Kingston Elementary School PTA Board Meeting Date: 1/15/13


Kingston Elementary School

PTA Board Meeting

Date: 1/15/13

Meeting called to order: 7:02

In attendance: Greg Furlich, Nancy Stephenson, Beth Royle, Rebecca Provost, Lee

Burnett, Leica Nguyen, Lisa West, Kim Urch, Tommy Clements, Erin Leavitt, Tom

Kern, Alicia Mangels, Nicole Housel, Kim Denton, Maria Lamb

President – Nancy Stephenson

Welcome and Introduction

Thanked volunteers and teachers for all their hard work this year

Read correspondence from Peggy Kern, Molly Debo, Mary Jane Cowan, the front office staff (Mrs. Bashford, Mrs. Keltner, Mrs. Granlund, and Mrs. Hemphill) thanking the PTA for the holiday luncheon

Announced the Financial Report and Minutes from November 2012 have been on the website

Erin Leavitt made a motion to approve the November Minutes

Kim Urch seconded the motion

The November minutes were approved by unanimous vote

Announced that Kingston has invited the new School Board members to the school on Jan. 29 th

at 7:00 for a meet and greet and Q&A session. Sponsored by the PTA, and all are welcome, including surrounding schools, churches, all community. Email Nancy Stephenson with any questions you would like to have posed to the School Board at the meeting.

Administration Report – Greg Furlich (Principal)

Thanked the PTA on behalf on Mrs. Breaux for recognizing the Teacher of the

Year finalists with Tervis Tumblers

Announced Mrs. Huisenga as the Teacher of the Year for Kingston; will move onto the next city-wide level

Congratulated everyone on a successful book swap and reported that in conjunction with the Principal from Tri-Campus, we will donate the remaining books to children in need of books.

Reported that the Kingston 4 th graders took the SAT 10 and the results were very good – students scored 2 nd

in the city in math and reading only behind ODC

Treasurer Report – Leica Nguyen

Reported that after a conversation with our Accountant and Auditor and due to a new tax code, we will need a current completed W-9 form from all vendors for all amounts. It is now a required document for processing check requests. Leica will be sending a letter to all vendors we have worked with this year to ask them for a

W-9. We only need one on file per school year for each vendor.

Reimbursement Policy: The process for reimbursement is ten (10) business days to turn the check around (Monday-Friday; weekends not included) You will not be reimbursed without original receipts or paid invoice.

Total cash on hand at the beginning of this reporting period: $44,483.29

Total cash on hand at the end of this reporting period: $41,421.38

Checking Account has $28,259.29; Savings Account has $10,047.50

CD: $3,114.59

Year to Date Financial Activity (as of 1/13/2013):

Income: $54,770.74

Expense: $33,483.47

Net: $21,287.27

Several fundraisers that are under budgeted income:

All American Run: Net Income down by $1,785; Net Income $6097 – budgeted net income $7882 and expenses were up by $1200; Beach Ford did not reimburse

$116 of expenses; Race Registration income was down by $751

Auction: budgeted to make $1500, but did not hold an auction this year

Carnival Concessions: Net Income down by $518

Cougar Fund: at 90% of goal; net income down by $2296. Corporate matching funds to come in. Big Cat Commitment still to come.

Spirit Wear down by $258

Will be looking at other lines to balance the budget.

3 rd Vice President (Ways and Means) – Lee Burnett

We have reached $19,701 with Cougar Fund donations with 151 families participating; asking to please donate if have not already – this funds all PTA programs; reminded everyone that we retain $3.75 from the PTA membership dues of $6.00 whereas 100% of Cougar Fund donations go directly to school.

Holiday Lights made $298 in profit

2 nd Vice President (Membership) – Rebecca Provost

Reported 689 members with a goal of 700; only 12 staff members left to join; we get an award for 100% staff participation – hoping to reach that. Dues are $6.00

Especially For You

Information night for 5 th

grade parents only is Feb. 6 th

at 7:00 in the MPR; Parent letter approved and going out in Thursday folders

Program Reports:

School Store – Lisa West

 Lisa West made a motion stating, “The school store is requesting permission to exceed our budgeted expense by $250 to purchase more items to be sold.

We expect to bring in additional revenue of $500 by May.”

Motion seconded by Kim Denton and approved by unanimous vote

Oyster Reef – Erin Leavitt

Made a statement as follows: “CBI is requesting a budget addendum. They would like to add a new line item “Whale Watching Trip” to this year’s budget. They are requesting revenue equal to $1,590. Expenses will only by paid up to the amount of income received. All money must be deposited into the PTA account BEFORE expenses can be paid by the PTA treasurer.”

Beth Royle made a motion to approve the budget addendum and it was seconded by Kim Denton.

Passed by unanimous vote

Erin explained that a $900 check was needed for the whale watching charter and it must be paid with a check from Kingston. Needs to be a line item, yet it is budget neutral. There is a deadline for the money and there will be no refunds given.

VIE – Nicole Housel

Volunteer of the Year nominations due by Feb. 8 th ; she will put together a committee to make the decision (committee will consist of Nicole Housel, Mr.

Furlich, Mr. Clements and others to be announced)

Nominee will move to the city wide Volunteer of the Year

Volunteers for last month were Lisa West and Joy Battafarano

AR – Sara Tucker and Melissa Garrison (reported by Lee Burnett)

The future of AR is in jeopardy because the computer systems are not updated to withstand the new AR format; will need to investigate to determine if this program is economically feasible to continue in the future.

For now, AR has been in effect since December after a two-week delay due to the computer incompatibility. The first graders began in January.

So far, 25 students are at level 3 and smaller numbers have reached levels four and five – 5 students have already reached level 6

All teachers received box of charms/supplies, etc as well as instructions on how the program is running this year. Sending out weekly updates to teachers letting them know which of their students has reached which level and asking them to hand out appropriate dog tag charm. Individual reports sent to teachers at the end of the month.

Looking to purchase books for those students reaching level 5 to add to the collection in library. Low on books for grades 4 and 5. If we do not secure donations from Yogala or Skinny Dip for $3 gift cards, will look to host the first level 3 ice cream party in the cafeteria the week of Jan. 28 th


Variety Show – Kara Minson and Besty Kainer (reported by Lee Burnett)

Show is Feb. 22 coupled with General Membership Meeting

Rehearsals started and all acts are lined up and are going well

Using the 8 Habits to help children find their voice

Have stayed within budget

Hospitality - Alicia Mangels

Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) is March 18-22 with a staff appreciation luncheon on that Wed the 20 th

which is a half-day

Holiday luncheon went well with many thanks to volunteers for delicious food and great effort

February will be a week honoring school counselors

Thrift Shop – Kim Denton

Website is up and running; can tag, sign-up to sell; volunteer sign-ups available on line at

Sale is March 2 nd

NOTE: Consignor pick-up is between 3:00-3:30; anything left behind in building after that time will be donated

No children will be allowed during volunteer hours

Donations going to Disabled Vets

Need help with publicity – passing out flyers, etc. Let Kim know if you can help

Need large shopping bags – let Kim know if you have any

IT help: need help hooking up scanners and computers more efficiently

Cultural Arts – Chris Chewning and Jen Echea (reported by Nancy Stephenson)

Budget is $3,000

Black History Month will be recognized on Feb. 21 st

with Madame CJ Walker program

Last Program will be March 11 th

– Colonial Days

Book Swap – Kim Urch and Sue Bettis

143 students participated

2008 books swapped

Teachers were invited to come and take 10 books for the classrooms

Extra books being donated to Tri-Campus

 Made $250 on last day during “fire sale”

New Business: Mr. Clements thanked the PTA for the teacher grant to invite the

Virginia Beach Steppers who came to school for grades 3-5

Next Meeting: Feb. 22 nd

prior to Variety Show

Meeting Adjourned: 8:25

Respectfully Submitted,

Beth Royle

