senior class of 2008 senior book

During this course you will complete a Senior Book which will consist of your memories ,
thoughts, and reflections of your whole life.
The Senior Book is due December 11.
You will begin on your book now and consistently work on your book throughout the
If you put your heart and soul into this assignment, you will have a keepsake that you,
your parents, and your children will treasure for a lifetime.
You will enjoy this assignment if you jump into it trying to create the best book you can
that is all about you.
REQUIREMENTS: Each essay assignment must be:
 at least one typed page
 12 pt Times New Roman font
 1-inch margins top, bottom, and sides
 Double-spaced
 title typed on top 1-inch margin line
 typed –------------ handwritten will not be accepted
 written in essay form (indented paragraphs with a beginning, middle, and
 revised and edited and presented as a final copy.
Important: NO late entries will be accepted for homework points.
You will receive a daily grade for each assignment and a test grade for the graded essay.
If you are absent on an assignment’s due date, you must turn in the assignment upon
returning to class.
The absence must be excused to receive full credit for the assignment. See handbook.
If you do not have a computer, printer, you are expected to make plans to type each entry
either here at school or somewhere near your home.
You will have adequate assignment time to get this done if you do not wait until the last
You may use my computers as long as you use them OUTSIDE of class time and before
the date due.
CHOOSE ANY FIVE OF THESE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS. You will have additional assignments to
complete during class time or with special instructions. Due dates will be announced.
Before I was, There were …… (Your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings etc.)
Suddenly I Became Me (Earliest memories: people, places. Events, all the cute things you did
or said when you were tiny that Mom tells you about)
School Bells - The Early Years (K – 3 ---- special teachers, friends, learning to read, games
My First Boyfriend/Girlfriend - That first crush in elementary school
Middle School Grades 4 -6 (Any special memories that you have)
I Wish I Could See _________ Again… Someone you really miss and would enjoying seeing again.
(Living or dead)
Write about a favorite party
The Best Time of My Life - A Time that you will always want to remember.
Memories of Grades 7 – 8 (This may be a time you want to forget!)
High School, the Early Years (Grades 9 – 11)
If I Could Live My Over Again I Would………….
The Mistakes I’ve Made and Learned From
A favorite trip, Christmas, or birthday.
A pet or pets you want to remember
The Person Who Has Had the Most Influence on Me
I’m Really in Love This Time, Mom - Your first serious romance
Reminder: Each of these entries is an ESSAY and must be fully developed in paragraph form with a
beginning, middle, and end! These should be revised and edited before turning in to me.
If you would like to do an essay that is not on this list, it must be cleared by Mrs. Dove first.
The final book must be bound in some way with a hard cover.
You may use a 3-ring binder or a scrapbook.
In addition to the writing assignments, you must have a minimum of 5 pages of photographs and
/or memorabilia. You may have more.
The final Senior Book must be complete and follow the requirements of each assignment.
You will not receive credit for the entry if directions are not followed.
The more thorough and the more creative you are in writing, decorating, and presenting your
book the higher the grade will be.
I will not accept late books. They are due when they are due.
The completed book will count as 4 test grades. (This is in addition to the individual grades
received for each assignment. The process counts for much more than the final book).
Additional Assignments:
1) Who Am I? -- First essay
2) I Believe – write an essay about your beliefs
3) Favorite song with lyrics or poem and an explanation of why it is your favorite.
4) Poetry Assignment- following my directions.
5) At Last I’m Out of Here (Essay--This will be your last entry.)
Additional Requirements :
1) You must get at least one person to write a letter to you to place in your book. You can include as
many letters as you wish. This letter may be hand-written or typed but the writer should date and sign
the letter
2) a cover page
3) a table of contents following your cover page;
4) an introduction with a dedication (should be at the front of your book).
Be sure to save all entries on your computer, the cloud, or a flash drive (or all). You will not want to
retype all of these! You will need to edit and revise each of these entries for your final book. All
entries must be in typed, corrected, final copy form.
If you lose or misplace an entry, and you did not save a copy, you must rewrite it for your final book.
NO exceptions.
Dates for Assignments:
1. Who Am I? Poem or essay – August 28
2. I Believe…. Essay– September 11
3. Essay (your choice from suggested topics)- September 25
4. Essay (your choice from topics)- October 9
5. Essay (your choice from suggested topics) – October 23
6. Essay (your choice from suggested topics) – November 6
7. Essay (your choice from suggested topics) – November 20
8. At Last I’m Out of Here Essay- December 4
9. Personal Poem- turn in with final book- December 11
10. Song Lyrics – turn in with final book- December 11
TOTAL OF 8 ESSAY ENTRIES + 2 other assignments = 10 entries
Completed Senior Book due- December 11