WorkPlace Math 10 Name__________________ Chapter 1 Review

WorkPlace Math 10
Chapter 1 Review
1) Solve for x. Round answers to the nearest tenth. (1 mark each = 2 marks)
x 12
12 30
60 120
2) Calculate the unit cost for each of the following. Include units in your answers.
(1 mark each = 2 marks)
a) $100 for 24 bottles of Ketchup
b) $3.50 for a dozen doughnuts
3) If you buy a computer at Regina Computer Exchange for $350, what is your total cost
including taxes for this computer? (2 marks)
4) If the retail price of a bike is $250 and there is a 30% off sale, how much would you save?
(2 marks)
5) John bought a shirt on sale for $40.00. If the list price of the shirt was $75.00, what was his
discount rate? (2 marks)
6) If 25.4 cm is the same length as 10 inches, how many inches are there in 300 cm? (2 marks)
7) Which is the better buy: 8 ounces of Brie cheese for $4.95 or 12 ounces for $7.25?
(2 marks)
8) If an item in a store has a list price of $250, how much would you save if there is a 20% off
sale including 5% GST and 5% PST? (3 marks)
9) A store is able to buy TV’s from their supplier for $350. What is the list price of the TV if the
store adds on a 25% markup to the price (not including taxes)? (2 marks)
10) If the regular price for a pizza is $18, what is the sale price if the pizza is 20% off (don’t add
any taxes)? (2 marks)
11) A 2-stroke dirt bike requires 15 L of gas to be mixed with 4 L of oil. How much oil do you
need to fill up your dirt bike if you use 24 L of gas? (2 marks)
12) If 3 kg of tomatoes costs $10.20, how much will you pay for 8 kg? (2 marks)
13) Given that 1 Canadian dollar is worth .511 British pounds, if you have 725 Canadian dollars,
how many British pounds can you exchange them for? (2 marks)
14) Below are the prices of a Panasonic Viera TV at different places in Regina.
Sears: $2399, but they will pay all the taxes
The Bay: $2499, but it’s 10% off AND they’ll pay the PST
Visions: $2199 + TAX
Which is the best deal? (State the price of the TV at each store.) (4 marks)
15) Using the chart on page 45 of your textbook (or use your FIGURE 1.2 sheet) answer the
following questions.
a) Exchange $200 CDN for US money. (2 marks)
b) Exchange $400 US for Canadian money. (2 marks)
c) You decide to exchange $500 Canadian for the European Euro. However, a month later
you are unable to go on your trip and want to exchange the Euros back into Canadian
money. How much will you lose out of your original $500 by doing this? (4 marks)