Day 5 - Kyle Keener's e

Lesson Plan Format
GSU Student &
Classroom Teacher
Kyle Keener &
Mrs. Regina Paul
Room Number
Social Studies
How does Hinduism play a role in
Southeast Asia?
How did Buddhism come in the being?
9:15-9:45, 10:2511:11
11, 2011
GPS/QCC/ National Standards:
Georgia Performance Standard:
SS7G12- The student will analyze the diverse
cultures of the people who live in Southern and
Eastern Asia.
a. Explain the differences between an ethnic
group and a religious group.
b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions
in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and the philosophy
of Confucianism.
Georgia Performance L.A. Standard:
ELA7LSV1 The student participates in studentto-teacher, student-to-student, and
group verbal interactions. The student
a. Initiates new topics in addition to responding
to adult-initiated topics.
b. Asks relevant questions.
c. Responds to questions with appropriate
d. Confirms understanding by paraphrasing the
adult’s directions or suggestions.
e. Displays appropriate turn-taking behaviors.
h. Responds appropriately to comments and
i. Volunteers contributions and responds when
directly solicited by teacher or discussion
j. Gives reasons in support of opinions
k. Clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a
response when asked to do so.
National Standard:
The student in grades 5-12 should understand
how major religions and large-scale
empires arose in the Mediterranean basin,
China, and India, 500 BCE-300 CE.
Key Questions:
What is a religion?
GPS/QCC/National Standards:
What are the characteristics of
Georgia Performance Standard:
SS7G12- The student will analyze the diverse
cultures of the people who live in Southern and
Eastern Asia.
a. Explain the differences between an ethnic
group and a religious group.
b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions
in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism,
Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and the philosophy
of Confucianism.
National Standard:
The student in grades 5-12 should understand
•how major religions and large-scale empires
arose in the Mediterranean basin, China, and
India, 500 BCE-300 CE.
No Text Today, due to Quiz
Teachnology Inc. (2010). 5x5 bingo card
maker. Retrieved from
Bingo Sheets
Buddhism/Hinduism Quiz
Use APA format to identify the Text, Teacher Materials and Resources Used. Be Specific so that anyone
can quickly access this material.
Assessment and Learning Strategies
Key Question #1- Students will be able to distinguish what a religion is and different types and
characteristic of them, while playing Religions Bingo. The teacher will observe students and know if
they comprehend the terms if the students can correctly identify the words with their definitions.
Key Question #2- Teacher will administer the Hinduism/Buddhism Quiz. Students will answer to the
best of their ability as they take a quiz over the previous week’s lessons. Teacher will evaluate how
students understand the material based on their quiz grades.
(If a formal assessment, such as a quiz or rubric, is to be used develop this and include it as an
attachment to the end of the lesson)
Key Concepts:
1. The basic understanding and characteristics of what a religion is. A religion is a
collaboration of multiple beliefs pertaining to culture, worldviews, spirituality, and
moral values.
2. Around 2,500 years ago, a prince named Siddhartha Gautama began to
question his sheltered life. Siddhartha spent many years doing many religious
practices such as praying, meditating, and fasting until he finally understood the
basic truths of life. . He gained enlightenment, or nirvana, and was given the title
of Buddha, which means Enlightened One. Hinduism was founded nearly 4000
years ago in India. Today there are over 1 billion Hindus in the world. The basic
teachings of Hinduism, or Vedanta, are that a human’s basic nature is not
confined to the body or the mind. There are five main social positions (varna);
Brahmins (priests and teachers) Kshatriyas (rulers and soldiers), Vaishyas
(merchants), Shudras (workers), and the Dalit (Untouchables).
Part One: Lesson Introduction ( This is brief usually 5-10 min):
A. Review of Previous Instruction
Good morning students. How is everyone doing today? Good. Did you al
study for your quiz today? You did Tayonna, nice! Well can you tell me
something you have learned about Buddhism? That’s right. Buddhism has
been in existence now from over 2,500 years. (Continue orally questioning
students on the previous week’s information and topics.) (7:50-8:00)
B. Anticipatory Set
So like I said yesterday, if you guys were well behaved we would play a little
Buddhism/Hinduism Bingo to help us get ready from this quiz. So I have the
bingo cards here with me. I am going to pass these out really quick. I want
everyone to take a half sheet of paper. Yes, just split it with someone around you
and I want you to make little chips for the Bingo board. You know to go over the
answers on your board. Ok so whenever you think you have a word that I have
read aloud and described you cover the work on your Bingo board. When you
have a complete line across or diagonal just yell out Bingo and we will check and
see if you have it. (Start Bingo game and play with students until a student wins
or they have had enough time to review the quiz.) (8:00-8:30)
Part Two: Developmental Activities (Presentation of Content, Active Learning,
Modeling, Guided Practice & Independent Practice)
Ok guys, so we have review for the quiz. Congratulations to Vincent for
the win in Bingo. Are there any last minute questions, before we get started? No,
guys it’s not bad that are only about 20 questions. You guys got this! It’s not bad
at all! So here we go. Everyone stop talking I’m starting to pass out the quizzes.
Good luck. (Students will take quiz, while I walk throughout the classroom
observing) (8:30- Conclusion of class, or they finish) (Some student’s will take
the entire 40 minutes for the quiz.)
Part Three: Concluding Activities
Guys whenever you finish your quiz just pull out an A.R. book or
homework from another class and work until everyone has completed the quiz.
(Finished quiz-Conclusion of class)
Part Four: Differentiation
My final day of my lesson is a review and quiz (assessment) day. We will
begin our lesson with a brief oral questioning, and then move to the Bingo game.
After I feel like the students have well reviewed for the quiz we will take it and
finish off the day with that.
I believe that the oral questioning will be a good strategy to help my
auditory and verbal learning students. This will be a good way from them to
review if the Bingo game doesn’t help as much. The Bingo game is a good
strategy for my kinesthetic, visual, and auditory learners. They will get the chance
to move around, talk with each other, and listen to possible quiz material.
I am going to make sure to speak with my ESL students about the quiz
before we take it. They will be aware of the format of the quiz, so they aren’t
shocked when they get it, but I’m sure they will do just fine on the quiz and
review game. I think this is a good day’s lesson for a quiz day, because it
incorporates more than just the quiz. Overall I think I was able to differentiate my
lesson well and will be able to reach all different types of learners.
Part Five: Reflection and Evaluation of Lesson AND Teacher Effectiveness
 Complete this section after teaching each lesson. Use these reflections
to assist in writing your final unit reflections.
 Reflect on EACH key question.
 Were you successful in teaching this concept? What was successful
and what was weak within the lesson design?
 How would you change the lesson plan and revise the teaching
strategies if you were to teach it again? Why?
 What did you learn?