Unit 1 Review Assignment


Unit 1 Review Assignment

SPH4U – Grade 12 Physics

Part 1: Application Questions

Each question is worth 5 marks for Application. You must submit your own work.

Please list any partners you work with or other consulted sources.

Total = 20 marks.

1) A satellite of mass 450kg is in orbit above the Earth’s equator. It is travelling at an orbital speed of 9m/s.

(a) Determine the altitude of the satellite

(b) Determine the Force of gravity acting between the satellite and the


2) What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field strength at point Z in the figure below?

3) A 1.0x10

-6 C test charge is 40.0cm from a 3.2 x 10 -3 C charged sphere. How much work was required to move it there from a point 1.0 x 10 2 cm away from the sphere?

4) A straight horizontal wire 2.0m long has a current of 2.5A toward the east. The local magnetic field of the Earth is 5.0x10

-5 T [N, horizontal]. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on the conductor.

( Source: xkcd.com


Part 2: Research Assignment

There are many very interesting applications and extensions of the physics that we have been studying in this unit.

Choose one of the following topics. Using both your text, and at least one other source on the internet, write a one page report about the topic. You must include the following in your report:

1) What the technology / topic is and how it works.

2) How the physics concepts covered in this unit relate to this technology / topic

3) Why the technology / topic is important to society

4) What the environmental implications are of this technology / topic

5) How the use of this technology / topic fits in to a Christian worldview (or doesn’t).

[ 6) Anything else that is interesting that you can find out].

Topics to choose from:

Field Theory – pg. 403

RFID Chips – pg. 405

MR Fluid Dampers – pg. 406

MRI – pg. 408

Loudspeakers – pg. 395

Electrostatic Precipitators


– pg.

Satellites and Space Stations – pg. 297


Knowledge (10 marks)

- What the technology / topic is and how it works.

- How the physics in this unit relate to this technology / topic

- Other interesting information

Level 1

Knowledge of the topic is adequate.

Level 2

Knowledge of the topic is correct, with the most important details covered.

Level 3

Knowledge of the topic is correct, with many details.

Level 4

Knowledge of the topic is correct, very detailed and extensive.

Thinking (10 marks)

- Why the technology / topic is important to society

- What the environmental implications are of this technology / topic

- How the use of this technology / topic fits in to a

Christian worldview (or doesn’t).

Student thinking is provides some answer to the questions posed.

Communication (5 marks) Student

- Student is able to communication communicate well, using proper vocabulary and needs improvement.


Student thinking is covers the most obvious and important trends and conclusions.

The questions posed are adequately answered.

Student communicates adequately.

Student thinking is detailed, deep, and shows some insight.

Thoughts are somewhat logical. The questions posed are well answered.

Student communicates effectively.

Student thinking is very detailed, deep, and insightful.

Thoughts are coherent and logical. The questions posed are very well answered.

Student communicates very effectively.
