Associated Students of Western Nevada Meeting Minutes for May 3


Associated Students of Western Nevada

Meeting Minutes for

May 3, 2011

Carson Campus Dini Conference

Fallon Campus Virgil Getto 308


Meeting was called to order at: 7:35 a.m.


Roll Call: Executives present : Jason McGill, Ashley Cruz, Ashlee

McGarity, Lindsey Lepire, Austin Jones

Senators present: Meagan Machart, Jose Quiroga, Chelsea Gould tardy unexcused, Sheldon Phelps, Eric Franklin, Heather Dodson,

Ashley DeRosa, Nathan White, Sam White, Elizabeth Bateman absent unexcused

Representatives present: Kimberly Lockwood absent unexcused

Advisor: Christina Hillis


Approval of Minutes : Nathan motions to approve the April 26 th minutes, Austin seconds that motion. All in favor, motion passes.


Public Comment: Doug Decey is representing the Lone Mountain

Riders Club. They had 3 members that got published throughout this year in addition to 3 guest speakers, which went really well. Also

Always Lost is doing really well and will most likely show in the

Library of Congress in Washington. Lastly they have a private donor who will fund the show to the Smithsonian.


Executive Reports: Jason: This Friday, Jason was scheduled to go to the Board of Regents meeting in Las Vegas, he and Heather will

instead be in the Reno System office being I.A.V to the meeting.

Other than that we are just waiting to hear from the legislature about the budget. The Governor is presenting a speech regarding his plan with the budget which will reiterate his State of the State speech. The

Governor talked about adding an additional 2 million dollars into the budget just for education, which will not be enough to fill the expected gap. Ashley Cruz: Nothing to report at this time. Ashlee

McGarity: The Fallon campus held their Earth day last week where they were able to get rid of all of their extra pots and seeds from last year. Lastly, elections went really well with around 43 votes.

Austin: Will be sending out the budget this Thursday. Lindsey: I have not received minutes from Ashley DeRosa, Jose or Chelsea.

Everyone needs to be responding.


Advisor’s report: Christina: The baseball tournament will be held here on the Carson Campus May 11 th through May 14 th . I will not be able to go to the Fallon campus for programming board this week.

Also Fallon ASWN has talked about doing a donation for people who were affected by the tornados in the US. If this is going to happen, it needs to be planned within the next 48 hours. Ashley Cruz suggests that we go to Walmart and purchase toiletries for the donation as well as setting out donation boxes.


Committee reports : No committee reports at this time.


Old business: Ashley Cruz will be taking a vote for where we are going to dinner for our End of the Year party, everyone votes for

Claim Jumper. ASWN members have until the end of the week to let

Ashley know if you are going to Six Flags so tickets can be purchased. Everybody will be paying for their own tickets, along with helping with the price of gas to get there. We also talked about doing a picnic lunch in the parking lot.


Proposed Amendment to ASWN Constitution: Jason met with John

Kinkella and presented all of our options for consolidation to him.

After Jason presented everyone’s opinions and John was largely in favor of the full consolidation that everyone voted on. This would result in 4 executives on the Carson campus, 5 senators, and 3 representatives. John forwarded all of our options to president Lucey

and Carol Lange. The executives have not gotten back to Jason yet on their decision yet. President Lucey put the consolidation issue on their agenda for their next College Executive meeting. If Jason has to he will call a special meeting to finalize the consolidation. If the consolidation is not finalized by the end of the semester, Heather will then take on the remaining responsibility.


Summer Training Funding Request : Heather is requesting $4,000 for summer training to pay for food and other supplies. Summer training will start August 3 rd and run for 4 weeks. Austin motions to approve the $4,000 for summer training, Sheldon seconds. All in favor, motion passes.


New business: Jason is going to swear everybody in as their new position. Christina sent out an email regarding everyone who won.

ASWN President: Heather Dodson, Carson Vice President: Ashley

DeRosa, Secretary: Meagan Machart, Treasurer: Nathan White, and

Senators: Samuel White, Katherine Urrutia, Tenisha Foster, and

Lorena Cedano


Adjournment: 8:03 am.
