
Вниманию, студентов
Предлагается модульная сертифицированная программа «EXCEL в бухучете и аудите»
Excel – это программа, которая нужна, в первую очередь, бухгалтерам, аудиторам и экономистам
и является одним из наиболее часто используемых инструментом анализа и обработки данных.
Широко применяется в финансовой отчетности, при формировании отчетов о продажах,
инвентаризации, планирования проектов, используется во всех видах экономической
деятельности, потому что с помощью Excel легко и удобно управлять и обрабатывать большие
массивы данных. К тому же эта программа проста в использовании! В ходе курса студенты будут
выполнять практические задания и использовать различные функции Excel и формулы. Формулы –
главный ключ к анализу данных. Но это еще не все. Excel имеет множество встроенных функций,
которые рассчитывают все, от простого анализа данных бухгалтерского учета до сложных
статистических задач.
Программа рассчитана на 3 кредита и состоит из трех компонентов:
1. «Основы EXCEL» - 1 кредит
2. Работа с цифровыми данными —1кредит
3. Работа с базой данных – 1 кредит
Курс практический, востребован на рынке труда и дает хороший шанс найти работу в
компаниях и организациях. Дополнительные кредиты вносятся в приложение.
Лектор-магистр экономических наук МГУ и читает на английском и русском языках. По
вопросам регистрации обращаться в 114-116 кабинет Учебного управления. Студенты факультета
международных отношений могут получить информацию у своих эдвайзеров.
Excel for Accounting and Audit
By Yuliya Kim
In the workplace, Excel is one of the most commonly used analysis and reporting tools. Financial
statements, sales reports, inventory, project scheduling, customer activity, accounting and audit
— so much of this stuff is kept in Excel, and it’s the ability of Excel to manipulate and give
feedback about the data that makes it so attractive. Excel is used in all types of businesses
because this program allows to store and to work with any kind of data. And so easy to use!
During the course students will practice to use different excel functions and formulas. Formulas
are the keystone to analyzing data. Formulas calculate answers, straight and to the point. But
that’s not all. Excel has dozens of built-in functions that calculate everything from a simple
average to a useful analysis of accounting data to complex inferential statistics.
Part I: Excel Formulas and Functions
- Working with Excel Fundamentals
- Understanding workbooks and worksheets
- Working with rows, columns, cells, and ranges
- Formatting your data
- Entering your first formula
- Using Functions in Formulas
- Looking at what goes into a function
- Discovering usages of a function’s arguments
- Nesting functions
- Using array functions
- Getting Familiar with the Insert Function Dialog Box
- Finding the Correct Function
- Entering Functions Using the Insert Function Dialog Box
- Selecting a function that takes no arguments
- Selecting a function that takes arguments
- Entering cell and range references as function arguments
- Getting Help while Using the Insert Function Dialog Box
- Using the Function Arguments Dialog Box to Edit Functions
- Using Arrays in Formulas
- Working with Functions That Return Arrays
- Correcting Formulas
- Using the formula error checker
- Auditing Formulas
Part II: Working with Numbers
A rather sizeable Part that covers a rather sizeable topic. This part shows students how to use the
basic math functions. This is where you read about the SUM, ROUND, and INT functions that
are so often used in Excel. Moreover, this part covers advanced math functions. This is where
you find some real gems, such as SUMPRODUCT and MOD and other Math Functions to
Figure Basic Math Answers.
- Adding It All Together with the SUM Function
- Rounding Out Your Knowledge of Rounding Functions
- Just plain old rounding
- Rounding in one direction
- Leaving All the Decimals Behind with the INT Function
- Leaving Some of the Decimals behind with the TRUNC Function
- Looking for a Sign
- Ignoring Signs
- Generating and Using Random Numbers
- Determining the Ways Items Can Be Ordered
- Combining Items with the COMBIN Function
- Raising Numbers to New Heights with the POWER Function
- Multiplying Multiple Numbers with the PRODUCT function
- Using SUMPRODUCT to Multiply and Sum Positional Values in One Step
- Using What Remains with the MOD Function
- Getting Just the Answer You Need with SUBTOTAL
- Using SUMIF to Tally Only What’s Needed
Part III: Statistical Functions
This part shows students how to work with statistical functions. Each of these chapters focuses
on a specific discipline and covers the functions used in descriptive statistics, such as the
AVERAGE function, along with many related functions that tell details about the data.
This part is also focused on significance tests and functions used in predicting factors. This part
is where students learn about forecasting and looking for trends.
Using Descriptive Statistical Functions
- Deciding Where the Middle Is with AVERAGE, MEDIAN, and MODE
- Deviating from the Middle
- Measuring variance
- Analyzing deviations
- Comparing sets of data for similarity
- Putting Numbers Where They Belong
- Going for the Count
Using Prediction and Probability Functions
- Getting It Straight: Using SLOPE and INTERCEPT to Describe Linear Data
- What’s in the Future: Using FORECAST, TREND, and GROWTH to Make Predictions
Part IV: Working with Data
Part 4 is where students read about working with dates and times; how to work with strings of
text; and how to pluck out pieces of data from a database (an area of rows and columns that is).
This part covers a number of great functions, such as the amazing IF and the workhorses
HLookup and VLookup.
Working with Date Functions
- Understanding How Excel Handles Dates
- Formatting Dates
- Assembling a Date with the DATE Function
- Breaking Apart a Date with the DAY, MONTH, and YEAR Functions
- Isolating the day with the DAY function
- Isolating the month with the MONTH function
- Isolating the year with the YEAR function
- Using DATEVALUE to Convert a Text Date into a Numerical Date
- Using the TODAY Function to Find Out the Current Date
- Counting the number of days until Christmas
- Counting your age, in days
- Determining the Day of the Week with the WEEKDAY Function
- Determining How Many Workdays Are in a Range of Dates with NETWORKDAYS
- Calculating Time between Two Dates with the DATEDIF Function
Keeping Track with Time Functions
- Understanding How Excel Handles Time
- Formatting Time
- Assembling Time with the TIME Function
- Breaking Apart Time with the HOUR, MINUTE, and SECOND Functions
- Isolating the hour with the HOUR function
- Isolating the minute with the MINUTE function
- Isolating the second with the SECOND function
- Using the NOW Function to Find Out the Current Time
- Calculating Elapsed Time over Days
Using Lookup, Logical, and Reference Functions
- Testing on One Condition
- Choosing the Right Value
- Being Logical About It All
- Finding Where It Is
- Looking It Up
- Using TRANSPOSE To Turn Data on Its Ear
Working with Information Functions
- Getting Informed with the CELL Function
- Getting Information about Excel and Your Computer System
- Finding Out What Is and What Is Not
- Getting to Know Your Type
Working with Text Functions
- Breaking Apart Text
- Bearing to the left
- Swinging to the right
- Staying in the middle
- Putting Text Together
- Changing Text
- Making money
- Making numbers look like text
- Repeating text
- Replacing text
- Giving text a trim
- Making a case with the case functions
- Finding Out about Text
- Going for perfection with the EXACT function
- Finding and searching
- Finding out the long and short of it with the LEN function
Summarizing Data with Database Functions
- Putting Your Data into a Database Structure
- Understanding How the Database Functions Work
- Establishing your database
- Establishing the criteria area
- Adding Up Only What Matters with DSUM
- Going For the Middle with DAVERAGE
- Counting Only What Counts with DCOUNT
- Finding the Highest and Lowest Values
- Using DGET to Find Duplicate Values
- Getting Criteria to Work the Way You Want
- Finding records that have values in a range
- Finding records that must match more than one condition
- Finding records that match one or more conditions
- Finding records that match a pattern