November - Birmingham City Schools

Daily Writing Prompts- November
November 1
On this day in 1870, the U.S. Weather Service was established. Is your town an area that
may be affected by severe weather such as tornadoes or floods? If so, do you know what
to do in case of emergency?
November 1st is “National Family Literacy Day.” Tonight you will have a chance to
complete a literacy activity with your family.
Plan one of the following:
 Think about your favorite picture book. Read the book aloud with your family.
Plan on who will read which pages. You may want to plan a craft that your family
could also complete.
 Think about a story that your family could write together. You will want to have a
setting, plot, and characters. Don’t forget to include some illustrations!
November 2
On November 2, 1734, frontiersman, Daniel Boone was born. Boone was most well
known for his for his exploration and settlement of the area that later became the state of
Kentucky. As a boy, Boone did not attend much school. Do you think it was important
for the children of the early Pioneer times to attend school? Why or Thy not?
November 3
Today is Election Day across the United States. If you were 18 years old, would you vote
today? Why is it important for the citizens of our country to cast their votes?
November 3rd is “National Sandwich Day.” Use a paragraph to describe your favorite
type of sandwich.
November 4
Today is “National Candy Day.” If you could invent a new type of candy, what would it
be? What would be the ingredients? What would it look like? What would it taste like?
What would you call your new candy?
On this day in1834, the first wagon train reached the state of California. The first trail
opened up the West. Would you like to have been on the first wagon train? Would you
have been up for the adventure and challenges? Explain your thinking.
November 5
November is “National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month” A large number of students today
are allergic to peanut butter. Some classrooms and/or schools have even become “Peanut
Free” zones. Do you think this is fair for the students that are not allergic to peanut
butter? Explain your thinking.
Birmingham City Schools
Department of Reading/Language Arts, K-5
November 6
November 6th is known as “Basketball Day.” The inventor of basketball, James Naismith
was born on this day in1861. Is basketball a sport you play or would like to play? Explain
what you know about the sport of basketball.
November 7
Scientist Marie Curie was born on this day in 1867. Curie received a Nobel Peace Prize
for her discovery of radium and polonium. This discovery was a great advancement for
science. Thinking about science and discoveries, what do you think has been the most
important discovery? Explain your answer.
November 8
On this day in 1859, the x-ray was discovered. Why has the discovery of the x- ray been
important to medicine? Do you think there are any negative aspects to the x-ray?
November 9
The second week of November is “American Education Week.” Do you believe that
children in the United States should be required to attend school? Why or Why not?
November 10
On November 10, 1969, the television show Sesame Street debuted. Some of the more
popular characters included: Big Bird, Burt & Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch
and Elmo. If you were asked to create a new Sesame Street character, what type of
character would you create and why? Be sure to include the name, appearance and
character traits of your new character.
November 11
Today is Veteran’s Day. Take some time to write about the men and women who have
defended the United States of America. Why should we appreciate all the great work they
do and sacrifices they make?
November 12
On this day in1815, Women’s Rights Leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton was born. Stanton is
well known for her work in furthering of women’s rights. Why do you think women were
not allowed to vote for such a long time?
November 13
Today is “Mom & Dad’s Day.” Take some time to write a letter and /or poem to your
mom and dad. You may also want to write a letter or poem for someone else who is
important to you.
November 14
Today is “National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.” Do you know what’s in your
refrigerator? Think about all the food you keep in your refrigerator. What is your favorite
refrigerator food?
Birmingham City Schools
Department of Reading/Language Arts, K-5
November 15
Today is “America Recycles Day.” Does your family or school recycle? What is the
value of recycling? Why is it such an important habit for people to develop?
This week is “National Geography Awareness Week.” Why do you think Americans
have such a difficult time locating the United States on a map? What can be done to help
change this?
November 15th is” Pack Your Mom Lunch Day.” Explain what you would pack in your
mom’s lunch
November 16
Today is Button Day. What do you think people used on their shirts and other pieces of
clothing before they had buttons?
November 17
On this day in 1805, Lewis & Clark reached the Pacific Ocean. Using your own words,
describe what it must have been like to see the ocean for the very first time.
Today is “National Take a Hike Day.” If you could plan a hike for your family or
classmates, where would you take them?
November 18
November 18th is Mickey Mouse’s birthday. Since his creation, Mickey Mouse has
become one of the most famous cartoon characters. If you could create a friend for
Mickey Mouse, what type of character would you create?
November 19
On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.
Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about Gettysburg Address and
summarize them in your own words.
November 20
On this day in 1923, the traffic light was patented. How do you think the colors of the
traffic light: red, yellow and green, were decided upon?
November 21
On this day in 1620, the Mayflower Compact was signed. Using resources in the
classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Mayflower Compact and summarize them in
your own words.
November 22
On November 22, 1963, the 35th President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated. Using
resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about John F. Kennedy and summarize
them in your own words.
Birmingham City Schools
Department of Reading/Language Arts, K-5
November 23
November is Latin American Month. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5)
facts about Latin America and summarize them in your own words.
November 24
Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey, not the bald eagle, to be the country’s symbol. If
you had the opportunity to help decide on out nation’s symbol, would you choose the
turkey or the bald eagle? Or would you choose a different animal all together? Explain
your answer.
November 25
Author Marc Brown was born on this day in 1946. Brown is well known for the character
Arthur. If you had the opportunity to suggest to Mr. Brown a new adventure for Arthur
and his friends, what adventure would you suggest?
November 26
Today is Thanksgiving Day. Describe what you think it may have been like at the first
Thanksgiving for the Native American and Pilgrims.
Today is” National Cake Day.” Using paragraph format, describe your favorite type of
November 27
On this day in 1701, astronomer Anders Celsius was born. Celsius is known for his world
famous Celsius thermometer. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about
the temperature and weather, or climate, in your city and state. Summarize the
information in your own words.
November 28
November was “Good Nutrition Month.” Think back to the different types of food you
ate. Are you getting enough servings from each of the food group? Create a plan of how
you will eat healthier next month, or how you will continue to eat healthy.
November 29
November is “Child Safety & Protection Month.” Think about the different items in your
house or classroom that may be dangerous for you or other kids. Choose several of the
items and explain how they could be made safer by you or an adult.
November 30
On this day in 1835, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain, was born in Florida,
Missouri. During his life he worked as a newspaper reporter, riverboat pilot, and later a
writer of fiction. Look at a riverboat, how do you think travel may have been different
compared to the boats of today?
Birmingham City Schools
Department of Reading/Language Arts, K-5
Birmingham City Schools
Department of Reading/Language Arts, K-5