Eligibility Requirements for Special Registration Examination (To be completed by November 30th 2013) Special R.D Exam to be held on 22 nd Feb, 2014 will be the last exam conducted by the board for senior dietitians. Keep watching the website for details related to the exam 1. Six months Life Membership of Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) as on 30th November 2013. 2. Ten years of experience as a full time dietitian in a multi-specialty hospital or super specialty hospital as per the IDA norms. Total experience should be ten years and certificates should be provided from the respective hospitals for the same. 3. Minimum 150 beds in A Grade cities and 100 beds in B grade cities. 4. This tenure should have been before November 30 th 2013. Hospitals : a. Multi Specialty Hospitals b. Super Specialty Hospitals having the following departments can apply for Special RD Exam: Diabetes and Endocrinology Nephrology Gastero-enterology Cardiology Critically Ill Pediatric Surgery A Grade Cities: 150 Beds B Grade Cities: 100 Beds Special Registration Examination 1. Read the application form, hall ticket and the following instructions carefully before filling the form. 2. If any necessary document (Enclosures *) is found missing, the application stands cancelled. 3. Application for Special Registration Examination is to be routed through the concerned chapter President to the R.D. Chairperson. Application form and Hall Ticket Click here to download Apply after September 1st 2013. Last date of submitting completed application form - November 30th 2013. Examination Fee - Rupees 1000/Examination Fees will not be refunded. Registration is awarded to applicants who successfully qualify in the Special Registration examination. Demand Draft on Central Bank of India or any Nationalized bank in favor of "Chairperson, IDA Registration Board" payable at VELLORE (please send by courier or speed post or registered post). (Or) ECS Payment – Along with the proof of remittance. ECS Details: Central Bank of India Branch Name: Christian Medical College Vellore City : Vellore, A/c. Name: IDA Registration Board, IFSC Code: CBIN0284164 Account No. 00000001465113871, MICR Code: 632016928, A/c. Type: Savings Address for Communication for Applications Dr. Dharini Krishnan, New No. 18, Old No. 14, First Cross Street, C.I.T. Colony, Mylapore, Chennai 600004. Email: dhar.krish@gmail.com Exam Centers The Madras Medical Mission, 4-A, Dr. J.J. Nagar, Mogappair, Chennai-600 037. Topiwala National Medical College & Nair Hospital, Dr. A. L. Nair Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai Dietary Department, AIIMS, New Delhi Baroda – Department of Foods and Nutrition, Faculty of family and community Sciences, The M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara. Pin: 390002. Kolkatta - Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Hyderabad- National Institute of Nutrition Points to be considered while applying: The Special R.D. exam fees will not be refunded to any candidate even if they are not eligible for taking the exam. No queries regarding the exam will be entertained after the 31st December 2013. The Exam date : 22 nd February 2014 Special R.D Exam to be held in 22 nd Feb, 2014 will be the last exam conducted by the board for senior dietitians. Special R.D Applications to be routed through the chapter president. Special RD Exam Pattern Maximum marks 100: Part A: 40 Marks Part B: 60 Marks Time: 3 Hours Part A 1. Multiple Choice - Tick the most appropriate answer - 15 x 1 = 15 marks 2. Fill in the Blanks - 10 x 1 = 10 marks 3. Answer True / False - 10 x 1/2 = 5 marks 4. Define or explain each in 2-5 lines - 5 x 2 = 10 marks Part B Clinical Oriented questions 4 x15 = 60 marks Exam Details: 22 nd February 2014. Time: 9 am to 12 Noon Centre and all other details same as the regular RD Exam Syllabus for Special R.D. Exam Human Nutrition and Meal Management Community Nutrition Diet Therapy (Theory) Nutrition Education and Dietetic Counseling Food Services Management (The full syllabus for the above subjects as per Regular R.D.) Human Physiology Biochemistry Physiologic and Metabolic Changes in Disease Food Microbiology, Sanitation and Hygiene (Topics as given below for the subjects; Human Physiology, Biochemistry, Physiologic and Metabolic Changes in Disease, Food Microbiology, Sanitation and Hygiene.) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY 1. Blood and Circulatory System -Blood transfusion and its importance, Coagulation of blood, Blood vessels, Structure and functions of heart, Blood pressure, heart rate, Cardiac output and their regulation. 2. Respiratory System - Mechanism of Respiration, Chemical Respiration.(Mechanical Respiration) 3. Digestive System - Structure and Functions of Alimentary tract. Functions of various secretions and juices - Saliva, Gastric, Bile, Intestinal, and Pancreatic. Functions of 4. 5. 6. 7. enzymes in digestion. Digestion of nutrients - Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates. Common problems of Digestive tract - Vomiting, Constipation, Diarrhea. Excretory System - Urine -Formation of urine, Composition of normal and abnormal urine. Role of excretory system in homeostasis, fluid balance, Regulation of body temperature. Nervous System - Hypothalamus. Pituitary Gland (Hormones) Autonomic and Sympathetic nervous system. Reproductive System - Menstrual cycle, Puberty, Menarche, Menopause, Fertilization of ovum, Male & female Reproductive Hormones. Glands and Endocrine System o Liver - function o Gall Bladder – function o Entero-hepatic circulation o Pancreas - function o Endocrine system o Endocrine glands -Hormone - types and functions, role in metabolism. o Endocrine disorders o Regulation of Hormone Secretion References: 1. K Sembulingam, Prem Sembulingam. Essentials of Medical Physiology. 2. Human Physiology - IGNOU textbook. 3. Garrows. Textbook of Physiology. BIOCHEMISTRY 1. Carbohydrates - Properties of Mono-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Poly-saccharides. Significance of TCA cycle integrating metabolism of carbohydrates protein and lipid, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenesis, Glycogenolysis, Hexose monophosphate shunt. 2. Proteins - Classification Biochemical parameters and alterations in disease states and Protein malnutrition, Pregnancy, Inborn errors of metabolism. Binding proteins and their functions - nutritional implications, 3. Lipids - Definition, Classification, Properties, Lipoproteins, Oxidation Metabolism of Lipids, of fatty acids, Unsaturated fatty acids, Metabolism of ketone bodies, Biosynthesis of fatty acids, Phosphoglycerides, Biosynthesis of cholesterol and regulation, Bile acids and their metabolism, Plasma lipoproteins - Synthesis and Metabolism, Biochemical profile, alterations and significance, Prostaglandins. 4. Enzymes - Definition, Classification specificity of enzymes -Intracellular distribution, kinetics, inhibition, Factors affecting enzyme activity, Enzymes in clinical diagnosis. 5. Nucleic Acids - Protein biosynthesis, Regulation of biosynthesis recombinant DNA Technology. Breakdown of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides 6. Hormones - Endocrinological abnormalities and clinical diagnosis. References: 1. Dasgupta, S. K., Biochemistry Vol. I; n & III, Mc Millan Co. of India Limited 2. Das, Debajyoti, Biochemistry 2nd ed., 1980, Academic Publishers, India. 3. Harper, H. A. etal, A review of physiological chemistry, Los Altos,Lange medical publications, 1985. 4. Lehninger, A. L., Principles of Biochemistry 5. Orten J. M. & Newhaus O. V, Human Biochemistry, C. V Mosby 6. Chatterje. A Textbook of Medical Biochemistry PHYSIOLOGIC AND METABOLIC CHANGES IN DISEASE 1. 2. 3. 4. Stress and Physiologic effects. Drug, Food and Nutrient Interaction. Regulation of Food intake and Pathogenesis of Obesity and Malnutrition and Starvation. Pathophysiology of GI tract diseases - anatomic, physiologic and functional changes, impact on nutritional status and nutritional implications, post surgical complications and management, malabsorption syndrome. 5. Pathophysiology of liver diseases - Progression of liver disease metabolic and nutritional implications, role of specific nutrients and alcohol. 6. Diseases of the Gall Bladder and Pancreas - Pathophysiologic changes - metabolic and nutritional implications, Dyslipidemias. 7. Cardio-vascular Diseases - Pathogenesis, role of nutrients in prevention - metabolic and nutritional implications, Dyslipidemias. 8. Diseases of the renal system - etiology and pathogenesis - changes in function with progression of diseases, metabolic and nutritional implications, water and electrolyte balance. 9. Metabolic Disorders, Diseases of Endocrine Glands and Inborn Errors of Metabolism. Diabetes, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, Inborn errors of carbohydrate and protein metabolism. 10. Cancer - carcinogenesis - pathogenesis and progression of cancer, role of nutrients, foodstuffs and food additives in cancer. Therapies and their clinical and metabolic implications. 11. Immunity and infection - diarrhea, AIDS, Respiratory problems. 12. Musculo-skeletal problems, arthritis, osteoporosis. FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, SANITATION AND HYGIENE 1. Primary sources of micro-organisms in foods - Physical and chemical methods used in the destruction of micro-organisms, pasteurization, sterilization. 2. Fundamentals of control of micro-organisms in foods - Extrinsic and intrinsic parameters affecting growth and survival of organisms. Use of high and low temperature, controlling moisture as water content, freezing, freezing-drying, irradiation, and use of preservatives in food. Storage of food-correct handling and techniques of correct storage, Temperatures 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. at which growth is retarded and bacteria are killed, Storage temperatures for different commodities to prevent growth or contamination and spoilage. Food spoilage and contamination in different kinds of foods and their prevention - Cereal and cereal products, pulses and legumes, Vegetables and fruits, Meat and meat products, Eggs and poultry, Milk and milk products. Public health hazards due to contaminated foods - Food poisoning and infections Causative agents, symptoms, sources and mode of transmission, foods involved, Method of prevention, Fungal toxins, Investigation and detection of food-borne disease outbreak. Microbes used in biotechnology - Useful micro-organisms, Fermented foods - raw material used, organisms and the product obtained, Benefits of fermentation. Indices of food, milk and water sanitary quality. Microbiological criteria of food, water and milk testing. Food standards, PFA, FPO, BNS, MPO, Agmark, Codex Alimentarius. Hygiene and its importance and application - Personal hygiene - care of skin, hair, hands, feet, teeth, Use of cosmetics and jewellery, Grooming, Grooming,Uniform, Evaluation of personal hygiene, Training staff. o Safe handling of food - Control measures to prevent food borne diseases and precautions to be taken by food handlers. o Kitchen equipment, dish washing, hand washing o Waste disposal,Waste disposal, collection, storage and proper disposal from the premises. o Quality control, laws relating to food hygiene. References: Frazierw. C. and Westhoff D. C. Food Microbiology, 4th ed., 1988 New York. Pelezar, M. (1988) Microbiolqgy V ed., McGraw Hill, N. Y. James, M. Jay. Modern Food Microbiology 4th ed., CBS Publishers, New Delhi. Frobisher M. et. AI. (1974) Fundamentals of Microbiology -9th ed., W. Savenders Co. Baanwart,G.J.(1987) Basic Food Microbiology CBS Publishers, New Delhi.