Adopt-An-Element Requirements: 1 ) Complete an Adopt An Element information sheet. (26% of grade ) You may use a variety of reference sources. Possible ideas are encyclopedias (book or CD Rom ), science catalogs , magazines, books a n d /or Internet sites*. Information sheets must be neat, typed or written in black ink , a n d contain all the information requested . You also need to provide a list of your sources on the back of your information sheet. A minimum of three sources are required. 2 ) Create an advertisement for your element. (14 % of grade) The advertisement must include the element’s name, symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, cost , and an advert is in g slogan that describes one or more of its important uses. Advertisements must be neat, colorful, and contain all the information listed above. You m a y add pictures that relate to your advertisement theme. Example: Be sure to include: Element’s symbol Element’s name Atomic number Atomic mass Ad slogan Cost Your name 33 74 .9 Atomic Mass Atomic Number As Symbol & Name Arsenic Add pictures or drawings that illustrate the various uses for your element. Arsenic’s a sure fire way to deal with a nasty rat, It works better than a mean old cat! Slogan Your ad must follow the same format As this example! Cos t = $3 .20 for 1 gram Cost John Smith A list of periodic table sites is available on The Science Spot Go to Kid Zone, then choose Chemistry Links Or Or Na me Requirement 3: After completing your Adopt an Element and Fact sheet you must write a 4 paragraph essay on the information you have found. The essay must be typed and include an introduction, 2 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. When writing your paragraphs be sure each paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting detail sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Each paragraph should include the information listed below: Introduction: - Name of your element - Origin of name - Who discovered your element? - When was the element discovered? - Where was it discovered? - What is the symbol for your element? - What family does it belong to? - What is the classification for this element? - What phase of matter is it normally in? (Solid, liquid, or gas?) Body paragraph 1- description of element - Describe what atomic number and atomic mass is - The atomic number of your element - The atomic mass of your element - How did can you find the atomic mass of your element -How can you find the atomic number of your element? - How many electrons, protons, and neutrons are in the element? - Description of what a proton, neutron and electron are Body Paragraph 2- Interesting facts and uses for the element - What are the uses of this element? - What other things does this element create? - Any interesting facts about this element Conclusion- Restate in a sentence the element you wrote your essay on - Write a sentence summarizing your first body paragraph - Write a sentence summarizing your second body paragraph - Write a conclusion sentence Adopt An Element Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fact Sheet Element Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass # of Proton s # of Neutron s # of Electrons Melting Point Boiling Point Norm a l Phase o_C _ o_C_ Cos t = Classification: ❍ Nonmetal My element belongs to the for ❍ Metal ❍ Metalloid family. Origin of Name Discovered by Interesting Info: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. in May include important uses, interesting facts, common compounds, etc. Adopt -An -Element Project Lis t Teacher Information Visit the Chemicool site for details on cost information. * Cost listed on Los Alamos ** No cos t available H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc* Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Rn* Ce Pr Nd Pm* Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th* Cm* Cf* U** Ra** Es**