ABERDEEN CIVIC FORUM CONSTITUTION As agreed at Civic Forum meeting of 25 Sept. 2002 and amended 31 May 2003, 7 March 2005, 3 Sept. 2007, 17 May 2008, 5 Sept. 2009, 27 Feb. 2010; 19 Feb 2011; 12 November 2013; and 17 February 2015 1 Title The Forum shall be called the “Aberdeen Civic Forum”, referred to hereinafter as “the Forum”. 2 Aims and Remit The aims of the Forum shall be as follows: - - - to enable communities in the City to participate fully and formally in the Community Planning process, to bring the voice of the community to the decision making table. to bring communities together to promote discussion and dialogue on issues of common interest in order to present their views to the Community Planning Aberdeen Board and its Groups (referred to hereinafter as “CPA”) and other organisations. to help build links between communities to uphold equality of opportunity principles by ensuring no one is treated less favourably on any grounds and to promote good relations. . The remit of the Forum shall be as follows: - - to discuss issues relevant to Community Planning arising from communities or CPA; to prioritise and comment on issues with a view to influencing the decisions of CPA and its constituent partners; to monitor the work of CPA and ensure that issues are progressed; to receive feedback from CPA on progress in relation to the Community Plan, and in particular the achievement of targets contained in the Plan; to act as a consultative forum for CPA and its constituent partners on proposals for the development of their services; to give feedback relating to the Forum’s activities to its constituent members; and to appoint representatives to CPA Groups and other bodies as appropriate and as required. 1 3 Membership The Forum shall be composed of community representatives as follows: (a) Area representatives: Each of the Community Council (CC) areas in Aberdeen shall be entitled to one voting representative, although any number of representatives from CCs can attend, only one nominated representative from each CC present, may vote. In areas where a Community Council exists, the CC will nominate members, although those nominated do not require to be Community Councillors. In areas where no CC exists, the Forum will seek area representatives from other community groups operating in the area. Representatives will serve for terms of 3 years to coincide with the 3-year term of office of Community Councils in the City with nominations after each triennial CC election. Where a vacancy arises on the Forum, the CC or Community of Interest (COI) is to be advised so that they can elect a replacement representative. (b) Communities of Interest representatives: Each of the established COI shall be entitled to one voting representative each, although any number of representatives from COI can attend, only one representative from each COI present may vote, (currently) Aberdeen City Youth Council Aberdeen Federation of Community Centres Aberdeen University Students’ Association Aberdeen Women’s Alliance Disability Advisory Group Ethnic Minority Forum Grampian Regional Equality Council Ltd Grampian Senior Citizens Forum Gypsies/Travellers Community North East LGBT+ Development Group North East Scotland Equalities Network Regeneration Matters In addition, the Forum may at its sole discretion, invite other recognised COI or Community Groups to become members of the Forum.. 2 Representatives will serve for terms of 3 years, to coincide with the 3-year term of office of CCs in the City, with nominations after each triennial CC election. Representatives of CPA may be invited to attend Forum meetings when their attendance relates to particular agenda items. 4 Substitution of Members If a Forum member is unable to attend a meeting of the Forum, a substitute nominated by his/her ,CC/COI may take his/her place at that meeting. Notice of such substitution should be given prior to the start of the meeting. 5 Attendance If any member of the Forum should miss three meetings concurrently, that member may be excluded from membership for the remainder of the current term of office. This will not apply if the said member has submitted an apology in advance (that is at least one working day prior to the meeting in question) and/or arranged for a substitute to attend on their behalf. 6 Quorum The quorum for a meeting of the Forum shall be 30% of its current voting membership. 7 Meetings The frequency and dates of meetings shall be determined by the Lead Group (see Section 10 below) but the Forum shall normally meet 4 times per year. Meetings of the Forum shall be held in public. 8 CPA Groups and Other Bodies - Forum Representation Membership of CPA Groups and other bodies shall be decided by election where the number of candidates exceeds the number of places available. The membership period shall be for 3 years unless, otherwise specified to coincide with the 3 year term of office of Forum members. 9 Code of Conduct Members of the Forum will adhere to the Code of Conduct in respect of their attendance at Forum meetings, Lead Group meetings and any other meetings at which they represent the Forum. 3 The Chairperson will preserve order during meetings and ensure that any member wishing to speak is given the opportunity to do so and a fair hearing. The Chairperson will be entitled to rule on the competence or acceptability of a contribution to the discussion at a meeting and their decision shall be final. If any member disregards the authority of the Chairperson, or acts in an offensive or disruptive manner at a meeting, the Chairperson may move that such member be suspended for the remainder of the meeting or until a time to be specified. If seconded, the motion shall be put to a vote by show of hands without discussion. If the motion is successful the suspended member shall leave the room immediately. If the motion is unsuccessful, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting until a specified time. 10 Lead Group The Forum shall elect a Lead Group after each triennial Community Council election for the coming 3 years. (a) Functions of Lead Group Generally the Lead Group shall have a responsibility to conduct the business of the Forum between meetings and to work to fulfil the Forum’s aims. This shall include: preparing for Forum meetings (i.e. agenda building, practical arrangements etc); preparing for each meeting of CPA (i.e. to consider agenda items, their implications for communities, and the likely views of communities); making any substantive changes to the job description of the Civic Forum Development Officer in conjunction with the Chief Executive of Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO); undertaking other tasks consistent with the Forum’s role (e.g. giving views in response to consultation exercises, making practical arrangements, minor developments); being responsible for approving and taking action on the decisions of the Forum; and approving minutes of meetings of the Forum to enable actions to be taken promptly on the understanding that the Forum will continue to have consideration of its previous minutes on its agendas so that members can raise matters referred to in the minutes if they wish to do so. 4 (b) Generally the Lead Group shall either seek approval in advance for action it intends to undertake, or where appropriate report subsequently to the Forum . Membership of Lead Group The Lead Group shall consist of 18 members of the Forum, being 9 members from CCs and 9 members from COI elected after each triennial Community Council election by those Forum members, or their substitutes, present at the appropriate Forum meeting, in accordance with the following:Forum members representing CC areas in North, Central and South Aberdeen, originally defined by Aberdeen City Council shall each elect from among their number: 3 Lead Group members, from each area Only members of the constituency in which the vacancy arises will be eligible to vote. Forum members representing COI shall elect from among their number: 9 Lead Group members Elections shall be conducted on the basis of a “first past the post” system. (c) Quorum The quorum for a meeting of the Lead Group shall be 40% of its current voting membership. (d) Office Bearers The Lead Group shall elect from among its number a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to chair its meetings and meetings of the Forum. The person conducting the election process shall offer the Group the opportunity of a secret ballot and if a minimum of 3 members present indicate they agree with the request, a secret ballot will take place immediately. Otherwise election by show of hands shall proceed. 5 11 Working Groups The Forum or the Lead Group may establish Working Groups comprising Forum members and such other persons with particular expertise or interest as may be appropriate, to undertake specific work on its behalf. 12 Administration The Forum shall receive administrative support from ACVO and other support, as appropriate, from Aberdeen City Council and other CPA partners. The Civic Forum and Lead Group will be clerked by ACVO normally the Civic Forum Development Officer. 13 Alterations to the Constitution Proposals to amend this Constitution must be notified in writing to the Civic Forum Development Officer, at least four weeks prior to the date of meeting of the Forum. The Development Officer must circulate to members of the Forum any proposed change at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. Amendments must receive the support of two thirds of those present and voting. 6