Paul Hann Lyrics – 2008 visit

Rules and responsibilities
They’re good for you and also good for me
We must try and do our part
Sticking to the rules is a real good start
Don’t run in the halls when we’re at school
Respect the teacher is a special rule
Be nice to people don’t push them around
At home, at school or on the playground
We’re gentle and kind, we don’t fight
We know two wrongs don’t make a right
We let our friends join in our games
We never make fun or call people names
At home we help our mom and dad
We follow the rules and make them glad
We wash the dishes and feed the pet
All these rules we never forget
Early in the morning, head to the rink
Put on your gear, get a hot drink
Lace up your skates, don’t think twice
It’s time to play hockey, out on the ice
Shoot the puck in the net
Pass to your team mate, don’t forget
Sportsmanship, is the key
Or else you’ll get a penalty
Let’s respect the referee
He blows his whistle, twiddly dee
Win the face off, hustle fast
Hurry, skate, don’t be last
We want to play in the NHL
Watch us on TV, you never can tell
We all play together, we’re all the same
So let’s play hard and win the game
Oh, how we love those springtime flowers
The tree blossoms and the April showers
Nature’s stirring, it’s time for spring
The winter’s all over, hear the birds sing
No more winter gear, the suns shines bright
It’s getting warmer, and it feels just right
Jump in the puddles, hear the frogs croak
The leaves all appear on the Maple and the Oak
The snow is melting and the animals awake
The ice is gone now from Charlie Lake
Bees make honey, baby animals roam
The sky is blue and the geese fly home
See the little girls walking with flowers in their hair
Skipping through the forest, no worries or care
Let’s enjoy spring while it’s still here
It’s our favorite time of year
Coca cola, coca cola
You can call me a real high roller
Don’t want 7Up or Mountain Dew
It’s coca cola, true blue
Pepsi cola, no can do
It’s fizzy with sugar, and a touch of caffeine
You can get it at the store or a pop machine
You open up the can and take a quick slurp
Don’t drink it in church, it’ll make you burp
1 litre, 2 litre, let’s go beserk
It tastes so good as it slides down your throat
Put in some ice cream, coca cola float
Drink it from a glass, take it through a straw
Mom says that’s enough and lays down the law
Dad says, “Give it here!” HA HA HA
Don’t leave the lid off, it’ll go flat
Spill it on the floor, it’ll go splat
Shake it up in the can, watch it explode
Shake it in the bottle, it’ll overflow
Look outside, again it’s started to snow
See old Jack Frost on the window and it’s 20 below
Looks like another day of staying inside
Gotta keep busy and occupied
Inside, outside, never be dissatisfied
It’s recess announcements on the PA
It’s gonna be another inside day
Finish up the snack, clear off the table
Get out the mini stick, if we’re able
Turn up the music, dance around
Shhh! It’s the duty, don’t make a sound!
Stuck in Alcatraz, gotta get out
Make sure the girls are no where about
Let’s build a tower, base ten blocks
Higher and higher ‘til it knocks off your socks
There goes the bell times all up
Here’s Mrs. Martin time to hush up!
Unfinished homework, I’m in trouble
Gotta get it done, on the double
All this energy we can’t control
If we stay inside it’ll take it’s toll
It’s reading and writing as a rule
But we’ll tell you what really goes on in school
Out on the playground at recess time
It’s hard to know the reason or rhyme
So let’s get together and have a good time
Outside eating, standing around
Get a sugar high, roll on the ground
Listen to the gossip….what do they say?
Big Ben’s real mad, he’s had a bad day
So hide round the corner, stay out of his way!
Sitting in the classroom, day dreaming
Looking at the spit balls, on the ceiling
Attention spans starting to fade
Talking ‘bout the dodge ball game we played
Laughing at a joke a friend just made
I want some gum, can you give me some
School wide water fight in the sun
Let’s go camping at Cameron Lake
Don’t forget your gear, big mistake
It’s been a long time, it’s coming to a close
Off we go to Kearney or Bowes