Synopsis for Master of Commerce (Applied Accounting) SUBJECT CODE SYPNOSIS Accounting Research GBAZ1013 The studies comprises: TOPICS COVERED A. Introduction to Research Introduction to Research B. Setting Research Topic Setting Research Topic C. Literature Review Literature Review D. Design of the Study or Research Design of the Study or Research Design Design E. Analysis and Discussion of Results/ Analysis and Discussion of Results/ Findings Findings Conclusion F. Conclusion G. Documenting Referencing Business Consulting Skills GBTE1023 Style and Documenting Style and Referencing The study comprises of: Purpose of Consulting A Purpose of Consulting Marketing Services B Marketing Consultancy Services C The Consulting Process D Current Consulting Opportunities Business Negotiation GBTE1033 This module comprises of: A. Nature of negotiation B Negotiation - strategizing, framing and planning C. Distributive bargaining – strategy and tactics D. Integrative negotiating E. Perception, cognition and communications F. Negotiation leverage and ethics Consultancy The Consulting Process Current Consulting Opportunities Preparation & Planning in Negotiation Distributive Bargaining Integrative Negotiation Perception, Cognition, and Communication Leverage and Ethical Consideration Taking Negotiation Talents Global Third-Party Approaches in Negotiation MAIN TEXT BOOK 1. Ryan, B., Scapens R.W. & Theobard M., (2002), Research Method and Methodology in Finance & Accounting, 2nd Ed, Thompson. 2. Paul Heppner & Mary Heppner (2004), Writing and Publishing Your Thesis, Dissertation & Research: A Guide for Students in the Helping Professions, Brooks/Cole. 3. Zikmund, William G. (2003) Business Research Methods, 7th ed. South-Western Publishing. Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Feeney, B. C. (2003) A Simple Guide to SPSS for Windows, Wadsworth. 1. Charles J. Margerison, (2001), Managerial Consulting Skill: A Practical Guide, Gower Publisher Company 2. Elaine Bach, (1998), The Business of Consulting – Basic and Beyond, Jossey Bass/Pfeiffer 3. Nancy A Bagranoff, Stephanie M Bryant, James E Hunton, (2002), Core Concepts of Consulting for Accountants, Willey and Son Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders, Bruce Barry and John W. Minton, (2003) 4th Ed. Negotiation, McGraw-Hill Risk and Control Strategies GBAM1053 The course comprises: A. Management Control Systems B. Risk and Internal Control C. Review and Audit of Control Systems Integrated Manageme nt GBAI1013 GBAE1013 Ethical Business Leadership Management Control Systems Risk and Internal Control D. Management of Financial Risk Review and Audit of Control Systems E. Risk and Control in Information Systems Management of Financial Risk 1)Bentley, Trevor J (1993) Control in the Computing Environment (IT Management System), 2nd Ed., CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountant) ISBN: 0948036982 2. Alkhafaji, Abbas F (2003), Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation and Control In a Dynamic Environment, Haworth Press, ISBN: 0789018098 Risk and Control in Information Systems This unit consists of three key parts. It The Basic of Strategic 1. Kerzner H., (2003) Project first discusses the basic of strategy Management Management: A Systems Approach management, covering topics from to Planning, Scheduling, and strategy analysis, strategic choice and Project Management Controlling, Wiley strategic implementation. Students then move on to understand key Management of aspects of project management – an Relationship increasing important area, and before they are introduced to other managerial areas like organizational configuration, management styles and team management. The 21st Century leader is responsible not only to earn profits for the shareholders but also to ensure that the environment and community is not negatively impacted in the pursuit. From the ashes of major corporate scandals like Enron, there arise a new breed of Ethical Leaders that are needed to restore the confidence of the general public. This subject studies the make up of an ethical leader and set the conceptual framework of how this leader is developed and how his strategies will bring about a more transparent and honest corporate culture. 1. Lim, Ghee Soon & Daft, Richard L, (2004), The Leadership Experience in Asia, Thomson Learning, ISBN: Building an Ethical 0-03-033572-8 Culture 2. Ronald F Duska and Brenda Shay The Leader as Duska, (2003), Accounting Ethics, Relationship Builder Blackwell Publishing, Meaning of Leadership The Leader as Social Architect The course comprises: Corporate Presentatio n Skills GBMM1043 Manageme nt Accounting Application on Business Strategies : GBAM1033 Meaning of Leadership Building an Ethical Culture The Leader Builder as Relationship The Leader as Social Architect This unit equips students with the practical knowledge and skills in delivering corporate presentation and public speaking. Students are exposed to the Do and Don’t in presentation and public speaking. This unit also impart some knowledge in designing high impact presentation with the aided of technology. In addition, impression management and public relationship which are the essential tools in 21st century are also discussed in this unit. This unit enables the students to present and speak effectively by providing a platform to practice knowledge and skills learned The course comprises: A. Assessing the Competitive Environment B. Interacting with the Competitive Environment C. Evaluation of Options, Planning and Appraisal Implementation of Strategic Plans Introduction Corporate 1. Beebe, S. A., & Beebe, S. J. (1997), Presentation Skill Public Speaking: An Audience – Centered Approach, 4th Ed. Impression Needham Heights: Allyn & Baacon. Management 2. Barrett, D. (2006), Leadership Presentation Communication, McGraw Hill 3. Grant, G. G. (1986), The Art of Type of Presentations Confident Public Speaking, Prentice and Categories of Public Hall. Speaking 4. Hasling J. (1998), The Audience, The Message, The Speaker, 6th Speech Preparation Ed., New York McGraw-Hill. 5. Lucas, S. E. (1998), The Art of Delivery of Speech Public Speaking, 6th Ed., New York McGraw-Hill. Public Relationships Assessing the Competitive Environment Interacting with the Competitive Environment Evaluation of Options, Planning and Appraisal Implementation Strategic Plans Manageme nt Accounting Application on GBAM1043 The course comprises: A. Formulation of Financial Strategy B. Financial Management 1.Kaplan Robert S, & David P Norton, (2000), The Strategy-Focus Organization: How Balance Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment, Harvard Business School Press ISBN: 157851256 Johnson, Gerry & Kevan Scholes, ( 2002 ), Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall ISBN: 027365 1129 of Formulation of Financial Strategy 1. CIMA, (2004) Management Accounting – Financial Strategy November 2003 Exam Q & As, Financial Management CIMA Publishing, ISBN: Business Valuations and 0750662425 Financial Strategies C. Business Valuations and Acquisitions D. Investment Decisions and Project Control Internation al Managerial Accounting GBAM1073 The course comprises: A. Introduction to International Management Accounting Acquisitions Investment Decisions and Project Control 2. Pike, Richard & Bill Neale, (2003), Corporate Finance & Investment: Decisions & Strategies, Financial Times Management,ISBN: 027365 1382 H. 1. Gray. S.J, Salter S. B & Lee H Radebaugh (2001), Global Accounting & Control: A Managerial Emphasis, Wiley, ISBN: Multinational Corporate Strategy 0471128082 and Accounting System Corporate Strategy and 2. Ansari, S. and Bell (2002), Accounting System Organizational Structure and International Managerial Accounting Accounting Systems Organizational Structure (Modular Series), McGraw-Hill and Accounting College Div, ASIN: 0070275904 Information for Capital Budgeting Systems Decisions Information for Capital Performance Evaluation and Control Budgeting Decisions Systems Performance Evaluation Foreign Currency Changes and and Control Systems Management Control Foreign Currency Inflation and Management Control Changes and Transfer Pricing and Taxation Management Control I. Culture and Management Control B. C. D. E. F. G. Internal Control Systems and Corporate Governance Introduction to International Management Accounting Inflation and Management Control Transfer Taxation Pricing and Culture and Management Control Internal Control Systems and Corporate Governance Strategic Enterprise Governanc e GBAM1063 The studies comprises: A. Principles of Enterprise Governance B. Failure of Corporate Governance C. Differentiate Enterprise Governance from Corporate Governance D. Process of Enterprise Governance E. Board Performance Evaluated Principles of Enterprise 1. IFAC Professional Accountants in Governance Business Committee (PAIB), (2004), Enterprise Governance: Getting the Failure of Corporate Right Balance, International Governance Federation of Accountants Differentiate Enterprise Publication, ISBN: 1-93949-24-7, Governance from Free download from Corporate Governance F. Enterprise Risk Management Process of Enterprise Governance Board Performance Evaluated Contempor ary Managerial Accounting for Agricultural and Extractive Industries GBAM1083 The studies comprises: A. Accounting for Operations B. Accounting for Operations Enterprise Risk Management Introduction to Specialized Industries in Plantation Malaysia Aquaculture Accounting for Plantation Operations C. Accounting for Agriculture Activities D. Accounting for Extractive Industries 1. Fedie, Donald M (1997), How to Farm for profit: Practical Enterprise Analysis, 1st Ed., Iowa State Press ASIN: 0812825601 2. Devino, Gary T (1981), Agribusiness Finance, Vero Media Inc, ASIN: 0813421918 Accounting for Aquaculture Operations E. New Development in Agricultural Accounting for Business Agriculture Activities F. Agricultural Business in Global perspective Accounting for Extractive Industries New Development in Agricultural Industries Agricultural Business in Global Perspective Contempor ary Managerial Accounting for Leisure, Tourism and Hotel Industries GBAM 1093 The studies comprises: A. The Legal Framework and Government B. Operation, Documentation and Internal Control C. Budgetary and Costing Consideration D. Accounting and Reporting E. Auditing and Assurance F. Taxation G. Current and Future Issues The Legal Framework and Government Operation, Documentation and Internal Control Budgetary and Costing Consideration Accounting and Reporting Auditing and Assurance Taxation Current and Future 1. Chris Guilding (2002) 1st Ed. Financial Management for Hospitality Decision Makers, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 075 065 659X Issues Comtempor GBAM 1103 ay Managerial for Healthcare organisatio ns The studies comprises: A. The Legal Framework and Government B. Operation, Documentation and Internal Control C. Budgetary and Costing Consideration D. Accounting and Reporting E. Auditing and Assurance F. Taxation Current and Future Issues Strategic Management of Healthcare organization The Legal Framework and Government Agencies Operation, Documentation and Internal Controls 1. Peter M Ginter, Linda E Swayne, W Jack Duncan, (2002) 4th Ed. Strategic Management of Health Care Organizatoin, Blackwell. ISBN: 063122862 2. Crhis Guilding, (2002) Financial Management for Hospitality Decision Makers, ButterworthHeinemann, ISBN: 075065659 Budgetary and Costing Consideration Accounting and Reporting Auditing and Assurance Taxation Current and Future Issues Contempor ary Managerial Accounting for Property, Constructio n and Real Estate GBAM 1113 The studies comprises: A. The Legal Framework and Government B. Operation, Documentation and Internal Control C. Budgetary and Costing Consideration D. Accounting and Reporting E. Auditing and Assurance F Taxation Overview of the Industries Industries’ Inside for Accountants Budgeting and Costing Consideration Accounting and Reporting Auditing and Assurance Taxation Contempor GBAM1123 The studies comprises: 1. Nathan S Collier et al, (2001) 3rd Ed. Construction Funding: The Process of Real Estate Development, Appraisal and Finance, Wiley. ISBN: 0471394661 2. Adrienne Schmitz & Deborah L Brett (2001) Real Estate Market Analysis: A case Study Approach, Urban Land Institute, ISBN: 0874208688 3. William Palmer et al, (2004) Construction Accounting and Financial Management, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131109391 ary Managerial Accounting for Financial & Insurance Institutions A. Accounting Treatments for Banking Activities B. Presentation and Disclosure C. Requirements in the Financial Statements of Licensed Overall view of Financial Institutions Accounting Treatments for Banking Activities 1. Tan Liong Tong, (2001), Financial Accounting & Reporting in Malaysia: Volume 1 & 2, Professional Advancement Achievement Centre Sdn. Bhd. (PAAC). Presentation andB Disclosure a n Requirements inkthe Financial Statements s of Licensed Banks D.Financial Statements of Islamic Institutions E.Insurance Businesses F. Unit Trust Funds Financial Financial Statements of Islamic Financial Institutions Insurance Businesses Contempor GBAM 1133 ary Managerial Accounting for Educational Institutions The studies comprises: A. Business Models of Educational Institutions B. Budgetary Consideration C. Costing Issues D. Pricing Considerations E. Performance Management Unit Trust Funds Business Models of Educational Institutions Budgetary Consideration Costing Issues Pricing Considerations 1. Clarence Scheps, (1998) 3rd Ed. Accounting for Colleges and Universities, Louisiana State University Press, ISBN: 0807103888 2. Philip J Bossert, (1988) 2nd Ed. Management Reporting and Accounting for Colleges. Natl Assn of College & Univ. Performance Management Malaysian Mergers and Acquisition s Advanced Topics in GBFF1123 The study comprises of: Malaysian Corporate 1. Fauzias Mat Nor (2003), Malaysian Malaysian Corporate Mergers and Mergers and Mergers & Acquisitions, Prentice Acquisitions Acquisitions Hall, ISDN 983-2473-79-9 B. Theoretical Motives for Mergers Theoretical Motives for and Acquisitions Mergers and C. The Legal Framework Acquisitions A. GBFF1103 D. Due Diligence The Legal Framework E. Due Diligence Share Price Behaviour The topics covered will primarily be selected on the basis of the lecturer’s Share Price Behaviour Financial Modeling 1. Brigham, E. F and P.R Daves, Issues Relating to Long(2002), Intermediate Financial Corporate Finance area of expertise. The course assumes a sound knowledge of the theories relating to the foundations of finance Run Performance Takeovers Performance Management, Western 7th Ed. South and Takeovers and Investment Strategies Takeovers: Agency and Other Perspectives IPOs and Underperformance Debate Corporate Holdings Seasoned Offering and Forecasts the Cash Equity Analyst Dividends, Earnings, and Valuation Cost of Capital Equity Premium and Capital Structure Dividend Policy Repurchases and Agency Cost and Monitoring Performanc e Measurem ent GBAM1143 The Unit introduces students to: The latest development in the area of Management Accounting, including trends, changes, and possible impact of such changes in the business structures The various formats, design, and processes in Management Accounting The effective and efficient application of Developments in Management Accounting Design of Management Accounting Systems Performance Measurement 1. Drury, Colin (2004), Management and Cost Accounting, International Thomson Business Press. performance measurement, discussing various considerations and possible Planning and Control impact on Management The roles of Management Decision Making Accounting in the Planning and control process, and decision making Multination al Business GBMB1023 The unit will present an in-depth study of multinational business topics such as the differences between international and domestic businesses, the environment of international business and the major forces and controversial issues of MNCs. The unit also examines the current issues, special characteristics and environment of multinational business, especially multinational corporations (MNCs). It provides the conceptual framework and relevant analytical skills to examine shape changing international business environments and operations, the impact of MNCs in global economic integration and the advantages and disadvantages of MNCs. The Differences Between International Business and Domestic Business The Driving Forces Behind the Accelerated Growth of International Businesses Around the World The Environment of International Business The Diversity of Cultural Environment and Its Rapid Transformation The Operating Guidelines for Existing Textbooks, selected case studies, and Up and Coming supplemented lecture notes and articles MNCs in current journals are used to cover a wide range of topics such as the The Impact of MNCs in operations and changing characteristics Global Economic of MNCs and the strategy and structure Integration Including the of multinational business. Major Political Controversies, Balance The studies comprises: of Payments, etc The differences between international business and domestic Major Criticisms about MNCs business The driving forces behind the Issues accelerated growth of international Contemporary that Affect the businesses around the world Performance of MNCs The environment of international 1. Daniels, J. D. , Radebaugh, L., H. & Sullivan, D. P. (2004), International Business: Environments and Operations, 10th Ed., Prentice Hall 2. Shenkar, O. and Luo, Y. (2004), International Business, International Edition, John Wiley & Sons Business Cases Diagnosis GBAZ1023 business The diversity of cultural environment and its rapid transformation The operating guidelines for existing and up and coming MNCs The impact of MNCs in global economic integration including the major political controversies, balance of payments etc Major criticisms on MNCs Major countervailing forces that affect the performance of MNCs The current business climate of the global economy is completely fluid in contrast to the static nature of the localized production economy. Decision making is now based on multiple – variables and is in a constant state of change. There is a need to develop problem solving skills that critically analyses a problem followed by the ability to spot the interacting factors that caused the problem and to put forward workable holistic solutions that will not only solve the problem but will ensure that the solution will not set off other problems. The study of this subject develop the problem solving skills of a manager in a challenging case study environment and will help him to identify and analyse problems, develop proposals and present them effectively. Problem Identification and Analysis Developing Proposals Presentation 1. Yin, Robert K, (2002), Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods), 3rd Ed., Sage Publications, ISBN: 0761925538 2. Yin, Robert K, (2002), Application of Case Study Research (Applied Social Research Methods), Sage, ISBN: 07619 25511 The studies comprise: A.Problem identification and analysis B.Developing proposals Case Writing Project GBAZ1036 C. Presentation This subject is about writing cases. Students are required to work together to analyze and synthesize conflicting data and points of view, to define and prioritize goals, to persuade and inspire Objective Analysis Approaches of to Case 1. Yin, Robert K, (2002), Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods), Case 3rd Ed., Sage Publications, ISBN: others who think differently, and to make decisions with uncertain information and to seize opportunity in the face of doubt. The final written cases will give a sense of appreciation of the complex factors involved and of how to apply appropriate techniques to analyze and assess the problem. A new insight will be gained regarding how to deal with the untidy uncertainties of real-life business. The studies comprise: A. Approaches to Case Development B. Case Analysis MethodologyStrategic Audit C. Case writing process Development 0761925538 2. Yin, Robert K, (2002), Application of Case Study Research (Applied Case Analysis Social Research Methods), Sage, Methodology - Strategic ISBN: 07619 25511 Audit Financial Analysis Writing Preliminary and Final Review Report The Case Writing Process