Element Project PBL

Dr. Elemental
MW Industries
Physical Science Students
Woodville Tompkins High School
Dear Students,
Our Company, MW Industries, is a large chemical company based in the United States of America.
We are currently seeking help of high school students like you to assist with putting together a large
data base of elements that we could use in the manufacturing of different compounds used in
everyday life.
In order for you to help us we have certain criteria that will need to be researched before your
presentation. I have provided your teacher with a form that should help you in your pursuit of
knowledge. Please make sure that this is filled out correctly and neatly, also it would help if it was
completed in Black Ink for professional purposes.
Please be prepared to present your information. You may practice on your classmates first and
your teacher can help with judging the quality of the information that you have gained for our
Thank you for your help in completing our data base.
Dr. Elemental
MW Industries
Element Project
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to promote familiarity of the Periodic
Table and its families of elements. The student will gain an understanding of
characteristics of elements and how those characteristics are related to
everyday life.
1. Complete an Information Paper for your element. 40 pts.
Dr. Elemental has requested that you find the following information for your
element. You may use a variety of resources. Possible ideas are encyclopedias,
science catalogs, and or internet sites. Sources must be turned in, in APA style.
Minimum of 3! The Information sheet should be written in BLACK INK and
contain all the information requested. If you don’t want to use the information
sheet you may create your own, but it will need to be printed or written in
2. Create a presentation for your element. 30 pts
You will also need to create a presentation that would promote your element’s
significance to MW Industries. You must include the element’s name, symbol,
atomic number, atomic mass, and a promotion slogan that describes one or more of
its important uses for chemical companies. The presentation must be neat, colorful,
and contain all the information listed above. This can be presented however you
would like, either through song, poster, t-shirt, video, or anything else (please run it
by me first). However, Dr. Elemental does not like presentations such as
PowerPoints or Prezis, so for his sake we will not use these. You must use pictures
that relate to your element’s theme. You will have to present to the class and to your
3. Create a 3-D atomic model of your element. 30 pts
Lastly, Dr. Elemental and MW Industrial have requested that you make a 3-D model
of your chosen element. This will need to include all the structures that are present in
the atom of that element. Please present the electrons in orbits around the nuclei
using the proper atomic model.
Birth of your element:
1. When was this element discovered?
2. Who discovered it?
3. Where was it discovered?
Symbol __________
Atomic Number__________
Atomic Mass__________
Number of Protons__________Number of Neutrons_________Number of Electrons__________
Draw a Lewis Dot Diagram of your element.
Draw a Bohr model of this element. Use the most common mass number for the atom.
What are the common isotopes of this element?
What group does this element belong to, or what part of the periodic table is he/she located?
Does he/she have any famous brothers or sisters (well-known elements in this group or part of
the table)?
What are some common properties of elements in this group or part of the table?
Chemical and physical properties:
state at room temperature:
metal, metalloid, or nonmetal:
melting point:
common charge(s) of ion:
How does your element’s position in the periodic table relate to its properties?
What common compounds is your element found in?
How or in what form is your element found in nature?
How is this element obtained or isolated for use by humans?
Where in the world are large amounts (major deposits) of this element found?
Special Qualities:
Why is your element important? (What is it used for, necessary for, or what danger does it
Where might you come in contact with this element or its compounds?
What nickname will you give your element if this adoption is granted?
References in APA style: Use at least one book. Must have a minimum of 3.