IN CONFIDENCE HESP(07) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH COUNCIL HIGH ENERGY SUB-PANEL: FINAL REPORT Background 1. The High Energy Sub-Panel (HESP) was set up in late 2006/early 2007 at the instigation of PPARC and tasked with carrying out a review of the future prospects for space-based high energy astrophysics in the UK, covering the period from the present up to ~2020. The terms of reference of HESP (see Appendix I) noted the need to identify, and make recommendations on, key science goals, potential future mission opportunities and issues relating to underpinning technology. The membership of HESP is listed in Appendix II. 2. With the advent of STFC, the terms of reference were updated to reflect the new advisory structure, with HESP reporting to the Particle Physics, Astronomy and Nuclear Physics Science Committee (PPAN) and the STFC executive. 3. The Panel recognised from the outset that it would be carrying out its review against a backdrop of relative uncertainty with respect to the future mission portfolio in both ESA and NASA, with the results of the ESA Cosmic Vision process expected in October 2007 and the conclusions of the NASA review of its Beyond Einstein Program set for release a month earlier. 4. In the event, the HESP met on three occasions in the first half of 2007 (Feb 16, April 10, June 8) and on the basis of these meetings produced an Interim Report. Subsequently, in late-October 2007 with the outcome of the ESA and NASA reviews known, the Panel finalised its report via a teleconference and email correspondence. UK Heritage in High Energy Astrophysics 5. The UK community has made a major contribution to the field of high energy astrophysics since the 1960s. Particularly in X-ray astronomy, the combination of instrumentation expertise, hardware provision for international missions and broad capabilities in data exploitation and interpretation have all contributed to a very strong national programme. Highly successful missions with a significant UK hardware involvement include Ariel V (UK), EXOSAT (ESA), Ginga (Japan/UK), ROSAT (Germany/NASA/UK) and, more recently, XMM-Newton (ESA) and Swift (NASA/Italy/UK). Simultaneously UK groups have played internationally leading roles in developing astrophysical insights, for example in using X-rays to probe the process of accretion onto compact objects and to trace baryonic and dark matter distributions in clusters of galaxies. The Importance of the Science 6. X-ray and Gamma-ray observations provide unique information relating to the high temperature (T >105 K) thermal plasmas in which the bulk of the baryonic matter of the Universe resides. Similarly this waveband provides a key probe of the nonthermal processes which are a signature of extreme conditions in a very wide range of astrophysical settings. As a consequence the high energy regime is central to three of the nine key Science questions in the STFC Road Map: What is the Universe made of and how does it evolve? How do galaxies, stars and planets form and evolve? What are the laws of physics in extreme conditions? X-ray and Gamma-ray observations are also of direct relevance to a fourth Road Map question: What are the origins and properties of the energetic particles reaching the Earth? 7. In discussing the role and importance of X-ray and gamma-ray observations to astrophysics as a whole, the Panel elaborated on (a slightly modified version of) the Road Map questions by identifying an associated set of key science themes that depend crucially on input from the high energy regime. The themes are as follows: 1) What is the Universe made of and what is its structure? Clusters, groups and galaxies; gas fractions, dark matter content and other properties Cluster surveys and the equation of state of dark energy The warm hot IGM as the reservoir of most of the baryons Enrichment and dispersal of chemical elements throughout the Universe The influence of accretion power through cosmic time 2) What are the laws and phenomena of physics in extreme conditions? Physics in the extreme gravity near black holes States of dense nuclear matter (as in neutron stars) Physics in ultra-strong magnetic fields (as in magnetars) The formation of relativistic flows (as in jets and winds) Accretion onto compact objects; mechanisms and processes The acceleration of cosmic rays Supernovae and gamma-ray bursts 3) How do galaxies and their constituent parts form and evolve? Feedback processes in galaxy evolution Large-scale winds and outflows and their influence on the hot phase of the ISM and IGM. Formation and evolution of super-massive black holes and their impact on their host galaxies Star formation and stellar end points Future observatory-class missions in high energy astrophysics, for example XEUS, offer significant capability directly relevant to almost all of the key science themes identified above, whereas more specialist missions necessarily focus on a subset of these themes (see Appendix III for more details). 8. The Panel also noted that a set of key future objectives for the high energy community could also be defined in terms of the need for, and the application of, specific observational capabilities. In this context some key future goals, many of which are realistically attainable in the next decade, are: The full exploitation of the diagnostic potential of high resolution, high sensitivity X-ray spectroscopy The availability of wide-field X-ray monitoring data for applications in multiwaveband and temporal domain astrophysics The completion of one or more deep all-sky surveys leading to significant advances in our knowledge of faint X-ray source populations The flight of instrument combinations providing a high sensitivity pointed capability over a very broad (0.1-300 keV) spectral range The exploitation, essentially for the first time, of astrophysical X-ray polarimetry The eventual exploitation of very high spatial resolution X-ray imaging In relation to the above observational goals, a future observatory-class mission, such as XEUS, would provide primarily a “work-horse” facility for imaging X-ray spectroscopy (plus a reasonably wide energy range coverage and possibly some polarimetry). In contrast, the all-sky surveys and wide field monitoring are better considered in the context of one or more specialist missions. The eventual exploitation of advanced techniques, such as X-ray interferometry from space, will necessarily build on a broad range of developments in space technology. 9. The Panel concluded that high energy astrophysics has grown over the last four decades into one of the main pillars of modern multi-waveband astrophysics. The high energy regime provides unique information essential to the task of addressing several of the challenging questions identified in the STFC Road Map. It follows that any strategy to address the Road Map questions will necessarily include the maintenance and enhancement of the observational capabilities in high energy astrophysics as a high priority element. Current status of X-ray and Gamma-Ray Space Astronomy 10. The last ten years have seen a “golden period” for high energy astrophysics carried out from space platforms. RXTE(NASA), Chandra(NASA), XMMNewton(ESA), Integral(ESA), Suzaku(Japan/NASA) and Swift(NASA,Italy,UK) are all major international missions in current operation to which the UK community have access (mostly through competitive AOs, although access is limited in the case of Suzaku). The projected operational lifetimes of these missions, governed by a combination of both technical and funding constraints are as follows: RXTE – NASA operations funding likely to continue until 2008/9. Chandra – the projected lifetime extends beyond 2010. NASA does not appear to have any plans for early termination of the mission. XMM-Newton – the mission lifetime could extend to ~2018. Currently approved until 2010, ESA budgetary limitations put extension beyond 2012 in doubt. Integral – the mission lifetime could extend to ~2015. Currently approved until 2010, ESA budgetary limitations put extension beyond 2012 in doubt. Suzaku – Japanese funding looks to be secure until the end of the mission lifetime in ~5 years time. Swift – NASA funding is secure for the next two years with good prospects for support thereafter given that Swift continues to be highly rated in reviews. In addition to the above, the Italian Agile mission, launched in April 2007, combines a Gamma-ray imager with a hard X-ray imager in a very compact configuration. An Agile guest observer programme will open to the astrophysics community in Dec. 2007. 11. Looking ahead, over the period up to ~2010, several other high energy missions should become operational. The largest of these is GLAST (NASA, France, Italy, Japan & Sweden), a successor to the Compton Observatory, operating in the hard Gamma-ray regime (10 MeV – 100 GeV). GLAST is scheduled for launch in January 2008; at present UK involvement in this mission is rather limited. Astrosat, an Indian mission incorporating a Leicester-designed soft X-ray camera similar to that flown on Swift is scheduled for launch in the 2008/9 timeframe. In addition, MAXI, a Japanese all-sky monitor, is scheduled for deployment on the ISS. 12. The Panel concluded that the prospects for high astrophysics over the next few years remain reasonably buoyant. However, beyond the ~2010/12 timeframe, the future of high energy astrophysics, particularly from a UK perspective, is less certain. Future Mission Opportunities in ESA 13. Three proposals in high energy astrophysics of significant interest to the UK community were submitted in response to the recent ESA Cosmic Vision AO. These were: XEUS, a large mission proposal for a next generation X-ray observatory, in effect a successor mission to XMM-Newton; EDGE, a medium-class mission which would trace the cosmic history of baryons through the study of cosmic filaments, clusters of galaxies and gamma-ray bursts; and the Gamma-Ray Imager (GRI) a next generation gamma-ray observatory, in effect a successor mission to Integral. 14. In its discussion of the above missions, the Panel agreed that XEUS would be the high energy mission of choice for a large fraction of the UK community. Nevertheless the Panel recognised that there was also significant interest in both EDGE and the GRI within the UK. In the event, neither EDGE nor GRI was selected by ESA for further study, leaving XEUS as the sole high energy astrophysics contender within the framework of the Cosmic Vision Programme. 15. A proposal to support core technological development directly relevant to XEUS was put to PPARC and eventually approved in 2005. The aims of “The Roadmap to XEUS” (RMTX) programme are to place the UK in a strong position as the XEUS mission concept develops, particularly in the areas of telescope optics, cooler technology, cryogenic detectors and CCDs. In the event, funding cuts of ~50% relatively to the original bid were imposed at the outset. Subsequently, in 2006, the actual funding was reduced to ~30% of the original request and then, due to recent circumstances in the STFC, this funding line has been subject to further pressure (the funding is now down to <20% of the original bid). Appendix IV provides a brief summary of the areas supported under the restricted current RMTX funding. In its discussion the Panel agreed that the funding of the RMTX programme should be restored as soon as possible to a level commensurate with or greater than that originally recommended by PPRP. The Panel also recommended a review so as to ensure a focussed programme fully aligned with the goal of delivering a significant eventual UK involvement in the XEUS mission. 16. It is clear that the constraints on the ESA budget set the earliest conceivable timeframe for the launch of a new mission at ~2017. For a large mission, such as XEUS, the relevant timeframe is ~2018 if selected for the first large mission slot, with the next opportunity being ~2022. The obvious conclusion is that if high energy astrophysics is to remain a strength within UK astronomy during the period 20102020, opportunities outside of ESA will need to be pursued. In fact this simply represents a continuation of the strong UK heritage of exploiting bilateral (or multilateral) opportunities in high energy astrophysics as and when they arise, the most notable examples being Ginga, ROSAT and, more recently, Swift. Future Mission Opportunities outside of ESA 17. In the USA, the Beyond Einstein Programme encompasses up to 5 missions including the next-generation X-ray observatory Constellation-X (Con-X) and the Black-Hole Finder Probe (an imaging hard X-ray mission previously known as EXIST). The priority order in which the Beyond Einstein missions should be pursued was announced in September 2007. The Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) was recommended as the first mission to be undertaken with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) earmarked as the eventual flagship of the Beyond Einstein Program. The recommendation on Con-X was that it should receive “continued support” in preparation for the next decadal survey of astronomy and astrophysics. Clearly the future direction of the NASA programme remains of huge importance to the field of high energy astrophysics, with the long-term implications of recent decisions yet to be fully evaluated. 18. Outside of ESA and NASA there are several other major international missions currently under study with prospective launch dates in the 2011-2015 timeframe. Brief details are as follows: Spectrum-RG. A new Russian mission planned for launch in 2011/12. The baseline payload includes the German eRosita instrument, a UK-led wide-field X-ray telescope (WFT) and a Russian hard X-ray concentrator. Discussions are also underway on the possibility of flying a cryogenic spectrometer (to be provided by a Dutch/Japanese/US consortium). An SOI relating to the funding of the WFT instrument was submitted to STFC and considered at the September 2007 PPAN meeting; the outcome was inconclusive with the decision on whether to invite a full Spectrum-RG/WFT proposal delayed until the STFC completes its internal programmatic review early in the new year. HXMT. A Chinese-led mission due for launch in ~2011. It is understood that CCDs for the soft X-ray instrument are being procured from the UK (Brunel/e2v). In discussing HXMT the Panel expressed the view that this is not a very well coordinated mission and comparatively less exciting scientifically than some of the missions under consideration. SVOM. A French/Chinese bi-lateral mission to study Gamma-Ray Bursts involving a multi-instrument payload (X-ray and Gamma-ray cameras, gamma-ray monitor, visible telescope). The project is currently in Phase A. The proposed launch date is ~2012. Simbol-X. A hard X-ray imaging mission lead by France and Italy. It will serve as a technology demonstrator for formation flying and as such has strong support from CNES and ASI. The proposed launch date is late 2013. Although currently UK groups are not involved in this mission there will undoubtedly be strong interest in the science. NEXT. The next high energy astrophysics within the Japanese programme planned for launch in 2013/14. In terms of funding it is probably the most secure of all the future X-ray missions. This is an observatory-class X-ray mission with hard X-ray imaging capabilities exploiting multi-layer mirror technology under development in Japan. Although currently there is no UK hardware involvement in this mission, there will certainly be strong interest in the science. 19. In its discussion of the non-ESA future mission opportunities, the Panel noted that if the UK, hypothetically, aspired to be involved in a mission such as Con-X, an investment of the order of £10M might not be sufficient to secure involvement at a PI level. Amongst the other missions, NeXT mission and Simbol-X appear to have excellent scientific potential. There is no current UK hardware involvement in these missions; however, the possibility of “buying-in” to these missions, perhaps through the provision of a sub-system, is a potential future option. The situation on the Russian Spectrum-RG mission is different since there is an existing invitation to fly a Wide Field X-ray Telescope (WFT) as a core payload component. The WFT has attracted significant support within the UK community (following on from the recent Leicester meeting). The SOI recently submitted to STFC costs the UK participation in the mission at a level of £8-10M (with roughly an equal share of the costs of the WFT coming from international partners). One issue relating to this mission relates to what is a realistic launch date (the Russians are currently proposing 2011 whereas a launch in late-2012 is probably the earliest feasible for UK involvement). The Panel agreed that it would strongly support involvement in the Spectrum-RG mission if a viable launch date and equitable data division and access could be negotiated. 20. The Panel also noted that other mission opportunities were bound to arise over the next five years. For example within NASA, a Small Explorer Mission (SMEX) AO has recently been announced. Similarly there may well be opportunities for future collaborations with countries such as India, China and Brazil. 21. The Panel agreed that opportunities will undoubtedly arise in high energy astrophysics over the coming decade despite recent programmatic difficulties in ESA and NASA. However, if the UK is to maintain its position as a major player across the areas of instrument development, mission hardware (and associated software) provision and cutting-edge astrophysics research, then resources will need to allocated consistent with this strategic goal. The benefits of a balanced programme 22. The Panel recognised that the current strong UK position in high energy astrophysics could be linked to a “virtuous circle” of activity. This refers to the process whereby internationally competitive laboratory-based instrument development programmes lead to mission opportunities, which in turn provide a stimulus to a broad user community to the exploit the mission data and hence contribute to the general development of astrophysics expertise. The circle is closed by the identification, on the basis of established astrophysics insight and instrument expertise, of what is required of, and achievable by, the next generation of instruments. The state-of-the-art instrumentation and technology base inherent in this model then provides significant potential for knowledge exchange of direct benefit to UK industry. 23. In the past the UK programme in high energy astrophysics has greatly benefited from the activity cycle identified above, leading for example to a very strong UK participation in XMM-Newton (encompassing the hardware provision, the science data segment and exploitation of the mission data by a wide UK community). However, there are signs that a failure, in recent years, to invest adequately in laboratory-based development programmes is beginning to impact on the country’s international competitiveness (for example, the RMTX situation noted above). 24. The long-term nature of instrument development programmes and the need for a significant technical infrastructure are ingredients that are not always properly recognised by ad-hoc peer review processes. One of the papers on technological development received by the panel (see below) summed up the situation “This funding (for technological development) needs to be underpinning, long-term and not linked to whether instrument X, or mission Y, is likely to fly in year Z. A failure to provide this underlying funding will lead to the UK losing its ability to provide hardware into these missions…’ Unfortunately, with funding lines under pressure, the need for X, Y and Z to be fully specified has tended to become a requisite. Defining a Strategic Goal 25. As noted earlier there are a set of very fundamental astrophysical questions that are best addressed, and in some cases can only be addressed, through X-ray/Gammaray observations. Given the UK’s heritage and current high standing in the field, it is entirely appropriate that UK should seek to take a leading role in the future of this field of astrophysics through its ability to deliver world-class instrumentation, data analysis systems and astrophysical knowledge and insight. 26. In terms of technological development, the UK should pursue a targeted investment strategy aimed at delivering PI status on instruments to be flown on major future missions such as XEUS plus the capacity for UK groups to be involved as co-Is on other smaller missions, as and when such opportunities arise. As a guide, one might hope that PI involvements might be affordable at least once every 10 years, with perhaps two or three co-I level contributions supported in the period between the major provisions. Given the limited size of the UK community with expertise in hardware development, strong collaborations between groups will be vital if these goals are to be achieved on a sustainable basis. The Status of Instrument Development Programmes in the UK 27. In order to form a clearer view as to the current status of technological development programmes in the UK relevant to X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy, the Panel sought advice from several leading experts in UK community. In particular for a number of specified technologies, identified experts were asked to provide their vision on how the UK should frame a programme of technological development over a period of up 5 yrs (in the first instance) aimed at developing and maintaining worldclass expertise. The consultation involved both the submission of briefing papers and short presentations to the Panel as follows: 1) Smart Optics (Prof Alan Smith, MSSL) 2) X-ray Interferometry (Prof George Fraser, Leicester) 3) Advanced Cooling Systems (Dr Ian Hepburn, MSSL) 4) Integrated Cooler Systems (Dr Jamie Reed, Astrium) 5) Advanced Calorimetry and Polarimetery (Prof George Fraser, Leicester) 6) Semiconductor Detectors (Prof Andrew Holland, Brunel)1 Full details of the technology submissions and the Panel comments are available in the minutes of the 2nd and 3rd HESP meetings. A synopsis of the detailed Panel conclusions are provided in Appendix V of this document. 28. On the basis of its albeit incomplete review, the Panel concluded that there was evidence for chronic under-funding of instrumentation and technology programmes in the UK in support of high energy astrophysics, certainly compared to the levels of support available to many of our international competitors. Nevertheless, there remained opportunities in the areas of X-ray optics, advanced cooling systems and in X-ray detector development, where the existing expertise and demonstrated trackrecord might be taken forward so as to maintain and enhance the UK position within the international arena. In particular, the Panel felt that there was a strong case for technological excellence to be identified at an early stage and then resourced at a level commensurate with converting that excellence through long-term development programmes to PI level involvements in major missions. 29. The Panel agreed that it should make a strong recommendation to STFC that, in order to achieve the strategic objective identified in paragraph 26 above, the level of support devoted to instrumentation and technological development in high energy astrophysics will need a significant uplift. Ideally there would be earmark funding for this purpose, paralleling the approach for some ground-based programmes such as ELT and SKA. Such funding would enable a strategic long-term programme to be set in place consistent with the long-term potential of the field, and the aspirations of the 1 By written submission only UK community. The proposed programme would also offer huge benefits for knowledge exchange and the general competitiveness of UK plc. The Panel concluded that a resource (over and above any current support) of ~£2M per year on a rolling basis, but initially guaranteed over a 5-yr period, would transform the UK position. The number of projects so supported might be quite small, perhaps 2 or 3, so as to ensure the available effort is sufficiently focussed to achieve world-leading status in the earmarked areas. The Panel envisaged the issuing of a themed call and that the resulting programme would be managed by an appropriate Oversight Committee. Furthermore, the programme should be co-ordinated in the context of existing activities, noting that support was currently available via rolling grants and other mechanisms (e.g., through PPRP). However, the crucial point is the need for a substantial uplift in the available funding. Conclusions 30. The main conclusions of the HESP review are: (a) Many of the key challenges in contemporary astrophysics, as exemplified by the STFC Road Map Questions, are uniquely addressed through X-ray and gamma-ray observations. It follows that any strategy to address the Road Map questions must include the development of new observational capabilities and the enhancement of core expertise in high energy astrophysics, as high priority elements. Unquestionably, this a field in which UK has a very strong heritage and an extraordinarily high reputation. Over the last four decades a whole series of highly successful space missions have benefited from state of the art UK-supplied instrumentation and, over the same period, UK groups have played leading roles in developing new insights into high energy phenomena. In the view of the Panel, the STFC and the astronomical community, working in concert, should seek a leading role for the UK in the future of high energy astrophysics. (b) The recent selection of XEUS as one of the large missions to be studied within the ESA Cosmic Vision programme (together with LISA and an outer planets mission) represents a very important first step towards securing a long-term future for high energy astrophysics in Europe. Building on its strong involvement to date in the mission definition activities and on the existing STFC-supported ‘Roadmap to XEUS’ (RMTX) programme, the UK should aim for a major future role in this project. In this context the Panel recommends that the resources within the RMTX programme should be restored as soon as possible to a level commensurate with or greater than that originally recommended by the PPRP. It would also be timely for STFC to undertake a review of the RMTX programme so as to ensure a focus fully aligned with the goal of delivering a significant eventual UK involvement in the XEUS mission. (c) Even in the most optimistic scenario in which XEUS is selected for the first available large mission slot within the Cosmic Vision programme, the prospective launch date is ~2018, with the next opportunity being ~2022. On the other hand, many of the currently operational missions in high energy astrophysics will have come to the end of their design lifetime by the start of the next decade (although in the case of XMM-Newton the prospects for mission operations extending well beyond 2010, i.e., ten years post-launch, currently look rather favourable). Nevertheless, many of the key scientific themes identified in section 7 of this report will be addressed in the intervening period (e.g., 2011-2016) by focussed nationally-led missions. For the UK community to continue to be at the forefront of this unique area of research it must be able to participate in selected future bilateral programmes, following the well established and highly successful pattern of activity in this field. In this context, the UK-led Wide Field Telescope on Spectrum-RG appears to be the most promising bilateral opportunity currently identifiable. However, missions such as Simbol-X and NeXT missions also have excellent scientific potential and merit consideration as potential future bilateral opportunities. In the view of the Panel, a significant UK involvement in one or more bilateral missions during the period 2011-2016 should be considered as an absolute prerequisite for the long-term health of high energy astrophysics research in the UK. For budgetary purposes, the level of resource required can be estimated to be in the range £5-10M. (d) There is a strong argument for a significant uplift in the level of support devoted to basic research in instrumentation and technology in the field of high energy astrophysics. Such funding, which would not be linked to specific mission opportunities, would enable a strategic long-term programme to be set in place consistent with the long-term potential of the field, and the aspirations of the UK community. The proposed programme would help “level the playing field” in terms of the investments being made by other major players in the field and, at the same time, offer huge benefits for knowledge exchange and the general competitiveness of UK plc. The panel recommends that STFC consider a substantial targeted programme of investment in this area at a suggested level of ~£2M per year over an initial 5-yr period. The programme should, of course, be co-ordinated in the context of any existing STFC-funded activities, but the crucial point is the need for a substantial uplift in the available resources. (e) The UK community has been very successful in exploiting high energy astrophysics missions, particularly those in X-ray astronomy, for which there has been good data access through either direct project involvement and/or competitive AOs. As a result the UK has developed a broad expertise base and gained a strong international reputation in this field. This has benefited UK astronomy as a whole, bearing in mind that the X-ray and gamma-ray regime represents one of the main pillars of modern multi-wavelength astrophysics, often providing the crucial information for studies of particular classes of object and phenomena. The Panel considers continuing broad support for high energy astrophysics over the next decade, encompassing all aspects of observation, interpretation and theory, is vital both for the full exploitation of major new facilities in other wavebands such as ALMA, SKA, ELT and JWST, but also as a precursor to a strong UK involvement in the astrophysics made accessible by XEUS. APPENDIX I HIGH ENERGY SUB-PANEL: TERMS OF REFERENCE The timescale for the launch of the next major observatory-class mission in X-ray astronomy now extends possibly beyond 2020. In the intervening period a number of smaller mission concepts and proposals are very likely to arise within the international context, some of which will be of significant interest to the UK community. A review of the potential future mission opportunities in X-ray astronomy would therefore be very timely, particularly given the fact that important decisions on some missions will probably be required next year. Here X-ray is taken to mean the broad bandpass between soft X-rays and low-energy Gamma-rays (i.e., 0.1 keV to 300 keV). The goals of the review will be: To identify the key science goals in the field of X-ray Astronomy that might realistically be attainable in the next 10 years and beyond, taking account of the relevance of these goals in a multi-wavelength context. To identify the potential future mission opportunities in X-ray Astronomy over the next decade, which address one or more of the key science goals, and engage in international discussions. To develop a roadmap for X-ray Astronomy in the UK covering the next decade with defined scientific priorities which might be translated into a realistic 10-yr forward look programme within the STFC portfolio. To provide advice on these issues to STFC executives and advisory bodies (PPAN and SSAC) and BNSC, with a target of reporting by late spring 2007. To provide recommendations on corresponding technology priorities. APPENDIX II Membership of the HESP Prof R Warwick (Chair), Leicester Prof A Fabian, Cambridge Prof R Fender, Southampton Dr J-W den Herder, SRON Prof A Smith, MSSL Prof M Ward, Durham Dr D Telfer (Secretary), Science and Technology Facilities Council APPENDIX III The Panel constructed the matrix shown below, indicating how the possible future missions XEUS, Edge, GRI, NeXT, Simbol-X and Spectrum-XG compared in terms of their ability to address the top-level science questions and themes identified in paragraph 7 of the main report. This exercise confirmed that Simbol-X and GRI were both specialised missions addressing a smaller number of questions fully and also reaffirmed the huge scientific potential of XEUS. Edge What is the Universe made of and how does it evolve? Cluster properties and investigating dark matter Cluster surveys/the equation of state of dark energy The warm hot IGM as the reservoir of baryons Enrichment and dispersion of chemical elements Charting the influence of accretion power What are the laws and phenomena of physics in extreme conditions? Extreme gravity near black holes States of dense nuclear matter (as in neutron stars) Physics in ultra-strong magnetic fields The formation of relativistic flows (jets) Accretion onto comp. objects Acceleration of cosmic rays Formation of black holes and compact objects in SN/GRB How do galaxies evolve? Feedback processes in galaxy evolution Large-scale winds and outflows in the ISM/IGM. Formation and evolution of supermassive black holes Star formation and stellar endpoints GRI XX NEXT SXG X X SimX XX XEUS XX XX XX X X X X XX X X XX X XX XX X X X X X XX X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X XX X XX XX X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X XX X X X XX X X X XX X X X X XX XX 17 11 16 16 12 26 APPENDIX IV An outline of the programme supported by the interim “Roadmap to XEUS” (RMTX) grant as of autumn 2007 (information provided by Professor Martin Turner). Telescope Optics. Dr R Willingale (Leicester) is well placed to compete for the position of XEUS Telescope Scientist (effectively Optics PI). The main work packages currently supported relate to modelling and optics design, and the analysis of test results obtained by ESA. Of immediate interest is a full computer ray-trace model that will allow the design of efficient baffling to prevent single reflection image disturbance. Other work packages include contribution to mission definition, support for consortium development, and participation in key project working groups. (1 PDRA at Leicester, supported for 3.5 years). XEUS Wide-Field Imager (WFI). UK participation in a credible European consortium for this instrument is predicated upon the development of low background CCDs and accurate modelling of CCD background in orbit. The performance of the WFI is critically dependent on background levels, which are not well understood. Major work packages include building a Geantt 4 radiation model and its calibration using in-orbit data from XMM-Newton, ASCA, SWIFT and Suzaku. Other work involves CCD design and trade-off studies. (1 PDRA at Brunel, supported for 2 years.) XEUS Narrow Field Imager (NFI). Support is essential to maintain a relatively small but critical UK role in the likely SRON-led XEUS NFI detector consortium. The work complements a range of externally-funded resources directed towards the agreed UK work components, which relate to testing TES devices produced by SRON and theoretical modelling of TES performance. The first tests of alternative magnetic calorimeter devices manufactured at Leicester will determine if these can improve on the resolution and readout capability of TES devices. (1 PDRA at Leicester, supported for 2 years.) ADR Cryo-Cooler for XEUS. Magnetoresistive heat switch technology has been identified as the key immediate R&D activity leading-in to a much larger future programme aimed at the development of the tandem ADR cooler concept (which promises continuous operation of the NFI). ESA have recently indicated a desire to continue development of a continuous ADR system and it is anticipated that MSSL will be the recipients of a major contract from ESA in this area. At this stage a relatively modest investment has the potential to leverage a substantial additional return to the UK from ESA. (1 PDRA at MSSL supported for 2 years.) APPENDIX V A brief summary of the HESP review of technological development programmes in the UK relevant to X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy. Full details of the technology submissions and the Panel comments appear in the minutes of the 2nd and 3rd HESP meetings. Advanced Cooling Systems. The proposal centred upon the further development of an Adiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator (ADR) for application in major missions such as XEUS. The immediate specific programme objectives are to secure an ESA contract for a continuous milli-kelvin cooler (on the basis of a properly resourced ongoing UK programme) and also to develop both miniaturization technology and an ADR capable of running from a temperature > 4K. Although this programme is currently funded via the RMTX programme, rolling grant support and a PIPPS grant this, in effect, amounts only to a “stay alive” level of support. It was noted that much of the early “cutting-edge” work in this area had been undertaken in the UK but that other groups in Europe, the USA and Japan were now attempting to catch-up. The Panel heard that ESA’s decision to move to a continuous ADR was based on the UK study. However, the UK would be forced to relinquish its lead if it proved impossible to secure sufficient appropriate future funding. Cryogenic instruments were agreed to be key to future X-ray missions and the Panel acknowledged that coolers were a crucial supporting technology. The Panel commented that the running of a programme on the basis of insufficient funding made little sense in strategic terms. In total the proposed “properly funded” programme amounted to an uplift of £1.5 M over the period 2008-2012. The Panel noted that the Advanced Cooler Systems proposal was closely linked to the Integrated Cooler Systems proposal and that it made sense for the two programmes to be considered in tandem (see below). Integrated Cooling Systems. The proposed programme includes the following themes: development of the individual cooler systems required for XEUS; (ii) study and development of critical components for a sub-Kelvin system (other than coolers); (iii) provision of a sub-Kelvin test-bed for detector research in the UK. The UK has been world-leading in this area since the 1980s. It is not anticipated that any of the proposed activities would be funded solely by STFC given the strategic importance of the area within the ESA programme. It was estimated that, perhaps, ~2 MEuro out of a 2.6–2.8 MEuro full programme might be available from ESA. Undoubtedly participation in this programme would take the UK to a position of significant influence in this technology. In summary the Panel strongly endorsed the two proposed programmes relating to the provision of space-qualified cooling systems spanning a range of temperatures down to 50 mK (as required by current state-of-the art X-ray instruments, specifically TES cryogenic imaging spectrometers). Semiconductor Detectors. This written input, which was not available at the time of the Panel meeting, identifies important further development opportunities in the area of MOS CCDs and in Hybrid Pixel Arrays. Recent work in this area has particularly focussed on the detection of X-rays in the range 0.1-10 keV using silicon CCD technology and in the 20-200 keV band using CdZnTe hybrid devices. Current studies encompass: the development of ultra-deep depletion CCDs up to 200-300 microns thick for enhanced high energy quantum efficiency; detailed modelling of the measured instrument background in current CCD-based instruments aimed at the accurate prediction of the likely background in future missions; development of ASIC technology for the read-out of future focal plane arrays; development of SCD (swept charge device) technology for future space applications. The chronic under-funding of the UK technology base was again emphasised. Advanced Calorimetry. Cryogenic imaging detectors offering ~few eV spectral resolution will be key payload elements for all future major X-ray observatories. Currently the SRON-led EURECA consortium is well positioned to provide the Narrow Field Instrument (NFI) for XEUS (and possibly other missions) on the basis of its expertise in Transition Edge Sensor (TES) technology. Within the UK, programmes aimed at developing cryogenic detectors for applications in X-ray astronomy are supported currently only at marginal levels. The UK therefore faces an important strategic decision, namely whether to renew its efforts in this area or to withdraw completely from this field, perhaps with a view to focusing on cooler subsystems. The latter course might well be interpreted as a de facto retreat from a position of international leadership long held by the UK community in high energy astrophysics. On the other hand opportunities can still be identified for innovative programmes in cryogenic detector development drawing on the substantial expertise which still resides within the UK community. The Panel noted that the UK would need to “leap-frog” the current generation technologies so as to overcome the short-comings within this crucial field. However, it was agreed that a properly funded, focussed programme could lead to technologies that out-strip the performance of TES-based instruments on a timescale of approximately five years. The Panel concluded that there was a potential future for the UK in the application of cryogenic detector technology to high energy astrophysics provided a substantial investment (up to £4M over 5 years) is made. The prime target for such a programme would be for missions proposed for launch post2020. X-ray Polarimetry. The measurement of X-ray polarisation is potentially a vital tool for high energy astrophysics providing unique information on emission mechanisms, source geometries and magnetic fields. A new form of narrow-band X-ray polarimeter is currently under development, which in effect acts as an X-ray Polaroid filter. Such a filter might, for example, be inserted in the converging beam of an X-ray telescope with signal readout via the main cryogenic imaging spectrometer, thus avoiding the need for a separate focal plane instrument (which is the current XEUS baseline). The X-ray polarimetry programme is currently funded via a rolling grant. If this preliminary programme is successful then a range of applications in both high energy astrophysics and for other non-astrophysics programmes should follow. In the subsequent discussion, the Panel endorsed the goals of the X-ray polarimetry programme. Smart Optics. Here the goal is to develop a mirror technology delivering Chandralike sub-arcsecond resolution but with a throughput more akin to that of the XMMNewton telescopes. The proposed programme represents, in essence, a three-year extension of the existing Basic Technology Smart X-ray Optics Programme based on a set of five identified work packages. The estimated cost was £940k over three years. The Panel concluded that this was a unique area of work and one where the UK definitely had a lead. The Panel gave a strong endorsement to this exciting prospect in X-ray optics. X-ray Interferometry. A new slatted-optic design provides the possibility that astrophysical X-ray interferometry might one day be realisable in space. Currently this novel concept is in a proof-of-principle phase in a 3-yr programme supported via a rolling grant. If these preliminary experiments meet with success, then the next step might be a pre-Phase A feasibility study to be carried out between academia and industry leading to a flight-like prototype optical chain. The cost of such a study might amount to ~£1 M over 2-3 years. The Panel agreed that this was an interesting proposal but the potential might only be fully realised on a timescale of 15 years or more. The Panel strongly endorsed this proposal as an important area of “blue skies” research.