Biology 212 General Genetics Lecture 19: Gene Regulation Spring 2007 Reading: Chap. 9 pp. 318-326 Lecture Outline: 1. Transcriptional control 2. Lactose operon: negative control 3. Lactose mutants 4. Positive control (optional) Lecture: 1. Transcriptional control Gene regulation: Control of when, where and under what conditions genes are transcribed and translated. Transcriptional regulation Transcribe gene when product is needed, turn off transcription when product is not needed. Efficient way of controlling gene expression—don’t have to commit to processes of transcription and translation. Operon: Group of genes that are coordinately regulated in bacteria. Usually, a single polycistronic mRNA is produced from which multiple proteins are translated. 2. Lactose operon E. coli prefers to use glucose as a carbon source. Can use lactose as a carbon source, if necessary. Need to induce (switch on) gene expression. Lactose metabolism Lactose is a disaccharide (made of two sugar subunits) Lactose --> glucose + galactose Needed for lactose metabolism: β-galactosidase: Enzyme that breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose Permease: Protein that transports lactose into cell Transacetylase: Enzyme, exact function unknown 1 Components of the lactose operon Structural genes: Genes that code for proteins Lac Z: gene for β-galactosidase Lac Y: gene for permease Lac A: gene for transacetylase Regulatory genes and elements: Control expression of the structural genes Lac I: gene for repressor protein; shuts off the operon Lac O: operator=element on DNA that repressor binds Lac P: promoter=site where transcription begins Inducer: Chemical signalling molecule Form of lactose (allolactose) Organization of the lac operon Fig. 9.4 I P O Z Y A When lactose is absent, glucose is present --> Operon is OFF 1) 2) 3) 4) I gene is transcribed and translated to give repressor protein Repressor binds to operator Transcription is prevented Operon is off (repressed) When lactose (inducer) is present, glucose is low or absent --> Operon is ON 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) I gene is transcribed and translated to produce repressor Repressor binds inducer (form of lactose) Conformation of repressor is altered Repressor can’t bind operator RNA polymerase can bind promoter and transcribe genes in the operon (ZYA) The polycistronic mRNA is translated to give β-galactosidase, permease and transacetylase proteins. 7) Lactose is transported into the cell and utilized as a carbon source. 3. Lactose mutants E. coli strains with mutations in the lactose metabolic genes were used by Jacob and Monod in the early 1960’s to elucidate the lac operon. 2 Partial diploid strains, produced when an F factor integrates into the chromosome (form Hfr), but is excised imprecisely, taking some bacterial genes with it. Mutants in structural genes: Lac ZLac ALac Y- No protein or defective protein produced Mutants in regulatory elements and genes: Interfere with normal regulation of the genes, not the genes themselves Lac I- = lac Ic No repressor protein, constituitive expression of lactose operon genes Operon is always ON; no inducer required Lac Oc Operator constituitive mutant; can’t bind repressor Operon is always ON; no inducer required Lac P- Promoter mutant; no transcription of lactose operon genes Operon always OFF How do these mutations affect lactose operon expression singly and in combination? Table from Problem 9.16 Levels of activity of lactose metabolic enzymes Genotype I+O+Z+Y+ I+OcZ+Y+ Uninduced Z 0.1 25 Uninduced Y 0.1 25 Induced Z 100 100 Induced Y 100 100 Genotypes of partial diploids Problem 9.16 part (b) F’ I+P+O+Z-Y-/I-O+Z+Y+ What do these symbols mean? F’ = F factor containing some bacterial genes Second genotype =bacterial chromosome How is F’ formed? F factor integrates into bacterial chromosome (forms Hfr); when it comes out, sometimes it takes some of the adjacent bacterial genes with it, creating an F’. 3 What would be the phenotype of this cell? I+ is produced in cell from F’. I+ binds to operator on the chromosome (repressor is diffusable and can act in trans) In the absence of inducer, the operon is OFF. When inducer (lactose) is added, repressor binds to the inducer and is unable to bind the operator. The operon is ON. Phenotype is wild type. 4. Positive control (may not get to in lecture) To be fully on, the lactose operon also needs a positive regulator. The positive regulator is highly sensitive to glucose levels in the environment. Glucose has the effect of repressing the lac operon even when lactose is present. If glucose is present --> cAMP concentration is low CRP = cyclic AMP receptor protein: binds to cAMP Complex binds to the lac operon at a site near the promoter (see Fig. 9.7) Enhances binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter. High glucose Low glucose low cAMP high cAMP low transcription more transcription 4