“ BAC OFFICE REPORT ” 2012 C. MONTHLY REPORTS Supplementary Procurement Plan Posted In A B C Posting Date Remarks D A B C D A B C D A B C D INSTRUCTION FOR ALL THE FORMS: 1. Put a number mark in the corresponding box under the columns A, B, C & D indicating the means used where: A. - Conspicuous place , B – Print media, C – Website, D – Other media. 1. Indicate the date when the posting was made under column Posting Date. 2. Under column “ Remarks”, indicate the following , where applicable: NYA – Not Yet Approved. NYP – Not Yet Posted. 1. For the statement of Debts Service, LGUs without any loans or debts are still required to post the same indicating zero amount of debt or loan. 2. ‘NA’ and “No Data “ entry will be treated as a “ No posting “ mark. NOTE: AL DOCUMENT SHALL REMAIN TO BE POSTED UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF THE FISCAL YEAR Submitted by: I HEREBY CERTIFY to the veracity or correctness of the data or information Contained In this Full Disclosure Compliance Report GENA A. GADON VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT Date: Date: SUPPLEMENTARY ANNUAL EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT PLAN CY – 2012 Provincial/City/Municipality Fund/Special/Account Department/Office/Unit Fund : : : : New Bataan, Compostela Valley Province 1011-221 MO/BAC 101 – ( Supplemental # 1 ) COST Item No. (1) Type of Equipment/Description Existing (2) (3) Unit Cost AMOUNT REQUIRED Proposed Unit (4) (5) Quantity Total Cost (6) Unit Total Cost REMARKS 1 (7) 2 (8) 3 (9) 4 (10) 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter (11) CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 1 Computer with Complete Accessories Prepared/Submitted by: 1 Unit 29,300.00 Recommending approval: 29,300.00 Approved by: SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN, JR. AO III/OIC MCR Municipal Budget Officer Municipal Mayor SUPPLEMENTARY ANNUAL EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT PLAN CY – 2012 Provincial/City/Municipality Fund/Special/Account Department/Office/Unit Fund : : : : New Bataan, Compostela Valley Province Municipal Budget Office Supplementary Budget # 1 COST Item No. (1) Type of Equipment/Description Existing (2) (3) Unit Cost 1 Computer with Complete Accessories 30,000.0 0 AMOUNT REQUIRED Propose Unit d (5) (4) Total Cost (6) Quantity Unit Total Cost 1 unit 1 (7) 1st Quarter 30,000.00 30,000.00 2 (8) 2nd Quarter REMARKS 3 (9) 4 (10) 3rd Quarter (11) 4th Quarter 30,000.00 And 1 unit PRINTER Prepared/Submitted by: Recommending approval: Approved by: SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN, JR. AO III/OIC MCR Municipal Budget Officer Municipal Mayor SUPPLEMENTARY ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN Procuring Entity/Units : ENGINEERING OFFICE Calendar Year : 2012 (Supplemental Budget #1) SS CODE TYPE OF CONTRACT TO BE EMPLOYED 229 EXTENT/SIZE OF CONTRACT/PACKAGES J F M A M J TIME SCHEDULE J A S O N D Communication Equipment (Cogonon) 100,000.00 Purchase of Emergency Vehicle (Tandawan) 100,000.00 241 Purchase of Emergency Vehicle (Magangit) 120,000.00 241 Purchase of Emergency Vehicle (San Roque) 100,000.00 229 229 Communication Equipment (Andap) Communication Equipment (Kahayag) 20,000.00 20,000.00 229 Communication Equipment (Katipunan) 20,000.00 215 215 251 215 215 213 215 215 251 215 215 213 Const. of Brgy. Hall Manurigao P-II Improvement of Bantacan MPB Concreting of Lapu-Lapu Street Const. of Senior Citizen Panag Completion of Police Station Improvement of Fatima Health Center Const. of Bargy. Hall Manurigao P-II Improvement of Bantacan MB Concreting of Lapu-Lapu Street Const. of Senior Citizen Panag Completion of Police Station Improvement of Fatima Health Center 241 A.) PROCUREMENT OF GOODS SUPPLIES / MATERIALS D.) PROVISION FOR RESERVED PURCHASES 98,000.00 147,000.00 1,261,980.90 196,000.00 245,000.00 19,600.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 25,754.71 4,000.00 5,000.00 400.00 TOTAL Prepared/Submitted by: Recommending approval: Approved by: SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN, JR. AO III/OIC MCR Municipal Budget Officer Municipal Mayor PROVINCE/MUNICIPALITY DATA CAPTURE FORM B REGION XI COMPOSTELA VALLEY LGU COMPLIANCE ON FULL DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL BUDGET AND FINANCES, AND BIDS, AND PUBLIC OFFERING For the Quarter of CY B. QUARTERLY REPORTS 2012 1st Quarter Statement of Cash Flow Posted in A B Posting Date D C 2012 1st Quarter item to BID Remarks Posted in A B C Posting Date D A A B B C C D D 2012 1st Quarter Bid Results on Civil Works and Goods & Services Posted in A B Posting Date D C Remarks A B Remarks A 2012 1st Quarter Report of SEF Utilization 2012 1st Quarter TF (PDAF) Utilization Posted in Posted in B C Posting Date D Remarks A B C D Posting Date Remarks 2012 1st Quarter Abstract of Bids as calculated 2012 1st Quarter 20% Component of IRA Utilization Posted in Posted in C Posting Date Remarks D A A A B B C C D D B C Posting Date Remarks D NOTE: AL DOCUMENT SHALL REMAIN TO BE POSTED UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF THE FISCAL YEAR Submitted by: I HEREBY CERTIFY to the veracity or correctness of the data or information contained In this Full Disclosure Compliance Report Date : Date: Republic of the Philippines Bids and Awards Committee 1st Quarter ITEM TO BID 2012 OFFICE: ITEM DESCRIPTION ABC DATE POSTED @ 3 CONSPICOUOS PLACES @ PHILGEPS 1 unit Motor Cycle (155CC) 80,000.00 March 6, 2012 1 unit Motor Cycle (125CC) 70,000.00 March 6, 2012 Republic of the Philippines Bids and Awards Committee 2nd Quarter ITEM TO BID 2012 OFFICE: ITEM DESCRIPTION ABC DATE POSTED @ 3 CONSPICOUOS PLACES @ PHILGEPS Spare Parts for Heavy Equipments 789,956.00 April 3, 2012 Office Supplies 383,586.53 May 8, 2012 Agricultural Supplies for Rubber Nursery & Bud Wood Project 83,010.00 June 5, 2012 Biologics Supplies 24,425.00 June 5, 2012 Vegetable Seeds 41,350.00 June 5, 2012 Area Fertilizer (46-0-0) 149,500.00 June 5, 2012 Vertical Blinds Ribbed Sprinkled Flat Brown 250,000.00 June 5, 2012 Drugs & Medicines 399,993.50 June 26, 2012 Medicines, Dental & Surgical Supplies 199,997.25 June 26, 2012 Republic of the Philippines Bids and Awards Committee 3rd Quarter ITEM TO BID 2012 OFFICE: ITEM DESCRIPTION ABC DATE POSTED @ 3 CONSPICOUOS PLACES @ PHILGEPS Construction Materials for Senior Citizens (Phase II Completion) 165,828.00 July 24, 2012 Construction Materials for Completion of New Bataan Police Station 124,036.00 July 24, 2012 16,665 Hills Rubber Seedlings 666,600.00 August 7, 2012 1 unit Motor Cycle (TMX 155CC) 90,000.00 August 7, 2012 Construction Materials for Construction of Solar Drier P-2 Cogonon 19,434.50 August 7, 2012 Construction Materials for Rehab of Solar Drier Cogonon 19,434.50 August 7, 2012 Construction Materials for Improvements of Multi Purpose Bldg. (Bantacan) 60,111.00 August 7, 2012 123,545.20 August 7, 2012 39,534.29 August 7, 2012 Labor for Repair & Rehab of Pu blic Market (Cabinuangan) Labor for Improvement of Multi Purpose Bldg. (Bantacan) Republic of the Philippines GOODS AND SERVICES BID OUT Bids and Awards Committee Ist Qtr. Bid Result and Civil Works And Good Services OFFICE: REFERENCE NO. DATE OF BIDDING ITEM DESCRIPTION ABC BID AMOUNT WINNING BIDDERS ADDRESS OF BIDDER 03-06-2012 1 Unit Motorcycle (155cc) 80,000.00 79,600.00 EMCOR INC. Nabunturan, 03-06-2012 1 Unit Motorcycle (125cc) 70,000.00 69,700.00 EMCOR INC. Nabunturan, Comval Province COMMITTEE ON BIDS AND AWARDS: Prepared by: GENA A. GADON RCCII/BAC Secretariat Republic of the Philippines GOODS AND SERVICES BID OUT Bids and Awards Committee 2nd Qtr. Bid Result and Civil Works And Good Services OFFICE: REFEREN CE NO. DATE OF BIDDING ITEM DESCRIPTION ABC BID AMOUNT 04-03-2012 Spare Parts for Heavy Equipment 786,956.00 789,956.00 Sindai Automotive Components Inc. 05-08-2012 Office Supplies 383,586.53 06-05-2012 Agri. Supplies for Rubber Nursery & Bud Wood Project 83,010.00 82,977.00 NDPAS Incorporation -do- Biologics Supplies 24,425.00 24,062.00 -do- -do- Vegetable Seeds 41,350.00 41,340.00 -do- -do- Urea Fertilizer 149,500.00 149,500.00 Agrivet Supplies -do- Vertical Blinds Sprinkled Flat Brown 250.000.00 249,999.55 Ashlee Gen. Merchandise 06-26-2012 Drugs & Medicines 399,993.50 397,710.35 E & M Trading Cagayan De Oro City -do- Medicine, Dental & Surgical Supplies 199,997.25 198,797.30 -do- Cagayan De Oro City COMMITTEE ON BIDS AND AWARDS: Prepared by: GENA A. GADON RCCII/BAC Secretariat WINNING BIDDERS ADDRESS OF BIDDER Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 1ST Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 1 UNIT MOTORCYCLE 125 CC March 06, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Municipal Mayor (M.O) Php 70,000.00 200-2012-02-079 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid EMCOR INC. As Read Php 69,700.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 3610949 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 1,400.00 Required Bid Security Php 1,400.00 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 1ST Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 1 UNIT MOTORCYCLE 155 CC March 06, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Municipal Mayor (ADMS) Php 80,000.00 300-2012-01-002 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid EMCOR INC. As Read Php 79,600.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 3610948 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 1,600.00 Required Bid Security Php 1,600.00 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : SPARE PARTS FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENTS April 3, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Motorpool (ECO) Php 789,956.00 300-2012-03-115 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid SHINDAI AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS, INC As Read Php 789,956.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 3622387 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 15,800.00 Required Bid Security Php 15,799.12 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR VARIOUS OFFICES May 29, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Local Government Unit Php 383,586.53 200-2012-04-224 NAME OF BIDDERS POLINAR ENTERPRISE JD GENERAL MERCHANDISE ASHLEE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Total Amount of Bid As Read As Calculated Form of Bid Security Surety Bond Surety Bond Cash Bond MILESTONE GUARANTY AND ASSURANCE CORP. G(1) 0810002 MTO-NEW BATAAN Number MILESTONE GUARANTY AND ASSURANCE CORP. G(1) 0810001 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding 120 days from date of Bidding 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 25,000.00 Php 20,000.00 Php 7,672.00 Required Bid Security Php 19,179.32 Php 19,179.32 Php 7,671.73 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Sufficient Sufficient Remarks Responsive Bidder Responsive Bidder Responsive Bidder Bank/Company SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG OR # 4021336 SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : BIOLOGICS PRODUCTS FOR TREATMENT/CARE MANAGEMENT OF ANIMAL June 5, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Agriculture Php 24, 425.00 PR # 200-2012-04-243 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid NORTH DAVAO PRODUCERS & AGRI SERVICES As Read Php 24,581.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 4022123 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 490.00 Required Bid Security Php 488.00 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : VEGETABLES SEEDS FOR HVCC PROGRAM June 5, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Agriculture Php 41,350.00 PR # 200-2012-04-244 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid NORTH DAVAO PRODUCERS & AGRI SERVICES As Read Php 41,340.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 4022125 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 870.00 Required Bid Security Php 870.00 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : MEDICINES DENTAL & SURGIRICAL SUPPLIES June 26, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Mayor Php 199,997.25 PR # 200-2012-05-318 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid E & M TRADING As Read Php 198,797.30 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Surety Bond Bank/Company STRONGHOLD INSURANCE CO. INC. Number G (2) 357488 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount PhP 30,000.00 Required Bid Security Php 9,999.88 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : DRUGS & MEDICINES June 26, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Mayor Php 399,993.50 PR # TF 300-2012-05-128 NAME OF BIDDERS Total Amount of Bid E & M TRADING As Read Php 397,710.35 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Surety Bond Bank/Company STRONGHOLD INSURANCE CO. INC. Number G (2) 357488 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount PhP 30,000.00 Required Bid Security Php 19,999.67 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor Republic of the Philippines Province of Compostela Valley Municipality of New Bataan BIDS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE ABSTRACT OF BIDS 2nd Quarter Contract Name Opening Contract Location Implementing Office Approved Budget for the Contract P.R Number : : : : : : VEGETABLES SEEDS FOR HVCC PROGRAM June 5, 2012 @ 9:00 am at BAC Office Municipality of New Bataan Office of the Agriculture Php 83,010.00 PR # 200-2012-04-245 NAME OF BIDDERS NORTH DAVAO PRODUCERS & AGRI SERVICES ( NDPAS ) Total Amount of Bid As Read Php 82,977.00 As Calculated No Correction Form of Bid Security Cash Bond Bank/Company MTO New Bataan Number OR # 4224891 Validity Period 120 days from date of Bidding Bid Security Amount Php 1,661.00 Required Bid Security Php 1,660.20 Sufficient/Insufficient Sufficient Remarks Single Calculated Bidder/Rated as passed SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman SGD.VETUS SOTERO L. VIGIL GSO/BAC Member SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR, CE MEO/BAC VICE CHAIRMAN SGD.MARVIN H. ILAJAS RO/TWG Member SGD.LYLE S. CABUNOC, MPA, GA MUNICIPAL ADMIN./BAC MEMBER SGD.JULIET P. DAVALOS C.P.A MAO /Head TWG SGD.LOLITO P. CAMPOS, CE MPDC/BAC Member SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor PROVINCE/MUNICIPALITY DATA CAPTURE FORM A REGION XI COMPOSTELA VALLEY LGU COMPLIANCE ON FULL DISCLOSURE OF LOCAL BUDGET AND FINANCES, AND BIDS, AND PUBLIC OFFERING For the Quarter of A. ANNUAL REPORTS A 2012 Annual Budget Report Posted in Posting Remarks Date D B C A A A B C B C D D Posted in B C Posting Date D A Annual GAD Fund Utilization or Accomplishment Report Statement of Debts Service A 2012 Procurement Plan/List Posted in Posting Remarks Date D B C Remarks Posted in A B C Posting Date D A A B B C C D D 2012 SEF income & Expenditure Estimates Posted in Posting Remarks Date B C D 2012 Statement of Receipts & Expenditures Remarks Posted in A B C D Posting Date Remarks NOTE: AL DOCUMENT SHALL REMAIN TO BE POSTED UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF THE FISCAL YEAR Submitted by: I HEREBY CERTIFY to the veracity or correctness of the data or information contained In this Full Disclosure Compliance Report Date: Date: ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN FOR 2012 For Common-Use Office Supplies and Equipment Department/Bureau/Office: BIDS & AWARDS COMMITTEE Region: XI Contact Person : GENA A. GADON Position: RCCI-BAC Secretariat Head Address: NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY E-mail:___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ITEM & SPECIFICATIONS Unit of Measure Telephone/Mobile Nos: ______________________________ QUANTITY REQUIREMENT Jan Feb March Apr 59 56 4 39 1 May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov 76 2 7 45 2 Dec PS PRICE TOTAL AMOUNT 301 632.20 39.55 0.00 11904.55 2 1199.00 2398.00 53 16.55 TOTAL A. Available at Procurement Service Stores COMMON OFFICE SUPPLIES Acetate gauge #3,transparent,50m in length Alcohol rubbing, 500ml Airpot, with dispenser, electronic, 4.0 ltrs capacity, with automatic boiling/keep warm indicator 220 volts, 3 speed selector switch brand new KYOWA brand roll bottle unit 1 Audio Cassette Tape blank, for 90min, recording Audio Tape, blank, for micro-casstte recorder,60min, recording time,3 pcs/pack Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR),500watts capacity, built-in voltmeter, pop-up circuit breaker and surge suppressor, PL600 Ballast 18 & 20 watts, 220volts, normal power factor Ballast 40 watts, 220 volts, normal power factor Bathroom Soap regular size,70gms Battery, AA, alkaline, 2pcs/packet Battery, AAA, alkaline, 2 pcs/packet Battery, D, alkaline, 2pcs/packet Blade, for heavy duty cutter, (L500) 10pcs/tube Broom, soft (tambo) wooden or rattan handle standard size Broom, stick (tingting) standard size Calculator, desktop, adding machine, 12 digits Calculator, desktop, LCD display, 12 digits, 2 way power source Calculator, desktop, mini printer type, 12 digits AC/DC power source, with ink roller and adaptor. Calculator, scientific, 10 digits, dot matrix display, programmable with case. each 17 10 1 12 12 12 877.15 pack 101.40 0.00 unit 733.60 0.00 piece 70.50 piece piece pack pack pack tube 76.25 17.20 38.15 16.00 74.15 10.90 0.00 240.80 1640.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 2 8 14 6 6 3 piece 17 15 15 2 15 piece unit 18 4 12 2 13 unit 15 1 6 6 2 14 43 6 72 76.30 5493.60 3 52 20.75 2014.35 1079.00 0.00 15 173.90 2608.50 970.10 0.00 375.00 1875.00 unit unit 2 1 2 0.00 5 Carbon Film, polyethelene, A4,210mm x 297mm, 100's/box box 419.65 0.00 Carbon Film, legal 216mm x 330mm (B 1/2" x 13", 100's/box box 359.70 0.00 Carbon Paper, ordinary, A4 210mm x297mm, 100's/box, Excel 767 box 1 69.75 69.75 Carbon Paper, ordinary legal 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13", 100's/box box 4 4 13 71.95 935.35 Cartolina Colored, 572mm x724mm (22-1/2" x 28-1/2"), 20pcs/pack (colored available yellow, pink, yellow green, golden yellow) pack 1 3 2 10 76.30 763.00 2 6 Cartolina White, 572mm x 724mm (22 1/2" x 281/2") min of 100gsm 20pcs/pack) pack 1 1 1 CD Drive Cleaner, multi media lens cleaner, for CD, DVD, CD-RW and others, dry system, safe and effective cleaning for audio and computer CD heads and lenses. piece CD Rewritable, high speed, 700MB, 80min capacity, compatible with 4x-12x CD drivers, slim case. piece CD Recordable, minimum of 650MB, 70min running time. piece 10 CD Case, with 25 individual plastic sleeves good for 50 CD's, plastic polyethelene case piece 1 Chair Monobloc, w/ backrest, w/o armrest, color beige, model Euro Lucky. Chair Monobloc, w/backrest, w/o armrest, color white, model Euro Lucky. Chalk, white enamel, 700gms/box, approx 140 pcs 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 61.05 366.30 113.85 0.00 41 18.00 738.00 82 9.25 758.50 2 61.05 122.10 piece 250.70 0.00 piece 239.80 0.00 36.50 109.50 box Cleanser (scouring powder) 350gms/can piece Clip Backfold, 19mm (3"/4") 12pcs/box box Clip Backfold, 25mm (1") 12 pcs/box Clip Backfold, 32mm (double/binder) (1-1/4") 12pcs/box 12 40 12 5 5 15 2 12 10 1 3 3 18.30 0.00 9.05 36.20 box 10.90 0.00 1 1 1 1 4 box 20.60 0.00 Clip Bulldog, 76mm (3") piece 8.85 0.00 Columnar Notebook, 12 columns,55gsm, line and numbered pages, 50 leaves piece 24.75 49.50 0.00 2 2 Columnar Pad 4 cols, non blot, 55gsm pad 22.90 Columnar Pad 14 cols, 55 gsm pad 50.15 0.00 Columnar Pad, 16 cols, non-blot, 55gsm pad 48.00 96.00 Columnar Pad, 18 cols, 55 gsm pad 71.95 287.80 Computer Continuous Forms, 1 ply, 280mm x 241mm (11" x 9-1?2") plain, GSP bond, 70 gsm, 2000 shts/box box 686.70 0.00 Computer Continuous Forms, 1 ply, 280mm x 378mm (11" x 14-7/8"), plain GSP bond, 70gsm, 2000 shts/box box 1029.00 0.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 Computer Continuous Forms, 2 ply, 280mm x 241mm (11" x 9-1/2") plain GSP bond, 55 gsm, 1000shts/box box Computer Continuous Forms, 2 ply, 280mm x 378mm (11" x 14 7/8"), plain GSP bond, 55 gsm, 1000 sets/box box Computer Continuous Forms, 3 ply, 280mm x 241mm (11' x 9-1/2") plain white GSP bond, 55gsm, 500ste/box box Computer Continuous Forms, 3 ply, 280mm x 241mm (11" x 14 7/8") plain, white GSP bond, 55 gsm, 500 sets/box box 3 2 Computer Continuous Forms, 4 ply, 280mm x 241mm (11" x 9-1/2") plain, white GSP bond, 56gsm, 250 sets/box box 3 3 Computer Continuous Forms, 4 ply, 280mm x 378mm (11" x 14-7/8") plain white GSP bond,56gsm, 250sets/box box Correction Fluid water based, white opaque, 20ml/bottle Cutter heavy duty, retractable, L500 Cutter Blade for heavy duty cutter, (L500) 10 pcs/tube Data File Box (5" x 9" x 15-3/4") 127mm x 229mm x 400mmw/closed ends & finger rings Data Folder (3' x 9" x 15") 76mm x 229mm x 381mm, w/ finger ring & clear plastic pocket for labels 3 757.55 0.00 1245.90 3737.70 651.85 0.00 5 922.15 4610.75 6 427.30 2563.80 757.55 0.00 3 bottle 10 21 5 16 1 7 60 10.30 618.00 each 6 10 5 7 3 4 35 28.35 992.25 tube 4 4 4 3 1 16 7.90 126.40 box 8 16 2 2 33 77.95 2572.35 piece 1 1 81.00 81.00 bar pouch can 20 50 1 77 168 5 19.65 21.70 199.80 1513.05 3645.60 999.00 piece 37.55 0.00 box 56.50 0.00 piece 184.10 0.00 56.70 27.25 0.00 190.75 piece 38.15 0.00 unit 801.15 0.00 Electric Fan, orbit type (for ceiling) 400mm diameter, plastic blade, w/ switch box and speed setting, 220 volts, brand new unit 1035.50 0.00 Electric Fan , wall type, 405mm diameter, plastic blade, w 3 speed button switch, 220 unit 781.55 0.00 Detergent Bar Detergent Powder, 500 gms Disinfectant Spray regular, 340gm Disk Drive Cleaner w/ cleaning solution for 3.5" disk drives Diskette 89mm (3.5") DS, HD 10pcs/box Diskette Storage Case for 89mm (3.5") diskettes, 100 pcs capacity Drawing Ink black, 30ml Dust Pan plastic, w/ handle, large EDP Binder plastic, 11" x 14-7/8", TB, asstd colors, spring rod type, computer forms Electric Fan, heavy duty w/ stand, 405mm (16") plastic blade, with 3-speed button switch, knobless head adjustment, 200volts, brand new bottle piece 2 13 25 1 2 7 3 12 1 2 1 1 28 69 1 1 2 2 4 1 5 2 5 1 7 Electric Fan, industrial, ground air circulator, 18" (45cm) metal blade, 90 degrees oscillation, self-oiling motor w/ thermal cut-off, 3 speed setting, brand new, Nikon brand Envelope Documentary, kraft (10" x 15") 150 gsm, 254mm x 381, 500s/box Envelope Documentary, kraft, for A4 size paper/document,150 gsm, 229mm x 324mm, 500's/box Envelope Expanding, kraftboard, min of 285 gsm, for legal size papers/documents, Envelope Expanding Plastic, with rubber strap, for legal size papers/documents, asstd colors, MO brand Envelope Mailing, white, ordinary, 102mm x 241mm (4" x 9-1/2") 70 gsm, 500's/box Envelope Mailing, white, with window, 105mm (4-1/8" x 9-1/2") 70 gsm, 500's/box Eraser Rubber, soft, for pencil draft/draft writing, 60mm x 20mm x 10mm Eraser, blackboard 19mm (3/4) thick felt Fascimile Transceiver, uses thermal paper/50m/roll, for documents 216mm x 600mm, 15 secs transmission speed, scanning width 208mm, documents feeder holds 10 pages automatic, w/ automatic paper cutter, redial, and fax/telephone switchcover, brand new, Brother 2365 Filing Cabinet, steel plain finish, four (4) drawers w/ 8 ball bearing rollers, brand new .a. Body and drawers gage 24 and frames gage 20. File Organizer expanding, with 13 inside pockets and index tabs, 216mm x 330mm (legal size) asstd colors Flash Drive, 2GB capacity, USB 2.0 plug and play, w/ light indicator. Transcend Jefflash V33 Flash Drive, 4GB capacity, USB 2.0 plug and play, w/ built- in interface cover carrying case Floorwax Paste natural, 2kg/can Floorwax Paste red, 2kg/can Floorwax TG, Liquid, buffable, water-base, 3.75 liters/can Fluorescent Lighting Fixture 1 x 20W, closed-type housing, spring loaded lampholders straters ballast Fluorescent Lighting Fixture 1 x 40W, closed-type housing, spring loaded lampholders, starters, ballast Fluorescent Tube 18W, 220 volts Fluorescent Tube 36W, 220 volts unit 1084.55 0.00 box 604.95 0.00 680.20 680.20 box 567.45 0.00 piece 56.70 0.00 16 172.90 2766.40 2 217.60 435.20 27 4.95 133.65 2 13.60 27.20 unit 4665.20 0.00 unit 8336.35 0.00 9 87.20 784.80 1 319.15 319.15 11 485.05 5335.55 2 261.60 283.40 523.20 0.00 gallon 362.30 0.00 set 348.55 0.00 set 386.70 0.00 piece piece 38.05 36.50 0.00 0.00 box 1 box 5 3 box 1 1 piece 6 15 piece 1 piece 1 can can 2 3 5 3 1 1 6 piece piece 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fluorescent Tube circular, 32W Folder Fancy/Morocco, legal w/ plastic grip, asstd colors, 50pcs/pack Folder Fancy/Morocco,A4 size w/ plastic grip, asstd colors, 50pcs/pack Folder File, legal size, tagboard equivalent, 14 points, 100pcs/pack Folder File, for A4 size paper document, tagboard equivalent, 14 points, 100pcs/pack Folder Pressboard, plain for legal size papers/documents, 16 points, 100's/box Folder Clear Plastic, L- type, 210mm x 297mm (8-1/4" x 11-3/4") A4 size, 50pcs/pack Folder Clear Plastic, L-type, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") legal size, 50pcs/pack Furniture Cleaner aerosol type, multi-purpose, 330 ml/can Fuse 30 Amperes, 220 volts Fuse 60 Amperes Glue all purpose, in jar with applicator, mi of 300 gms Illustration Board double face, 762mm x 1016mm (30" x 40") 2 ply Index Card Box, 4-3/8" x 5-5/8" x 4", imported imitlin cover Index Card Box, 5-3/8" x 8-7/8" x 6", imported imitlin cover Index Card Ruled, (3" x 5")76mm x 127mm,500/pack Index Card Ruled, (5" x 8")127mm 500's/pack Index Tab self adhesive, asstd colors, 5 sets/box Ink Cartridge, Epson part No. TO17, original, black, for Epson Stylus printer model 680 Ink Cartridge, Epson part No. TO18, original, black, for Epson Stylus printer model 680 Ink Cartridge, Epson Part No. TO38, original, black, for ptinters C41/C43/C45/CX1500 Ink Cartridge Epson Part No. TO39, original, colored, for printers C41/C43/C45/CX 1500 Ink Cartridge, HP 61645A, original black, for HP Deskjet710C/720C/820C/830C/850C/870Cxl/930C /950C/970Cxl/990Cxl/1000Cxl/1120C/1125C/122 0/1600C/1600C/1600C/M printers/Officejet G55/G85/K60/K80/R45/R65/T45/T65/Officejet Ink Cartridge, HP C6578A, original colored, for Printer Model 3820 new/920C/930C/948C/950C/960C/990Cxl/PSC750 /PSC950/officejetG55/G85/G95/K80/V40/Photosm art P1000/P1215/P1218 color copier 290 piece 80.70 0.00 pack 381.50 0.00 pack 327.00 0.00 pack 4 10 pack 2 2 15 1 18 1 49 379.35 18588.15 1 1 6 266.00 1596.00 892.60 0.00 8 259.45 2075.60 1 272.50 272.50 4 140.10 560.40 12.00 29.45 0.00 0.00 25 45.35 1133.75 1 34.70 34.70 44.00 0.00 62.25 62.25 pack 46.60 0.00 pack box 117.00 70.85 0.00 0.00 piece 1061.70 0.00 piece 966.85 0.00 cart 509.35 0.00 cart 792.90 0.00 piece 1343.95 0.00 piece 1493.75 0.00 pack pack 1 pack 1 can 2 4 1 1 2 1 unit unit piece 13 piece 1 10 1 1 box box 1 1 Ink Cartridge, HP C6615A/D, original, black for HP Deskjet, Model 3820 new/ 810C/840C/920C/948C/PSC500/PSC750/PSC950/ Officejet V40 printers Ink Cartridge, HP C6625A, original, colored, for HP Deskjet Model 840/845C printers Ink Cartridge, colored, #27 for Lexmark Printer Ink Cartridge, black, #17 for Lexmark Printer Insecticide aerosol type, 500ml/can Lead for mechanical pencil, 0.5mm, 12pcs/tube Looseleaf Cover with paper cloth strap, 216mm x 356mm, (8-1/2" x 14")50pcs/package Magazine File large, 144mm x 229mm x 287mm (4-1/2" x 9" x 10-1/2") asstd colors Map Pins round head, asstd colors, 100's/box Marker Fluorescent, asstd colors, 3 colors/set Marking Pen for Transparency Film, fine point, 6 colors/set, Mon Ami brand Marking Pen,bullet tip, non-toxic, permanent,black Marking Pen, bullet tip, non-toxic, permanent, blue Marking Pen, bullet tip, non-toxic, permanent, red Marking Pen for Whiteboard, black Marking Pen for Whiteboard, blue Marking Pen for Whiteboard, red Monitor Filter, glass for 15" PC monitor, with strap Monitor Filter, glass for 17" PC monitor, with strap Mop Handle screw type,heavy duty,woodenhandle Mop Head 100% rayon, 400 gms Note Pad 75mm x 102mm (3" x 4") Note Pad 76mm x 76mm (3" x 3") Note Pad 51mm x 51mm (2" x 2"), 400sheets/pad, asstd colors Note Pad 51mm x 76mm (2" x 3") 100sheets/pad, asstd colors Notebook Stenographers, GSP bond, 40 leaves, 55 gsm Oil Multi-Purpose, 120 ml/bottle Paper Clip,gem type,33mm,vinyl coated,100's/box Paper Clip, gem type, 50mm, jumbo, vinyl coated,100's/box or 146g/box Paper Fastener Non Rust Metal, holds 25mm thick file, with prongs 70mm apart, 50sets/box Paper Bond, PG (Premium Grade) A4, 210mm x 297mm, 70 gsm piece 1270.10 0.00 piece 1381.40 0.00 1230.50 1032.55 143.35 12.00 1230.50 1032.55 1290.15 168.00 517.30 0.00 6 55.50 333.00 24 38.15 44.15 0.00 1059.60 88.30 0.00 23 16.15 371.45 3 7 16.15 113.05 3 6 16.15 96.90 34 15 12 15.85 15.85 15.85 538.90 237.75 190.20 piece 86.15 0.00 piece 92.40 0.00 piece piece can tube 6 1 1 5 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 14 pack piece box set 1 10 5 7 1 4 2 set piece 5 3 piece 3 1 piece 3 piece piece piece 8 3 9 3 2 piece 4 5 piece pad pad 10 5 9 9 5 11 6 2 6 5 1 6 5 3 3 8 3 7 1 17 87.20 1482.40 11 1 31 17 28 75.25 56.90 40.15 2332.75 967.30 1124.20 124.05 0.00 29 32.70 948.30 1 2 8.10 16.20 6 2 7 2 1 pad pad 10 piece 1 bottle 3 6 4 32.50 130.00 box 19 20 4 4 1 6 54 9.30 502.20 box 20 21 9 14 1 6 71 16.35 1160.85 box 13 19 5 4 8 1 6 57 87.10 4964.70 6 5 3 16 109.85 1757.60 ream 1 10 2 1 2 1 Paper Bond, PG (Premium Grade) legal, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") 70 gsm Paper for PPC (Plain Paper Copiers) A4, 210mm x 297mm, min of 70 gsm Paper for PPC (Plain Paper Copiers) legal, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") min of 70 gsm Paper Mimeo, GW (Newsprint) A4, 210mm x 297mm, 60 gsm Paper Mimeo, GW (Newsprint) legal, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") 60 gsm Paper Mimeo, WW (Whitewove) A4, 210mm x 297mm (8-1/4" x 11-3/4") 70 gsm Paper Mimeo, WW (Whitewove) legal, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") 70 gsm Paper Multicopy, for Laser/ink jet printers, high speed copiers, 210mm 297mm (A4) 80 gsm Paper Multicopy, for laser/ink jet printers, high speed copiers, 216mm 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") 80 gsm Paper Onionskin, Superfine, A4, 210mm x 297mm, 24 gsm Paper Onionskin, Superfine, legal, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2" x 13") 24 gsm Paper Ruled Pad, non-blot, 216mm x 330mm, 100 sheets Parchment Paper, multi-purpose, A4 size (210mm x 297mm) 75 gsm, fine, transluscent, suitable for pen and ink drawing, 100's/ream Paste solid,w/ water well and applicator,200g to a jar Pencil lead, with eraser, medium size Pencil mechanical, for 0.5mm lead Printer Ribbon, RN SO15083/SO15086 for EpsonLQ 217./2070/2180, FX2170/2180 Printer Ribbon, RN7754, for Epson LQ1000/1050/1050+/1170 printers Printer Ribbon, RN8750 for LX300, LX800, FX80 to 800 printers Printer Ribbon, RN8755, for Epson FX100/105/1000/1050/1170/, LX1170/1050, MX80 printers Printer Ribbon, RN SO15327, for Epson FX2190 & 2175 printers Printer, automatic data processing, impact dot matrix, 9 pins, 136 columns, complete with ribbons, cables (power and parallel connectors) and manual, brand new, FX-2190, Epson brand ream 3 ream 10 ream 18 14 42 ream 2 ream 4 4 9 5 10 10 34 1 30 124.95 3748.50 5 30 166.80 5004.00 11 115 184.10 21171.50 2 3 3 11 81.75 899.25 2 5 3 14 95.95 1343.30 2 19 151.20 2872.80 2 85 161.55 13731.75 7 188.70 1320.90 65 205.50 13357.50 72.70 0.00 92.60 926.00 pad 24.75 0.00 ream 168.95 0.00 2 22.90 45.80 12 12 26.10 19.10 313.20 229.20 2 759.75 1519.50 ream 10 3 2 ream 18 26 10 ream 6 ream 11 2 3 24 2 1 16 5 13 5 7 1 7 ream ream 5 piece dozen piece 5 10 2 5 2 2 3 12 piece 2 piece 10 5 15 136.25 2043.75 piece 14 10 24 80.45 1930.80 68.85 0.00 351.00 2106.00 30051.30 0.00 piece piece unit 6 6 Printer, impact dot matrix, 24 pins, 136 columns, 465 copies print speed, parallel of USB interface, manual tractor feeder paper handling, 220 VAC/60Hz with power cable, software driver (if any) manual and ribbon cartridge, brand new, Model No. DL-3850+ FUJITSU brand Printer, impact dot matrix, 9 pins, 80 columns, complete with ribbons, cables (power and parallel connectors) and manual, brand new LX300+, Epson brand Printer, laser, 19 ppm printing speed, 1200 x 1200 dpl, with power cord, interface cable software drivers and manual, brand new, Samsung brand, ML-2250 Punching/Binding Machine, two (2) hand lever system, 34cm or 13" (24 holes)punching width adjustable to any format, binds 425 sheets or up 2" thick, all metal construction, brand new, made in Germany, Nibo brand, BM-C24D Puncher heavy duty Push Pins hammer head type.Asstd colors,100's/box Radio Cassette Recorder with AM/FM Radio, Sanyo brand, model MCD-XJ790, brand new Rags cotton approx 203mm (8") in diameter Record Book 300 pages, non-blot, 215mm, 55gsm, smythe sewn, w/ Official Record Book printing Record Book 500 pages, 215mm x 275mm, 55gsm, smythe sewn w/ Official Record Book printing Ribbon nylon, for manual typewriter Ring Binder 12mm x 1.2m (1/2" x 44") plastic asstd colors Ring Binder 19mm x 1.12M (3/4" x 44") plastic asstd colors Ring Binder 24mm x 1.12M (1" x 44") plastic, asstd colors Ring Binder 48mm x 1.12M (2" x 44") plastic, asstd colors Rubber Band #18, 400 gms/box Ruler plastic, 305mm (12") Ruler plastic, 457mm (18") Scissors size 15cm (6") Scouring Pad economy size, 140mm x 220mm, color green, 5pcs/pack Sharpener single cutterhead, one hole guide Sign Pen high tech pen, black Sign Pen high tech pen, blue Sign Pen high tech pen, red Stamp Pad felt pad, 70mm x 100mm unit 19029.25 0.00 unit 8284.00 0.00 unit 8494.40 0.00 unit 10898.95 0.00 9 119.90 1079.10 20 31.45 629.00 1 1733.10 1733.10 32 45.80 1465.60 97 52.90 5131.30 63 81.75 5150.25 28 16.65 466.20 piece 4 3 box 2 7 unit 1 1 9 1 1 1 kilo 6 13 book 13 41 book 14 16 5 25 3 spool 6 1 3 4 1 piece 30 30 4.50 135.00 piece 60 60 13.10 786.00 17 33 13.10 432.30 14 36 33.10 1191.60 1 1 4 53 9 19 103.50 3.85 38.15 19.65 414.00 204.05 343.35 373.35 142.80 0.00 154.55 43.50 43.50 43.50 26.20 0.00 12832.50 0.00 0.00 524.00 piece 1 4 5 9 1 17 16 piece box piece piece pair 8 12 2 9 4 10 2 20 8 6 4 3 11 2 1 3 1 5 5 13 3 2 3 pack piece piece piece piece piece 62 4 80 12 12 6 27 12 37 15 50 295 2 20 6 1 1 Stamp Pad Ink violet, 50ml w/ applicator Stamping Dater, automatic, w/ ink pad 3.5cm x 6cm Staple Remover twin jaws Staple Wire standard, #35, 500's/box Stapler heavy duty, Peace brand Starter 4-40W, for FLUO, Tube Stencil Ink #217, 400ml, for Gestetner M-400 series, Gestetner Stencil Paper ordinary, 24 sheets/quire Tape Adding Machine, 57mm (2-1/4") width, whitebond, 55 gsm Tape Dispenser heavy duty for 24mm (1") width transparent tape Tape Electrical, 19mm x 16M, asstd colors Tape Masking, 24mm (1")width,usable length of 50M Tape Masking,48mm (2")width, usable length of 50M Tape Packaging,48mm width, approx 50M length Tape Transparent,24mm (1")width x 50M usable length Tape Transparent, 48mm (2") width, usable length of 50M Thermal Paper 210mm x 30M, 12mm (1/2") core Thermal Paper 216mm x 30M, 12mm (1/2") core Time Card for Amano bundy clock 85mm x 190mm (3-3/8" x 7 1/2") imported 14 pts. Tagboard, offset process, two sides printing 100pcs/pack Toilet Bowl and Urinal Cleaner bactericidal, 900ml/bottle Toilet Deodorant Cake (deodorizer moth proofer) 99% paradichlorobenzene, 50gms/piece, 3pcs/box Toilet Tissue 250 twin-ply sheets, 12rolls/package Toner Cartridge, HP 92296A, original, for HP Laserjet Model 4/4M/4Plus/4M Plus/5/5M/5N printers Toner Cartridge, HP C3903A/F, original, black, for HP Laserjet 5P/5MP/6P/6MP Toner Cartridge, HP C3906A/F, original, black, for HP Laserjet Model 5L/6L/3100 series/3150 printer fax, copier, scanner Toner Cartridge, HP C4092A, original, black for HP Laserjet Model 1100 series/3200 printer, fax copier, scanner Toner Cartridge, HP C4096A, original, black, for HP Laserjet Model 2100/2200 series printers bottle 3 piece 16 2 1 1 23 28.35 652.05 1 510.15 510.15 8 102 10 20.60 27.25 264.00 5.35 164.80 2779.50 2640.00 0.00 2 5 378.00 1890.00 1 1 1 piece box piece piece 4 23 1 32 6 bottle 1 2 2 5 2 2 1 24 quire 2 11 3 2 206.75 206.75 roll 11.20 0.00 piece 52.90 0.00 3 19.10 57.30 37 43.60 1613.20 5 80.55 2 40 20.20 808.00 4 77 11.40 877.80 17 21.40 363.80 roll 42.00 0.00 roll 39.80 0.00 4200 92.60 388920.00 2 27 64.75 1748.25 27 174 35.85 6237.90 2 43 64.10 2756.30 piece 6027.70 0.00 piece 4954.05 0.00 piece 3869.50 0.00 3373.55 10120.65 5787.90 0.00 roll roll 3 10 roll 9 5 7 3 2 roll 12 9 roll 15 25 roll 3 5 2 13 7 16 13 3 2 5 1 pack 4200 bottle 10 4 6 5 box 57 4 52 32 2 pack 5 11 6 1 piece piece 3 2 5 5 1 2 4 2 3 402.75 Toner Cartridge, HP C7115A, original, for HP Laserjet Model 3300mfp series/1000 series/1200 series printers piece 2647.20 0.00 piece 4224.40 0.00 piece 4360.00 0.00 roll 728.15 0.00 box 782.65 0.00 box 216.95 0.00 108.80 108.80 roll 65.40 0.00 unit 18748.00 0.00 Typewriter manual, 18" carriage, standard pica/elite typecase, 46 keys, Philippine key board, metal casing, brand new, Olympia, SG3N. unit 19838.00 0.00 Typewriter manual, 24" carriage, standard, pica/elite typecase, 46 keys, Philippine key board, metal casing, brand new, Olympia SG3N. unit 26705.00 0.00 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) line interactive topology, with sealed maintenance, free batteris, 520VA-600VA, brand new, UMART. unit 1749.45 0.00 30.55 244.40 174.40 0.00 Toner Cartridge, HP Q2613X, original, for HP Laserjet printer Model 1300 Toner Cartridge, original, for Samsung Laser Printer Model ML-2250 D5 Tracing Paper, in rolls, 42" yards, 70 gsm Transparency Film for colored presentations, A4 (210mm x 297mm) size, universal, 50 sheets/box Transparency Film for OHP/PPC, 210MM X 297MM (A4), 100's/box Trashbag plastic, gusseted type, 0.04mm thickness, height/length 1016mm (4") width (bottom 470mm (16.5) with tie 10pcs/roll Twine plastic, one kilo Typewriter manual, 15" carriage, standard pica/elite typecase, 46 keys, Philippine key board, metal casing, brand new, Olympia, SG3N Wastebasket plastic, asstd colors, non-rigid Wrapping Paper kraft, 65 gsm, 910mm width approx, 40M (3 kgs) roll 1 piece 1 4 4 8 roll SUB TOTAL 640033.80 B. OTHER ITEMS NOT AVAILABLE AT PS BUT REGULARLY PURCHASED FROM OTHER SOURCES (pls specify) Air Freshener, lemon fresh 250ml, brand Glade Air Freshener, Bayfresh, Lemon flavor Air Freshener, 586.6 gms, brand Lysol Albatross, big, with handle Back Range, #11, 12 Back Range, #13, 14 Battery D Battery AA, Energizer brand Battery, medium size, Everyday bottle bottle bottle piece piece piece piece piece piece 18 1 3 10 2 6 1 1 15 5 3 2 1 1 40 5 15 11 40 10 40 5 30 5 58 1 6 2 1 1 150 36 15 200.00 280.00 285.00 50.00 70.00 80.00 26.00 45.00 27.00 11600.00 280.00 1710.00 100.00 70.00 80.00 3900.00 1620.00 405.00 Ball, basketball Ball, volleyball Ball Point fine point, assorted Ballpen, ordinary Ballpen, retractable, Pilot brand Ballpen, retractable, Pilot brand, refill Ballpen, Pilot brand, black Ballpen, Pilot brand, blue Ballpen, Pilot brand, red Binder, front volt Binder Clip, 2" Binder Clip, 1 5/8" Binder Clip, 9" x 4.5" Bolo Bolo, jungle Bolo, lagaraw Book, clear, long, Green color Book Ends, large Book, Planner Book, for Registry, Application for Marriage License piece piece piece dozen piece piece dozen dozen dozen piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece book Bowl, big, plastic Bowl, big Box, for RPTAR, wooden Brush, 1" Brush, 2" Brush, 3" Brush, 4" Brush, steel Calculator, JS-40V,14 digits, 2 way power, brand Casio piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece Calculator, HL-122TV, brand Casio Calculator, Electronic, brand Casio Calculator, Scientific, FX 991 MS Calculator, Scientific, FX 992 X California Scent Carbon Film (Plastofoil) legal Carbon Film (Plastofoil) short Card, for Leave Card, Index, 1/2 size Card Reader Cartolina, flourescent in color Cartridge , ribbon printer LX-300+ unit unit unit unit can quire quire piece piece piece piece cart book 20 20 132 192 3 9 1/2 6 12 31 201 60 11 10 343 6 6 12 8 2 9 9 7 3 10 10 38 3 1 1 24 24 24 3 2 9 6 2 1 2 7 5 1 14 10 2 1 15 2 12 42 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 piece 1 1 3 3 1 2 3 4 2 100 5 1 3 2 1 3 6 2 3 1 1 12 11 1 200 1 13 12 12 3 41 40 969 20 1/2 6 24 69 24 24 6 20 30 6 2 2 2 14 10 2 160.00 150.00 6.00 60.00 70.00 48.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 400.00 8.00 7.00 400.00 150.00 220.00 180.00 60.00 130.00 100.00 6560.00 6000.00 5814.00 1230.00 420.00 1152.00 4485.00 1560.00 1560.00 2400.00 160.00 210.00 2400.00 300.00 440.00 360.00 840.00 1300.00 200.00 1 1200.00 1200.00 15 14 42 4 2 6 2 6 75.00 80.00 80.00 23.40 36.40 85.80 98.80 26.80 1125.00 1120.00 3360.00 93.60 72.80 514.80 197.60 160.80 1 1400.00 1400.00 3 3 1 2 12 18 7 100 200 1 24 40 525.00 650.00 1500.00 1500.00 200.00 700.00 650.00 10.00 0.90 400.00 60.00 140.00 1575.00 1950.00 1500.00 3000.00 2400.00 12600.00 4550.00 1000.00 180.00 400.00 1440.00 5600.00 Cashbook, for Municipal Treasurer, Annex 20 CD-R, brand Maxell, with cover CD-R, brand Maxell, w/o cover Cell Card, for Smart Cell Card, for Globe book piece Piece Piece Piece Cellophane, for cover Cellophane, for cover, thick Cellophane, #2.6 Cellophane, Texas brand, medium, 100's/pack Cellophane, smooth 100's/pack Certificate, lamination Chlorine Meter Meter Piece Pack Pack Piece Kilo Christmas Decors, assorted Chopping Board Cleaning Bucket Cloth, pongee Cloth, for streamer, tetoron, white Columnar, Notebook, 14 columns Columnar, Notebook, 24 columns Correction Pen, Uni metal tip Set Piece Piece Meter Meter Piece Piece Piece Correction Fluid, brand Touch & Go Cotton Big 100 gms, Purity Cotton Big, 300 gms, Purity Crayon, single Cup and Saucer Curtain Cutter for flower bottle roll roll box set DVD-R, blank with case Detergent Powder, 1kg/pack, Tide Detergent Powder, 1kg/pack, Wings Dirt & Stain remover Dish Drainer Dishwashing Liquid, (Axion) Dishwashing Paste 400 gms (Axion) Disinfectant, brand Lysol piece pack pack can piece bottle can gallon Doormat DVD-R Envelope, printed, Legal, 500pcs/box Envelope, brown, mailing, 1/2" size Envelope, brown, legal Envelope, brown, short piece piece box piece piece piece piece 4 2 12 2 10 10 2 34 5 20 20 700.00 40.00 18.00 300.00 300.00 1400.00 1360.00 90.00 6000.00 6000.00 1 25 3 4 5 4 20 6 15.00 50.00 15.00 90.00 22.00 65.00 150.00 375.00 150.00 60.00 450.00 88.00 1300.00 900.00 1 2 65 56 2 3 102 150.00 150.00 50.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 130.00 2000.00 150.00 300.00 3250.00 1960.00 70.00 165.00 13260.00 2 9 14 5 9 2 45.00 75.00 130.00 19.50 250.00 5000.00 250.00 90.00 675.00 1820.00 97.50 2250.00 5000.00 500.00 14 4 13 3 1 7 28 10 60.00 160.00 135.00 100.00 2000.00 60.00 70.00 1800.00 840.00 640.00 1755.00 300.00 2000.00 420.00 1960.00 18000.00 11 10 1 50 306 60 250.00 50.00 1300.00 4.50 3.00 2.50 2750.00 500.00 1300.00 225.00 918.00 150.00 2 12 2 5 10 10 25 3 2 2 5 4 20 2 2 1 LUMP SUM 1 1 1 60 5 20 15 2 3 2 3 23 4 7 1 18 22 27 1 3 1 4 18 1 10 2 1 5 2 1 2 1 1 LUMP SUM 1 1 10 1 6 1 1 4 7 5 1/2 4 1 6 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 5 4 1 2 25 77 30 25 30 2 1 1 1 6 4 1/2 1 4 2 3 1 2 1 21 50 25 30 103 Envelope, expanded, brown, legal Envelope, expanded, green, legal Envelope, mailing, white Eraser, rubber, for ink white & blue, Steadler brand piece dozen piece 39 piece 1 Erasing Shield, Steadler brand Fabric Conditioner, downy Facsimile, received, machine made Feather Duster Felt Paper, asstd color piece bottle piece piece piece 1 3 1 3 File Organizer, 3 drawers (navy Blue) copyright brand Filing Tray, 3 drawers, steel Flash Drive, 8gb Flash Drive, 32gb Flexible Curve, Rotring Foam, refill Folder File, expanded, green, legal Folder File, short, brown color Folder File, legal, brown color Folder File, Kraft, legal size Folder File, Kraft, short size Folder File, short size, color blue, Morocco Fork, for table Forms, for Service Records Forms, for Dental, #1 frames, for Certificates, medium Frames, for certificates, large French Curve, brand Steadler Glass Cleaner, liquid spray,Kiwi brand Glass Cleaner, liquid spray, refill, Kiwi brand Glass, for drinking Glass Wiper, small Gloves Glue, 118 gms, Elmer's brand Glue, 130ml, Elmer's brand Glue, stick, small size Glue, stick, big size Glue Gun, big Googles/Sunglasses Hammer Herbicide, round-up Ink, Canon, CL 41, colored piece 3 piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece dozen piece piece piece piece piece bottle bottle dozen piece pair bottle bottle piece piece piece piece piece gallon piece 2 4 3 10 38 4 95 3 50 14.00 180.00 1.00 1330.00 540.00 50.00 2 3 50.00 150.00 1 12 1 31 13 150.00 170.00 1000.00 75.00 25.00 150.00 2040.00 1000.00 2325.00 325.00 4 800.00 3200.00 3 2 2 1 18 220 237 438 120 50 250 3 100 200 12 10 1 49 13 5 7 6 13 16 6 28 1 4 1 10 1/2 2 500.00 1000.00 2000.00 500.00 75.00 15.00 4.50 5.00 10.50 6.50 7.50 240.00 10.00 7.00 75.00 120.00 400.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 250.00 80.00 50.00 65.00 5.00 8.00 280.00 85.00 338.00 2200.00 1300.00 1500.00 2000.00 4000.00 500.00 1350.00 3300.00 1066.50 2190.00 1260.00 325.00 1875.00 720.00 1000.00 1400.00 900.00 1200.00 400.00 9800.00 1300.00 750.00 1750.00 480.00 650.00 1040.00 30.00 224.00 280.00 340.00 338.00 23100.00 2600.00 50 3 2 4 6 2 3 3 2 1 22 2 1 1 2 1 1 9 56 63 43 50 25 250 3 86 69 65 50 20 158 20 2 1 3 24 70 87 50 25 25 3 4 15 25 35 1 100 200 12 5 1 13 3 2 3 3 5 4 3 1 3 2 2 18 10 1 9 4 4 1 2 2 6 1 2 3 3 6 6 5 2 1 6 1/2 1 3 5 1 2 1 12 4 1 Ink Cartridge, for printer C7115A, HP brand Ink Cartridge, HP Laser Jet, CE2 85A Ink Cartridge, #810, black, brand Canon Ink Cartridge, #811, colored, brand Canon Ink Cartridge, Kyocera KM 1820 Ink Cartridge, #60, black, HP Ink Cartridge, #60, colored, HP Ink Cartridge, #60, colored, HP refill Ink Cartridge, #60, black, HP refill Ink Cartridge #21, black, HP brand Ink Cartridge, #21, black, HP brand, refill Ink Cartridge, #22, colored, HP brand, refill Ink Cartridge, #22, tricolor, HP brand Ink Cartridge, #15, HP brand Ink Colored, CHI #0060, CMYIC Pigment, 125ml, Epson printer Ink, refill, universal, for computer, black Ink, refill, universal, for computer, blue Ink, refill, universal, for computer, red Ink, refill, universal, for computer, magenta Ink, refill, universal, for computer, cyan Ink, refill, universal, for computer, yellow Ink, pentel pen, refill, black Ink, pentel pen, refill, blue Ink, for Whiteboard, red, refill Ink, for Whiteboard, black, refill Ink, for Whiteboard, blue, refill Ink, for Stencil paper, black Ink. Toner, for printer Q2612A Ink Toner, Canon Pixma 830, black Ink Toner, Canon Pixma 831, red Ink Toner, NPG-21, Canon, black Ink Toner, Laser Jet P1006, HP Ink Toner, Laser Jet 15A, HP Jars Kettle, regular size Keyboard, computer Knife, for kitchen, big Knife, for kitchen, small Laddle Led, G2, # .05, red cart cart cart cart cart cart cart cart cart cart cart 1 1 4 2 2 7 9 2 6 5 3 cart cart cart 1 1 3 4 6 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 7 2 2 8 1 1 3 5 3 2 6 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle cart tube tube cart tube tube set piece piece piece piece piece piece 1 2 4 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 6 6 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 2 1 1 12 3 2600.00 7800.00 1 6 4 13 24 20 6 31 12 6 2500.00 1000.00 1300.00 3700.00 900.00 1000.00 600.00 400.00 850.00 500.00 2500.00 6000.00 5200.00 48100.00 21600.00 20000.00 3600.00 12400.00 10200.00 3000.00 2 750.00 1500.00 20 3 950.00 2000.00 19000.00 6000.00 3 2000.00 6000.00 17 3 3 9 9 10 5 4 2 2 4 4 3 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 24 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 150.00 200.00 4500.00 950.00 1250.00 7000.00 3000.00 4000.00 4500.00 500.00 500.00 150.00 60.72 100.00 35.00 2550.00 450.00 450.00 1350.00 1350.00 1500.00 450.00 360.00 180.00 180.00 600.00 800.00 13500.00 11400.00 15000.00 7000.00 3000.00 4000.00 4500.00 500.00 1500.00 300.00 121.44 200.00 840.00 Led, G2, # .05, black Ledger Card, for business Manila Paper Marking Pen, brand Stabilo Boss Marking Pen, for whiteboard, brand Pilot, blue Marking Pen, for whiteboard, brand Pilot, black Marking Pen, perm black, blue, red Medals, engraved Memo Pad Memo Pad, Municipal Mayor Mopler, rubber with handle Mouse, computer Mouse Pad, computer Mug Muriatic Acid Net, basketball Net, volleyball Nylon, #300, Grass Cutter Pad, for scrub Pail, (regular,small, medium, large in size) Pallate Pan, for frying Paper, fastener, vinyl coated Paper, book, Short, subs 20 Paper, book, Legal, subs 20 Paper Bond, short, substance 20 Paper Bond, short, white Paper, Mimeo, short, white wove Paper Bond, color sky blue, short Paper Bond, color yellow, short Paper Bond, color pink, short Paper Bond, color sky blue, legal Paper Bond, color yellow, legal Paper Bond, color pink, legal Paper Bond, A3 substance 20 Paper, clip, vinyl coated, jumbo type Paper, fastener, vinyl coated Paper, for Photo, A4 Paper, for Photo, legal Paper, laid, short Paper, laid, legal piece piece piece set piece 12 piece 1 piece piece pad pad piece piece piece piece gallon piece piece bundle piece piece piece piece box ream ream ream ream ream ream ream ream ream ream ream ream box box piece piece piece piece 3 6 2 12 200 25 30 1 24 200 92 4 2 35.00 5.00 4.00 150.00 75.00 840.00 1000.00 368.00 600.00 150.00 4 12 75.00 900.00 3 6 45 119 24 15 4 4 22 7 40 42 38 6 2 5 1 5 192 51 5 43 41 74 84 52 1 1 1 3 5 9 107 35.00 200.00 40.00 40.00 300.00 450.00 50.00 15.00 100.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 5.00 200.00 24.00 400.00 40.00 210.00 220.00 190.00 150.00 145.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 400.00 25.00 40.00 6.00 8.00 3.00 4.00 210.00 9000.00 4760.00 960.00 4500.00 1800.00 200.00 330.00 700.00 3000.00 6300.00 5700.00 30.00 400.00 120.00 400.00 200.00 40320.00 11220.00 950.00 6450.00 5945.00 14800.00 16800.00 10400.00 195.00 195.00 195.00 1200.00 125.00 360.00 642.00 31 1 2 7 45 11 6 6 2 2 2 9 6 3 1 1 80 10 6 2 1 1 9 6 2 2 10 10 6 1 10 11 6 22 3 1 20 21 10 8 8 6 2 3 2 1 2 31 12 1 44 5 5 14 12 11 8 20 3 16 23 11 5 2 2 1 23 4 5 7 13 14 15 9 5 10 5 2 2 1 2 47 10 8 3 16 19 13 6 2 3 3 3 13 8 6 6 4 3 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 5 45 10 30 5 2 3 52 10 29 3 5 10 1 1 20 59 60.00 236.00 Paper, Laid Board, Cannon/pack Paper, Laid Board, Cannon Paper, linen, legal Paper, linen, short Paper, scented Paper, sticker Paper, for wall Paper Weight Payroll, Municipal Pencil, mechanical with Lead, .5 Pencil, brand Mongol Pencil, mechanical, 0.5mm lead, Rotring brand Pentel Pen, Pilot, black Pentel Pen, Pilot, broad, blue Pentel Pen, Pilot, broad, black Pentel Pen, Pilot, broad, green Pentel Pen, Pilot, broad, red Pins Pitcher, breakable Plate, for serving, big Plates, breakable Plates, breakable, regular size Plates, plastic R.E.R Form Rainboot, branded Rainboot, ordinary Raincoat, ordinary Rags, rubber/plastic Reimbursement Receipts (RER) Record Book, 150 pages Record Book 200 pages Ribbon, for Printer, LX-300+, refill Ribbon, for Printer, FX 1170, refill Ribbon, for Bundy Clock, black Ribbon, for Typewriter Ribbon, for Typewriter, nylon + AF, black Rice Cooker, 10 cups, Asahi brand Roller Pan, #10 Rubber Stamp, employee Rubber Stamp (Hon. Rogelio T. Corpuz) Scorebook, basketball pack piece pack pack set piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece pad piece piece dozen piece piece pad pair pair pair piece pad book book piece piece piece piece box unit piece piece piece pad 15 50 14 100 1 1 5 5 25 15 2 4 2 100 4 7 3 3 5 25 5 6 4 36 5 50 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 50 1 5 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 16 27 2 4 4 5 4 8 8 2 5 8 4 6 2 3 1 3 1 3 6 8 19 28 30 3 35 20 5 5 3 4 3 1 3 1 1 1 5 2 1 5 1 29 150 1 1 15 50 15 8 200 5 60 3 31 2 6 2 2 1 2 2 3 16 27 2 2 15 21 5 5 16 16 94 50 10 3 3 1 5 4 1 10 50.00 6.00 60.00 40.00 25.00 10.00 12.00 150.00 5.00 70.00 6.00 220.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 5.35 250.00 80.00 504.80 35.00 75.00 30.00 850.00 500.00 250.00 150.00 30.00 55.00 50.00 40.00 35.00 350.00 45.00 46.00 1100.00 150.00 250.00 700.00 35.00 1450.00 900.00 60.00 40.00 375.00 500.00 180.00 1200.00 1000.00 350.00 360.00 660.00 1395.00 90.00 270.00 90.00 90.00 5.35 500.00 160.00 1514.40 560.00 2025.00 60.00 1700.00 7500.00 5250.00 750.00 150.00 880.00 800.00 3760.00 1750.00 3500.00 135.00 138.00 1100.00 750.00 1000.00 700.00 350.00 Scorebook, volleyball Screw, flat, heavy duty Screw, star, heavy duty Scissor, big Scissor, stainless 205mm (8") Sharpening Stone Sign Pen, My Gel brand Sign Pen, My Gel brand, refill Sign Pen G2, .05 Sign Pen, G-Tec C4 Sign Pen, G-Tec C4, refill Sinamay Soap, safeguard, lemon scent Spoon, for table Spoon, serving Spray, insecticide, brand Baygon Sponge (Scotch Brite) Stamp, mailing Staple Wire, #10 w/12 small boxes/package pad piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece roll piece dozen piece bottle piece piece Staple Wire, #10, single box Staple Wire, Bostich, #B8 Staple Wire, #35, Max brand Stapler, #10, brand Max Stapler w/ remover,#35, MAX brand Stencil Paper, brand Daito, legal Stick File, stainless Sticker, asstd color Sticker, Cabless/Single Permit, rainproof Sticker, Tricycle Permit, rainproof Sticker, Weight & Measures Stopwatch Stove, butane Streamer Styrofore (3 x 6) Tabbing, for letter Tabo, plastic Tablespoon Tank, Prycegas, refill Tape, Double Sided, 1 inch Tape, Masking, 1" Tape, Masking, Armac brand box box box piece piece quire piece meters piece piece piece piece unit piece piece piece piece dozen tank roll roll roll pack 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 40 13 30 16 23 53 12 14 2 10 8 4 2 1 24 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 150 2 1 1 1 3 39 8 2 1 1 22 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 15 1 1 125 150 300 1 2 1 5 1 15 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 10 2 2 1 1 1 156 25 48 10 10 4 12 4 2 4 5 150 35.00 250.00 250.00 101.50 120.00 180.00 26.00 20.00 75.00 80.00 50.00 350.00 35.00 240.00 50.00 190.00 45.00 10.00 350.00 500.00 500.00 101.50 120.00 180.00 4056.00 500.00 3600.00 800.00 500.00 1400.00 420.00 960.00 100.00 760.00 225.00 1500.00 9 90.00 810.00 62 10 2 3 2 1 1 20 125 150 300 1 1 6 6 30 4 1 4 2 6 3 7.00 55.00 40.00 70.00 300.00 620.00 45.00 10.00 23.50 30.00 10.00 150.00 900.00 500.00 140.00 17.00 75.00 240.00 1000.00 40.00 18.00 20.00 434.00 550.00 80.00 210.00 600.00 620.00 45.00 200.00 2937.50 4500.00 3000.00 150.00 900.00 3000.00 840.00 510.00 300.00 240.00 4000.00 80.00 108.00 60.00 Tape, Packaging, Armac brand Tape, Transparent, Armac brand Tape, Steel Tarpaulin, 3" x 2" ft, Tarpaulin, printing size 3" x 8" Tattoo, broadband, Globe Teaspoon° Technical Pen, set 1,2,3,4, Rotring brand Template, Ellipse, Rotring brand Template, Floor Plan, Steadler brand Thumbtacks Toilet bowl cleaner, brand Duck Toilet Brush Toilet, tissue, brand Femme Top Glass, office table Trash Can with cover Triangular Scale, brand Steadler Triangular, 30° x 60° x 90° x 12", Orion Triangular, 45° x 45° x 90° x 12", Orion Trophy, wooden, big Trophy, wooden, medium Trophy, wooden, small T-Shirt, with printing Umbrella, big Uninterrupted Power Supply, UPS, ArtecNS-A601 roll roll piece piece piece piece piece set piece piece box bottle piece roll piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece piece Vase Wall Clock Wall Clock, big Whistle, ordinary White Board, 3" x 6" Window Cleaner, 500ml Yarn Yellow Paper Zonrox piece piece piece piece piece piece roll pad gallon 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 10 1 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 10 5 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 80 4 unit 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 4 1 18 20.00 20.00 286.00 1344.50 600.00 1245.00 10.00 1300.00 150.00 700.00 10.00 160.00 50.00 12.00 800.00 250.00 380.00 200.00 200.00 1200.00 850.00 700.00 80.00 130.00 60.00 60.00 572.00 2689.00 1800.00 2490.00 220.00 1300.00 150.00 700.00 110.00 480.00 200.00 120.00 4000.00 2250.00 1140.00 200.00 200.00 6000.00 4250.00 3500.00 6400.00 780.00 3 3150.00 9450.00 1 3 1 6 1 2 7 66 4 600.00 200.00 1000.00 30.00 2500.00 192.40 15.00 18.00 170.00 600.00 600.00 1000.00 180.00 2500.00 384.80 105.00 1188.00 680.00 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 22 1 1 1 11 3 4 10 5 9 3 1 1 5 5 5 80 6 5 2 1 13 13 1 3 2 8 1 5 SUB TOTAL 803788.59 SHOP SUPPLIES BORAX BRONZE ROD can piece 2 10 2 10 390.00 78.00 780.00 780.00 DEVCON ELECTRICAL TAPE, brand Armark ELECTRICAL VARNISH EPOXY PIONEER FLAT FILE HACKSAW BLADE MIGHTY BOND NECOLITE ROUND FILE RUGBY SAND PAPER SOLDERING ROD STEEL BRUSH TAPELON THREE BOND TIE WIRE #18 WELDING ROD 6011 WELDING ROD 6013 VULCANIZING GUM piece roll can piece piece piece piece piece piece bottle piece kilo piece roll piece kilo kilo kilo roll 10 10 2 10 2 10 10 10 3 4 50 2 10 10 4 5 20 20 1 10 10 10 10 30 20 20 20 20 2 10 2 20 20 10 3 4 80 2 10 10 4 5 40 40 1 130.00 45.50 244.40 65.00 101.40 70.00 46.00 93.60 89.70 26.00 436.80 23.00 13.00 140.40 127.40 182.00 130.00 325.00 SUB TOTAL 2600.00 910.00 488.80 650.00 200.00 2028.00 1400.00 460.00 280.80 358.80 2080.00 873.60 230.00 130.00 561.60 637.00 7280.00 5200.00 325.00 28253.60 CAPITAL OUTLAY AIRCON BUNDY CLOCK PUNCHING BINDING MACHINE SANGGUNIAN MAZE CELPHONE PRINTER WITH SCANNER DIGITAL CAMERA LAPTOP WITH PRINTER COMPUTER with accessories set MOTORCYCLE VENETIAN BLIND FURNITURE & FIXTURES PRINTER TOOLS & EQUIPMENT GRASS CUTTER PRINTER COMPUTER SERVER unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit unit with installation 1 1 1 1 1 1 LUMPSUM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 80000.00 7500.00 25000.00 18000.00 10000.00 15000.00 10000.00 35000.00 60000.00 70000.00 250000.00 100000.00 15000.00 10000.00 15000.00 3500.00 35000.00 80000.00 7500.00 25000.00 18000.00 10000.00 15000.00 10000.00 35000.00 60000.00 70000.00 250000.00 100000.00 15000.00 10000.00 15000.00 35000.00 35000.00 LAPTOP HANDHELD GPS 60CsX ( GARMIN ) DESKTOP COMPUTER (acer aspire) PRINTER, canon DIGITAl STILL CAMERA UPS STELL CABINET WOODEN CABINET GARBAGE TRUCK MOTORCYCLE 27000.00 22500.00 38000.00 9500.00 13000.00 3500.00 8500.00 3000.00 950000.00 80000.00 SUB TOTAL OVER ALL TOTAL Prepared by GENA A. GADON RCC-I/BAC Secretariat Head Recommended by: VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT MBO/BAC Chairman 27000.00 45000.00 38000.00 9500.00 13000.00 3500.00 8500.00 3000.00 950000.00 80000.00 1968000.00 6039652.00 Approved by: LORENZO L. BALBIN JR. Municipal Mayor ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE 1. MHO-MOOE * Nut. & Community Outreach Services * Dental Health Program * Expanded Program Immunization *Schistosomiasis Control Program ABC 30,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 7,275.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 * Local Health Board * CSR+Family Planning Program * Maternal & Child Health Care Program 5,000.00 14,532.00 * TB Control Prod. 2,250.00 2. MPDC – MOOE 43,650.00 3. MBO 45,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE 4. SBO 5. MO-ADMIN *MOOE *ADMIN Support Prog. *Youth & Supports Devt. Program 6. BAC 7. MO/ SMEDC 8. GSO-PSM RMD ADMIN ABC 52,367.29 77,780.00 14,550.00 39,997.35 20,000.00 9,685.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 9. MEO 40,000.00 10. MASSO 5,000.00 *MOOE *General Revision 40,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE 11. SMEDC Section ABC 9,684.70 12. TOURISM 10,000.00 13. MCR 24,432.05 14. ECO ENT. *Market Operation *Terminal Operation *Motorpool Operation 15. COMELEC 16. MO/PLEB 17. MO/DILG 13,906.00 14,150.90 13,956.90 4,833.63 14,850.00 4,850.00 18. MO/PNP 14,550.00 19. MAO 40,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE 20. MO/HRM 21. MASO/DA 22. MO/MENRO *SOLID WASTE 23. MO/ADMS ABC 28,260.95 26,844.60 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 24. MO/INFO 15,000.00 28. MSWD 25,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 FUEL OFFICE ABC 1. GSO - ADMIN 35,000.00 2. MEO 30,000.00 3. MTO 80,000.00 4. SMEDC 5. MCOW 6. GSO - PSM 7. MASSO * General Revision 8. MO *Peace & Order Operation *Admin Support Prog. *Admin. Section 14,550.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 290,000.00 20,000.00 580,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 FUEL OFFICE ABC 9. BAC 3,000.00 10. MPDC *Monitors Program 13,000.00 11. MHO ( MOOE) ( Blood Services Prog.) *Nutrition & Community Outreach Services (Safe & Water) Sanitation Program (Schistosomiasis Program) (Maternal & Children Health Care Program) (TB Control Program) 35,000.00 12. SBO 80,000.00 13. TOURISM 10,000.00 2,050.00 2,650.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 14. MCR 8,000.00 15. MO/ DILG 4,850.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 FUEL OFFICE ABC 16. MO/PNP 20,000.00 17. MAO 3,000.00 18. MO/HRMO 3,000.00 19. MO/MENRO * Solid Waste 20. MO/ADMS 30,000.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 21. MO/INFO 8,000.00 22. MSWD 25,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OTHER SUPPLIES OFFICE 1. GSO – ADMIN. * PSM * RMD 2. MEO 3. MASSO * General Revesion 4. MO * Admin Support Prog. * Admin Section 5. MTO ABC 48,000.00 14,400.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 9,700.00 35,000.00 24,250.00 6. SMEDC 4,767.50 7. MPDC * MDC Operation 13,386.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OTHER SUPPLIES OFFICE 8. MHO * Blood Services Prog. * Nut. & Comm. Outreach Prog. 9. SBO 10. MBO ABC 7,000.00 2,5000.00 7,240.00 7,000.00 11. TOURISM 13,000.00 12. MCR 5,888.00 13. ECO ENT. * Market Operation * Cemetery Operation * Terminal Operation 13,955.15 14. COMELEC 2,100.00 15. MO/PLEB 4,850.00 4,686.00 5,550.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OTHER SUPPLIES OFFICE 16. MO/PNP 17. MAO 18. MO/HRM 19. MASO/ DA 20. MO/MENRO * Solid Waste 21. MO/ADMS 22. MO/INFO 23. MSWD ABC 9,700.00 12,000.00 1,845.00 20,000.00 4,00.00 4,00.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 MEALS AND SNACKS OFFICE 1. SMEDC 2. MCOW *BCOW Monthly Meeting *Institutional Devt. (CVPCOW) *Training & Seminars *Womens (Sal’lupongan Day) ABC 14,550.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 27,500.00 3. MASSO * MOOE 3,000.00 500.00 4. MO *Local Institutional Program *Peace & Order Operation *ADMIN. Support Program *MOOE Regular 70,000.00 58,200.00 9,700.00 5. BAC 5,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 MEALS AND SNACKS OFFICE 6. MPDC *Monitoring &Evaluation Program *MDC Operation ABC 19,400.00 19,400.00 7. MHO *Blood Service Program 3,000.00 *Nutrition & Community Outreach Services 10,500.00 *Comm. Health Base Program *Safe Water & Sanitation Program *Schistosomiasis Control Program *Local Health Board *Family Planning Prog. *TB Control Program 14,400.00 1,050.00 3,000.00 10,500.00 2,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 8. SBO JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 MEALS AND SNACKS OFFICE ABC 9. MBO 5,665.00 10. TOURISM 15,000.00 11. MCR 4,000.00 12. ECO. ENT. 2,910.00 13. MO/PNP 9,700.00 14. MO/HRM 3,000.00 15. MO/MENRO * Solid Waste 4,000.00 4,000.00 16. MO/ADMS 16,000.00 17. MO/INFO 5,000.00 18. MSWD 5,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 MEALS AND SNACKS OFFICE ABC 1. MHO *Expanded Program Immunization 14,550.00 *Preventive Nephrology Program 4,400.00 *Schistosomiasis Control Program 1,900.00 *Family Planning Program *Maternal & Child Health Care Program *Tb Control Program 69,000.00 408,780.00 31,850.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 MEDICAL DENTAL LABORATORY SUPPLIES OFFICE ABC 1. MHO – MOOE 10,000.00 *Control of Acute Respiratory Infection 19,400.00 *Cardiovascular Disease Prevention 17,460.00 *Blood Services Program 24,000.00 *Dental Health Program 25,000.00 *Safe Water & Sanitation Program 12,450.00 *Expanded Program on Immunization 2,425.00 *Preventive Nephrology Program 15,000.00 *Schistosomiasis Control Program 8,000.00 *Family Planning Program 3,940.00 *Maternal & Child Health Care Program 79,248.00 *TB Control Program 9,400.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE 1. GSO ( Admin ) ABC 91,933.00 2. MHO *Health Centers Equipment 3. ECO. ENT. 10,000.00 89,100.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 IT EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE OFFICE 1. GSO (ADMIN) ABC 15,000 (PSM) 15,000 2. MEO 9,000 3. MASSO-MOOE 20,000 4. M.O (ADMIN) 10,000 5. M.T.O 35,696 6. BAC 2,000 7. SMEDC 1,940.00 8. MPDC-MOOE REG 9,700 9. MHO_MOOE 10,000 10. GSO-RMD 10,000 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 IT EQUIPMENT & MAINTENANCE OFFICE ABC 11. SBO 30,000.00 12. MBO 17,000.00 13. ECO. ENT. 4,850.00 14. MO/ PLEB 1,455.00 15. MO/DILG 2,910.00 16. MAO 55,866.00 17. MO/HRM 4,000.00 18.MO/MENRO 2,600.00 *Solid Waste 2,600.00 19. MO/ADMS 3,000.00 20. MO/INFO 5,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 REPAIR & MAINT. OF MOTOR VEHICLE & HEAVY EQUIP. OFFICE ABC 1. GSO ( PSM ) 35,000.00 2. MEO 10,000.00 3. MASSO 15,000.00 4. M.O ( ADMIN SUPPORT SERVICES ) 9,700.00 ( ADMIN SECTION ) 460.000.00 5. MTO 19,400.00 6. SMEDC 4,850.00 7. MPDC (Special Program) 19,400.00 8. Mho (MOOE) 10,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 REPAIR & MAINT. OF MOTOR VEHICLE & HEAVY EQUIP. OFFICE ABC 9. SBO 40,000.00 10. MO/ PNP 25,000.00 11. MO/MENRO *Solid Waste 5,000.00 Garbage Truck Motor Vehicle 150,000.00 5,00.00 12. MO/INFO 5,000.00 13. MSWD 3,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES OFFICE ABC MASO/DA *HVCC 49,250.00 *Rubber Nursery & Budwood Project 798,770.00 *Nursery Seedling Bank 38,285.00 *SCION GROVE 45,150.00 *Livestock Devt. Program 59,280.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 REPAIR & MAINT. OF BUILDING OFFICE 1. GSO ( Admin ) ABC 91,933.00 2. MHO *Health Center & Equipment 10,000.00 3. ECO. ENT. 89,100.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 FURNITURE & FIXTURE OFFICE 1. GSO (PSM) GSO ( ADMIN ) ABC 15,000.00 20,000.00 2. MASSO ( REVISION ) 3,000.00 ( MOOE ) 3. M.O ( Admin Section ) 100,000.00 * Venetial Blind 250,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 FOOD SUPPLIES OFFICE 1. MO ABC 388,000.00 2. SMEDC 1,940.00 3. BAC 3,866.00 4. MPDC * Special Project Support Program 97,000.00 5. MHO * NUT. & COMMUNITY OUTREACH SERVICES 10,000.00 6. SBO 50,000.00 7. MO/ ADMS 20,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 SECURITY SERVICES OFFICE MO/ ADMIN ABC 420,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 CAPITAL OUTLAY OFFICE 1. GSO *Tools & Equipment *Printer *Grass Cutter 2. MASSO *Printer *Computer Server 3. MO – ADMIN * Computer w/ Accessories * Motorcycle ABC 10,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 60,000.00 70,000.00 4. TOURISM 25,000.00 5. MASO/DA 35,000.00 6. MO/MENRO * Solid Waste Garbage Truck 950,000.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN PROCURING ENTITY/UNITS MUNICIPALITY OF NEW BATAAN, COMPOSTELA VALLEY CALENDAR YEAR 2012 CAPITAL OUTLAY OFFICE 7. MO/INFO * Steel Camera 8. MASO/DA Laptop with Printer Digital Camera ABC 30,000.00 35,000.00 10,400.00 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN Procuring Entity/Units Calendar Year CODE 230 230 251 215 215 TYPE OF CONTRACT TO BE EMPLOYED A.) PROCUREMENT OF GOODS SUPPLIES/MATERIALS 215 851 851 215 B.) PROCUREMENT OF CIVIL WORKS 815 215 815 251 251 215 215 215 851 851 215 C.) PROVISION FOR RESERVED PURCHASE 815 215 815 251 EXTENT/SIZE OF CONTRACT SCOPE/PACKAGES : ENGINEERING : 2012 TIME SCHEDULE J F M A M J J A S O N D Purchase of Dumptruck Counter Part Brgy. Cam. APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT 200,000.00 Purchase Backhoe Concreting of Bantacan Brgy. Road Solar Grier P3B (Cabinuangan) Const. of Cabinuangan Multi-Purpose Hall Const. of Panag Multi-Purpose Bldg. Rehab of Magangit Farm to Market Road Rehab. of Fatima Hanging Bridge Const. of Tandawan Manpower Dev’t. Center Rahab. Of Magsaysay Multi-Purpose Hall Const. of Cogonon Solar Drier Rehab. Of Cogonon Solar Drier Road Pavement & Drainage Const. Concreting of Bantcan Brgy. Road Solar Drier in P3B ( Cabinuangan ) Const. of Cabinuangan Multi-Purpose Hall Const. of Panag Multi-Purpose Bldg. Rehab of Magangit Farm to Market Road Rehab. of Fatima Hanging Bridge Const. of Tandawan Manpower Dev’t. Center Rehab. of Magsaysay Multi-Purpose Hall Const. of Cogonon Solar Drier Rehab of Cogonon Solar Drier Road Pavement & Drainage Const. 5,000,000.00 245,000.00 49,000.00 98,000.00 98,400.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 98,000.00 96,151.80 49,000.00 49,000.00 1,176,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,848.20 1,000.00 1,000.00 24,000.00 TOTAL Prepared by: SGD.ALFREDO N. AGUILAR Municipal Engineer Recommending by: SGD.VIRGILIO C. LLEMIT Municipal Budget Officer Approved by: SGD.LORENZO L. BALBIN, JR. Municipal Mayor Thank You!