Lesson Plan Models

What will your students be able to do?
How does the objective connect to your achievement goal?
SWBAT understand the history and traditions
The achievement goal for the year is speaking in English so others can
associated with Christmas holiday.
understand. Being able to orally discuss various topics related to popular
SWBAT describe the history and traditions of
holidays in foreign and local cultures directly connects to this achievement
the Chinese New Year holiday.
SWBAT ask and answer questions related to
Christmas and Chinese New Year, as well as
use reported speech.
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective?  How and when will you assess
Students will work in pairs or groups of three to question each other about Christmas/Chinese New Year-related topics and
will present each other’s answers to the class.
OPENING. (_5_ min.)
How will you communicate what is about to happen?
How will you communicate how it will happen?
How will you communicate its importance?
How will you communicate connections to previous lessons?
How will you engage students and capture their interest?
 Teacher will review class performance on Top10 Tracking System.
 Teacher will introduce topic – “It’s time for the holidays!”
“Do you know what important Western holiday is happening soon?” Most likely students will
correctly state Christmas. Teacher asks: “What do you already know about Christmas?” Teacher
will write down some of the things students already know – likely date, Christmas trees, Santa
Claus, gifts, etc.
 Teacher will provide roadmap of lesson for students:
1. Teacher will inform students about Christmas. Students will read aloud slides about various
elements of Christmas (date, history, decorations, food, music, etc.).
2. After each element is introduced by teacher, students will inform teacher about these same
elements as they pertain to the Chinese New Year celebration. Teacher will write down these
elements on the board.
3. Students will complete the Independent Practice exercise where they will ask and answer
questions related to holiday (Christmas and/or Chinese New Year).
Connection to Advance with English book: none. However, this lesson is being taught at the
school’s request to focus on American/Western culture. Christmas is being taught now, due to its
proximity in terms of dates (December 24/25).
What key points will you emphasize and reiterate?
How will you ensure that students actively take-in information?
How will you vary your approach to make information accessible to all students?
Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Teacher introduces new information using PPT. PPT will emphasize new vocabulary, key points
and provide helpful and engaging images to focus students’ attention.
Students chorally read information on each slide.
INM1: Christmas – Date
Christmas Eve is on December 24th. Christmas Day is December 25th.
Different countries celebrate (庆祝) Christmas on either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
In America, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th.
INM2: Christmas – History
Christmas started as a very religious (宗教) holiday. On Christmas, Christians celebrate the birth of
Jesus Christ, who they believe was the son of their God.
Today, Christmas is still a religious holiday for many people. For other people it is simply a time to
come together with their families or friends and exchange gifts.
INM3: Christmas – Decorations
For Christmas people decorate the outside and inside of their homes.
On the outside, people put up many different decorations made up of small lights.
Inside their homes, people put up a Christmas tree with many different ornaments and lights.
People also put up stockings and wreaths.
INM4: Christmas – Cards
Before Christmas many people already send or give each other Christmas cards.
In the cards people wish each other:
“Merry Christmas!” and “Happy Holidays!”
INM5: Christmas – Gifts
For Christmas people come together with their families and friends and open gifts they put under
the Christmas tree for each other.
Many small children believe the gifts are from a man called Santa Claus, who secretly brings them
presents if they have been good all year long.
INM6: Christmas – Food
For Christmas people eat some special foods, including Christmas ham (火腿).
People also bake (烘) many different cookies for Christmas.
People also eat a lot of candy canes.
INM7: Christmas – Music
For Christmas people sing Christmas carols, special songs about Christmas.
Some famous Christmas carols are “Silent Night,” “Oh Christmas Tree” and “Jingle Bells.”
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice?
How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard?
How will you monitor and correct student performance?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
 Teacher will ask guiding questions to elicit information on Chinese New Year from students
(volunteers and students randomly selected from number bag). Teacher will write down information
given by students on the board.
 INM1: Chinese New Year – Date
When do you celebrate Chinese New Year?
Are the dates the same every year?
 INM2: Chinese New Year – History
What is the history behind Chinese New Year?
What do you celebrate on the Chinese New Year?
 INM3: Chinese New Year – Decorations
What decorations do you put up for Chinese New Year?
Are there many different kinds of decorations?
 INM4: Chinese New Year – Cards
Do you send or give each other cards for Chinese New Year?
What do you say in the cards?
 INM5: Chinese New Year – Gifts
Do you receive gifts for Chinese New Year?
Who gives you presents? How do you receive the gifts?
 INM6: Chinese New Year – Food
What special foods do you eat for Chinese New Year?
Do you eat a lot of sweets for Chinese New Year?
 INM7: Chinese New Year – Music
Is there special music for Chinese New Year?
Do you sing songs with your family for Chinese New Year?
How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations?
In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective?
How will you provide opportunities for extension?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Teacher explains to students that they will now have six minutes to ask and answer holiday related
questions with a partner or in a group of three (depending on seating arrangement).
Teacher introduces the holiday-related questions:
What is the best gift you have ever received? What is the best gift you ever gave to
someone else?
Of all the holidays in a year, what is your favorite holiday? Why?
What is your favorite special holiday food? Why?
Who do you celebrate Chinese New Year with?
What is your favorite thing about Chinese New Year?
Teacher gives students instruction to work with their partner/s to answer these questions. Students
should take turns asking each other one question at a time. Teacher also explains that after six
minutes, students will have to present detailed information they learned from their partner to the rest
of the class. Teacher previews Holiday Questions “Presentation” slide:
This is _________________.
1. The best gift he/she has ever received was _______________. The best gift he/she ever
gave to someone else was _______________.
2. Of all the holidays in a year, his/her favorite holiday is _____________ because
3. His/her favorite special holiday food is ___________ because
4. He/she celebrates Chinese New Year with ____________.
5. His/her favorite thing about Chinese New Year is ________________________.
 Teacher gives students 6 minutes to ask each other as many questions as possible. While students
work, teacher circulates around the room to answer any questions and to ensure that everyone
stays on-task.
Teacher asks for as many volunteers or randomly selects students (name bag) as time permits to
report to the rest of the class what they learned about their partner/s. Students can answer one or
several points they learned about their partner.
Teacher debriefs the class on each report and point out what was done well and identify items that
everyone could work on (grammar, pronunciation).
CLOSING. (_3_ min.)
How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Christmas Review Fill in the blank: Christmas started as a celebration of the ________ of Jesus.
T/F: Lights, trees, ornaments, sticks and watches are all decorations people put up for Christmas.
Fill in the blank: People send each other _______ before Christmas.
T/F: Many children believe their gifts are from someone called Santa Mouse.
Fill in the blank: For Christmas people eat special foods like ham, _________and candy canes.
T/F: Christmas carols are special stories people tell at Christmas.
Teacher awards class points in Top10 Tracking System.