. UNIVERSIDAD DE ESPECIALIDADES ESPÍRITU SANTO FACULTAD DE ESTUDIOS INTERNACIONALES SYLLABUS ENGLISH VERSION FOR DAC 11 VER 12 03 09 SUBJECT Political and Economic Analysis FACULTY Oscar Briones CONTACT HOURS 48 YEAR 2012 DAYS Mon- Thursday ROOM F-202 CODE UECO 477 CREDITS 3 NON-CONTACT HOURS 96 PERIOD Winter SCHEDULE 18:00-19:20 SYLLABUS DATE December, 2011 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION The knowledge of the concepts applied to economic policies, as well as the construction of models and its applications in the decision making process, is part of the students learning process. The determination of the structural problems in the economic and political analysis will part of the knowledge of students, henceforth that the analysis is part of the students learning process. 2. JUSTIFICATION The objective of this course is to introduce students in the learning process of concepts in Political and Economic Analysis 3. OBJECTIVES a. GENERAL To obtain the necessary skills to analyze the environment surrounding businesses and corporations that is influenced by politics and economics. b. SPECIFIC 1. Determine the structural economical and political problems. 2. Examine the alternative of economical-political courses of actions and their possible results 3. The students must be capable of gaining the analytical skills to interpret the economic and political data. 4. Understand the importance of the external forces surrounding us and how it influences our lives. 5. To influence students to act in their professional life as responsible citizens in a social, ethical manner 6. Evaluate the economic results of the use of a particular economic policy 7. Understand, analyze and adapt to the current global economical and political trends in the 21st century. 4. COMPETENCIES Analyze the Political and Economic Analysis of several countries: understand the effects of specific political ideology and its economical effects. Determine the current economic situation and the plausible alternatives for economic growth 5. COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE DATE SPECIFIC COMPETENCIES CONTENT Subject(s) to be covered Identifies events in Major global trends: the 21st century and Higher growth, analyze impact on greater wealth, the Political & declining economic area. sovereignty, government as facilitator of trade, emergence of a global middle class, globalization of Session 1 antitrust policy, Monday 9 economic sanctions January Major global trends: Higher growth, greater wealth, declining sovereignty, government as facilitator of trade, emergence of a global middle class, globalization of Session 2 antitrust policy, Tuesday economic sanctions 10 January Americans Bright Future: Foreign role of United States growth American firms keep moving abroad The role of dollar Session 3 Business cycles Wednesday 11 January Americans Bright Future: Foreign Session 4 role of United Thursday States growth Part II. 12 January Describes the role Government role in of the U.S. the economy: government in the Nature of political Session 5 Monday 16 world’s number one economy market economy. January Government & Session 6 People pages 14 -18 Tuesday Homework/projects/assignments ASSESSMENT (Non-Contact Hours) (performance indicators) Assignment & number of allotted hours How assignment will be evaluated Read: World Boom Ahead pp 19 – 30. 12 pages Read: World Boom Ahead pp 30 – 40. 11 pages Evaluation of the wealth of develop nations Homework: Globalization of antitrust policy Read: World Boom Ahead pp 41 – 69. 29 pages Analyzes the U.S. Dollar as back up currency around the world Read: World Boom Ahead pp 107 – 126. Determines the 20 pages. function of the government in the economy Book: Democracy under pressure Pages 14 – 18. 17 January The constitutional Framework Contrasts the legal The constitutional elements that make Framework. Part II the American Session 7 Wednesday system more 18 January efficient than others The Federal system Session 8 Thursday 19 January Session 9 Monday 23 January Session 10 Tuesday 24 January Session 11 Wednesday 25 January Session 12 Thursday 26 January Session 13 Monday 30 January Session 14 Tuesday 31 January Session 15 Exposes the Wednesday international 1 February economic theories. Session 16 Thursday 2 February Session 17 Monday 6 February Session 18 Tuesday 7 February Identifies the specific factors that have helped increase BOP Session 19 Wednesday 8 February Evaluates the factors that have made possible the Session 20 increase in wealth Thursday 9 in the Asian nations. February Session 21 5 pages. Pages 28 -57 30 pages Book: Democracy under pressure Pages 58 – 85. 28 Pages. Analyzes a democratic and capitalistic environment and it’s consequences The Federal system. Part II. Government & the Economy Promoting general welfare Book: Democracy under pressure Pages 578 – 601. 24 Pages. Book: Democracy under pressure Pages 602 – 640. 39 pages. Debate Review MID – TERM TEST TEST Understanding the International Monetary System Financial Forces: Influencing international Business Studying. Pages 178-204. 27 pages Ch.6 Foreign Exchange Markets Book: International Economics Studying. Pages 105 – 135. 31 pages Studying. Pages 205 – 231. 27 pages. Ch.7 Balance of Book: International Economics Payments (National Studying Pages 137 – 153. Income Accounting) 17 Pages. 1. Objectives and tools of Political Economics. 2. Country risk Analysis. Colombia The Asian Tigers. The Asian crisis The Asian Tigers. Studying. Pages 1 – 11. 11 pages. Studying. Pages 50 – 90. 41 pages. Studying. Pages 91 – 106. 16 pages. Comprehends the macroeconomics variables, and the effect that specific political policies will have on them Monday 13 February The Asian crisis. Part II. Country risk Analysis. Chile Session 22 Tuesday 14 February Session 23 Wednesday 15 February Session 24 Thursday 16 February Studying. Pages 107 – 140. 34 pages. Analyzes the factors that lead Asian developing countries into prosperity Free trade in China I Studying. Pages 141 – 172. 32 pages. & II Illustrates the alternatives that we have to improve the macro and micro economic variables in our country. Session 25 Monday 20 February Session 26 Tuesday 21 February Session 27 Wednesday 22 February Session 28 Thursday 23 February Session 29 Monday 27 February Session 30 Tuesday 28 February Session 31 Wednesday 29 February Session 32 Thursday 1 March Ecuador: Historical & Economical analysis; past & present. Ch. 1& 2 Studying. Pages 13 – 84. 72 pages. Ecuador: Historical & Economical analysis; past & present. Ch. 3. Studying. Pages 85 – 116. 32 pages. Ten key factor in economics Book: Common sense economics Studying. Pages 1 -32. 32 pages Analyzes how to implement locally economical tools that helped developing nations Seven major sources Book: Common sense economics of economic Studying. Pages 33 -76. progress 44 pages Seven major sources of economic progress. Part II Economic progress and the role of the government Economic progress and the role of the government. Part II Book: Common sense economics Studying. Pages 77 – 122. 46 pages. Debate FINAL TEST TEST 653 pages 6. METHODOLOGY Lectures and Socratic method of questions and answers. Before the daily Lecture, in every class a small review session will be conducted by the instructor. Students must stay abreast with current evens and economic and business news and events that have taken place in Ecuador, Latin America, and United States for class discussion and analysis. Student participation will be graded by the instructor. Additionally the instructor will assign homework, workshop, projects all of which must be turned in time. Read the material before coming to class. Projects must be turned in on time, (NO excuses for late assignments). Assignments MUST be done using MS EXCEL and presentations must be done using MS POWERPOINT. NO handwritten work will be accepted. Each group must turn in the presentations in both: digital and printed formats ON TIME. Students are allowed to work with pencils, but NO complains will be accepted afterwards. Students are expected to review class problems and end of the chapter exercises. Attend every class; be on time, students are expected to participate in every class, and class participation will be graded. According to University policy: Six absences are allowed. If you are late three times it will be counted as an absence. Students will not be admitted after the first 5 minutes of class. There are no excused or unexcused absences. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Turn Off the Cell phone in class There will be NO allowance for coffee, cigarette or cell phone breaks. 7. ASSESSMENT 7.1 Assessment Criteria Quiz Debate Class Participation Test 7.2 Performance Markers Evaluates of the wealth of develop nations Analyzes of the U.S. Dollar as back up currency around the world Determines the function of the government in the economy Analyzes a democratic and capitalistic environment and it’s consequences Comprehends the macroeconomics variables, and the effect that specific political policies will have on them Analyzes the factors that lead Asian developing countries into prosperity Analyzes how to implement locally economical tools that helped developing nations 7.3 Weighting The bimester has two terms, on each term the student will have a written test which counts toward 50% of the term grade, the other 50% is made out of the following activities: First Term Second Term Quiz 65% Quiz 65% Debate 25% Debate 25% Class Participation 10% Class Participation 10% 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY 8.1 REQUIRED Knight Kiplinger. World Boom Ahead: Why businesses and consumers will prosper. Cummings, Wise. Democracy under pressure. Harcourt. Baker Stephen International Economics Gwartney, Stroup, Lee. Common sense Economics: What everyone should know about countries wealth First Edition. 8.2 COMPLEMENTARY Pampillon Rafael. Country Economic Analysis, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill. 8.3 HANDOUTS: The Instructor will illustrate some topics with material on power point 8.4 WEBLIOGRAPHY: www.mhhe.com 9. FACULTY INFORMATION NAME: Oscar F. Briones ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS--UNDERGRAD: Bachelor of Arts. Major in Economics. University of South Carolina GRADUATE: Master of Business Administration - University of Québec E – mail: obriones@uees.edu.ec 10. Prepared by: Oscar Briones Reviewed by: Monica Reynoso, Dean Date: December, 2011 Date: December, 2011