The King's Hospital – Form 6 – Booklist 2014/2015 Subject English Gaeilge Maths History Business Geography French Title Retain: All 5th form books – Othello, New Discovery Retain: Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers Comparative Texts: Ms. Stapleton : The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) Ms. McGinn: Mr. Mulryan: How Many Miles To Babylon? (J. Johnston) Translations (Brian Friel) Mr. Deacon: Foster (Claire Keegan) Our Town (Thornton Wilder) Mr. McIlreavy: Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte) Ms. Farrelly: Ms. Ua Bruadair: All my Sons (Arthur Millar) The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) 2 Manuscript books (120 page), A4 file & dividers Higher Course: Retain: Fiúntas Retain: An Triail Retain: Líofa (Ardleibhéal) Magazines supplied by school Ordinary Level: Retain: Líofa (Gnáthleibhéal) Retain: Fuinneamh All levels: Retain: Foclóir, hardback & manuscript copy books NB: Ring binder folder for extra notes Ordinary Level: Retain: Text & Tests 3 Higher Level: Retain: Text & Tests 4,5,6,7 Leaving Cert Past Exam Papers (To be bought during the year) Mathematical instruments Natural display calculator Casio fx83ES (plus) A4 Project Maths Copy, Formulae & tables booklet Sovereignty & Partition 1912 – 1949 (M.E. Collins) *Latest Edition* The United States & The World 1945 –’89 (M. De Buitleir & S Tonge) Leaving Cert Past Papers 2 A4 Manuscript copy books & 1 A4 hardback essay book Retain: It’s The Business *(2012)* (Joe Stafford / Seamus McGowan) Leaving Cert Past Papers Strong A4 plastic pocket folder & pockets / Retain A4 manuscript Retain: Planet & People – Core Book *(2nd edition)* (Sue Honan & Sue Mulholland) Purchase: ‘Changing World’ Leaving Certificate Human Geography Exam Skills Geography (Sue Honan) Nature Science hardback notebook (lined & non-lined pages) 1 A4 manuscript book Higher Level: Retain: Mosaïque *(2nd Edition)* Buy: Leaving Certificate Past Papers Higher Level (Red) Ordinary Level: Retain: Panache Buy: Leaving Certificate Past Papers Ordinary Level (Blue) For all French students: Dictionary Retain: Hardback, Display Folder A4 pad / poly pocket folders Publisher Edco Edco An Gúm Folens Folens Edco An Gúm Celtic Press Celtic Press Edco Edco Edco Edco Edco only Mentor Gill & MacMillan Mentor Edco Edco only Edco Edco only Collins Home Economics German Spanish Economics Accounting Biology D.C.G. Music Physics Chemistry Art Agricultural Science Applied Maths R.E. Retain: Everyday Living & Workbook (Anne Jones) Less Stress More Success Home Economics Retain: Smart Cooking 1 & Smart Cooking 2 2 A4 Exercise copy books, Plastic folder/wallet, Wide ruled A4 pad Retain: Hörthemen (James Hayes) Retain: Deutsch Komplett Retain: Übung macht den Meister Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers (at appropriate level) Retain: Hardback & A4 display folder Retain: Vamos a Escuchar 2 *(New edition – blue/yellow)* Retain: Español en Acción Retain: El Español Bien Hablado Retain: All form 5 hardbacks Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers Ring-binder folder, A4 pad Retain: Positive Economics (S. Hayes, T. Murray, B. O’Connor) Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers 1 A4 Hardback book, 1 plastic folder for notes Retain: A4 Manuscript Retain: Accounting for Senior Cycle *(2013 – 3rd edition)* (C. Tyrrell, D. Kielthy) Leaving Certificate Past Papers 3 A4 Manuscript (retain old) Retain: Leaving Cert Biology Bio (John Loughlin) Biology Experiment Book Leaving Certificate Exam papers (Honours) A4 Folder with plastic poly pockets A2 T-square, Adjustable Set-Square (250mm size) A2 Cardboard Folder, Compass, Scale Ruler, Protractor 1x HB & 1x 3H Pencils, Sharpener, Eraser, 2GB Usb memory stick A limited supply of the above items will be available through the D.C.G. Department at the start of term Retain: Leaving Certificate Music Workbook Syllabus B Retain: All scores / CD / Workbook from form 5 A4 Folder with plastic poly pockets Real World Physics (O' Regan) Physics Leaving Certificate Exam papers (Honours) 2 Manuscript copy books Retain: Chemistry Live & Workbook Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers Manuscript book (if needed) Appreciating Art for Leaving Certificate (Aíne Ní Chártaigh & Aidan O’Sullivan) Art History Revision Notes for Leaving Cert (Aíne Ní Chártaigh) A4 Blank page hardback visual notebook (Sketch pad) 2B, 4B & 6B drawing pencils, pastels (chalk or oil) BX 24, A3 Spiral bound sketch pad A4 Nature manuscript hardback exercise book Retain: Breaking Ground (Carol Cronin & Sandra Tiernan) Leaving Certificate Exam Past Papers Manuscript book (if needed) Leaving Certificate Exam Papers (Honours) 5 Manuscript copies Religion & Gender (Leaving Cert. R.E. Syllabus Section E) 1 A4 manuscript copy Edco Gill & MacMillan C.J. Fallon C.J. Fallon Folens Folens Edco only Folens Folens Folens Folens Edco Edco only Edco Edco only Edco Edco Folens Folens Folens Folens Edco Gill & MacMillan Gill & MacMillan Daler/Rowney Edco Folens Folens Veritas **All pupils using the computer room and language lab must purchase a computer headset with microphone.** Notes: 1. If you already have a book from last year, do not re-order. 2. Please order your books for collection in early August. Foreign students should not wait until arrival in Ireland. Stocks may have run out. 3. If you are unsure of the level at which you will be studying a subject, or do not know if there is a place for you in the class, do not buy books until the start of next term. 4. Books of past exam papers may not be published until the autumn. 5. You can fax, phone or email your order and pay by credit card or cheque to: The Wise Owl ~ 43 Tower Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Tel: 01 4577690 ~ Fax: 01 4670120 ~ Email: or ~ Oakwest House, Oak Road, Western Business Park, Dublin 12 Tel: 1890 223344 ~ Fax: 353 1 4569432 ~ Email: or Educational Co. of Ireland Ltd. ~ Ballymount Rd., Dublin 12 Tel: 353 1 4500611 ~ Fax: 353 1 4500993 ~ Email: or Greene’s Bookshop Ltd. ~ Unit 7, 78 Furze Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18 Tel: 353 1 2938801 ~ Fax: 353 1 2938803 ~ Email: or Michael Doherty School Supplies Ltd. ~ Unit 6A Greenhills Road Industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel: 353 1 4636680 ~ Fax: 353 1 4636681 ~ Email: Language books available from: International Books – 18 Frederick St. South, Dublin 2 Tel: 353 1 6799375 ~ Fax: 353 1 6799376 ~ Email: or Modern Languages ~ 39 Westland Row, Dublin 2 Tel: 353 1 6764285 ~ Fax: 353 1 6762388 ~ Email: Veritas Bookshop (R.E Books) ~ 7/8 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 353 1 8788177 ~ Fax: 353 1 8744913 ~ Email: Important: Instruct the company to label the package containing books with your name. This list is available for viewing on our website –