Regents Physics Chapter 6 Essay Homework and Project

Regents Physics Chapter 6 Essay Homework and Project
6.1 Momentum and Impulse – due Monday, 12/16
What is momentum?
How do you determine the direction of momentum?
Why is symbol p used to represent momentum?
What does it mean when people say “mass and velocity have the equal importance in
What is the unit for momentum?
What is impulse?
What is the direction of impulse?
What is impulse –momentum theorem?
Air bags are used in automobile to protect drivers and passengers. Explain this use impulsemomentum theorem.
Why are falling eggs hit a hard surface break while falling eggs hit a pillow remain intact?
6.2 Conservation of Momentum – due Friday 12/20
1. What does the law of conservation of momentum say?
2. If a reckless ice skater collides with another skater who is standing on the ice, is it possible for
both skaters to be at rest after the collision?
3. “In general, the total momentum remains constant for a system of objects that interact with one
another”. [page 216] What does “system” mean in this sentence?
4. When you jump up from the earth, the earth should move downward according the laws of
conservation of momentum. Why can’t you feel the earth moving downward?
5. When two soccer balls collide with each other on a smooth gym floor,
a. How do you compare the force exerted on each ball?
b. How do you compare the time of collision on each ball?
c. How do compare the impulse experienced on each ball?
d. How do you compare the change of momentum on each ball
6. On page 217 “surviving a collision”, “One way today’s cars make use of the concept of impulse is
by crumpling during impact.” Discuss the importance of this “crumpling zone” and why are seat
belts necessary to protect drivers and passengers.
6.3 Elastic and inelastic collisions – due Monday 1/6
1. What is a perfect inelastic (complete) collision? Give an example.
2. Write the simplified form of the equation for conservation of momentum for perfect inelastic
3. Is kinetic energy constant in inelastic collision? Where does the kinetic energy go?
4. What is elastic collision?
5. Is kinetic energy constant in elastic collision?
6. What category of collision are most collisions?
Regents Physics Chapter 6 Essay Homework and Project
Chapter 6 project – due Monday 01/06/14
To construct a container that protects an uncooked egg when dropped from 2nd floor building.
1. The container must be built only with toothpicks and glue. "Glue"
means a bonding agent such as Elmer's white glue, Super Glue, or hot
glue. It does not mean tape.
2. All glue must be dry when submitted for qualification.
3. The egg must be fresh from the carton and not altered chemically,
frozen, or boiled.
4. The total mass of the egg package should be a maximum of 40 grams,
excluding the weight of the egg.
We will spend one class period to start the project in groups. Please start research ASAP with your
potential group memebers and bring toothpicks and glues to school by Monday 12/16.