Honors Physics - UNIT 1 REVIEW

Honors Physics - UNIT 1 REVIEW - Mr Sample
1. A moving car decelerates for 5.0 s and comes to a complete stop. It travels 75 m in the process.
a) Determine its initial value of speed.
b) Determine its rate of deceleration.
2. A stone is dropped into a very deep hole in the ground and it hits the bottom after falling for 2.80 s.
a) How deep is the hole?
b) What is the impact velocity of the stone?
3. A kangaroo jumps to a vertical height of 2.8 m.
a) What is its total time in the air?
b) What is the launch speed?
4. When a certain traffic light turns green, a waiting car starts off with constant acceleration of 3.0 m/s 2. At the
same instant a truck with constant speed 12 m/s passes by the car in the next lane.
a) How far must the car travel in order to catch up to the truck (and then pass)?
b) How fast will the car be moving as it passes the truck?
5. A driver of a car going 90.0 km/h suddenly sees the lights of a barrier 40.0 m ahead. It takes the driver 0.75 s
before he applies the brakes, and the deceleration rate during braking is 10.0 m/s 2.
a) Determine if the car hits the barrier. (hint: use quadratic to solve)
b) Determine the maximum speed at which the car could be moving and stop just in time just before the barrier.
6. A juggler throws a beanbag straight up into the air with initial speed 6.00 m/s. The beanbag leaves the juggler's
hand 1.50 m above the floor. The juggler fails to catch the beanbag as it falls to the floor.
a) How long is the beanbag in the air?
b) What is its impact speed?
7. A rock is thrown vertically upward with a speed of v from the edge of a cliff. A second rock is thrown vertically
downward with the same initial speed. Which rock has the greater speed when it reaches the bottom of the cliff?
Ignore air resistance.
8. A steam driven catapult accelerates a 20 ton aircraft from 0 to 66 m/s in 3.0 s to launch the plane from the deck of
an aircraft carrier.
a) Find the rate of acceleration.
b) Determine the length needed for the runway on the deck of the carrier.
9. A helicopter is ascending vertically with a speed of 8.50 m/s. At a height of 120 m above the earth, a grenade
is held out a window and released. How much time does it take for the grenade to reach the ground?
10. Suppose a person wants to be able to touch the rim of a basketball goal. The rim is 3.048 m above the ground.
They can reach up 2.45 m with their feet on the ground.
a) If they can achieve a liftoff speed of 2.80 m/s, what is his maximum upward displacement?
b) What is the closest to the rim his fingertips will get?
c) What would be the minimum liftoff speed necessary for this dude to touch the rim?
11. A diver jumps from a 3.0 m board with an initial upward velocity of 5.5 m/s. Determine …
a) the time the diver was in the air,
b) the total distance traveled
12. Answer the following and explain or give an example: (a) Can an object have zero velocity and at the same
time be accelerating? (b) Can an object have a constant speed and a changing velocity? (c) Can an object have a
constant velocity and a changing speed? (d) Can an object be moving but not accelerating? (e) Can an object have
velocity and acceleration vectors that point in opposite directions?
13. Let's say you're walking along a road, heading west at 8km/hr. A train track runs parallel to the road and a train
is passing by, traveling at 40 km/hr west. There is also a car driving by on the road, going 30 km/hr east. How fast is
the train traveling relative to you? How fast is the car traveling relative to you? And how fast is the train traveling
relative to the car?
14. The graph below shows the motion of a hummingbird. For the interval of time shown, determine the following:
(a) What is the bird’s greatest distance away from the flower? (b) What is the bird’s most western position? (c) At
what point(s) in time is the bird at the flower? (d) Determine the bird’s average velocity. (e) Determine the bird’s
average speed. (f) What is the bird’s velocity at 10.0 s? (g) What is the bird’s velocity at 5.5 s? (h) At what
position(s) is the bird’s velocity equal to zero? (i) What is the bird’s maximum speed? (j) The bird is moving with a
constant velocity at what point(s) in time? (k) The bird is accelerating at what point(s) in time? (l) The bird’s speed
is decreasing at what point(s) in time?
15. The graph below shows the motion of an object. For the interval of time shown, determine the following: (a) At
what point(s) in time is the object moving southward? (b) Find the maximum speed. (c) Find the average
acceleration from t = 16 s to t = 32 s. (d) Find the acceleration at t = 4.0 s and state whether speed is increasing or
decreasing at that point. (e) Find the acceleration at t = 26 s. (f) The acceleration is zero at what point(s) in time?
(g) The speed of the object is decreasing at what point(s) in time? (h) determine the displacement of the object
during from 0 to 26 s.
HP Unit 1 Review – Answers
1) 30m/s, -6m/s2
2) 38.4m (it asked for how deep which implies a negative), -27.4m/s
3) 1.5s, 7.4m/s
4) 96m, 24m/s
5) yes, 21.7m/s…you must use quadratic…it is asking for vo that will cause car to stop just in time
6) 1.43s, 8.10m/s (asked for speed)
7) same
8) 22m/s2, 99m
9) 5.89s
10) 0.4m, 0.198m, 3.42m/s
11) 1.52s, 6.1m
12) yes (freefall), yes (turning), no, yes (constant velocity), yes (braking)
13) 32km/h west, 38km/h east, 70km/h west
14) 5m, 3.5m, 10.5s & 25s, -0.2m/s, 0.48m/s, -1.02m/s, -0.44m/s, 5m E & 3.5m W, 1.02m/s, 6.813.8s, 4.8-6.5s & 13.8-15.3s, 13.8-14.5s
15) 0-26s, 30m/s, 2.2m/s2, -2.5m/s2 increasing, 5m/s2, 12-20s & 27-32s & 38-50s, 20-26s & 3238s, -510m