Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? by Maurice OReilly, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra delivered at Waterford Institute of Technology, 17th April, 2002 In this paper, I hope to set a draft agenda addressing the question in the title. My objective is to set a ball in motion and not necessarily on a frictionless plane. I hope this ball will neither come, after a few predictable bounces, to an early state of rest nor oscillate without purpose at the end of a spring. Perhaps this modest impulse will produce a reaction? I hope not equal and opposite, since applied mathematics is surely more than Newtonian mechanics! I suspect many of you took the applied maths paper in the Leaving. What are your memories of it? I took it in 1973. The course was not taught in my school and so I managed with four resources: Humphrey & Topping, Lambe (was it the metric version?), Bowman’s Calculus and help, at crucial moments, from my older brother who, at the time, was in his second year of electrical engineering in ‘Merrion Street’. I recall that the tough part was interpreting the question, the rest was fairly, well, mechanical, involving algebra and calculus. The techniques for solving differential equations (up to second order linear) were interesting extensions of material familiar from the regular maths course, but quite disconnected from ‘applications’. In reviewing the material now, I realise that, in the absence of a teacher, I spent some time studying material which was not at all on the syllabus! With that brief personal introduction, let me turn to how I intend to approach the question posed. There will be three parts: 1. Current situation 2. Possible developments 3. Concluding remarks As already suggested, none of this is intended to be conclusive nor even authoritative as far as it goes. 1. Current situation To begin, let us consider how Applied Mathematics results compared with those of other subjects in the 2001 Leaving Certificate Examination (LCE). In particular, let us consider measures of skewness for twenty subjects (the 19 most popular together with Applied Mathematics). We use the frequencies for each letter grade (A-F) to calculate an empirical probability distribution for performance in each subject, and calculate X 3 2 2 E from this, where E X and E X . Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 1 Here are the results at Higher Level, in increasing order of skewness: LCE 2001 (Higher Level) - skewness English -0.1924 History French -0.1470 Tech Drawing Art -0.0521 Engineering Irish 0.0084 Chemistry Geography 0.0373 Economics German 0.0707 Mathematics Physics 0.1333 Accounting Home Econ (S+S) 0.1382 Applied Math Biology 0.1416 Construction Business 0.1676 Music 0.1925 0.2004 0.2267 0.2425 0.2924 0.3262 0.3278 0.3325 0.5981 1.1440 Generally speaking, we see that grades are skewed to the left (that is towards higher grades), Music being the most positively skewed. Applied Mathematics is quite positively skewed, at the far end of the scale from English. The results at Ordinary Level are: LCE 2001 (ordinary level) - skewness English 0.0711 Physics Biology 0.0983 Geography Applied maths 0.1105 Art Mathematics 0.1153 French History 0.1570 Business Tech drawing 0.1613 Engineering Economics 0.1752 Irish Accounting 0.1781 German Chemistry 0.1883 Construction Home Econ (S+S) 0.2106 Music 0.2250 0.2312 0.2824 0.3629 0.4069 0.4537 0.5392 0.5610 0.7445 1.1231 Here again, the extremes are represented by English and Music, while Applied Mathematics is relatively unskewed. However the Applied Mathematics and History results are unusual in that the number of A grades is greater than that of any other grade; for these two subjects, skewness as an indicator fails to capture their unusual grade profile. Applied Mathematics as a subject in the senior cycle of our second level education system is grouped (by the Department of Education and Science) along with five other subjects, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physics & Chemistry (combined) and Biology, in the ‘Science Group’ [Dept. of Education]. On the other hand, the NCCA website states that, ‘There are at present five Leaving Certificate science subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science, and Physics and Chemistry (combined). The NCCA has completed a revision of the first four of these syllabuses and has prepared a consultation draft syllabus for Physics and Chemistry (combined).’ [NCCA] Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 2 The Mathematics syllabus has also been revised (since the mid-nineties), leaving Applied Mathematics somehow forgotten. This neglect is perhaps understandable if not excusable. In contrast to the other subjects mentioned, Applied Mathematics is neither core (in the sense of Mathematics itself) nor has it been pushed high on the educational agenda because of the ‘crisis in science’. Moreover, participation in the LCE, in Applied Mathematics (ranked 22nd out of just over thirty subjects in 2001) was less than half that of Agricultural Science, the least popular (apart from Physics & Chemistry combined) of the other subjects mentioned. Subject Mathematics Biology Physics Chemistry Agricultural Science Applied Mathematics Physics & Chemistry No. of Students (2001, at all levels) 55144 24061 8411 6356 2915 1371 1023 Popularity Rank 1 7 12 16 20 22 23 Two comprehensive longitudinal studies of candidates sitting the Junior Certificate Examination (JCE) in 1994 offer invaluable insights into participation and performance in all subjects at second level [Millar 1999, 1998]. We shall extract from these, material relating to Applied Mathematics. Cohort LCE 1996 LCE 1997 neither of these Male 16443 9111 7841 Female 16776 11844 4993 Total 33219 20955 12834 Our investigation includes the first two of these cohorts. It is reasonable to assume that the vast majority of the LCE 1997 cohort took the Transition Year Option (TYO) at the beginning of the Senior Cycle. Let us turn our attention first to the question of gender bias and participation in science subjects. The participation rates of the LCE 96 cohort (as percentages of all males, all females and all students, respectively) were: biology maths chemistry ph & ch physics app maths agr sc M 35.1% 99.8% 13.5% 4.1% 25.5% 3.4% 8.9% F 64.9% 99.9% 12.0% 1.6% 7.9% 0.4% 1.0% Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? Total 50.1% 99.9% 12.7% 2.8% 16.6% 1.9% 4.9% page 3 The participation rates of the LCE 97 cohort were: M biology 37.2% maths 99.8% chemistry 14.6% ph & ch 2.3% physics 25.7% app maths 5.9% agr sc 5.7% F 62.5% 99.9% 13.0% 0.9% 9.5% 1.4% 0.9% Total 51.5% 99.9% 13.7% 1.5% 16.5% 3.3% 3.0% For each cohort, we note that females participate more than males in Biology, both participate equally in Mathematics, while males participate more than females in the other five subjects. In Applied Mathematics, male participation is greater by a factor of between 4.8 (LCE 97) and 7.5 (LCE 96). The tables underscore disparities which are hardly surprising for those with a modest acquaintance with issues in science education in Ireland. It is interesting to note the marked increase in participation in Applied Mathematics among those who took the TYO: a factor of 1.8 for males and 3.0 for females. Moreover, taking the TYO has lessened the gender disparity (in Applied Mathematics) by 42%. Generally speaking, the TYO is good for science participation (including reduction of gender bias), and especially good for participation in Applied Mathematics. To emphasise this point further, let us look at participation rates in Applied Mathematics (at higher and ordinary levels) across the four school types (secondary, vocational, comprehensive and community): LCE 96 sec voc comp comm all schools H 2.22% 0.45% 1.06% 1.03% 1.67% O 0.25% 0.09% 1.06% 0.05% 0.21% population 21194 6892 849 4284 33219 LCE 97 sec voc comp comm all schools H 3.67% 0.92% 4.04% 1.71% 3.06% O 0.26% 0.03% 2.31% 0.19% 0.27% population 15123 3150 520 2162 20955 Again, students taking the TYO have substantially increased participation rates. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 4 Let us turn now to the question of students’ achievement in science in the LCE. The following tables show (for each cohort) the percentages of low achievers (with grades E, F or NG) in the seven science subjects: LCE 96 maths app maths physics chemistry ph & ch biology agr sc H 3.6% 8.1% 14.8% 13.3% 14.6% 12.5% 5.3% O 15.3% 19.7% 22.4% 22.2% 34.5% 19.1% 26.4% LCE 97 maths app maths physics chemistry ph & ch biology agr sc H 2.8% 8.4% 10.2% 8.2% 8.3% 8.2% 4.0% O 9.3% 7.1% 19.0% 13.6% 29.4% 14.2% 13.5% Apart from negligible differences at Higher Level in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Agricultural Science, the figures show substantially better performance by students taking the TYO. Next, let us consider the Applied Mathematics data on its own as far as choice of examination level, participation by gender and participation in the TYO are concerned. We ask four questions and, for each, display the relevant data and draw a conclusion (quoting a p-value arising from the appropriate hypergeometric distribution). Question 1: Does the choice of examination level (higher or ordinary) depend on participation in the TYO? H O 96 555 71 626 97 (TYO) 642 56 698 1197 127 1324 Conclusion 1: There is some evidence for such dependence (p = 0.0416). Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 5 Question 2: Does participation in the TYO depend on gender? 96 97 M 551 538 1089 F 75 160 235 626 698 1324 Conclusion 2: The evidence for such dependence is overwhelming (p < 0.000001). Question 3: For those participating in the TYO, does the choice of examination level depend on gender? H O M 489 49 538 F 153 7 160 642 56 698 Conclusion 3: There is some evidence for such dependence (p = 0.0462). Question 4: For those not participating in the TYO, does the choice of examination level depend on gender? H O M 486 65 551 F 69 6 75 555 71 626 Conclusion 4: There is no evidence for such dependence (p = 0.3406). We note that similar tests indicate that participation of male and female students does not depend on whether a student attends a co-educational or single sex school. An indicator of (poor) performance is the proportion of students who achieve a low grade (E, F or NG). When we examine how strongly this performance indicator depends (in the case of Applied Mathematics) on gender, participation in the TYO and choice of examination level, we see some evidence for such dependence on choice of examination level alone (p = 0.0362): Low Not low H 99 1098 1197 O 18 109 127 Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? 117 1207 1324 page 6 This dependence is accentuated (p = 0.004559), however, if we restrict our attention to students taking the TYO: Low Not low H 45 510 555 O 14 57 71 59 567 626 Twenty-five other investigations were carried out in a similar fashion, however the results were either not statistically significant or did not lead to a significant interpretation. Turning now to the content and style of examination papers at Higher Level, we see that the content today is just as it was thirty years ago, although the style has changed to some extent. Here are typical topics covered by the ten questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Motion under piecewise constant acceleration Balls in projection or hopping Constant velocity in two dimensions Forces and motion involving pulley systems One particle in simple harmonic motion Systems of two particles in equilibrium or in collision Forces acting on rods in equilibrium (perhaps involving friction) Rotating discs and moments of inertia Simple first order differential equations (with applications to motion under resistance) 10. Forces acting on a submerged body Most LCE questions nowadays are clearly split into two parts, a manageable part (a) and a more challenging part (b). Diagrams accompany questions where there had been none before. To understate the situation, the content is fossilised and represents only a tiny part of what is normally considered as applied mathematics in the world outside the LCE. The style has been modified to some extent over the years so as to make the paper more student-friendly without compromising standards. Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that, in general, students who take Applied Mathematics enjoy it greatly. The syllabus introduces them to problem-solving techniques. Most of them are motivated to take the subject because they perceive it as a useful introduction to anticipated studies in engineering. The focus provided by a syllabus with a rather narrow scope is seen by some to be a significant strength. Students who have high mathematical ability see the subject as an efficient points earner. A welcome development in the mid-eighties was the publication of Murphy’s text [Murphy] on applied mathematics. This nicely illustrated book supports the syllabus well. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 7 It appears that this is the only book specifically written for Leaving Certificate Applied Mathematics. In practice, it seems that many teachers rely on a variety of sources for material, in particular texts for A-Level published in Britain. In 1998, the Victor W Graham Perpetual Trophy was awarded from the first time. This attractive trophy is awarded annually by the Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis to a teacher for achievement in Applied Mathematics [OReilly (website)]. 2. Possible developments My starting point is to acknowledge a blurring of the boundaries between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ mathematics. According to Hersh, “A philosophy of mathematics that ignores applied mathematics, or treats it as an afterthought, is out of date. The relationship between pure and applied mathematics is a central philosophical question. A philosophy of mathematics blind to this challenge is inadequate” [Hersh, p26]. This is a far cry from the notion of ‘pure’ mathematics expounded by Russell or Hardy of 85 or 62 years ago. “Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty – a beauty cold and austere, like that of a sculpture, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern perfection such as only the greatest art can show.” [Russell, p63] “I have never done anything ‘useful’. No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world.” [Hardy, p150] In our view of the relationship between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’, we need to acknowledge different approaches. Let me add a fourth point of view to those already quoted: “We should … let mathematics be, just as other disciplines are, the pursuit of ways of seeing, the pursuit of visions. We should teach our students to look for mathematical analogies, to delight in them when they find them, to stretch them and test them and savor them …” [Wales, in White, p33] I maintain that those who are involved, collaboratively, in putting a syllabus together, as well as those actually teaching applied mathematics should be as much aware of the extreme points of view regarding the subject, as they are of the possibility to achieve a middle way which is coherent, yet acknowledges nuance. How might we construct a rationale for applied mathematics courses in our secondary schools? For a start, I recommend a prominent place for the following elements: (a) modelling, (b) problem-solving and (c) the ‘Rule of Three’ combined with the ‘Way of Archimedes’. These elements need to be underpinned by informed practice in curriculum design which (d) offers material at a level which is reasonably challenging, yet not excessively difficult, (e) accommodates and distinguishes between Higher and Ordinary Levels, and (f) is cognisant of other Senior Cycle courses such as Mathematics and Physics. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 8 The heart of applied mathematics must surely be modelling. It is reasonable to consider this as a three-stage process, involving, according to Edwards & Hanson, problem description, procedure and follow-up [Edwards, §2]. O’Donoghue has developed a “tentative classification of applied problems for teaching purposes” involving two levels of classification: “noise” and “domain of application” [O’Donoghue, in Cawley, p50]. Attention to problem-solving in the spirit of Polya provides a practical yet unifying approach to tackling modelling (and more besides). In 1945, he proposed a framework involving four phases: understanding the problem, devising a plan, implementing the plan and reviewing the work [Polya]. This approach has been used, extended and refined by many [Tall, p18, for example]. The ‘Harvard Consortium’, led by Hughes-Hallett and Gleason, prescribe two cures. The first, for the restoration of mathematical content to calculus, is the Rule of Three: Every topic should be presented geometrically, numerically, and algebraically. The second, for the restoration of practical understanding, is the Way of Archimedes: Formal definitions and procedures evolve from the investigation of practical problems [Hughes-Hallett]. Curriculum issues are always challenging. The NCCA has identified clearly many issues affecting curriculum development for the science subjects [NCCA] including: the role of science in society embracing both cultural and economic aspects concern for declining popularity of the physical sciences inadequate emphasis on issues such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation a lack of congruence between assessment and syllabus aims & objectives an unacceptable level of low achievement in science at Ordinary Level In all of this, Applied Mathematics does not arise once in the discussion. Including material which is sufficiently challenging and which stimulates interest and curiosity is very important. At the same time, material should be reasonably accessible. These aspirations hold equally at both Higher and Ordinary Level, but need to be interpreted appropriately at each level. It is inappropriate to address any detail of these issues in this paper, such detail being part of the distillation process. Interest and curiosity can, and must, be stimulated, first and foremost, by expanding the scope of Applied Mathematics as a subject in the Senior Cycle, way beyond its present narrow confines of a corner of mathematical physics. Here are some areas where such expansion might be established: Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 9 linear & nonlinear laws in many contexts engineering & science – pollution, heat transfer business – compound interest computing – logic, networks demography – population models food safety – risk analysis probability & statistics meteorology codes & cryptography geometry & construction astronomy historical development – especially in Ireland It would without doubt be over-ambitious to include many of these topics in a terminal examination, however there is no reason why they should not be included appropriately in project work complementing the examination. There is certainly scope for project work, giving an opportunity for students to explore some particular field in greater depth and over a reasonably long period. In addition to mechanics, new or extended areas of content might include: differential equations, difference equations, vector algebra, trigonometry, graph theory, data handling, simulation and numerical analysis. Of these, differential equations are especially important since they are at the core of mathematical modelling. Some of these areas (especially the last three) are amenable to treatment in the environment of a computer application package such as Excel or even Maple. Differential equations as a single area admits treatment of a great variety of accessible applications. The Harvard Consortium’s Calculus [Hughes-Hallett] includes the application of differential equations in the following areas: speed of learning population models interest compounded continuously pollution in lakes heating and cooling radioactive isotopes formation of ice net worth of a company velocity and acceleration concentration of chemicals expansion of the universe income distribution in society diseases and epidemics predator-prey models arms race in the Cold War pendulums and oscillating springs Although the development of models involving differential equations may in many cases be too ambitious, more accessible models involving difference equations might well be considered. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 10 Some of the areas mentioned are already treated, to a greater or lesser extent, in the Mathematics and Physics curricula. These include probability and statistics, as well as the treatment of linear and nonlinear laws. It is possible that other areas (such as logic) may be introduced in a future ICT/computing curriculum. Care is needed to ensure that boundaries between subjects are clear, and that where there is any overlap that this is to a purpose. Another cross-curricular aspect requiring attention is the question of how much knowledge of the Mathematics curriculum is required for Applied Mathematics and, indeed, the related logistical issue of topic scheduling between these two courses. For example, a knowledge of integration is necessary for treatment of all but the simplest differential equations, but integration is usually covered late in Senior Cycle Mathematics. The cultural and historical context in which mathematics finds itself is attracting increased attention. It is of particular interest that this is happening in an Irish setting [e.g. Bowler, Houston] as well as internationally [e.g. Acheson, Grattan-Guinness, Maor]. In addition to the philosophical context mentioned earlier, it is important that curricular development is informed by recent cultural and historical discourse also. Many of the issues relating to the transition of students from second to third level education mathematics in Ireland deserve attention in the current discussion, although it should be noted that published material usually emphasises the entire population entering third level, rather than the ‘elite’ who take Applied Mathematics [Brennan, Evans, OReilly (2001)]. A vital over-riding consideration in any radical overhaul of the Applied Mathematics syllabus is its acceptability by both students and teachers. Quite apart from the interest inherent in the content of a new syllabus, these two groups must be convinced that the effort put into fulfilling the requirements of a new syllabus are reasonable and that its sense of purpose – not least as far as further study is concerned – is coherent. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 11 3. Concluding remarks As indicated at the beginning of this paper, we have tried to set a draft agenda for the direction of Applied Mathematics as a Leaving Certificate subject. There are certainly many issues to which inadequate attention has been paid. On the other hand, original interpretations have been offered for some data. Let us summarise the main findings and observations: 1. The profile of results by grade for Applied Mathematics is atypically skewed towards higher grades (at both Higher and Ordinary Levels). 2. Applied Mathematics has not been considered as part of the ‘science family’ in recent efforts to address the ‘crisis in science’. 3. A significant review of the syllabuses in Applied Mathematics has not taken place for at least three decades. 4. The scope of the two syllabuses in Applied Mathematics is, at present, very restricted. 5. A focussed introduction to problem-solving in the context of engineering is a significant strength of the Applied Mathematics syllabus. 6. Ranking 22nd, Applied Mathematics is not a particularly popular subject. 7. Male students participate in Applied Mathematics substantially more than do female students. 8. Participation in the Transition Year Option (TYO) is good for science subjects generally, and for Applied Mathematics in particular. It increases levels of participation, reduces gender bias, and, at Ordinary Level, improves performance. The reduction in gender bias here, as far as participation is concerned, is offset by the fact that female candidates taking Applied Mathematics after the TYO are less inclined to take it at Higher Level than are male candidates. 9. As in other subjects, poor performance in Applied Mathematics is more in evidence at Ordinary Level than at Higher Level, and particularly so for those having taken the TYO. In addressing how Applied Mathematics might be developed, we emphasised the following: 10. The broad philosophical, cultural and societal context of both Applied Mathematics and the students studying the subject. 11. The central position of modelling, problem-solving and, perhaps, differential equations in any syllabus in Applied Mathematics. 12. Attention to good practice in curriculum design. 13. A judicious balance between accessibility and challenge in the material of the syllabus. 14. Expansion of the scope of this material, allowing for the possibility of project work. 15. Prerequisites and overlaps with other syllabuses. 16. Transition to third level studies. 17. Overall acceptability by students and teachers alike. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 12 Bibliography Acheson, D, From Calculus to Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamics, Oxford UP, 1997. Bowler, PJ & Whyte, N, Science and Society in Ireland 1800-1950, Institute of Irish Studies, QU Belfast, 1997. Brennan, M, The 2nd-3rd Level Mathematics Interface, in Cawley (below). Cawley, S (ed), A Mathematics Review, Blackhall Publishing, 1997. Department of Education, Rules and Programme for Secondary Schools 1987/88 to 1996/97, Stationery Office, Dublin, 1996. Edwards, D & Hamson, M, Guide to Mathematical Modelling, Macmillan, 1989. Evans, J, Mathematics in School – What it is and How to Promote it: A Personal View, in Cawley (above). Grattan-Guinness, I, From the Calculus to Set Theory, Princeton UP, 2000. Hardy, GH, A mathematician's apology, Cambridge UP, 1992 (first pub. 1940). Hersh, Reuben, What is Mathematics, Really?, Jonathan Cape, 1997. Houston, K (ed), Creators of Mathematics - The Irish Connection, UCD Press, 2000. Hughes-Hallett, D, Gleason, AM et al Calculus, Wiley, 1994 . Maor, E, Trigonometric Delights, Princeton UP, 1998. Millar, D & Kelly, D, From Junior to Leaving Certificate – A Longitudinal Study of 1994 Junior Certificate Candidates who took the Leaving Certificate Examination in 1997, NCCA/ERC, December 1999. Millar, D, Farrell, E & Kellaghan, T, From Junior to Leaving Certificate – A Longitudinal Study of 1994 Junior Certificate Candidates who took the Leaving Certificate Examination in 1996, NCCA/ERC, December 1998. Murphy,O, Fundamental Applied Mathematics, Folens, 1986. NCCA, Science and Technology Education in the Senior Cycle – A Discussion Paper, NCCA, September 2000 (see http://www.ncca.ie/new.htm). O’Donoghue, J, Alternative Strategies for Mathematics Teaching, in Cawley (above). OReilly, M, http://www.spd.dcu.ie/moreilly/vgt.htm OReilly, M, Mathematics form Junior Infants to junior Freshman, IMS Conference, Limerick 2001 (to be published). Polya, G, How to Solve It, Princeton UP, 1973 (first pub. 1945). Russell, B, Mysticism and Logic, and other essays, Allen & Unwin, 1963 (first pub. 1910). Tall, D (ed), Advanced Mathematical Thinking, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991. Wales, in White (below). White, A (ed), Essays in Humanistic Mathematics, Mathematics Association of America, 1993. Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 13 Technical & Numerical Details Calculation of skewness: We use the frequencies for each letter grade (A-F) to calculate an empirical probability X 3 distribution for performance in each subject, and calculate E from this, where 2 E X 2 and E X . Results at Higher Level, in increasing order of skewness: LCE 2001 (Higher Level) - skewness English -0.1924 History French -0.1470 Tech Drawing Art -0.0521 Engineering Irish 0.0084 Chemistry Geography 0.0373 Economics German 0.0707 Mathematics Physics 0.1333 Accounting Home Econ (S+S) 0.1382 Applied Math Biology 0.1416 Construction Business 0.1676 Music 0.1925 0.2004 0.2267 0.2425 0.2924 0.3262 0.3278 0.3325 0.5981 1.1440 The results at Ordinary Level: LCE 2001 (ordinary level) - skewness English 0.0711 Physics Biology 0.0983 Geography Applied maths 0.1105 Art Mathematics 0.1153 French History 0.1570 Business Tech drawing 0.1613 Engineering Economics 0.1752 Irish Accounting 0.1781 German Chemistry 0.1883 Construction Home Econ (S+S) 0.2106 Music Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? 0.2250 0.2312 0.2824 0.3629 0.4069 0.4537 0.5392 0.5610 0.7445 1.1231 page 14 Participation in ‘science’ subjects: Subject Mathematics Biology Physics Chemistry Agricultural Science Applied Mathematics Physics & Chemistry No. of Students (2001, at all levels) 55144 24061 8411 6356 2915 1371 1023 Popularity Rank 1 7 12 16 20 22 23 Size of cohorts in longitudinal studies: Cohort LCE 1996 LCE 1997 neither of these Male 16443 9111 7841 Female 16776 11844 4993 Total 33219 20955 12834 Participation rates of the LCE 96 cohort in science subjects: M biology 35.1% maths 99.8% chemistry 13.5% ph & ch 4.1% physics 25.5% app maths 3.4% agr sc 8.9% F 64.9% 99.9% 12.0% 1.6% 7.9% 0.4% 1.0% Total 50.1% 99.9% 12.7% 2.8% 16.6% 1.9% 4.9% F 62.5% 99.9% 13.0% 0.9% 9.5% 1.4% 0.9% Total 51.5% 99.9% 13.7% 1.5% 16.5% 3.3% 3.0% Participation rates of the LCE 97 cohort: M biology 37.2% maths 99.8% chemistry 14.6% ph & ch 2.3% physics 25.7% app maths 5.9% agr sc 5.7% Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 15 Participation rates in Applied Mathematics by school type: LCE 96 sec voc comp comm all schools H 2.22% 0.45% 1.06% 1.03% 1.67% O 0.25% 0.09% 1.06% 0.05% 0.21% population 21194 6892 849 4284 33219 LCE 97 sec voc comp comm all schools H 3.67% 0.92% 4.04% 1.71% 3.06% O 0.26% 0.03% 2.31% 0.19% 0.27% population 15123 3150 520 2162 20955 Low achievement (grades E, F or NG) in science subjects: LCE 96 maths app maths physics chemistry ph & ch biology agr sc H 3.6% 8.1% 14.8% 13.3% 14.6% 12.5% 5.3% O 15.3% 19.7% 22.4% 22.2% 34.5% 19.1% 26.4% LCE 97 maths app maths physics chemistry ph & ch biology agr sc H 2.8% 8.4% 10.2% 8.2% 8.3% 8.2% 4.0% O 9.3% 7.1% 19.0% 13.6% 29.4% 14.2% 13.5% Question 1: Does the choice of examination level depend on participation in the TYO? H O 96 555 71 626 97 (TYO) 642 56 698 1197 127 1324 Conclusion 1: There is some evidence for such dependence (p = 0.0416). Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 16 Question 2: Does participation in the TYO depend on gender? 96 97 M 551 538 1089 F 75 160 235 626 698 1324 Conclusion 2: The evidence for such dependence is overwhelming (p < 0.000001). Question 3: For TYO participants, does choice of examination level depend on gender? H O M 489 49 538 F 153 7 160 642 56 698 Conclusion 3: There is some evidence for such dependence (p = 0.0462). Question 4: For TYO non-participants, does choice of examination level depend on gender? H O M 486 65 551 F 69 6 75 555 71 626 Conclusion 4: There is no evidence for such dependence (p = 0.3406). Low performance and choice of examination level – all AM students (p = 0.0362): Low Not low H 99 1098 1197 O 18 109 127 117 1207 1324 Low performance and choice of examination level – AM students who took TYO (p = 0.004559): H O Low 45 14 59 Not low 510 57 567 555 71 626 Whither Applied Mathematics at Leaving Certificate? page 17