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CEED 2008 India – CEED Common Entrance Examination for Design

What is CEED ?

CEED (Common Entrance Examination for Design) is an all India examination - a

Qualifying Examination for Admission to Master of Design (M.Des.) Programmes at IISc

Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Guwahati and IIT Kanpur, and Ph.D. Programmes in

Design in some Institutes, for the Academic Year 2008- 2009.

Objective of CEED

A s s e s s m e n t o f a p t i t u d e f o r d e s i g n , i n v o l v i n g v i s u a l p e r c e p t i o n a b i l i t y , d r a w i n g s k i l l s , l o g i c a l r e a s o n i n g , c r e a t i v i t y , a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s

CEED is a qualifying examination for the following postgraduate programmes in design.

(a) Master of Design Programmes

IISc Bangalore : M.Des. in Product Design and Engineering*

IIT Bombay : M.Des. in (i) Industrial Design, (ii) Visual Communication, (iii) Animation, (iv)

Interaction Design

IIT Delhi : M.Des. in Industrial Design

IIT Guwahati : M.Des.

IIT Kanpur : M.Des. in Industrial Design *

(*GATE qualified candidates will also be considered for admission to these programmes).

(b) Ph.D Programmes in Design ( in some of the above institutes ) Details may be obtained from respective web sites.

For more details about the programmes and eligibility criteria at respective institutes, see:

IISc Bangalore:,


IIT Bombay :,


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IIT Delhi:,


IIT Guwahati:,


IIT Kanpur:,

C E E D E l i g i b i l i t y :

Candidates must either have completed or be expecting to complete any of the following, by July

2008: i) Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Architecture/Design/Interior Design, or equivalent, ii) Professional Diploma in Design (NID/CEPT, or equivalent), iii) B.F.A. (4 year professional programme, after 10+2), iv) G.D. Art (5 year programme after 10th) with one year professional experience, v) Master's degree in Arts/Science/Computer Applications.

Before applying for CEED, candidates must assure themselves that they are eligible to seek admission to the specific programme they are interested in.

There is no age limit and a candidate can take CEED any number of times.

A p p l i c a t i o n P r o c e s s

Application Form and Brochure: CEED Application Form may be submitted either ONLINE

(Internet based) or OFFLINE (by POST/ in Person).

(i) OFFLINE Application Form and Information Brochure can be obtained from the GATE Office,

IIT Bombay, on payment of non-refundable application fee of Rs. 990/- (Rs. 495/- only for SC/ST

Applicants) by crossed Demand Draft in favour of IIT Bombay and payable at Mumbai. These can be collected personally at the GATE Office counter, or can be obtained by post by sending a request letter along with DD. Two address slips should be enclosed along with the request.

Completed application should be submitted to GATE Office, IIT Bombay, either at the counter, or by Speed Post.

(ii) ONLINE submission can be made by accessing the website . The ONLINE application fee (non refundable) is Rs 950/- (Rs 475/- for SC/ST Applicants).

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CEED Test Structure

CEED examination will consist of two parts. First part would test your drawing skills, aesthetic sensibility, creativity, problem identification and your approach to visual and mechanical design.

The second part will be mainly objective type which will test your skills in visualization, creativity, design and general awareness, and comprehension.

CEED examination will the test your drawing skills , aesthetic sensibility creativity , problem identification ability and your approach to visual and Mechanical design . The examination tests your visual perception ability drawing skills , design aptitude and communication skills.It will test your ability to creatively and appropriately solve simple design problems . Importance is given to the following - Problem Analysis, Creativity Alternate Concepts , Justifications for your Solutions and Visual and Textual Presentation Skills. It will also test your skill in visualization, creativity , design and general awareness and comprehension.

Admission Procedure:

(I) Details of test and interview for admission to be notified separately by the respective institutes.

(II) A limited number of assistantships available for candidates with valid CEED/GATE score.

(III) Reservations as per Government of India rules applicable at the time of admission.

Application Submission: Submit your application in the envelope provided. The application should not be folded lengthwise.

The application may be submitted in person at the counter of GATE Office, IIT Bombay or mailed only by Registered Post or Speed Post to:

GATE Office , I.I.T. Bombay , Powai, Mumbai 400076

So as to reach the GATE Office, IIT Bombay on or before the due date.

Contact Address

Enquiries about CEED may be addressed to

Chairman GATE

GATE Office

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Powai, Mumbai 400076

Phone: 022-25767068

Fax: 022-2572 3706

E-mail: gateoffice[at]

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