Unit Outline for Unit 3A: Infotainment 15 weeks Week Outline/Theory 1 Course Introduction 1 week ~ 4hrs, 15 weeks ~ 55hrs Overview of course of study unit and assessment requirements Digital Data and Information Discovering Computers Online Edition www.scseries.com Processing and Managing Data demonstrate techniques and processes relating to data in a multimedia environment: sourcing, organising, processing, managing and storing data ensuring the accuracy, reliability and validity of the data including data validation techniques minimisation of threats to the integrity and security of data by using passwords, firewalls, encryption, anti-virus software. Information sourcing Practical Assessment Fireworks and Flash tutorials Duration Weeks 1–2 6 hours Due at the end of Week 2 Creation of unit file structure on network drives Resources (all links are external web links) Australian Copyright Council Duration/Public Domain Fair Dealing Copying from the Internet Images and Design Music Music Licence APRA Licence for schools Storage of data, information and appropriate formatting Software tutorials Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Fireworks Creating Basic graphics for User Interfaces Shape Editing Controlling multimedia in Flash using Action Scripts and Placeholders Flash Tutorials www.kirupa.com www.entheos.com www.elearnage.com Social Implications and Trends GUI STUFF Values, ethics and inclusivity investigate changing societal values and ethics in the use of ICT e.g. MySpace, Facebook discuss the implications of identity theft analyse the ethics of employer and employee relationships in regards to the appropriate use of ICT technologies in the workplace: appropriate user policies employer’s monitoring of work emails, internet access and computer use security of information and protective measures i.e. Net Alert, cyber stalking, cyber bullying appropriate legislation e.g. Spam Act, Copyright Act, Privacy Act. 2 The Nature, Forms and Transfer of Digital Data discuss the impact and use of different file formats on the transfer or distribution of data explore the impact that communication connections (wireless, cable, satellite) have on: (cont) Software Tutorials Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Controlling multimedia in Flash using Action Scripts and Placeholders Fireworks and Flash tutorials Duration Weeks 1–2 6 hours Due at the end of Week 2 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 1 Outline/Theory Week 3–4 Practical Resources (all links are external web links) file types transfer of data i.e. cost, size, interoperability, location, access, availability compare network bandwidth requirements for storage and retrieval of various file sizes. Social Implications and Trends Week 3 Past and Emerging Trends explore present and emerging ICT trends e.g. digital video and sound, online services—sport, music, training and education, news and advertising, digital maps investigate the convergence of multimedia trends and new developments in technology e.g. haptic technology, human kinetics, robotics. Week 4 Impact of ICT examine the impacts on developers of new technologies and the choices that users make in relation to: behaviour and relationships of individuals Virtual Worlds e.g. Second Life, the SIMs role playing games e.g. World of Warcraft the physical environment industry disposal of old technology climate change sustainable use of paper based products community satellite technology e.g. Google earth, GPS online applications i.e. Web2/3 finance and the economy online auction e.g. e-bay online banking live feeds from stock exchange online retail. 2 Assessment Task 1—Investigate Online Hypermedia “Digital Media” Players Investigation Task Businesses like Schools and Hotels will need to diversify the types of products and accessibility services that they offer to their clients if they are to remain competitive in these essential but constantly changing industries. Task 1— Investigate Online Hypermedia Players Convergence The Apple iPhone Play Station 3 Duration RSS Weeks 3–4 6.5 hours Report Writing Resources Recommendation Reports Due at the end of Week 4 In this task you will investigate ways in which Schools and Hotels use the Internet to reach their customers through the use of inter-twinning Hypermedia. Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Hypermedia Week 5 Outline/Theory Practical Hardware and Software Computer Hardware Components and Functions investigate and compare different types of computer platforms i.e. MS Windows and MacOS or Linux describe current hardware specifications of typical smallscale multimedia production business computer systems for different purposes: CPU, primary and secondary memory, graphics output, sound input/output, visual output explain the function of specialised peripheral devices e.g. graphics tablet, interactive whiteboard, video capture cards investigate help procedures and other support facilities to support hardware/software functionality e.g. forums, bulletin boards, on line tutors, live chats, video conferencing. Assessment Resources (all links are external web links) Hardware Digital Camera Advanced Camera Techniques and Settings Scanner Resolution requirements 6 Design Acquisition of Hardware and Software explain the role and purpose of benchmarking in relation to the design and acquisition of hardware and software describe criteria when selecting hardware and software for a specified purpose including the minimum hardware requirements to run software analyse the compatibility issues of running the latest software on current hardware. Advanced digital video techniques Post-production techniques Green screen techniques 7 Applications and Systems Software describe the efficient operation and maintenance of system utility tools and accessories: disk cleanup tools i.e. cleanup temporary files, registry files, internet cache disk backup tools disk fragmentation anti malware/virus/spam/spyware use and manipulate application software to combine media to create information products e.g. animation, audio, image manipulation. Task 2—Online Hypermedia “Digital Journey” Design Proposal Production Task Task 2— Hypermedia Player Design Proposal Product Proposal Writing Duration The School has decided that they need to address the way in which they interact with the public. In order to better communicate with parents and students, promote the schools facilities, upcoming events, academic programs, as well as attracting new clients. Weeks 7–9 Due at the end of Week 9 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 3 Week Outline/Theory Practical Assessment Resources (all links are external web links) At this point they would like to further investigate the development of an online hypermedia “Digital Journey Tour” on the internet. This task will call for the development of a detailed design proposal for a suitable hypermedia Digital Journey including the software and player to present the schools facilities. 8–9 4 Digital Data and Information HP Colour Wheel Creative Application of Information Design Principles critically evaluate and apply information design principles in the creation of evolving media related technology products considering: a specified target audience including: purpose presentation medium parameters of design content navigation structure interface relevant language and terminology creative design principles including: balance rhythm proportion dominance unity harmony emphasis elements of design including: focus point contrast alignment position line texture colour—harmony, spaces typography pattern movement Elements and Principles of Design http://www.digital web.com/articles /elements_of_de sign/ Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B http://www.johnlo vett.com/test.htm Week 10 Outline/Theory Practical Social Implications and Trends Values, Ethics and Inclusivity identify the need for inclusivity in the design of ICT products and services e.g. monitors for sight impaired, use of icons, subtitles for deaf, equipment for the handicapped discuss digital divide i.e. the availability of ICT resources to both wealthy and poor sectors of the economy 11–14 Workplace, practices and career Technology Processes in the Workplace use and describe common work processes, including use of detailed concept maps, proposals, research and storyboards in product development analysis of client requirements and needs i.e. requirements analysis explain the requirements of individuals or characteristics for the work environment e.g. working independently, cooperatively and collectively. Evaluation Tool / Testing of Design Develop an appropriate evaluation tool, to test your design, based on developed criteria to suit the intended audience and the requirements of the client. Assessment Resources (all links are external web links) Evaluation Tool / Testing of Design Duration Week 10 3 hours Due at the end of Week 10 Include this in your Task 2 folio. Task 3—Online Hypermedia “Digital Journey” Production Task Task 3—“ Digital Journey” Development Duration Your proposal (Task 2) was a success and the School would now like to see a working product. Using the proposal as a working plan, utilise the appropriate software necessary to develop a functional Online “Digital Journey”. Weeks 11–13 12 hours Due at the end of Week 13 Career, work and jobs investigate qualifications and training related to evolving technology based employment opportunities discuss the impacts of ICT on future career opportunities e.g. job growth areas versus job loss/reductions 15–17 Work environments and legislation discuss the impact of legislation affecting evolving technologies considering: copyright—fair dealing, moral rights, Copyright Act intellectual property Occupational Safety and Health including the OSH Act. 3hrs Pop up scripting in HTML Using Online Surveys Wizards http://freeonlinesurveys.co m Task 4—Online Survey / Mass Audience Evaluation Response Task Task 4—Pop-up Survey Duration Weeks 14–15 5 hours Due at the end of Week 15 The School is keen to gain some feedback on the Digital Journey GUI that you have constructed now Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 5 Week Outline/Theory Practical Assessment that it has gone online. They would like to survey their following in order to measure the reaction. In order to do this a survey must be designed and incorporated into the online presence that you have already created. The information must be collected, analysed, graphed and prepared as a written comment to the band. 18 Task 5 – Semester Exam 6 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Resources (all links are external web links) Assessment Outline for Unit 3A-AIT Entertainment/Infotainment Context Investigation (Research work in which students plan, conduct and communicate an investigation) 20% Production/ Performance (Extended production project in which students explore ideas and control the processes required to manage the aesthetic quality of production. Students engage in an activity or on the spot evaluation of a performance) 60% Response (Students apply their knowledge and skills in analyzing and responding to a series of stimuli or prompts) 20% Task Weightings Possible Mark Outcome 1 Technology Process Outcome 2 Understanding ICT Outcome 3 Quality of Information Solutions Outcome 4 ICT in Society 20 40 25 45 35 40 10 22 10 TBA Task 1: Investigate Online Hypermedia “Digital Journeys” In this task, you will investigate ways in which current Schools and even Hotels use the Internet to reach their customers through the use of hypermedia. Task 2: Online Hypermedia “Digital Journey” Design Proposal This task will call for the development of a detailed design proposal for a suitable hypermedia “Digital Journey” portal that through hypermedia technology, offers potential parents and students to the school a means of touring around various aspects of the school via suitable links (you need to decide upon these links as part of your design). Task 3: Online “Digital Journey” Portal Development Using the proposal created in the previous task, use appropriate software to develop a functional Portal or GUI to act as the portal for your Digital Journey Design. Task 4: Online Survey/Mass Audience Evaluation As we can only use one of the Digital Journey Portal (GUI) designs from the class we need to develop an online survey to get feedback on the Portals you have constructed. The information must be collected, shared and analysed, graphed and prepared as a written comment so as a class we can decide which portal design “theme” to use for the construction of the whole site in 3B AIT. Task 5: Semester Exam Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 7 Unit 3AAIT TYPE: Investigation OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Hardware and Software, Social Implications and Trends UNIT CONTEXT: Infotainment TASK 1: Investigate online hypermedia “Digital Journeys” (40 marks) In this task, you will investigate ways in which current businesses like Resorts, Sporting Teams Hotels and even Schools use the Internet to reach their customers through the use of online hypermedia sites on the internet. You are to investigate and collect examples to do a detailed analysis (PMUI) on the types of technology used in these sites, their effectiveness and what you consider to be suitable for a school that wishes to use this type of online advertising. Time allocation Two weeks What you need to do: The school has been investigating more effective ways of communicating with potential parents and students. Their principal mentioned that a number of schools are presenting more and more multimedia content on their websites to increase promotion. Consequently, the school would like to explore new ways of displaying information and promoting themselves. It is hoped that this will help provide more information for current parents/students and help attract new customers. The school has decided to approach our class to have an online media player designed and developed. It is envisaged that the media player will be able to display video, audio, images, and text through a user-friendly interface. The manager has outlined that the product must: include a guide to all the services available on current school website through some type of “Digital Journey” appeal to current parents/students and help attract new ones from the general public include an audio and video player as well as a picture viewer to make it more desirable to clients. You have been asked to explore the ways in which other schools and organisations have used this type of technology. In order to sell the use of this form of technology, you are required to prepare the following to the school and the P&F: visual and verbal presentation written recommendation report. The information contained in these will not only inform them about current trends, but also provide benefits by having their own online hypermedia player. You will need to conduct research and take notes to help prepare the client brief and needs analysis through consideration of the following factors: 1. Determine the needs of the client Identify the types of information the band will want to communicate through the hypermedia player Collate and present your results in an appropriate format. 8 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 2. Determine the purpose of the hypermedia player and outline the aims and objectives Who will use the product? What specific forms of media can the player display? Discuss possible ways in which the user might access the information and why Collate and present your results in an appropriate format. 3. What will be the impact of the product on individuals (users)? Consider the following: Resources needed to use the product Costs and benefits of the product to the users Values and beliefs of individuals using this product. 4. Identify and describe the target audience and user attributes. What are the benefits and consequences to audiences of using this product? How could these benefits and consequences impact on the users of the school? What will be the economic, social, personal, physical and ethical impacts that need to be considered? Is there any legislation you must consider? 5. Identify the applications utilised in development of similar products and the format in which they appear. Software used File formats Operating environment, in terms of hardware and software. What needs to be submitted for assessment □ Evidence of your research process (survey, notes, tables, graphs, bibliography, etc.) collected in an appropriate format. □ Recommendation report □ Presentation Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Due date 9 Task 1: Investigate online hypermedia “Digital Journeys” Marking key Item Description Identifying the Target Audience (10 marks) Possible Mark Allocated Mark 7 Describes the benefits of this type of Hyper Media “digital journey” technology to your target audience. 3 Existing Products examples included (What type of Multimedia can be used in these types of Hyper Media digital journeys) 5 Specific types of multimedia best suited for the schools purpose (give reasons and examples) 5 The impacts of this type of multimedia Hyper media technology and product on the user (target Audience) 5 Identifies and documents the software, file formts and operating environment (hardware) associated with this type of technology) 5 Appropriate use of accepted report writing standards and conventions 3 Visual/verbal presentation is clear and concise and well supported by the recommendation report 3 Appropriate and correct referencing based on information sources 2 Quality of presentation Investigations (15 marks) Presentation (10 marks) Identified the target user group (to include …) Completion date listed Age considerations listed Gender considerations listed Religious/Ethnic/Moral considerations documented Legal issues documented Inclusivity Cost Technical Requirements level of experience with similar examples of technology (of target audience) Personal benefits (to target audience) Total: 40 marks 2 Total Out of 40 Teacher Comment: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No 10 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Unit 3AAIT TYPE: Production OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, and Hardware and Software UNIT CONTEXT: Infotainment TASK 2: Online “Digital Journey” Design Proposal (50 marks) This task will call for the development of a detailed design proposal for a suitable hypermedia “Digital Journey” portal that through hypermedia technology, offers potential parents and students to the school a means of touring around various aspects of the school via suitable links (you need to decide upon these links as part of your design). Time allocation Three weeks What you need to do The school is excited about the idea of being able to present more information to their parents/students. However, they are having difficulty visualising what the product might look like and how it would fit with their current web presence. They have asked for a proposal to be developed that would provide them with images and information to demonstrate what the Hypermedia “Digital Journeys” opening portal (GUI) would look like and how it would function and what main links would be included. 1. Design Idea: develop your final ideas for your Digital Journey Interface design that will satisfy the project requirements identified in your Investigation (Task 1) and Problem Analysis. Communicate these ideas through thoroughly annotated sketches, images, storyboards and diagrams. Show how you ideas have developed via a preliminary sketches and a final sketch. List the type of software packages you will use to do it, List what processes will you use What file type will you use to save your work as Justify your choices. Select the design you think is most appropriate. Why do you think this is the best design? 2. Design Folio The final outcome of this task is to produce a design proposal. However, in order for this to be fully informed and realised it will be necessary to demonstrate through a Technology Process the evolution of the final design. This must include: determination of navigation structure or flowchart for the product preparation of extensive storyboards, both graphic and textual determination of the methods and controls for interactivity of all multimedia contained in the product design of interface elements for the control of all multimedia contained in the product design and consider construction of the graphical interface and any additional multimedia including animation choices for hardware and software to be utilised. In developing and annotating alternative designs, you must consider the standards and conventions of design. Identify and justify the functional, aesthetic, social and environmental choices made in your Online Hypermedia Player designs Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 11 Also needed in the Design Folio: prepare a time plan that outlines how you will complete the client brief and needs analysis explain, in detail, the type of hardware and software you will need to use to produce your proposal. How have you integrated them? did you require any additional IT skills to complete the task? Explain. In your design folio, note any experimentation you used in your designs for the Online Hypermedia Player, how you have adjusted your designs and any recommendations you would make to improve the effectiveness of your processes and Online Hypermedia Player. 3. Design Proposal Use a suitable format to communicate your final recommendation considering the purpose, audience and client for your proposal. In addition, include the following: glossary of terminology (explaining any unfamiliar concepts and terms associated with your designs) comprehensive bibliography of your information sources. Use appropriate tools, skills and techniques to present your recommendations: are there any special considerations you needed to include to cater for your audience? how else could your Online Hypermedia Player be used? What changes/modifications would be necessary to allow for other uses? use appropriate technical terminology. Process Evaluation: In your Design Folio, critically evaluate your proposal, and reflect on the production processes used: is your proposal a useful document for making decisions? is it appropriate to the intended audience (parents/students/public), and purpose? What could you have improved? justify your selection of management practices in the completion of your proposal did you meet your timelines etc.? If not why? did you have to adjust your production process? Why? any additional comments. Evaluation Tool/Testing of Design (week 10 exercise) Develop an appropriate evaluation tool, to test your design, based on developed criteria to suit the intended audience and the requirements of the client. Test your design against members of the products target audience. Include the tool and results in your design folio. Prepare an analysis of the testing results and insert into your design proposal. What needs to be in your portfolio for assessment □ Developed design criteria □ Annotated designs and explanations of your designs □ Final recommendations for hypermedia player in an acceptable format □ Production plan and time plan □ Client proposal 12 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Due dates: Task 2: Online “Digital Journey” Design Proposal Marking key Item Technology Process (23 marks) Description Has utilised a technology process to communicate the development of a “Digital Journey” design that is suited to the requirements of the client brief Proposal relates back to information gained from Task 1 projects requirements (10 points) for the product (1 mark each) Proposal Development (13 marks) Presentation of Proposal (6 marks) Working Time Line (3 marks) Evaluation of design process and final product: measured against design criteria and target user evaluations (Major Evaluation in Task 4) 3 Identifies and utilises software and hardware specific to the requirements of developing: the design mocking up a final idea final presentation of final design justification of a solution to the client brief preparing (drafting) a written client proposal (2 marks each) Appropriate use of accepted formal writing standards and conventions Comprehensive use of graphics and sketches to show development of ideas Has developed a detailed time plan for development Allocated Mark 10 10 Identification of user demographic and ICT requirements Possible Mark Communication of ideas through sketches & graphics Sketches show idea development and refinement (annotation relates to design criteria requirements) Total: 45 marks 10 3 3 3 3 Total Out of 45 Teacher Comment: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 13 Unit 3AAIT TYPE: Performance OUTCOMES: Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, and Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Hardware and Software, Digital Data and Information, and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT CONTEXT: Infotainment TASK 3: Online “Digital Journey” (Gui) Development (50 marks) Your proposal (Task 2) was a success and the School would now like to see a working portal (GUI) for your “Digital Journey” design. Using the proposal as a working plan, utilise the appropriate software necessary to develop a functional online “Digital Journey” GUI design including all of the relevant links. Time allocation Three weeks What you need to do 1. Individually, carry out your production process from Task 2 to develop your Online Hypermedia Digital Journey portal (GUI). Apply your skills in software and hardware to develop the Online Hypermedia Player: What skills will you need to use to develop the player? Are there any skills that you need to learn? 2. Develop your Online Digital Journey: Apply standards and conventions Keep in mind your audience. Are there any special requirements you need to consider for your audience? Are there any special effects that you may need to include for your audience? Provide documented step-by-step evidence of how you have manipulated the software to create the elements required for your design. 3. Test your Digital Journey GUI using the criteria for design established in Task 2. Remember to: develop some specific evaluative questions for your target audience to use in testing the Digital Journey GUI’s effectiveness. Include these in your testing. have a person from your target audience evaluate your Digital Journey GUI and make suggestions for improvement. Note these suggestions in your journal. have you changed the online hypermedia player as a result of the feedback? Reflect on the changes in your journal. What needs to be in your portfolio for assessment? □ Fully functional Online Hypermedia Player □ Evaluative questions □ Testing results in an appropriate format □ Peer evaluations/suggestions □ Development folio 14 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Due date Task 3: Online Digital Journey GUI Development Total: 40 marks Marking key Item Technical Requirements (6 marks) Description Use of Software and Hardware (21 marks) Quality of Work (13 marks) Demonstrated understanding of the operating system and hardware requirements for correct operation of the ICT product. Able to make choices on development software based on operating environment and the need for compatibility. Possible Mark 3 3 Utilises software specific to the requirements of developing a working product Utilises hardware specific to the requirements of developing a working product Documents the choices and practices used in the form of an annotated journal notes of the products development Ability to solve own problems Uses correct terminology when explaining development processes 3 Appropriate use of accepted presentation standards and convention. 3 Quality of project produced. 10 Allocated Mark 5 5 5 3 Total Out of 40 Teacher Comment: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 15 Unit 3AAIT TYPE: Response OUTCOMES: Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Hardware and Software, Digital Data and Information, and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT CONTEXT: Entertainment/Infotainment TASK 4: Online Survey Audience Evaluation (24 marks) As we can only use one of the Digital Journey Portal (GUI) designs from the class we need to develop an online survey to get feedback on the Portals you have constructed. The information must be collected, shared and analysed, graphed and prepared as a written comment so as a class we can decide which portal design “theme” to use for the construction of the whole site in 3B AIT. The brief from the school asks that the survey seek information on the following areas. They are also open to other categories of information being sort: design impact user-friendliness compatibility quality of information suggested resources Time allocation Two weeks What you need to do: 1. Designing the survey Develop a set of survey questions that can provide a measured response to the requirements of the client. Questions must address the client brief, while also considering interaction and implications of the products use by the target audience in a personal, social, physical and economical context. 2. Build the Survey (Most school network restrictions will limit the access to online server space need to run an online survey. As such use an online survey wizard to develop the survey and link to this to the student project. This will enable mass peer testing) Using http://freeonlinesurveys.com Set up your survey using the appropriate standards and conventions. Results Analysis When the survey has been constructed use it to target audience test the Online Digital Journey GUI. Collect and collate results. Prepare a written analysis to be presented to the band that comments on the effectiveness of the online hypermedia player as a tool for communicating better with the public. Use the test results to support your discussion. 16 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Comment categories: Interface usability Quality of the information available Ease of access and compatibility Inclusivity: in terms of catering for the needs of individuals—culturally, physically, geographically Recommendations based on results What needs to be in your portfolio for assessment? □ Survey planning □ Online survey □ Target audience test results □ Written analysis Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Due date 17 Task 4: Online survey/Mass audience evaluation Total: 22 marks Marking key Item Description Creating Online Survey (Technical) (6 marks) Online Survey Content (10 marks) Analysing Online Survey Results (6 marks) Hardware and Software choices for inserting automatically generated pop-up script into a web assessable display format Hardware/Software choices for report presentation Management of Survey results (2 marks each) Uses correct terminology when developing the survey. All criteria for input are meet in the survey (relate back to proposal development & requirements). Appropriate use of accepted presentation standards and conventions in developing the survey and its instructions Presentation of planning documents in creating Survey Survey is easy to use (2 marks each) Identification of user requirements and views through survey Graphical analysis of data collected Written analysis of data collected, against original product design criteria (2 marks each) Possible Mark Allocated Mark 6 10 6 Total Out of 22 Teacher Comment: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No 18 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Unit 3AAIT TYPE: Response OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Social Implications and Trends, and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment Task 10: End of Semester Exam (marks TBA) End of unit/year exam. This exam is designed to give you the opportunity to respond to various forms of questioning that will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the theory, skills and concepts taught via the project tasks undertaken and class activities, discussions and personal investigation and study. Some practical (non-computing) responses are also included in this exam. This exam is also designed to give you valuable experience prior to your external exam. Section One: Multiple-choice 10% of the paper Suggested working time: 20 minutes 20 questions Section Two: Short answer 15% of the paper Suggested working time: 35 minutes Section Three: Extended answer 25% of the paper Suggested working time: 50 minutes Section Four: Production 50% of the paper Suggested working time: 75 minutes Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B 19 Applied Information Technology Unit 3A & 3B (Concurrent) Evolving Information & Communication Technologies & Information and communication technologies in industry Unit Learning Context: Infotainment 3A-AIT 3B-AIT 20 Applied Information Technology Course Outline: Unit 3A&B Unit Outline for Unit 3B: Infotainment 15 weeks Week 16 Theory Course Introduction Overview of course of study unit and assessment requirements Hardware and software Applications and Systems Software explore skills and techniques required to use specialised application packages relevant to selected business/industry e.g. movement analysis software, business web sites, 3D modelling, business desktop publishing use techniques and skills to ensure smooth operation of software applications Social implications and trends Impact of ICT on individuals, communities and environments discuss the impacts of ICT on industries in the community: improved communications increased productivity efficient production processes analyse the impacts of ICT on individuals working within industries: improved work habits and communications wider employment location choices e.g. telecommuting 17 Digital data and information Processing and management of data investigate how industry manages data including: managing security concerns i.e. disaster recovery plan, biometrics backup techniques and archiving of data storage of data i.e. data Practical Information sourcing Creation of unit file structure on network drives Storage of data, information and appropriate formatting Assessment Fireworks and Flash tutorials Resources Duration: Week 1–2 (6 hours) Due at the end of Week 2 Flash Tutorials: looking at advance tutorials to replicate some of the MS Surface interface functions Apple Style OS Dock In Flash http://jrgraphix.net/ research/flashdock-mx-2004.php Advanced Software Tutorials Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash (continued) Advanced Software Tutorials Adobe Fireworks Adobe Flash Drag and Drop http://www.monkey flash.com/flash/dra g-and-drop/ Fireworks and Flash tutorials Duration: Week 1–2 (6 hours) Due at the end of Week 2 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 21 Week 18–19 Theory warehouses, data mining and data marts online data management e.g. call centres based in overseas countries discuss the processing of industry data while considering: bandwidth limitations of networks compression of data files encryption methods— data encryption keys digital signatures Workplace, practices and careers Work environment and legislation investigate changing work environments associated with a global economy e.g. international work opportunities, ‘one job for life’ theory, qualification recognition discuss relevant legislation affecting production in a global market e.g. visa restrictions, international copyright variations Digital data and information The nature, forms and transfer of digital data issues related to rapid transfer of large volumes of data e.g. streaming media, outside broadcasts: consider the intended audience discuss the technologies required to organise, process, download, upload and store the data compare the associated factors and constraints in relation to data transference with reference to size, time, cost, resources, security, locality, access, and availability explore industry standard equality assurance processes related to data accuracy, reliability and validity 22 Practical Task 6: Investigate Workplace Technology Systems (In Schools) Investigation task Schools are becoming far more technology savvy. Using a WiFi network within the building space allows for staff & students to be conducted on PDAs, notebooks and smartphones instantly communicating with things like our website, library, administration and our intranet. Assessment Resources Task 5: Investigate PDA and Hyptatic surface technology Restaurant Hardware and Software Overview http://www.hlaustral ia.com.au/ Duration: Week 3–4 (6.5 hours) POS Hardware and Software Systems http://www.busines software.com/ Due at the end of Week 5 In this task you are to Investigate the types of hardware and software required to run a system that would be suitable for a our digital journey (and other online resources) to operate as a touch screen around the campus as well as on personal PDA’s and Smartphones. Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Restaurant Manager http://www.actionsy stems.com/ Week 20 Theory Hardware and software Computer hardware components and functions identify and describe the components, concepts and terminology for the establishment of a smallscale networked computer hardware system network topologies for LANs (star, wireless) network devices (network interface card, switch, router, modem) protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP, WAP) transmission media (coaxial, twisted pair, optical, wireless) describe the major factors affecting the functioning of ICT equipment within a networked environment e.g. transmission rates, bandwidth limitations knowledge of peripheral devices suited to selected industry requirements e.g. computer aided manufacturing (CAM) lathes and devices, high speed photography for movement analysis 21 Hardware and software Design and acquisition of hardware and software compare and analyse similar software applications considering: design user interface functions technical capabilities configuration ease of use 22 Digital data and information Creative application of information design principles apply information design principles in the creation and promotion of a corporate identity considering ICT solutions across a range of media to suit purpose and intended meaning inclusivity Practical Assessment Resources Hardware Wireless Hand Held Devises PDAs Touch Screens Bluetooth Outputs— printing Networking WiFi and Ethernet LAN’s Electronic Banking/ payments Task 7: “Digital Journey” component interface Production Task Now that we have a Digital Journey opening GUI we now have to design and produce the various components that will make up the entire Digital Journey tour. Task 7: Digital Journey component interface Convergence Microsoft Surface http://www.microsof t.com/surface/ Duration: Week 7–9 (12 hours) Due at the end of Week 9 You will need to design your specific section to reflect the theme of the opening GUI as Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 23 Theory Week 23 24 usability currency and accuracy of data evaluation of the effectiveness of the ICT solution against the design criteria Practical well as the culture and focus of the school and what St Stephens can offer and stands for. Assessment You are required to prepare a design proposal for the Principal and IT Systems manager Digital data and information Creative application of information design principles evaluation of the effectiveness of the ICT solution against the design criteria currency and accuracy of data HP Colour Wheel Elements and Principles of Design http://www.digit alweb.com/article s/elements_of_ design/ http://www.johnl ovett.com/test.h tm Hardware and software Applications and systems software 25 24 explore skills and techniques required to use specialised application packages relevant to selected business/industry e.g. movement analysis software, business web sites, 3D modelling, business desktop publishing use techniques and skills to ensure smooth operation of software applications Social implications and trends Values, ethics and inclusivity discuss the impact of access to global markets on the ability to purchase and use of ICT products: worldwide access to products and web sites international news sites online censorship of information investigate end user expectations in differing cultures e.g. interpretation and use of language and images in websites analyse ethical issues and legislation in industry ethics in ICT in an industry context i.e. Resources Evaluation tool/Testing of Design Develop an appropriate evaluation tool, to test your design, based on developed criteria to suit the intended audience and the requirements of the client. Evaluation Tool/Testing of Design Duration: Week 10 (3 hours) Due at the end of Week 10 Include this in your Task 7 folio. Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Theory code of conduct intellectual property i.e. patents, trade marks, registered designs Week 26–28 Workplace, practices and career Technology processes in the workplace describe strategies to maintain employees’ skill levels i.e. on the job training, short courses in relevant software skilling, power users consider project management strategies to encourage flexibility, originality and risk taking in ICT projects Practical Task 8: Digital Journey Component development Production Task Your proposal (Task 7) was a success and the school and IT Manager would now like to see a working product. Using the proposal as a working plan, utilise the appropriate software necessary to develop a functional Digital Journey component Interface. Assessment Resources Task 8: Digital Journey component Interface Duration: Week 11–13 (12 hours) Due at the end of Week 13 Workplace practices and career Career, work and jobs discuss appropriate industry qualifications e.g. MCP, CCNA, CNE discuss the potential development of new skills and qualifications that arise from the rapid expansion of ICT and globalisation e.g. web design skills, database skills 29–30 Hardware and software Design and acquisition of hardware and software investigate the constraints associated with the acquisition and installation of a range of hardware components—video cards, monitors discuss the use of service level agreements and outsourcing to meet business or industry requirements Social implications and trends Past and emerging trends in ICT analyse the impact of Task 9: Privacy and Security Issues Response Task The school is very happy with the new Digital Journey now available online and is seriously considering updating the site so that the school can conduct various business transaction online (paying of fees, book hire, camps and excursions etc) and update personal details. Task 4: Pop-up Survey Duration: Week 14–15 (5 hours) Due at the end of Week 15 However, given a number of articles in the press (see included) it feels slightly edgy about the level of privacy and security this new technology can offer. You are to make recommendation on how this restaurant might be able to be set up to take advantage of Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 25 Week 30 26 Theory current and emerging trends on: global market forces— international communications via video conferencing lifestyle choices— remote access to work sites, flexible work hours industry shop ‘face’— online presentation via web sites, cross web site advertising Semester examination plus revisions Practical the new technology but also to allow this to be set up and operated in the safest and most secure manor. Assessment In order to do this, you will need to respond (via a report) to certain issues documented in the press articles and how best to incorporate the new technologies in a safe and secure manor. Task 10: End of Year Exam Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Resources Task Weightings Possible Mark Outcome 1 Technology Process Outcome 2 Understanding ICT 20 40 25 45 35 40 The school is very happy with the new Digital Journey now available online and is seriously considering updating the site so that the school can conduct various business transaction online (paying of fees, book hire, camps and excursions etc) and update personal details. However, given a number of articles in the press (see included) it feels slightly edgy about the level of privacy and security this new technology can offer. You are to make recommendation on how this restaurant might be able to be set up to take advantage of the new technology but also to allow this to be set up and operated in the safest and most secure manor. 10 38 Task 10: Semester examination 10 TBA Assessment Outline for Unit 3B-AIT Entertainment/Infotainment Context Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Quality of Information ICT in Society Solutions Task 6: Investigate Workplace Technology Systems Investigation (20%) Schools are becoming far more technology savvy. Using a WiFi network within the building space allows staff & students to instantly communicate with things like our website, library, administration and our intranet PDAs, notebooks and smartphones. The school is also interested in investigating Haptic Technology (like the new Microsoft Surface) to place make our Digital Journey a more interactive experience, as well as possible “administration” and purchasing applications (eg paying fees, bookshop, uniform shop even the canteen). In this task you are to Investigate the types of hardware and software required to run both these systems so that the school would be able to run a WiFi and a possible touch screen service suitable for a our digital journey), paying bills and other online resources. Task 7: Digital Journey Component Design Production / Performance (60%) Now that we have a Digital Journey opening GUI we now have to design and produce the various components that will make up the entire Digital Journey tour. You will need to design your specific section to reflect the theme of the opening GUI as well as the culture and focus of the school and what St Stephens can offer and stands for. You are required to prepare a design proposal for the Principal and IT Systems manager Task 8: Digital Journey Component Development Your proposal (Task 7) was a success and the school and IT Manager would now like to see a working product. Using the proposal as a working plan, utilise the appropriate software necessary to develop a functional Digital Journey component Interface. Task 9: Privacy and Security Issues Response (20%) Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 27 Unit 3BAIT TYPE: Investigation OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, 3: Quality of Information Solutions and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Hardware and Software, Social Implications and Trends UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment TASK 6: Investigate Workplace Technology Systems (In Schools) (35 marks) Schools are becoming far more technology savvy. Using a WiFi network within the building space allows staff & students to instantly communicate with things like our website, library, administration and our intranet PDAs, notebooks and smartphones. The school is also interested in investigating Haptic Technology (like the new Microsoft Surface) to place make our Digital Journey a more interactive experience, as well as possible “administration” and purchasing applications (eg paying fees, bookshop, uniform shop even the canteen). In this task you are to Investigate the types of hardware and software required to run both these systems so that the school would be able to run a WiFi network and a possible touch screen service suitable for a our digital journey), paying bills and other online resources. Time allocation Two weeks What you need to do The school has become very interested in establishing a more intensive WiFi network system within the school grounds that could be set up to expand the impact of services like the Digital Journey. The school would also like to investigate the Haptic technology available on many smartphones (iPhone, Omnia, LG etc) especially in products like the new Microsoft Surface. as well as other required tasks and jobs both for the staff, students and visitors. It is hoped that this will enhance the service offered to the customers at the restaurant. The Principal and IT Manager has contacted you to investigate a system for the school that would assist in the “business” (schools) operations. However, they would like to have a better idea and some more information on the current technology the school has and could incorporate and the type of hardware and software used in these network systems. They have also suggested that the core component of the system might be the Microsoft Surface as a touchscreen panel throughout the school and support for both PDA and Smartphones. Conduct research and take notes to help you prepare the client proposal analysis through consideration of the following factors: 1. Determine the needs of the client Identify what types of services the School would like to run though this system. Collate and present your results in an appropriate format. 2. Determine the purpose of the management system and outline the aims and objectives Who will use the product? What specific forms of information would the product display? Discuss possible ways in which the user might access the information and why. Collate and present your results in an appropriate format. 3. What will be the impact of the product on individuals (users) in terms of: resources needed to use the product costs and benefits of the product to the users values and beliefs of individuals using this product staffing requirements staff efficiency 28 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 4. Identify and describe the customer demographic. What will be the consequences and benefits to customers using this product? How could these benefits and consequences impact on the students, parents, teachers and community? What will be the economical, social, personal, physical and ethical impacts that need to be considered? Is there any legislation you must consider? 5. Identify the applications utilised in development of this system and the format in which they appear. Software/Hardware used File formats Operating environment, in terms of hardware and software requirements Hardware location What needs to be submitted for assessment □ Evidence of your research process (survey, notes, tables, graphs, bibliography, etc.) collected in an appropriate format. □ Investigation report, ensuring that you have used appropriate language, format and have kept in mind your target audience Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Due date 29 Task 6: Investigate Workplace Technology Systems (Schools) Marking key Item Identify needs of client (5 marks) Understand purpose of Systems (30 marks) Presentation of Investigation (5 marks) Description Identified the target user group for this type of technology (Haptic and Digital Journey) that takes into account the following (not exhaustive) Age/gender of users considered their work habits Any special considerations (social & community) OHS and environmental considerations considered the needs of the user/school location of such devises possible costing maintenance/security of units inclusivity described level of experience with similar examples of technological products (1 mark each up to 5 marks) Total: 35 marks Possible Allocated mark mark 5 Identified two typical Haptic applications. o Suitable Touch Screen (Microsoft surface) o Suitable WiFi PDA or Smartphone 2 Analysed the strengths of these products and there uses Analysed weakness of these products and there uses Identified further opportunities associated with these applications (usefulness as per new needs) 3 3 2 Demonstrates an understanding of WiFi/Network systems Demonstrates an understanding of Haptic systems Lists function of the main components of these systems Identifies the relationship with these systems with the Digital Journey task and the possible users. 5 5 5 5 Appropriate use of accepted report writing standards and conventions 3 Appropriate and correct referencing based on information sources. 2 Total Out of 40 Teacher comment: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No 30 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Unit 3BAIT TYPE: Production OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, and Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, and Hardware and Software UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment TASK 7: Digital Journey Component Design (40 marks) Now that we have a Digital Journey opening GUI we now have to design and produce the various components that will make up the entire Digital Journey tour. You will need to design your specific section to reflect the theme of the opening GUI as well as the culture and focus of the school and what St Stephens can offer and stands for. You are required to prepare a design proposal for the Principal and IT Systems manager Time allocation Three weeks What you need to do: The school is very excited about the idea of being able to provide greater interaction for parents and the community within the school. In particular, the Digital Journey would allow customers easy access to a information on services, resources and direct communication to administration and the Library. However, as this is such new technology the Principal is having difficulty visualising just what the interface and individual components might look like and how it would fit in with their current Website. He has asked for a proposal to be developed that would provide them with images and information to demonstrate what the various component interfaces would look like and how they would function and fit with the school’s corporate image. 1. Design criteria Using your investigation notes from Task 6, develop a set of ten (10) criteria that link directly to the client brief for the product. This framework should look to compare the needs of client, developers and users. 2. Design folio The final outcome of this task is to produce a design proposal. However, in order for this to be fully informed and realised, it will be necessary to demonstrate the evolution of the final design through a technology process. This must include: determination of the table top navigation structure or flowchart for the interface preparation of extensive storyboards, both graphic and textual determination of the methods and controls for interactivity of all multimedia contained in the product design of interface elements for the control of all multimedia contained in the product design and consider construction of the graphical interface and any additional multimedia including animation choices for hardware and software to be utilised. In developing and annotating alternative designs, you must consider the standards and conventions of design. identify and justify the functional, aesthetic, social and environmental choices made in your Table Top Ordering Interface designs Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 31 Also needed: Time plan that outlines how you will complete the client brief and needs analysis Explain, in detail, the type of hardware and software you will need to use to produce your proposal. How have you integrated them? Did you require any additional IT skills to complete the task? Explain. In your design folio, note any experimentation you used in your designs for the Table Top Ordering Interface. How you have adjusted your designs and any recommendations you would make to improve the effectiveness of your processes and Table Top Ordering Interface. 3. Design proposal Use a suitable format to communicate your final recommendation considering the purpose, audience and client for your proposal. In addition, include the following: glossary of terminology (explain any unfamiliar concepts and terms associated with your designs) comprehensive bibliography of your information sources. Use appropriate tools, skills and techniques to present your recommendations: are there any special considerations you needed to include to cater for your audience? how else could your Table Top Ordering Interface be used? What changes/modifications would be necessary to allow for other uses? use appropriate technical terminology. Process Evaluation: In your design folio, critically evaluate your proposal and reflect on the production processes used: Is your proposal a useful document for making decisions? Is it appropriate to the intended audience (the manager), and purpose? What could you have improved? Justify your selection of management practices in the completion of your proposal Did you meet your timelines etc.? If not, why? Did you have to adjust your production process? Why? Any additional comments. Evaluation Tool/Testing of Design (week 10 exercise) Develop an appropriate evaluation tool, to test your design, based on developed criteria to suit the intended audience and the requirements of the client. Test your design against members of the products target audience Include the tool and results in your design folio. Prepare an analysis of the testing results and insert into your design proposal. What needs to be in your portfolio for assessment? □ Developed design criteria—provides direction for design and a measuring tool for design evaluation, based on client brief. □ Annotated designs and explanations of your designs □ Final recommendations for Ordering Interface in an acceptable format □ Production plan and time plan □ Client Proposal—document that outlines final choices and justification of ideas based on client brief. 32 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Due date Task 7: Digital Journey Component Design Proposal Marking key Item Technology Process (23 marks) Description Has utilised a technology process to communicate the development of a “Digital Journey” component that is suited to the requirements of the client brief Proposal relates back to information gained from 3A GUI project requirements (10 points) for the product (1 mark each) Proposal Development (13 marks) Presentation of Proposal (6 marks) Working Time Line (3 marks) Total: 40 marks 10 Evaluation of design process and final product: measured against design criteria and target user evaluations (Major Evaluation in Task 4) 3 Identifies and utilises software and hardware specific to the requirements of developing: the design mocking up a final idea final presentation of final design justification of a solution to the client brief preparing (drafting) a written client proposal (2 marks each) Identification of user demographic and ICT requirements Appropriate use of accepted formal writing standards and conventions Comprehensive use of graphics and sketches to show development of ideas Has developed a detailed time plan for development Allocated Mark 10 Communication of ideas through sketches & graphics Sketches show idea development and refinement (annotation relates to design criteria requirements) Possible Mark 10 3 3 3 3 Total Out of 45 Teacher comment: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 33 Unit 3BAIT TYPE: Performance OUTCOMES: Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Hardware and Software and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment Task 8: Digital Journey Component Development (40 marks) Your proposal (in Task 7) was a success and the school Principal and IT Manager would now like to see a working model of all of the individual components. Using the proposal as a working plan, utilise the appropriate software and hardware necessary to develop a functional Digital Journey component Interface. Time allocation Three weeks What you need to do Individually carry out your production process from Task 7 to develop your Digital Journey component interface. Apply your skills in software and hardware to develop the component Interface: What component are you to produce what skills will you need to use to develop the component? are there any skills that you need to learn? Develop your Digital Journey component Interface: apply standards and conventions keep in mind how your audience would interact with the component interface. Are there any special requirements you need to consider for your audience? are there any special effects that you may need to include for your audience? provide documented ‘step-by-step’ evidence of how you have manipulated the software to create the elements required for your design. Test your Digital Journey component Interface using the criteria for design established in Task 7. Remember to: develop some specific evaluative questions for your target audience to use in testing the Digital Journey Component Interface’s effectiveness. Include these in your testing have a person from your target audience evaluate your Digital Journey Component Interface and make suggestions for improvement. have you changed the Digital Journey Component Interface as a result of the feedback? Reflect on the changes made. What needs to be submitted: □ Fully functional Digital Journey Component Interface □ Evaluative questions □ Testing results in an appropriate format □ Peer evaluations/suggestions □ Development folio: Step-by-step product development through screen captures, images and text. Task reflection and review 34 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Due date Task 8: Digital Journey Component Development Marking key Item Technical Requirements (6 marks) Description Use of Software and Hardware (21 marks) Quality of Work (13 marks) Demonstrated understanding of the operating system and hardware requirements for correct operation of the ICT product. Able to make choices on development software based on operating environment and the need for compatibility. Total: 40 marks Possible Mark 3 3 Utilises software specific to the requirements of developing a working product Utilises hardware specific to the requirements of developing a working product Documents the choices and practices used in the form of an annotated journal notes of the products development Ability to solve own problems Uses correct terminology when explaining development processes 3 Appropriate use of accepted presentation standards and convention. 3 Quality of project produced. 10 Allocated Mark 5 5 5 3 Total Out of 40 Teacher comment: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 35 Unit 3BAIT TYPE: Response OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Social Implications and Trends, and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment Task 9: Infotainment Privacy and Safety Issues (60 marks) The school is very happy with the new Digital Journey now available online and is seriously considering updating the site so that the school can conduct various business transaction online (paying of fees, book hire, camps and excursions etc) and updating personal details. However, given the popularity that this type of Infotaiment technology (Myspace, YouTube, Blogs, downloading etc) with students, teachers and parents alike, a number of articles in the press relating to these practices has made the school management feel slightly edgy about the level of privacy and security that this new technology can offer. You are to make recommendation on how our staff, students and parents might be able to be set up to take advantage of the new technology but also to allow it to be set up and operated in the safest and most secure manor available. Time allocation Two weeks What you need to do 1. Responding to a Problem: As a response to the school’s concerns you are to develop a report that take keys issues from the articles included and does the following. Explain the new sort of online technology mentioned in the articles (Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Blogs, Social sites – RSVP, Wiki’s etc). Explain the current trends encouraged by online technology (Paying bills, shopping online – eBay etc) giving examples both personal and in school Explains the issues mentioned in the articles Relates these issues to possible scenarios at school (workplace) Relates these issues specifically to the new technology outlined in Task 6 as well as common practices both in the workplace (school) and with our clientele. Use other related articles that you have found to offer support for your opinions and knowledge base. 2. Recommendation: Once you have comprehensively reported on the above items you are to offer possible solutions, technology and practices that could minimise these concerns. Prepare a written proposal to be presented to the principal that outlines your findings and recommendation in terms of keeping this type of system private and secure. What needs to be in submitted: Response to selected articles Report on current trends and practices Recommendations on keeping the system private and secure 36 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B Due date Task 10: Infotainment Issues Marking key Item Responding to Issues (22 marks) Total: 38 marks Description Explain the new sort of online technology mentioned in the articles (Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Blogs, Social sites – RSVP, Wiki’s etc). Explain the current trends encouraged by online technology (Paying bills, shopping online – eBay etc) giving examples both personal and in school. Possible Mark Allocated Mark 5 5 Explains the issues mentioned in the articles 3 Relates these issues to possible scenarios at school (workplace) and with our staff and clients 3 Relates these issues specifically to the new technology outlined in Task 6 as well as common practices both in the workplace (school) and with our clientele. 3 Use other related articles that you have found to offer support for your opinions and knowledge base Presentations (6 marks) Referencing of articles and other related information Quality of report presentation Recommendations (10 marks) Recommendations for increased privacy Recommendations for increased security 3 3 3 5 5 Total Out of 38 Teacher Comment: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ TASK MARKING GUIDE 10 Marks Possible 10/9= Very Good, 8/7= Good, 6/5= Satisfactory, 4/3= Needs Work <2= Basic attempt 5 Marks Possible 5 = Very Good, 4 = Good, 3 = Satisfactory, 2 = Needs Work 1 = Basic attempt 3 Marks Possible 3 =Very Good, 2 =Good, 1 =Satisfactory 2 Marks Possible Generally 1 mark for Definition/Listing/Completed, 1 mark for Example/Correct 1 Mark Possible Lists a Required Item, Yes/No Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B 37 Unit 3BAIT TYPE: Response OUTCOMES: Outcome 1: Technology Process, Outcome 2: Understanding ICT, Outcome 3: Quality of Information Solutions, and Outcome 4: ICT in Society CONTENT: Digital Data and Information, Social Implications and Trends, and Workplace, Practices and Career UNIT LEARNING CONTEXT: Infotainment Task 10: End of Year Exam (marks TBA) End of unit/year exam. This exam is designed to give you the opportunity to respond to various forms of questioning that will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the theory, skills and concepts taught via the project tasks undertaken and class activities, discussions and personal investigation and study. Some practical (non-computing) responses are also included in this exam. This exam is also designed to give you valuable experience prior to your external exam. Section One: Multiple-choice 10% of the paper Suggested working time: 20 minutes 20 questions Section Two: Short answer 15% of the paper Suggested working time: 35 minutes Section Three: Extended answer 25% of the paper Suggested working time: 50 minutes Section Four: Production 50% of the paper Suggested working time: 75 minutes 38 Applied Information Technology: unit package Unit 3A&B