national learning collaborative


Partnership for Diabetes Health Equity (PDHE)

Learning Collaborative



The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation/Morehouse School of Medicine Partnership for Diabetes Health

Equity (PDHE) is launching a 12-month learning collaborative for primary care and community organization partnerships. Approximately fifteen (15) to eighteen (18) diabetes/health equity coalitions and/or groups of partner organizations will be chosen to participate in this Learning Collaborative which is based on The

Institute for Healthcare Improvement Breakthrough Series Model.


The Collaborative will assist PDHE Teams to:


Build community and primary care clinic health equity coalitions that include stakeholders and executive leadership from all three elements (clinic, community, and data collection entity) of the

3-element model for achieving diabetes health equity;


Increase the depth, strength, and effectiveness of any of the elements that are identified as “weak links”;


Increase the collaboration, coordination, and cohesion within partnerships by collaboratively identifying clinical care, process and system changes that will promote improved diabetes health outcomes for individuals living in communities with documented health disparities;


Initiate testing those changes;


Collect data and share analysis to drive rapid improvements in health outcomes and quality of care, while reducing costs.

The PDHE Learning Collaborative does not include any funding or financial resources. Instead, it is an exciting and valuable opportunity to improve the current systems in existing diabetes care.

As a PDHE Team you will:

Learn from expert faculty who have been successful in working to reduce diabetes disparities

Learn how to use quality improvement methodology not only for this initiative, but also for future health equity initiatives

 Learn how to use rapid cycle evaluation tools and data for improvement

 Learn from communities across the country that share your aim of decreasing diabetes in minority communities and are working to adopt and improve clinic design, community partnerships, collaboration and patient support, and effective data collection to drive rapid improvements.


PDHE Learning Collaborative is national in scope and teams will be established throughout the US based on geography and patient population. Participating teams will focus on improving system processes and/or care within individual elements as well as care coordination among:

 Primary care clinics

 Community based organizations

 Data collection and analysis entities


Learning collaborative members must agree to participate in the following learning activities over the period of July 7, 2015 to August 31, 2016:


July 7, 2015

Learning Activity

Kick Off: A virtual, day-long event that introduces your team to the Model for

Improvement, the learning collaborative charter, and assists you in beginning to



July 8, 2015 –

August 30, 2015

August 31, 2015 –

September 1, 2015

September 2, 2015 –

January 10, 2016

January 11, 2016 plan your own charter, define your target population, and organize your team.

Pre-work: Establish teams, develop team charter, prepare baseline data, initiate testing of key changes by running

PDSA cycles, and finalize target populations.

Learning Session 1: Development of action plans, further introduction to key changes to improve diabetes health outcomes, and introduction to the collaborative measures.

Action Period 1: Identifying appropriate system, process, and partnership changes based on action plans, initiate testing of those changes, collecting and shared analysis of data, and participation in virtual learning community, virtual visits, and monthly conference calls with mentor.

Learning Session 2: Implementation of action plans, further introduction to key changes to improve diabetes health outcomes, peer to peer sharing and learning from PDSA cycles and evaluation, and review/analysis of collaborative measures.

Medicine National Center for

Primary Care, Atlanta, GA


Morehouse School of

Virtual meetings with faculty

 In person and virtual meetings at home site.

Morehouse School of

Medicine National Center for

Primary Care, Atlanta, GA



January 12, 2016 –

May 8, 2016

Learning Activity

Action Period 2: Ongoing testing of appropriate system, process, and partnership changes based on action plans, begin implementation of changes that demonstrate improvement, peer to peer analysis of data, and participation in virtual learning community, virtual visits, and monthly conference calls with mentor.


Virtual meetings with faculty

In person and virtual meetings at home site.

May 9, 2016

May 10, 2016 –

August 31, 2016

Learning Session 3: Synthesize learning fom past year of testing of Diabetes related changes and implementation, begin plan for spread of successful changes beyond target population and throughout organization/community.

Action Period 3: Implementation of spread plan, planning for dissemination of “best practices”, and planning for next phase of PDHE partnerships’ work.

Voluntary in person/virtual

 Virtual meetings with faculty

In person and virtual meetings at home site

September 1, 2016 Learning Session 4: Celebrate successes and report out.



Approximately fifteen(15) to eighteen(18) organizational teams will be selected to participate in the collaborative.

PDHE seeks to be inclusive of all eligible organizations interested in participating. However, selection will be based, in part, on organization leadership commitment and support, the existing functionality of the coalition or partner organizations, capacity and ability of the coalition or partner organizations to implement a missing 3 rd element and develop and maximize the connections between the elements.

Important Application Dates

March 31, 2015 – May 1, 2015

April 13, 2015 @ 2PM EST

May 1, 2015

Application period

Q&A Conference Call

Application submission deadline




Please complete form below for each organization stating their commitment to the PDHE Learning


Lead Organization

Program/Agency Name: Click here to enter text.

Program/Agency Address: Click here to enter text.

Element Represented (Check one):

☐ Clinic

☐ Community

☐ Outcomes Data

Primary Staff Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Title: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Title: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

As the Team Leader, I commit to:

Lead my organization’s team in ensuring that the team conversation is genuine and that all voices, including those of consumers, are heard;

Lead the team in making improvements;

Coordinate data collection as needed;

Submit monthly progress reports in a timely manner;

Ensure that monthly progress reports and lessons learned are shared with team members and organization staff;

Have influence and or authority to make systemic changes and spread these throughout the organization; o Provide the team with the resources, including time, materials and equipment, access to local experts, and support necessary to implement the selected changes; o Participate in conference calls on a regular (monthly) basis; o Connect the PDHE Learning Collaborative goals to strategic initiatives of the organization; o Hold team members accountable for initiating, maintaining, and evaluating the goals and tasks set out for themselves as a part of the collaborative; o Facilitate the implementation of successful changes throughout the


organization; and o Provide continuing opportunities to disseminate what has been learned and to continue change processes within the organization.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Team Leader

Team Leader

As the Executive Director of Type Org Name Here,

I unequivocally support and endorse the efforts of my staff in this Learning Collaborative and will provide them with the time (including time needed to attend all mandatory sessions), flexibility, support, and resources to accomplish these goals.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Executive Director

Executive Director


Organization #2

Program/Agency Name: Click here to enter text.

Program/Agency Address: Click here to enter text.

Element Represented (Check one):

☐ Clinic

☐ Community

☐ Outcomes Data

Primary Staff Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Title: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Title: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

As the Team Leader, I commit to:

Lead my organization’s team in ensuring that the team conversation is genuine and that all voices, including those of consumers, are heard;

Lead the team in making improvements;

Coordinate data collection as needed;

Submit monthly progress reports in a timely manner;

Ensure that monthly progress reports and lessons learned are shared with team members and organization staff;

Have influence and or authority to make systemic changes and spread these throughout the organization; o Provide the team with the resources, including time, materials and equipment, access to local experts, and support necessary to implement the selected changes; o Participate in conference calls on a regular (monthly) basis; o Connect the PDHE Learning Collaborative goals to strategic initiatives of the organization; o Hold team members accountable for initiating, maintaining, and evaluating the goals and tasks set out for themselves as a part of the collaborative; o Facilitate the implementation of successful changes throughout the organization; and o Provide continuing opportunities to disseminate what has been learned and to continue change processes within the organization.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Team Leader


Team Leader

As the Executive Director of Type Org Name Here,

I unequivocally support and endorse the efforts of my staff in this Learning Collaborative and will provide them with the time (including time needed to attend all mandatory sessions), flexibility, support, and resources to accomplish these goals.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Executive Director

Executive Director

Organization #3

Program/Agency Name: Click here to enter text.

Program/Agency Address: Click here to enter text.

Element Represented (Check one):

☐ Clinic

☐ Community

☐ Outcomes Data

Primary Staff Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Title: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Primary Staff Contact E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Contact Name: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Title: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Team Leader E-Mail Address: Click here to enter text.

As the Team Leader, I commit to:

Lead my organization’s team in ensuring that the team conversation is genuine and that all voices, including those of consumers, are heard;

Lead the team in making improvements;

Coordinate data collection as needed;

Submit monthly progress reports in a timely manner;

Ensure that monthly progress reports and lessons learned are shared with team members and organization staff;

Have influence and or authority to make systemic changes and spread these throughout the organization; o Provide the team with the resources, including time, materials and


equipment, access to local experts, and support necessary to implement the selected changes; o Participate in conference calls on a regular (monthly) basis; o Connect the PDHE Learning Collaborative goals to strategic initiatives of the organization; o Hold team members accountable for initiating, maintaining, and evaluating the goals and tasks set out for themselves as a part of the collaborative; o Facilitate the implementation of successful changes throughout the organization; and o Provide continuing opportunities to disseminate what has been learned and to continue change processes within the organization.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Team Leader

Team Leader

As the Executive Director of Type Org Name Here,

I unequivocally support and endorse the efforts of my staff in this Learning Collaborative and will provide them with the time (including time needed to attend all mandatory sessions), flexibility, support, and resources to accomplish these goals.

☐ I agree (check here)

Name of Executive Director

Executive Director



Please indicate your patient population with as much detail as possible (ie Hispanic males with

DMT2 in zip code 12345 between ages 30-50) Click here to enter text.


Please indicate the outcomes data source you will use Click here to enter text.


Please describe what your organization partnership desires to accomplish through this collaborative. Include suggested goals and or aims Click here to enter text.


Please complete form below for the three people most likely to participate in the PDHE Learning

Collaborative by attending/participating in the three Learning Sessions.


Organization Click here to enter text.

Contact Name Click here to enter text.

Title Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text.

Phone Click here to enter text.

Fax Click here to enter text.

E-Mail Click here to enter text.

Organization Click here to enter text.

Contact Name Click here to enter text.

Title Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text.

Phone Click here to enter text.

Fax Click here to enter text.

E-Mail Click here to enter text.

Organization Click here to enter text.

Contact Name Click here to enter text.

Title Click here to enter text.

Address Click here to enter text.

Phone Click here to enter text.

Fax Click here to enter text.

E-Mail Click here to enter text.

Please submit applications to:

by email no later than 5 PM EDT

on 5/1/15. Applications submitted after the deadline will be considered only if space is available. Selected applicants will be notified in writing and decisions will be featured on



If you have any questions, contact Sabrina Jackson or Michele Wimbush by email at sajackson@ or


