Demonic Possession Quotes: Artists & Spirituality

Demonic possessions
“One of the biggest thing about Jimi was what he believed in. He believed
that he was possessed by some spirit.” - Alan Douglas
“A lot of the songs were written in 15-30 minutes, very stream-ofconsciousness, as though it was being channeled through us.” - Alanis
“It’s like I’m on automatic pilot. By the time we’re halfway through the first
number someone else is steering me. I’m just along for the ride. I become
possessed when I get onstage.” - Angus Young
“When people meet me, they expect Sahsa. I’m really reserved, and nothing
like Sasha. *She can do things I cannot do. Right before I performed, I
raised my hand up, and it was kinda the first time that I felt something else
come into me. It’s a transformation when I go on stage. I have out-of-body
experiences [on stage]. If I cut my leg, if I fall, I don’t even feel it. I’m so
fearless, I’m not aware of my face or my body. Send me out, Rain man.” Beyoncé
“Before the show, you gotta kind of prepare. I look in the mirror. When
you get on stage, it takes over you know. I’m a complete different
person. It’s like I don’t know who I am.” - B.O.B
“We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music.” - Brain
“Sometimes when the possession takes place, it’s very dramatic. It feels like
I’m being wiped out as an individual and replaced by something.” - Caesar
“There’s an invisible radio that Jimi Hendrix tuned into, and when you there,
you start channeling other music. You meditate and you got the candles,
you got the incense and you’ve been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear
this voice: ‘Write this down.’” - Carlos Santana
"I’ve always had a really active imagination. Lots of kids have imaginary
friends. Mine just took on a rather demonic form.” - Claire Danes
“I am very aware that when I write a good song I am just acting like as a
messenger. It comes from a higher source. I’m not so egotistical that I think
I done this all on my own. I’m very, very aware there is a higher source. I
am just the messenger.” - Dave Sabo
“I’m gonna abandon my spirit to them, which is actually what I attempt to
do. You work yourself up into that state and you fall in supplication of the
demon gods.” - David Lee Roth
“I got on my knees and sort of communicated with the spirits. When I
came out, I was in charge. I couldn’t have acted that, I couldn’t have
written that.” - Denzel Washington
“I often find myself on my knees praying to something or someone to not
be in control. My hotel check-in name used to be Mr BL Zebub.” - Depeche
“The devil’s spirit’s trapped inside me. My soul is possessed by this devil
my new name is Rain Man.” - Eminem
“Oh man, I’m a big fan of Jimi Hendrix. And just watching his concerts and
things like that definitely gets my morale built up when I’m out onstage.” Flo Rida
“I’d sort of dabbled in Black Magic, not practicing it, but I was interested in
it. All these horrible things kept happening to me – a lot of my aunts and
uncles started dying and I was seeing all these bloody things visiting me
during the night.” - Geezer Butler
“It happens to us quite often—it feels as though I’m not playing my
instrument, something else is playing it and that same thing is playing all
three of our instruments. That’s what I mean when I say it’s frightening
sometimes. Maybe we’ll all play the same phrase out of nowhere. It happens
very often with us.” - Ginger Baker
“I just go crazy when I go on stage … it’s like someone else takes over my
body.” - Glen Tipton
“There are demons in my eyes, I had to get them out.” - Houston
“It’s like a spiritual outer-body experience, I feel very possessed.” - Janelle
“I can’t explain it to you man. I go through my Rain Man, and I just start
mumbling. I got possessed by the spirits. My soul is possessed by devils. Jay-Z
“I met the spirit of music. An appearance of the devil, on a Venice canal,
running. I saw Satan.” - Jim Morrison
“I can explain everything better through music. You hypnotize people..and
when you get people at their weakest point, you can preach into the
subconscious what we want to say. That’s why the name “electric church’
flashes in and out. People want release any kind of way nowadays. The idea
is to release in the proper form. Then they’ll feel like going into another
world, a clearer world. The music flows from the air (Ephesians 2:2). That’s
why I connect with a spirit and when they come down off this natural high,
they see clearer, feel different things.” - Jimmy Hendrix
“There were beings of higher intelligence controlling what I was doing, and
I didn’t know how to talk about it or explain it…it was very clear to me that
the music was coming from somewhere other than me.” - John Frusciante
“It’s like being possessed: like a psychic or a medium. I felt like a hollow
temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each
inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving to be replaced by another.” John Lennon
“One night we were playing and suddenly the spirit entered into me, and I
was playing, but it was no longer me playing.” - John McLaughlin
“The great Initiates in the spirit world have vast and imposing plans for the
musical future. What is this plan? It is to use music as an occult medium
through which to develop altered states of consciousness, psychic abilities,
and contact with the spirit world. Music in the future is to be used to bring
people into yet closer touch with the devils; they will be enabled to partake
of the beneficial influence of these beings while attending concerts at which
by the appropriate type of sound they have been invoked.” - John Todd
“Sometimes I feel like I’m possessed with a multitude of demons.” - Johnny
“I can feel a phoenix inside of me. I can see the heavens but I still hear the
flames calling out my name.” - Katy Perry
“I attempt to connect with my muse and go on demon rides.” - Keanu
“It’s such a mess. Demon in me, demon in me. It’s living’ in me, the demon
in me. We receive our songs by inspiration, like at a séance.” - Keith
“I realized my father’s sister Joanne, who died at 19 had instilled her spirit
in me. I have no relation to the lyrical content of my music. It’s just the
vessel. Judas is the demon I cling to. I have this recurring dream where
there’s a phantom in my home and he takes me into a room, and there’s a
blonde girl with ropes tied to all four of her limbs. And she’s got my shoes
on from the Grammys. And the ropes are pulling her apart. I never see her
get pulled apart, but I just watch her whimper, and then the phantom says to
me, ‘If you want me to stop hurting her and if you want your family to be
ok, you will cut your wrist.’ And I think that he has his own, like, crazy
wrist-cutting device. And he has this honey in, like, Tupperware, and it
looks like sweet-and-sour sauce with a lot of MSG from New York. And he
wants me to pour the honey into the wound, and then put cream over it and a
gauze. And my mother goes, ‘Isn’t that an Illuminati ritual?’ The devil’s
trying to take me. I do have morbid dreams. But I put them in the show. A
lot of the work I do is an exorcism for the fans but also for myself.” Lady Gaga
“I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of darkness
… that a lot of people don’t believe exists. The power of the Devil. Satan.” Little Richard
“Sometimes when I’m writing songs, I’m just channeling. I made all the
choices I made because I needed to. I obviously needed to tell that story.
When you’re an artist and you’re doing something creative, at a certain
point, your practical brain shuts off and you’re submitting to something, and
you’re channeling something.” - Madonna
“You can’t describe it except to say it’s like a mysterious energy that comes
from the metaphysical plane and into my body. It’s almost like being a
medium.” - Marc Storace
“Jeykll and Hyde…More than two. I’m so many people. They shock me
sometimes, I wish it was just me.” - Marilyn Monroe
“When I get on stage, I get possessed.” - Meat Loaf
“I wake up from dreams and go ‘Wow, put this down on paper,’ the whole
thing is strange. You hear the words, everything is right there in front of
your face. I feel that somewhere, someplace it’s been done and I’m just a
courier bringing it into the world. When I hit the stage it’s all of a sudden
a ‘magic’ from somewhere that comes and the spirit just hits you, and you
just lose control of yourself.” - Michael Jackson
“Roman is my alter ego. He’s mean. *He says the things I can’t say. ” Nicki Minaj
“I tried to empty myself and let the spirit of Sethe inhabit me.” - Oprah
“I’ve got many, many demons that affect me on many, many levels. A few
years ago, I was convinced of that – I thought I truly was possessed by the
devil. I remember sitting through the Exorcist a dozen times, saying to
myself, ‘Yeah, I can relate to that. I really wish I knew why I’ve done some
of the things I’ve done over the years. I don’t know if I’m a medium for
some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it’s not what I think it is
- Satan.”” - Ozzy Osbourne
“A lot of that guitar playing is not me. We figure we got help from
something more powerful.” - Peter DiStephano
“When I am on the stage I am not in control of myself at all. I don’t even
know who I am. I am not this rational person where I can sit down and talk
to you. If you walked on stage with a microphone in the middle of a concert
I’ll probably come close to killing you.” - Pete Townshend
“You’re part of my entity.” - Rihanna
“You feel the spirit move you. I can be possessed really well.” - River
“Pagey had written the chords and played them for me. I was holding the
paper and pencil, and for some reason, I was in a very bad mood. Then all
of a sudden my hand was writing out words. I just sat there and looked at
the words and then I almost leaped out of my seat.” - Robert Plant about
‘Stairway to Heaven’
“Yeah literally it’s like a possession. All of a sudden you’re in. It’s like an
energy that keeps going.” - Robert Williams
“When I went away, I left my body and I could hear other voices. A
spiritual message really. It would all just come out, as if I were in a trance.
It would scare me to read it because it seemed to belong to another place.”
- Roseanne Arnold
“That certain feeling happened to me in a big way quite often with the first
King Crimson. Amazing things would happen—I mean, telepathy, qualities
of energy, things that I had never experienced before with music - you can’t
tell whether the music is playing the musician or the musician is playing
the music.” - Rubert Fipp
“I simply channeled a character, this time I allowed the character to
inhabit me.” - Shirley MacLaine
“You gotta put the whole spirit in the building.” - Snoop Dogg
“I started recording what I received in trance or altered states. I ended up
being guided.” - Steven Halpern
“It’s amazing, ’cause sometimes when we’re onstage, I feel like
somebody’s just moving the pieces. I’m just going, ‘God, we don’t have
any control over this.’ And that’s magic.” - Stevie Nicks
“I’m a prisoner of a demon, this must be my punishment for selling my
soul.” - Suicidal Tendencies
“There’s this one particular relative who was my age when she died. I have
had this feeling she was there guiding me and helping me with my
performances.” - Winona Ryder
“I’m going to do my best to channel the character on a spiritual level.” Vin Diesel