commas, commas for clarity, and punctuation for parenthesis mostly correctly

I can make some correct use of semi-colons, dashes, colons and hyphens

I can spell most words correctly from the years 5 and 6 word list

I can maintain legibility, fluency and speed in handwriting

I can choose whether or not to join specific letters

Focus at home

• Reading a range of texts to support the children writing a wide range of texts

• Handwriting – all writing should be legible and joined

• Spelling – using the Y3 – Y6 spelling lists provided to practice spellings at home using a range of strategies taught in school

• Alan Peat Spell Fix Y3 – Y6 app (free)

• SPaG games


• Scaled scores – converting raw scores to a scaled score.

• The ‘pass scaled score’ mark will always be 100.

• The amount of correct marks on the test needed to achieve the pass mark will change over the years depending on the difficulty of the tests.

• The amount needed to get 100 scale score points is set after the exam has been sat from the data

(tests completed) and by a group of experienced teachers.






Scaled score Outcome

115 Met the expected standard



Met the expected standard

Did not meet the standard

Time table

Test Date

English Reading

SPaG paper

Monday 9



Tuesday 10



Arithmetic Paper

Reasoning Paper 1

Wednesday 11



Reasoning Paper 2 Thursday 12




• The school supports the Year 6 classes throughout the day and has designed its curriculum around the children’s needs.

• 1:1, small group tuition has been offered to some children who have been identified.

• Small group support within school – highly skilled staff.

• The support of Mr Lea with children’s worries etc…

• Stress free build up!

• Exam week we offer breakfast club – free of charge.

Top tips

• Reading at home – questioning to assist the understanding of what the children have read.

• Any kind of revision is great – practice what they have learnt at school.

– Ask the children to teach you what they have been taught

• Use the internet – thousands of websites.

– Key stage 2 Maths games, SPAG,

• Revision guides are available – WH Smiths, Letts…

• Revision mind maps to link learning

• Multiplication tables, division facts, real life problem solving in the supermarket, quick fire tests, spelling games etc.


• Complaints about whatsapp and other messaging systems – imessenger, facebook messenger etc. how they are being used at home.

• We make children aware of how to be safe on the

Internet and to be aware of what we are saying when online.

• We strongly recommend to the children not use facebook as the content is questionable and you must be 13 to sign up to the website.


• There are locks and blocks that parents can put on to phones, app stores and android stores.

• Fair usage agreements between yourselves and the children.

• Parents can be part of a ‘group’ so you can police the conversations that may go on.

• Facebook or other social media passwords can be kept by yourselves so that you can dip in and out of the account as and when required.
