Sustainable development Taking into account four of the definitions that follow complete the hand out (sustainability 1). This will help you to write your own definition of Sustainable Development. Once you have defined sustainable development write a paragraph to explain what kind of sustainable environment you would like to live in. Sustainable development means different things to different people, but the most frequently quoted definition is from the report Our Common Future1 "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development focuses on improving the quality of life for all of the Earth's citizens without increasing the use of natural resources beyond the capacity of the environment to supply them indefinitely. It requires an understanding that inaction has consequences and that we must find innovative ways to change governments and influence individual behaviour. It is about taking action. Sustainable development is not a new idea. Many cultures over the course of human history have recognized the need for harmony between the environment, society and economy. What is new is the fact that there is a global agreement that things need to change. What follows are a number of definitions of sustainable development which you need to read. 1) WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY? Short definition Sustainable communities are places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. Long definition GA/ DfES October 2006 Sustainable communities are places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. They meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, are sensitive to their environment, and contribute to a high quality of life. They are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality of opportunity and good services for all. 2) Nine 'sustainable development principles' that were intended to inform the development process. These are: 1. Maximise the re-use of brownfield land. 2. Integrate the development within the landscape. 3. Encourage a balanced and self-sufficient community. 4. Structure the development around energy efficient movement networks. 5. Provide an open space network for recreation, wildlife, energy and water management. 6. Promote technical efficiency in the siting, design and use of materials. 7. Increase settlement durability and adaptability. 8. Create a distinctive, high quality and successful new place. 9. Community involvement in design, development and management. 3) Sustainable development should be a process which allows for the satisfaction of human necessities without compromising the basis of that development, which is to say, the environment. 4) Sustainable development is a complex of activities that can be expected to improve the human condition in such a manner that the improvement can be maintained. 5) Sustainability: A new way of life and approach to social and economic activities for all societies, rich and poor, which is compatible with the preservation of the environment. 6) Sustainable development means achieving a quality of life (or standard of living) that can be maintained for many generations because it is: 1. socially desirable, fulfilling people's cultural, material, and spiritual needs in equitable ways; 2. economically viable, paying for itself, with costs not exceeding income; 3. ecologically sustainable, maintaining the long-term viability of supporting ecosystems. 7) Ecologically sustainable development means using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased. GA/ DfES October 2006 8) Sustainable Development encompasses and blends three main principles: Many models cite economic success and prosperity as the most important factor for successful development. However, at present, around 20% of the world’s population, who live in the most successful economies, use around 80% of the world’s resources. If the entire population of the world followed the present lifestyle of these citizens in the so-called ‘developed’ world, we would need several more planets to provide the necessary resources and absorb the waste generated. The concept of sustainable development acknowledges that economic development is important, but that it is equally necessary for the environment to be well managed and for people to feel a sense of social justice, i.e. that their voices can be heard. GA/ DfES October 2006 Sources of definitions 1) 2) Elstow New Settlement Joint Development Control Mid Beds Council 3) Manuel Winograd, "Environmental Indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean." in A Sustainable World: Defining and Measuring Sustainable Development. T. Trzyna, ed. Sacramento: Published for IUCN by California Institute for Public Affairs, 1995. 4) David Munro, "Sustainability: Rhetoric or Reality." in A Sustainable World: Defining and Measuring Sustainable Development. T. Trzyna, ed. Sacramento: Published for IUCN by California Institute for Public Affairs, 1995. 5) Saburo Kato. "Salzburg Seminar on Environment and Diplomacy." September 3-10, 1994. Working Group on Sustainable Development. Manuscript on file at Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg Austria. 6) IUCN - World Conservation Union. Guide to Preparing and Implementing National Sustainable Development Strategies and Other Multi-sectoral Environment and Development Strategies, prepared by the IUCN's Commission on Environmental Strategies Working Group on Strategies for Sustainability, the IUCN Secretariat and the Environmental Planning Group of the International Institute for Environment and Development, pre-publication draft. 1993. 7) Australian Government. National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. Dec. 1992. 8) GA/ DfES October 2006 Sustainability 1 Use this diagram to compare the four definitions of sustainability that you have chosen Mentioned a lot Mentioned a bit Mentioned a lot Write your own definition of Sustainable development in 25 words here:- Mentioned a lot GA/ DfES Mentioned a bit October 2006 Mentioned a bit