Cerro Coso Community College CSCI C153 Intermediate Excel Course Syllabus Instructor: Kathy Bultman E-mail: kbultman@cerrocoso.edu Room: Online Office Hours: Online / Chat times available upon request Telephone: 608 212–7964 CRN: 50133 Units: 1.0 Dates: June 13, 2011 – August 6, 2011 Office hours – Online only (course is taught completely online) Attendance/Make-Up Policies: Cerro Coso Community College policy states that you may be dropped from the class for un-excused absence from the class. If the instructor does not hear from a student or a student fails to keep up with the course work schedule and deadlines in a timely manner, the student will be dropped. If a student wishes to drop the class it is the student’s responsibility to officially drop the class by contacting the admissions and records office. NO student may drop or will be dropped after the 60 % date of the class. (per school policy). Required textbook (1) and software (Excel 2007 for PC’s). New Perspectives Microsoft Office Excel Comprehensive - Parsons, Oja, Ageloff & Carey Publisher: Thompson Course Technology 2009/10/11. ISBN 978-1-4239-0585-1 Part of the New Perspectives series, this text offers a case-based, problemsolving approach and innovative technology for meaningful learning of Microsoft Excel 2007. Alternate text – same title as text shown above, but also comes with a handy, instructive video to watch! ISBN number to order that text is – 13-9780-538-47559-5 or 10-0-538-47559-5. Best place to purchase either text is CC Online’s Booknook – see the CC Online site for the online store! CHECK YOUR ISBN NUMBER TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT TEXT. Added note: CENGAGE (the textbook publisher) will sell or rent particular chapters of the text! The chapters we will cover in our class are EX tutorial 5, 6, 7 and 8. So if you wish to just purchase or rent those four chapters from the EX chapter of the text, you are welcome to check that out! Visit the site http://www.cengagebrain.com/tl1/en/US/storefront/US?cmd=CLHeaderSearch&fieldValue=1423905857 Course Description: Spreadsheet software is taught online, over the world-wide web. Students upload completed course files to the Cerro Coso College server from their personal computer. To be successful in this course, students will need MS Office Excel version 2007 software, an internet connection (high speed preferred) and personal computer. This hands-on microcomputer course is designed to provide an intermediate understanding of spreadsheets. Learn how to analyze data through list management, using autofilter, sort and pivot table features. Work with multiple worksheets and workbooks, and then create a shared workbook, resolve conflicts, and track changes. Finally, plan and prepare an application using Excel’s data validation feature and button creation using macros. This course completes topics required in preparation for the core level Microsoft Excel Office Specialist certification exam. (Prerequisite/Advisory: CSCI C123.) Note: Excel 2003 is acceptable for this class, but students will notice a distinct difference in menus, toolbars and will have diminished success in performing all functions. Macs are not compatible. Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the learner will have gained further experience in analyzing data, use of auto filters, sorting, creating pivot tables, sharing workbooks, resolving conflicts, tracking changes and working with Excel’s data validation feature and button creation using macros. Grading Guide for CSCI C153 Intermediate Excel Name: ___________________________ Use the chart below to keep track of the files you need to do, and your assignments. Please keep this as a guide so that you submit work on time. You are encouraged to print a copy of this schedule, and syllabus, for your records. Class Schedule For Summer 2011 Course, June 13 – August 6, 2011 Your progress you are welcome to print this page and check items off upon completion) Date(s) Course Week Topics Week of Class Wk 1 6/13/116/19/11 Introductions, Survey Course Syllabus, Download data files. Tutorial 5 file is DUE on 6/19 (work all the way through tutorial). Tutorial 5 Review Assignment optional – not graded. 1 (Tutorial for T5 Assignment due 6/19 – all remaining T5 Assignments due 6/26) Wk 2 6/20/116/26/11 Discussion Posting #1 DUE 6/26 Tutorial Five’s Case problem #3 in Text DUE 6/26 2 (ALL remaining T 5 Assignments- first discussion forum post, T 5, case # 3 in text all due 6/26) Wk 3 6/27/117/03/11 Tutorial 6 DUE 7/03 (work all the way through tutorial) Tutorial 6 Review Assignment optional, not graded 3 (T 6 Tutorial Assignment due 7/03) Wk 4 7/05/117/10/11 Tutorial 6 Discussion post # 2 for Tut 6 due 7/10 Tutorial 6 Case Problem # 2 in Text due 7/10 4 Tutorial 7 DUE 7/17 (work all the way through tutorial) (do not do review assignment) 5 Tutorial 7 Discussion post # 3 for Tut 7 due 7/24 Tutorial 7 Review Assignment not assigned. Tutorial 7 Case Problem # 4 in Text due 7/24 6 (Remaining T 7 work – Post, Case #4 in text due 7/24) Tutorial 8 due 7/31. (work all the way through tutorial). Discussion post # 4 for Tutorial 8 due 7/31. Case Problem # 1 – if you do this case problem you will earn extra assignment points. (must be done by 7/31). 7 (T 8 Tutorial, Discussion Post due 7/31, Doing Case problem 1 will give you extra credit!) Final Exam – work on it from 8/01-8/06. Due 8/06 – Instructions will be posted on the site. When you Upload the Final Exam – print off your submission confirmations for your records. Upload by 11:50 PM on 8/06 - link closes at 11:55. Be sure to upload early enough to allow it to correctly upload to the site! 8 Final Exam Final due at 11:55pm on 8/06 no exceptions - late finals will not receive credit. Wk 5 7/11/117/17/11 Wk 6 7/18/117/24/11 Wk 7 7/25/117/31/11 Wk 8 8/01/118/06/11 Final Day 8/06/11 Final Day of Class (Remaining T 6 Assignments (Second Discussion Forum Post, T 6, Case #2 in text due 7/10) (T 7 Tutorial Assignment due 7/17 – feel free to work ahead on next week’s assignments!) REFER to the first page of each tutorial for a list of required files for each session. Don’t skip anything, but READ before you follow steps… Ask yourself what you are doing BEFORE you try to do it… DO your Quick Check reviews and check your answers. ASK for help when you don’t understand. Always back up your text and case files on your hard drive and on a USB flash drive if you have one. Grading Policy: Course grades will be based on the following: Grading Criteria Tutorial Step-by-Step Assignments, Case Problems 50% Discussion Postings 20% Final Exam 30% Grading Scale 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 0 -59% F Important Note: Duplicate / Shared Files: The time and date stamp for files will be spot checked. No duplicate files between students will be awarded points for either student. ***IMPORTANT - ALL FILES MUST SHOW STUDENT AS AUTHOR UNDER ENROLLED NAME OF STUDENT. ALWAYS VERIFY FILE PROPERTIES PRIOR TO UPLOAD. Accommodations: The College will make reasonable accommodations and/or academic adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in the college’s courses. Students with disabilities, who are requesting academic accommodations, auxiliary aides or services, contact Special Services at 760-384-6250. Changes: The instructor holds the right to change the syllabus when necessary and appropriate. If there is a revision it will be clearly communicated to you in writing. Dropping Classes: If you wish to drop the class, it is your responsibility to officially do so by contacting the admissions and records office. Failure to complete a course you have not dropped will result in an “F” grade for the course. The following is your responsibility if you choose not to complete or attend any class for which you have registered: It is your responsibility to withdraw from courses prior to the 10% date of your enrolled classes to qualify for a refund. It is further your responsibility to apply to receive your refund, otherwise the credit will stay on your account. It is your responsibility to withdraw from courses prior to the 30% date of the enrolled course in order to not have a ‘W’ on your permanent record.* It is your responsibility to withdraw from courses prior to the 60% date to receive a ‘W’ and not receive a substandard grade on your permanent record.* *Instructors may at their discretion drop students without consultation with the student when unexcused absences number the equivalent of two weeks or exceed 10% of the total hours of class sessions, up to the 10th week of the semester or the 60% date of the enrolled course. You will not be dropped from any class after the 60% point. You will be assigned the appropriate letter grade. Survey for CSCI - C153 Intermediate Excel Please complete and email to your instructor! (kbultman@cerrocoso.edu) Name: Date: 1. How would you describe your comfort level with using Excel? 2. Briefly describe your prior level of experience with MS Excel 3. Do you use or need to use Excel for your current job? 4. Have you previously used earlier versions of Excel? 5. In general, what are you hoping to learn in this class? Or, what are your expectations for your learning experience in this class? 6. Do you have Excel at home (or work) and if so which version? What type of pc will you be using – a home pc or work pc with Excel 2007 on it? 7. Have you taken CSCI C123 Beginning Excel within the past year? (or a similar introductory Excel course from another college?) Other comments: