Red Cross Fundraiser by Central Academy Math Team Iowa State University Math Contest Saturday, February 13, 2010 First Name: _____________________________________ Last Name:________________________________ I plan to score between _______ and _______ on the Sprint Round Test at the ISU Math Contest Dear Potential Sponsor, I am participating for Central Academy in the High School Math Contest at Iowa State University. In response to the recent earthquake in Haiti, we have decided to raise funds, all of which will be donated to the American Red Cross. You can sponsor me for an amount per point I score on the Sprint Round test, or you can name a fixed amount that you will donate. After the contest, I will return to tell you how many points I scored and collect your contribution. Make checks to American Red Cross. Thank you! My score at the contest was _________________ Name of Donor and Address Fixed Donation Amount Pledge per Point (Example: $0.20) Amount Actually Collected from Donor Was the donation made in cash or by check? Circle one 1 Cash / Check 2 Cash / Check 3 Cash / Check 4 Cash / Check 5 Cash / Check 6 Cash / Check 7 Cash / Check TOTAL COLLECTED IN CASH X X X $ TOTAL COLLECT IN CHECK X X X $ GRAND TOTAL COLLECTED X X X $ Participants: To reach our goal, we hope that each participant finds at least 5 sponsors. Red Cross Fundraiser by Central Academy Math Team Iowa State University Math Contest Saturday, February 13, 2010 Our fundraiser combines our love of math contests with the remarkable need for relief due to the earthquake in Haiti. By simply participating in the contest at ISU and asking a few people to sponsor you, you can take part in making a very large difference! If 500 students on that date all average $50 to $100 collected in donations, then $25,000 to $50,000 will be donated to the Red Cross from this effort!!! Our goal is to help the American Red Cross by raising at least $50 per student. We hope that each student will surpass this goal. We hope to raise as much money as possible to turn over to the American Red Cross. will post the total amount raised at as amounts collected are confirmed. Rules 1. Students may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets. Remember to fill out the form at to let us know you’ll be participating. 2. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, address, and pledge per point or fixed pledge. Students may collect the pledge in advance but should keep pledges until all are collected. 3. During the week following the contest, take your pledge form with your score on top to your sponsors and collect their donation. Thank them kindly. 4. Do not be afraid to ask people. You are doing a good thing and people want to help this cause. 5. Be sure to fill out the form at after you’ve finished collecting pledges, then send your donations to or to your local chapter of the American Red Cross. If you send your pledges to, mail them along with your pledge form to PO Box 111, Sparta WI 54656. If you choose to send your donations directly to the American Red Cross, please send your pledge form to for our records, either by mailing it to the address above or by scanning the form and emailing it to