Week 11 October 27-31

Monday October 27, 2014
New word wall word “in”
*1st grade Reading assessment tests
Stations: Break Through to Literacy/Computers
Writing Station:
-writing new word wall word “in” 8X
-writing “of” 8X
-alphabet writing A-Q
Imagine It: -Morning Message
-building blocks used to show directionality of how we read
Writing: (AMY) Group 1: writing letters A-Q
(CATHERS) Group 2:
-Narrative writing papers
-each individual students narrative stories
Health: Home Safety (Adventures in the Roo World –Young Roo Series
No. 4) by Pati Myers Gross,Carol Marger,
Brass fasteners, paper plates.
Appendix 1: Safety at home.
Appendix 2: Arrows for clock hands.
Appendix 3: Safety maze
Appendix 4: What will keep you safe?
Cathers- (K)- TM 27
Student wkpg 28
(1st/2nd)- TM 95
Make nine blank mini 10 frames
student workpage 95
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-(student workpage 96-98)
Amy- (1st/2nd)- 3-1 Practice workpage
3-1 Reteaching workpage
(K)- 2-1 Reteaching Workpage
2-1 Practice Workpage
8:35-9:05 Calendar/Count to 50/Imagine IT Guided Practice pg 15
-Writing the letter Qq worksheet
9:05-9:35 SRA Groups
Cathers- Group 1-Lesson 104/Story/wkbk
Amy- Group 2-Lesson 37/wkbk
Toni- Group 3- Alphabet Flashcards/Individual reading w/book bags
9:35-10:05 PE
10:05-10:35 Reading assessment (1st & 2nd Grade)
Cathers- testing 1-on-1
Amy- testing 1-on-1
Group 1: Listening Station (10:15-10:25) then w/Cathers @10:20
Group 2: (3 students) Breakthrough to Literacy w/Toni’s guidance
Group 3: Writing Station: writing new word wall word “in” 8X and last weeks
word “of” 8X, alphabet writing A-Q
10:35-11:15 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 5 Rr
Morning Message
Words that mean the opposite
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
-building blocks used to show directionality of how we
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading Assessment)
12:30-1:00 Health
Unit 2: Safety
Materials Needed:
Home Safety (Adventures in the Roo World –Young Roo Series
No. 4) by Pati Myers Gross,Carol Marger, Tom Gibson
(Illustrator), Brass fasteners, paper plates.
Appendix 1: Safety at home.
Appendix 2: Arrows for clock hands.
Appendix 3: Safety maze
Appendix 4: What will keep you safe?
*Display Appendix 1: Safety at home transparency.
-Ask students to look at each of the items depicted by an arrow
and try to guess why that particular item or situation might
present a safety hazard in the home.
*Ask students:
• What does it mean to be safe?
• What can you do to stay safe at home?
• What is a hazard?
• What does the word “prevent” mean?
• How do your parents and families help make your home safe?
• How does the school try to keep you safe? Allow students to
make their own clocks.
*Provide each student with a paper plate, two arrows for hands and a
fastener. Students should color their clock hands and write the
numbers 1-12 around the outside of the clock.
*Students will use the clock in the following activity.
-Read Home Safety by Pati Myers Gross. As the characters in the
story move through the rooms in the house
-1. Discuss each of the safety hazards in the room
-2. Ask students to display on their clocks a time that they are
most likely to be spending time in that particular room.
-Discuss how the time of day and the amount of time we
spend in a room may also affect safety.
-For example, a candle burning on the dining
room table during dinner is not unsafe;
however, a candle burning in the middle of the
night in the dining room with nobody around
may be very unsafe.
1:00-1:30 Writing
(AMY) Group 1: work on writing letters A-P.
(CATHERS) Group 2:
-Continue working on Narrative writing
-work as a group with each individual students narrative
1:30-2:05 MATH
Cathers- (K) Lesson 2-3: 1 and 2 Fewer
Focus: Children will recognize and identify a group of
objects that has 1 fewer or 2 fewer than another
*Pose the problem (TM 27)
*Guided Practice/Independent Practice (Student wkpg 28)
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-1 Practice workpage
3-1 Reteaching workpage
Cathers- (1st/2nd) Lesson 3-2: Recognizing Numbers on a Ten-Frame
Focus: Children will learn to recognize numbers on a
ten-frame, noting the relationship of those
numbers to 5 and 10
Pose the problem (TM 95)
*Make nine blank mini 10 frames*
Rephrase, Reword, and simplify
-(student workpage 95 #1-4)
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-(student workpage 96-98)
Amy- (K)- 2-1 Reteaching Workpage
2-1 Practice Workpage
Kierra & Austin - math facts worksheet from Mrs. Norman
2:45-3:00 Snack/Dismissal
DATE: Tuesday, October 28, 2014
IEP MEETINGS: Russell Dearing 8:45am
Materials needed:
*Imagine IT: alphabet letters A-R
Alphabet Book pg. 38-39
Pickled Peppers pg.42
Writing: (Amy): writing paper for letters A-R,
#1-10 writing paper
WWW writing paper
(Cathers): Writing paper (3 pgs each student)
Student Narrative Stories
*Math CATHERS (K)- TM29
Student Wkbk pg30-32
(1st/2nd) – TM 99
Student workpage 99
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-Student workpage 100-102
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-2 Reteaching worksheet
3-2 Practice worksheet
(K) 2-2 Practice Workpage
2-2 Reteach Workpage
8:35-9:05 Calendar/Count to 50/Imagine IT Guided Practice 16
9:05-9:35 Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 105/story/wkbk
Amy-SRA Group 2 – Lesson 38/wkbk
Toni- Centers Group 1 (Alphabet flashcards- letter
recognition & sound recognition)
9:35-10:05 Kf & AR 2nd grade math room
Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 32/wkbk
Toni- Group 1 Centers Alphabet Flashcards/Listening Center
Amy- Group 2 Centers Individual Level 1 Reading/Library
10:00-10:30 AR to Mrs. Midiri’s Room
10:05-10:35 Library/Test Students
10:40-11:15: Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 5 Rr
Alphabetic Knowledge
Play “what’s the letter”
-need alphabet letters A-R
Writing the letter Rr
Alphabet Book pg. 38-39
Ask questions pertaining to illustration
Pickled Peppers pg.42
-student point to title
-review left to right reading & top to bottom
-read poem
-discuss rhyming words
-discuss tent is referring to skin
-have students find words with Rr
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test students (Reading Assessment)
12:30-1:00 Health
Distribute copies of Appendix 3 – Safety maze
-Ask students to navigate their way through a maze to unite
Rover and Freddie.
-They should follow the images that are safe and avoid those
that are unsafe.
-Once they are done, review each image in the maze with the
-Classify each image as safe or unsafe.
-Then, ask students to explain why/how each image in the
“safe” column can help prevent injuries and why each image in
the “unsafe” column could be a hazard.
Safe Images
• Telephone with emergency number: Students should know their
local emergency numbers.
• Medicine locked in cabinet: Medicine should only be taken when
given by a trusted adult.
• Smoke alarm: Children should also have a plan to exit their home
when a smoke alarm sounds.
• Staircase: Stairwells should be well lit, clear of clutter, and with
railings to hold onto.
Unsafe Images
• Stove with pot handle facing out: This is a burn hazard.
• Matches: They could be a fire hazard.
• Backpack by steps: This is a tripping hazard.
• Fireplace with newspaper in front and no screen: This is a fire
• Open pool gate: This is a drowning hazard.
Assessment Option 2:
-Ask students to evaluate pairs of pictures in the Appendix 3, What
Will Keep You Safe? handout, to determine which image in the pair
depicts a safe decision or action.
- Students should color or circle the correct images.
-Facilitate a class discussion by asking students to support their
1:00-1:30 Writing
(AMY) Group 1: Continue writing letters A-R, #1-10, WWW
(Cathers) Group 2: Continue writing Narrative stories..students
copy their stories on writing paper and draw
picture to correspond with sentence (s).
Cathers- Math:(K) 2-4 The Number 0
Focus: Children will understand that 0 means none
*Pose the problem (TM29)
*Vocabulary (zero, none)
*Model (Student Wkbk pg30)
*Guided Practice/ Independent Practice
AMY- (1st/2nd)- 3-2 Reteaching worksheet
3-2 Practice worksheet
Cathers- (1st/2nd)- Lesson 3-3 Parts of 10
Focus: Children will show 10 as two parts
Pose the problem (TM 99)
-Student workpage 99
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-Student workpage 100-102
Amy- (K)- 2-2 Practice Workpage
2-2 Reteach Workpage
Kierra & Austin -2nd grade math facts worksheet
2:45-3:00 Snack/Dismissal
Wednesday October 29, 2014
Speech: 9:35-10:05 JC & AC
IMAGINE IT: Morning Message
pocket chart pictures 13-apple, 86-house, 97-keys, 102-lamp
Pickled Peppers pg 21
-have students make a complete sentence
(Ex: A monster is dancing or the monsters are
skating or The boy is carrying dishes, etc)
-give each student a word from the sentence
WORD WORK: 1 piece of paper per student
finger paint
student workpage 103
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-Student workpage 104-106
AMY- (K) 2-3 Practice worksheet
2-3 Reteach worksheet
8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar & Count to 50/write “of” & ”in” paper
9:05-9:35 Music
9:35-10:05 SRA
Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 106/story/wkbk
Amy-SRA Group 2 Lesson 39/wkbk
Toni- Centers Group 3 (Alphabet flashcards- letter
recognition & sound recognition)
10:05-10:35 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 33/wkbk
Amy- Group 2: Individual Rdg w/students (level 1 & 2
Toni-Group 1:Alphabet flashcards- letter
recognition & sound recognition)
10:35-10:55 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ss
Morning Message
-Is the letter Rr in the morning message
-Is it a capital R or lower r?
-What are the letters in (the child’s name)?
Indentifying First, Middle, and Last
-pocket chart pictures 13-apple, 86-house, 97-keys, 102lamp
Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
Pickled Peppers pg 21
-have students make a complete sentence
(Ex: A monster is dancing or the monsters are
skating or The boy is carrying dishes, etc)
-give each student a word from the sentence
-make sure they know their word
-line them up and have them each say their word
-mix them up and say their words
-work with class to have them put their words back
in order
10:55-11:10 Word Work
Stations: (1 paper per student…take paper to each station)
Station 1: Write “in” with finger paint
Station 2: Write “in” with glue and sprinkle with glitter
Station 3: Write “in” with marker
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading Assessment)
12:30-1:15 Math
CATHERS- (1st/2nd)- Lesson 3-4: Finding Missing Parts of 10
Focus: Children will use counters and a part-partwhole mat to find missing parts
Pose the problem (TM 103)
-student workpage 103
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-Student workpage 104-106
AMY- (K)- 2-3 Practice worksheet
2-3 Reteach worksheet
Kierra & Austin- math facts work page
1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson
1:45-2:00 Snack/Dismissal
Thursday October 30, 2014
Send Home NEW WWW
Send Home ALPHABET LETTERS (Pp, Qq, Rr)-(sound & letter names)
Speech: 8:30-9:00 Austin Reuille
9:35-10:05 Justin Constant & Allan Collins
10:35-11:05 Alexis Redding
12:15-12:45 Jaeydon Costa, Allysa Olgesby, & Noah Carter
12:45-1:15 Alexis Taylor
Group 3: Students sentence strip
Group 4: magnetic letters for “at” words
Dry erase magnetic boards
“at” worksheets
“at” story
Amy- Reading book bag station
Toni-Word Wall word/ABC Flash Cards station
Station 3: Writing paper-word wall word station (at table)…w/www
Station 4- Writing word wall words with finger paint on white copy paper
IMAGINE IT: capital letter on a note card
lower case letter and the student
Alphabet Book Ss Pg. 40-41
Pickled Peppers pg. 43
WORD WORK: 25 note cards with “in”
White boards & dry erase markers
HEALTH: display the Stop sign
a traffic signal with the green light colored in
Display each of the safety signs and signals you have made using the
Being Safe With Signs worksheet (See Appendix).
Student workpage 31
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
-(Student workpage 32)
HOMEWORK: 2-5 Reteach & 2-5 Practice
(1st/2nd)- TM 107
student workpage 107
Amy’s – (1st/2nd )- 3-3 Reteach Worksheet
3-3 Practice Worksheet
(K) 2-4 Reteach Worksheet
2-4 Practice Worksheet
8:35-9:05 Attendance/Calendar/Count to 50
9:05-9:35 Cathers-SRA Group 1 Lesson 107/story/wkbk
Amy-SRA Group 2 Lesson 40/wkbk
Toni- Group 1-Individual Reading (Leveled rdg
9:35-10:05 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 33/wkbk
Amy- Group 3 Individual Reading (Leveled rdg
Toni- Group 2 (ABC flashcards)
10:05-10:35 Guided Reading
Group 3 (Alexis R, Tyrece, Alyssa, Alan):
*Read sentences written
*Cut up sentences and mix up order
*Students put sentences in correct order
*Glue sentences on paper
Group 4 (Sierra, Austin, Kierra):
-Word families “at”
-create words by adding new beginning sound
-read “at” story
Station Rotation:
1.) Amy- Reading book bag station
2.) Toni-Word Wall word/ABC Flash Cards station
3.) Writing word wall word station (at table)…w/www flashcards
4.) Writing words with finger paint on white copy paper
10:35-10:55 Imagine It: Unit 2 Lesson 6 Ss
Alphabetic Knowledge
Write the letter Ss
-Give each student a capital letter on a note card
-Randomly hold up a lower case letter and the student
with the matching letter stands up
Alphabet Book Ss Pg. 40-41
-Talk about Illustration
-What is the child doing in the picture?
-What is he pretending to be?
-What toys do you see
Read the rhyme
-Have students look for other objects that start with Ss
Pickled Peppers pg. 43
-read poem
-Ask: What was the poem about?
Do tree grow quickly or slowly?
-Discuss illustrations
-Measuring: Which is taller?
Do you remember how tall the poem said the
tree was?
Do you think the tree will ever be taller than
the boy?
10:55-11:10 Word Work
Scavenger Hunt
-Students will get 5 minutes to go around the room and
find as many word cards with the word “in” on it
-After 5 minutes we will see how many each child found
by counting the cards they have
- Have students write the word 5x each on white boards
11:15-12:30 Lunch/Recess/Test Students
12:30-12:50 Health
Lesson 2 – Traffic Safety
CONTENT: *Ask the children to imagine they are riding in the car
with one of their parents.
*Ask them what the adult should do if they come to this
sign (display the Stop sign).
* Next hold up a traffic signal with the green light
colored in and ask them what the driver should do
* Discuss with the children what might happen if
drivers did not obey traffic signs and signals.
*As a group, brainstorm ways that children get to
school, to a friend's house, or to the park.
-Be sure to include walking, biking, inline
skating, and skateboarding.
-For example, ask: When you go by yourself or
with friends somewhere by biking or in-line
skating, do you think you need to follow the
traffic signs and signals like cars do?
- Why or why not?
* Display each of the safety signs and signals you have
made using the Being Safe With Signs worksheet (See
*Discuss what each one means.
*Have volunteers pretend to be biking or in-line skating
and hold up the various signs for the children to
demonstrate what to do when you come to each one.
• Pass out a copy of the Being Safe With Signs(PDF) worksheet to each
 Explain that the children should look at the shape of each sign and
draw what goes inside.
• When the children have finished, pair them with a partner to discuss
their signs worksheet and explain to their partner what each one
12:50-1:15 Math:
Cathers- (K) 2-5: Reading and Writing 0
Focus: Children will recognize and write the numeral
that describes the quantity of 0
Pose the problem (TM 31)
Model (Student workpage 31)
Guided Practice/Independent Practice (Student
workpage 32)
HOMEWORK: 2-5 Reteach & 2-5 Practice
Amy’s – (1st/2nd)- 3-3 Reteach Worksheet
3-3 Practice Worksheet
Cathers- (1st/2nd) – Lesson 3-5: Problem Solving-Make a Table
Focus: Children will make tables to solve problems
Pose the problem (TM 107)
-student workpage 107
-need counters
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
Amy: (K)- 2-4 Reteach Worksheet
2-4 Practice Worksheet
1:45-2:45 Art
2:45-3:00 Snack/Dinner
Friday October 31, 2014
Send Home NEW WWW
Send Home ALPHABET LETTERS (Pp, Qq)-(sound & letter names)
8:45-9:00 Jaedyn Costa
9:35-9:45 Whole Group Lesson
9:45-10:00 Sierra Purvis & Alyssa Olgesby
10:00-10:15 Noah Carter & Russell Dearing
10:35-11:05 Kierra Fishburn
1:15-1:45 Whole Group Lesson
2:00-2:30 Whole Group Lesson
Good Citizens: Bingo boards:
-#’s 1-10
Math: pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin picture
“Halloween Theme” Spelling
Halloween video: The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Halloween Art craft
8:30-9:00 Calendar/Count to 50
9:05-9:35 Music
9:35- 10:05 Cathers- SRA Group 1 Lesson 108
Amy- SRA Group 2 Lesson 41
Toni- Group 3 Individual Reading (Leveled Rdg books)/Library
10:05-10:35 Cathers- SRA Group 3 Lesson 34
Amy- Group 2 Individual Reading (Leveled rdg books)/Library
Toni- Group 1 (ABC Flashcards)
10:35-10:55 Snack/Bathroom
10:55-11:35 Halloween Math
-Counting pumpkin seeds
-using seeds to solve addition problems
11:35 Line up for lunch
11:40-12:35 Lunch/Recess/Test Students (Reading assessment)
12:30-12:50 “Halloween Theme” Spelling
12:45-1:10 Halloween video: The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
1:15-1:45 Deatherage Language Lesson (change out reading book bags)
1:45-2:00 Halloween Art craft
2:00-2:30 Good Citizens
Troppa Group Lesson (fill in students planners)
2:30-3:00 get ready for dismissal