Course Outcomes Form Northwest Indian College All hand-outs are posted on the faculty website at (follow the Assessment link) Before completing this form, please refer to the Instructions for Completing the Course Outcomes Form. Please submit this form electronically to Last date this form was updated or edited 3/23/2006 Course Number (e.g., ENGL 101) HUMS 160 Course Name (e.g., English Composition I) Chemical Dependency Case Management List all instructor(s) who participated in creating and approved these course outcomes (please consult with at least one other person) Cal Scheidegger; Sharon O’Connell List the main textbooks, readings or other resources used in this course (including title, year and publisher) “Fundamentals of Case Management”, Nancy Summers, 2001, Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning “Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse’, Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, (SAMHSA) A. NWIC outcomes: From the List of NWIC Outcomes, select the most important outcomes you assess in this course (at least one NWIC outcome must be chosen). NWIC outcome # (e.g., “Written communication: 2a. write standard English”) Instructional Activities: How will students master this outcome? (e.g., solving problems, group activity) Assessment/Evaluation Strategies: How will you measure this outcome? (e.g., student presentations, essays) Written communication: 2a. write standard English Reading, lecture, discussions and classroom exercises Testing and written work demonstrating the differences of the processes; also, compare and explain the processes of case management with therapy. D:\106759318.doc Updated February 13, 2006 Created by Anne Marie Karlberg (please email with questions or ideas) Quantitative skills: 5b. use analytical and critical skills to draw and interpret conclusions Readings, lecture, discussions, and classroom exercises D:\106759318.doc Updated February 13, 2006 Created by Anne Marie Karlberg (please email with questions or ideas) Problem solving essays for routine case management scenarios to explain and give examples of the process flow of intake, assessment, service plan, monitoring, team/interagency staffing, referral and discharge. B. Course outcomes: In order of priority, list the most important other learning outcomes for this course that you assess (a maximum of 8). Other course outcomes: Complete the sentence – Instructional Activities: How will students master this outcome? (e.g., solving problems, group activity) Assessment / Evaluation Strategies: How will you measure this outcome? (e.g., student presentations, essays) List the basic helping skills and attitudes of listening, communicating, and objective caring. Reading, lecture, class exercises, and role play Student will express with written examples in learning scenarios and/or in student role play Recognize and illustrate the purposes and use of The Diagnostic Statistics Manual, 4th Ed. (DSM IV), as it relates to chemical dependency, mental health and case management Readings, lecture, discussions, and class exercises Testing and problem solving written work Compare and explain the processes of case management and therapy Readings, lecture, discussions, and classroom exercises Testing and written examples to illustrate process differences Explain and give examples of the process flow of intake, assessment, service plan, monitoring, team/interagency staffing, referral and discharge Readings, lectures, discussions, and practice exercises Problem solving essays for common case management scenarios As a result of this course, students will be able to… C. Please list the NWIC outcomes and course outcomes from above on your syllabus. D:\106759318.doc Updated February 13, 2006 Created by Anne Marie Karlberg (please email with questions or ideas)