St. Augustine Catholic School Summer Math

St. Augustine Catholic School
Summer Math Learning Packet
Students Entering Grade 6
When you don’t use it, you lose it. You are away from school and focused mathematics for 10 weeks. According to one study, that means you
will lose 2.6 months of the skills and knowledge that you had when you left school! For this reason, students need to practice math concepts
and processes. Intentional practice will help you reach mastery of the material (how to do the math) and increase fluency (how easily and
quickly you can do it). The problems in this set are based on the skills from last year, and what you will need for the upcoming year.
What Parents Can Do to Support
Make a plan for completion, especially with concerns about family vacations.
Help your child to identify the areas in which your child is both strong and weak.
Check in with your child periodically, reviewing their progress in completion.
Create a system to monitor your child’s progress.
Student Accountability
I spent at least 10 minutes a day, 3 to 4 times a week, for at least 8 weeks, reviewing math topics. I completed at least 250 minutes of math
practice over the course of the summer. This includes completion of the calendar problems. I recorded my minutes on the tracking sheet. I
have the journal, solution page, and work as evidence of my progress.
Student Signature
Apps for iPad / iPhone:
Websites to Explore:
No, this is not an excuse to buy either a smart phone
or a tablet. Some of you do have access, so I’m providing
Again, the whole point is to use the math, so I’ve
listed these websites as another place to explore and
practice math skills that may need some work. They’re
another way to get beyond paper/pencil drill.
this section as one more way for you “to get a little math”
while having some summer fun.
My Math Flash Cards (Free)
This is a simple app to review math facts for all operations:
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
MathDrills Lite (Free)
Again, this is a no-frills app that reviews math facts, but it
uses number lines and other virtual manipulatives to help
with some ideas.
NineGaps ($0.99 – iPhone only)
A math puzzle in which you use the digits from 1-9, with
arithmetic operations to solve the problem.
Conundra Math (Free)
A number game in which you combine a series of numbers to
get a specified value.
Fraction Monkey ($2.99)
This is Angry Birds meets Fraction drill. Students practice
all 4 major operations with fractions.
5th Grade Math: Splash Math Worksheets
This is a review of 5th grade topics including decimals,
fractions, pre-algebra, measurement, and geometry. I’d
love to say this is free, but you can only get 1 chapter free.
The whole set is $9.99.
IXL ( )
IXL provides practice for every major skill and standard.
You can purchase a month subscription for $9.95, but
the site allows trial before purchase!
The Math Forum ( )
The Math Forum includes a Student Center with resources
and grade-level material, including Dr. Math and Math Tips
and tricks.
That Quiz ( )
This website provides math activities for all concepts, skills,
and operations from basic arithmetic to calculus! (And
there’s a science review, too!)
Math Illuminations ( )
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics offers a set
of games and activities in specific grade ranges.
Figure This ( )
In the Challenge section, students at the middle school level
tackle real word math problems.
July 2013 (Sixth Grade Math)
Express the number 60
two ways, using fractions or
decimals, and at least 2
Nine friends have six
sandwiches to share. What
fraction of a sandwich does
each person get?
I am a 3-dimensional
shape. I have 6 lateral faces
(sides) that are all the same
size. What am I?
Apple pies for 4th of July!
It takes 3 lb. of apples to
make a pie. Four apples
make 1 lb. How many
pounds of apples will be
needed to make 4 pies?
¾ or 75% is the answer;
what could the possible
question be?
A California Condor has a
wingspan of 114 inches. How
many feet is that?
What fractional portion
of the two-digit numbers has
a 6 in it?
Predict the number of
times “heads” will show up
when you flip a coin 20 times.
Flip a quarter 20 times.
Record the results. Was it the
same as your prediction?
I am an even palindrome
(ex., 464). The product of the
digits is 324, and the sum is
21. What number am I?
George Washington
Carver was born this day in
1864. He died in 1943. How
old was he when he died?
Record the time you go
to sleep and get up for five
days. Figure out the total
number of minutes that you
slept for the week. What is
the average number of
minutes you sleep per night?
Suppose 8 pennies are
placed in a row, heads up.
You want to make a
rectangular border around
the pennies, consisting of
pennies, tails up. How many
pennies do you need to make
the border?
Ms. Driscoll’s property is in
the shape of a square, with
100 m on each side. She
plans to put a fence around
her property that will have a
post every 10 m. How many
fence posts will there be?
A freight train is half of a
mile long. It approaches a
tunnel traveling 60 mi/hr. If
the tunnel is 1 mile long, how
long will it take the train to
pass completely through?
Mimi is tacking 6 posters
on her wall. Every poster
needs a tack in each corner.
What the least number of
tacks Mimi needs to hang the
posters so that each poster
can be seen completely?
A cabinet filled with
clothing weighs 27 kg. The
same cabinet filled with
books weighs 132 kg. If the
books weigh 8 times as much
as the clothing, what is the
mass of the empty cabinet?
A page in a book is 10.5
inches high. The printed area
is 8.25 inches high, and the
margin at the top of the page
is 0.125 inches. How high is
the bottom margin?
Abigail has $1.40 in dimes
and quarters in her pocket.
She has a different number of
each kind of coin. How many
quarters does she have?
Originally, the search
engine “Google” was
supposed to be “Googol.”
What’s a googol? Use Google
to find out about a googol.
Eric and Jan leave their
house at 1:00 p.m., following
the same route. Eric walks at
leisurely 2 mph for 2 hours,
then jogs at 6 mph. When
does he catch up with her?
Measure and record the
heights of your family in
inches. What is the
difference between the tallest
and the shortest person?
One hundred runners
enter a race. Of those, 24
runners do not finish it. All
those who finish run a
combined distance of 456
miles. How long is the race?
A farmer has cows and
ducks. There are 78 feet and
27 heads. How many of each
animal are there?
August 2013 (Sixth Grade Math)
I am a 4-sided figure; all
my sides are equal. What am
Cut a string 10 cm long.
Find 3 things today that are
10 cm long.
If you saved two cents
every day in the month of
July, how much money would
you have saved at the end of
the month?
Would you rather have
5/12, 4/8, or 3/4 of a
chocolate bar? Why?
If you buy 3 apps for
$2.99 each, how much will
you have left in your account
if the beginning balance was
Is a 3-gallon pitcher large
enough to hold 25 pints of
Five painters can paint 5
houses in 1 day. How many
days will it take 2 of these
painters to paint 1 house?
I am a number less than
50. When divided by 5, my
remainder is 4. Who am I? Is
there more than 1 correct
Write a word problem in
which you must use addition,
and the numbers 1/2 and
Audrey did 120 sit-ups.
Laura did 150 sit-ups. Laura
said, “I did ¼ more than you.”
Audrey said, “No, I did 1/5
less than you.” Who is right?
Make a paper airplane.
Fly it 5 times. What is the
average distance that your
plane flew each time.
Find a percent in a news
article. For what was it used?
If you spend $100 a day,
how many days will it take
for you to spend one million
Larry is going to cut
shelves from a 12-ft board.
Each cut he makes takes him
1 ½ minutes. If he spends 9
minutes sawing, how many
shelves will he make?
If 4 GLURBS equal 5
BLAGS, and 6 BLAGS equal 3
equal 1 GLURB?
Jen is 12. Amy is 13. In
25 years, what will be the
product of their ages?
If you multiply the
mystery number by 8, then
subtract 24, and then divide
by 4, and subtract 1, you get
5. What is the mystery
Look around your house.
Find two examples of parallel
Thirteen members of a
book club read a mystery.
Ten read science fiction. Six
of these members choose to
read both. How many people
are in the book club?
Joyce took a 3-day
bicycle trip. On the second
day, she rode 36 miles. On
the third day, she rode 3
times as far as she did on the
first day. If the trip was 108
miles long, how far did she
travel on the first day?
Twelve cars on a Ferris
wheel are numbered in order
from 1 to 12. When car 7 is
at the top, what car is at the
bottom? Which cars will be
halfway up when car 11 is the
It cost $0.29 to mail a
letter and $0.19 to mail a post
card. She spent $2.79 on
postage. How many letters
and post cards did she write?