Classroom Program Planning. Week/topics Wk 1 (1) 16-20 July PD Day Area Study 1 Power and Authority Wk 2 (2) 23-27 July Years 10-12 Academic Award Assembly (1 Aug.) Unit ¾ Parent teacher interviews (2 Aug) Area Study 1 Power and Authority Wk 3 (1) 30 July-3 August Area Study 1 Power and Authority Subject/Unit: People and Power Civil Rights in USA Learning Strategies and Activities: (Including Learning Technologies use) Assessment Tasks: Term 3 Begins Course outline Introductory activities Segregation of the 1930s: Photo Analysis and Worksheet Introductory activity: Film analysis: ‘Remember the Titans’ or ‘Help’ which highlights segregation in US or Mississippi Burning Content: PowerPoint: Declaration of Independence and American constitution and or Workbook Research Activity ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ Workbook Activity: Research Activity on Declaration of Independence. Content: Handout: ‘How Free and Equal’ were Afro Americans by 1954? Crossword on glossary terms on Civil Rights ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ Workbook Activity: Investigation on Early black rights leaders and formation of KKK. Content: Activity: Jim Crow laws on wikis Handout: National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) Cartoon analysis Possible Film analysis: Guess who is coming to Dinner Content: Dissecting the film: Guess who is coming to Dinner and its relationship with the Jim Crow laws and segregation. Revisit scenes from the ‘Remember the Titans’ or ‘Help’ or ‘Help’ or ‘Mississippi Burning’ in relation to Jim Crow. Comparison between the two films. Preparation for SAC 1: Visual analysis of a cartoon or film. SAC 4: Work Book Outcome 1 and Outcome 4 Wk 4 (2) 6-10 August Odyssey Week Year 11 Formal (10 Aug) Area Study 2 Dissenting groups and challenges Preparation for SAC 1 i.e. bringing together key ideas and content Outcome 1 and Outcome 4 Complete SAC 1 Outcome 2A Begin SAC 2A: Oral Presentation. Students investigate a particular Civil Rights Leader and Key Events. Content: Handout: Segregation in the United States in the 1950s. Handout: Brown v. Board of Education Handout: Written Document analysis of Brown v. Board of Education SAC 1: Visual analysis of a cartoon or film. Wk 5 (1) 13-17 August Exeat weekend Years 10-12 Winter Sports Assembly (15 Aug.) Handout: Online investigation of Little Rock. Handout: Photo analysis of Little Rock Content: Handout: Film analysis on the Montgomery Bus Boycott and/or/or Mississippi Burning/Remember the Titans ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ Workbook Activity: Comparison questions on the film analysis. Cross campus Football/netball (17 Aug) Area Study 2 Dissenting groups and challenges Wk 6 (2) 20-24 August Year 10 & 11 Parent Teacher Interviews (21 August) Wk 7 (1) 27-31August- Area Study 2 Dissenting groups and challenges Wk 8 (2) 3-7 September Years 10-12 Winter Sports/Arts/ Service Awards (5 Sept) Area Study 2 Dissenting groups and challenges Wk 9. (1) 10-14 September Area Study 2 Dissenting groups and challenges Outcome 2A SAC 2A: Oral/Multimedia Presentation Content: Film analysis of Mississippi Burning or Remember the Titans-relates well to Little Rock-Desegregation of schools. Handout: Investigation of Mississippi Burning. Preparation for SAC 2B: Essay Presentations to be completed. Content: Handouts/Activities: Montgomery bus boycott and Rosa Parks Handout: Film analysis on the Montgomery Bus Boycott and/or/or Mississippi Burning/Remember the Titans Handout: newspaper article: Klan Kingpin charged Outcome 2B Handout: Preparation sheet for Outcome 2B Content: Excerpts from film: Malcolm X and documentary on Martin Luther King Preparation for an essay on the groups e.g. NAACP and Malcolm X and the events that help to mobilize people, and challenge authority. Students begin researching several key individuals and groups relating to the civil rights movement by utilizing the Internet. Preparation for SAC 2B: Essay Outcome 2B SAC 2B: Essay Students work on their research for their essay so that their notes are ready for the SAC. Preparation for the SAC. Compiling the key ideas and content through inspiration or other graphic organizers. Complete Essay under test conditions. Content: Handout: ‘We shall overcome’ did they? SAC 4: WORKBOOK Wk 10 (2) 17-21 September Area Study 3 Change Handout: The growing Militancy of the Civil Rights Movement, 1950-1980. Content: PowerPoint presentation on the background information PowerPoint on 1964 Civil rights Act success? Handout: Birmingham 1963 PowerPoint 1964 Civil rights Act The legacy Newspaper article: fifty years after Rosa Parks, it’s still a black and white world. ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ Workbook Activity: Reflection piece of success of the individuals/organisations. Wk 1 (1) 8-12 October PD Day End of Term 3 Term 4 Begins Outcome 2B Preparation for Historiographical Exercise Area Study 3 Change Wk 2 (2) 15-19 October Outcome 2B Preparation for Historiographical Exercise Preparation for SAC 3: Historiographical Exercise SAC 3: Historiographical Exercise Exam Area Study 3 Change Wk 3 (1) 22-26 October Revision Handout given Exam Preparation Exam Students are to work on their exam notes. Exam Preparation Final Assembly for Year 12s (22 Oct) Valedictory Dinner (22 Oct) Area Study 3 Change Wk 4 (2) 29 October-2 November Melbourne Cup/Exeat Weekend Year 12 Examinations start on 1th November Exam Revision for the Exam Exam Preparation Wk 5 (1) 5-9 November Year 10 /11 Examinations start (9 Nov.) Start of Exam Week Wk 6 (2) 12-16 November Exam Week Finishes Year 11 Examinations finish (21 Nov.) Year 10 Examinations finish (16 Nov.) Wk 7 (1) 19-23 November Year 10 work Experience Preparatory Program Begins for VCE Subjects. Year 11 Preparatory Program (22 Aug) Wk 8 (2) 26-30 November Last day of classes for Years 10 & 11 (30 Nov) End of Term 4 for Year 11 students