1 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Agrawal, Ravi. K, PhD, P.E. Process Definition- KT0796 KBR 601 Jefferson Street Houston, TX 77002 Tel: 713-753-7757 Email: Ravi.Agrawal@kbr.com Andreone, Carl F., P.E., Fellow of the ASME 8 Rachel Road, Reading, Ma 01867-3808 Tel: 781 –944 -1737 Email: candreone@comcast.net Bailey, Sheila; Ph.D. NASA Glenn Research Center MS 301-1, 21000 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, OH 44135 Ph: 216-433-2228; Email: Sheila.G.Bailey@nasa.gov Baldwin, Dr. Thomas Idaho National Laboratory 2525 Freemont Ave, Mail Stop 3810 PO Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 Phone: +1.208.526.1864; Cell: +1.850.528.1653; Email: Thomas.Baldwin@inl.gov Banerjee, Dr. Rangan Dean, R&D and Professor Dept of Energy Science and Engineering I.I.T. Bombay, Powai Mumbai - 400076, India Tel +91-22-2576-7039 (Secy: Manjari); Direct: +91-22-2576-7030/7883; Cell: +91-982-041-0135 Email: rangan@iitb.ac.in 2 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Professor Robert Boehm Ph.D., P.E. Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Director, Energy Research Center Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Mail code: 4027 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154-4027 Phone: (702) 895-4160; Cell: 702 335-5114 Email: bob.boehm@unlv.edu Boyce, Dr. Meherwan P., P. E., Chartered Eng.(UK) Fellow ASME (USA), IMechE (UK), IDGTE (UK). Chairman The Boyce Consultancy Group, LLC. 2121 Kirby Drive, 28N Houston, TX. 77019 USA Houston Office Phone: 713-807-0888 E-mail: mpboyce@boycepower.com; mpboyce@attglobal.net Bratton, Robert Idaho National Laboratory 2525 Fremont Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3730 Bus: 208 526 1579; Cell 208 351 5571; Fax 208 526 9683 Email: Robert. Bratton@inl.gov Chordia, Lalit; PhD. President & CEO, Thar Energy Residence: 60 Long Meadow Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15238 T: 412-435-0200 x211 lalit.chordia@thartech.com Eden, Timothy John Ph.D. 1863 James Ave., State College PA 16801 Tel: 814-777-4567 Email: tje1@psu.edu 3 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Eecen, Dr. Peter Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN Wind Energy, Manager Rotor- and Farm Aerodynamics Westerduinweg 3, 1755 LE Petten The Netherlands Tel. +31 224 56 8279 Mobile. +31 6 2054 3133 ; Email: eecen@ecn.nl Gamble, Simon 4 Elizabeth Street Hobart, TASMANIA 7000 Australia P: +613 6230 5340; M: +614 3852 0163 E: simon.gamble@hydro.com.au Gonzalez-Aguilar,José IMDEA Energía URJC-Centro de Apoyo Tecnológico C/ Tulipán s/n E-28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain Phone: +34-914.88.8563; Email: José Gonzalez Aguilar" <jose.gonzalez@imdea.org> Hasegawa, Dr.Kunio Safety Standard Division Japan Nuclear Safety Organization (JNES) Tokyo Reit Toranomon Bldg., 3-17-1 Totanomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 105-0001 Tel +81-3-4511-1734, Email hasegawa-kunio@jnes.go.jp Hedden, Owen F. 3200 Overton Park W Fort Worth, TX 76109 Tel: 817 923 9198; Cell: 817 683 0161 Email: heddeno@sbcglobal.net 4 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Hoffelener, Dr. Wolfgang T. Paul Scherrer Institut OHLD 014 CH-5232 Villigen PSI Switzerland Phone: +41 56 310 4461 / +41 56 310 2111 41 79 356 0537 (cell) Email: wolfgang.hoffelner@rwh.ch; wolfgang.hoffelner@bluewin.ch Jacobson, Paul T., Ph.D. Sr. Project Manager Electric Power Research Institute 14820 View Way Court Glenelg, MD 21737 Office Tel.: 410-489-3675; Mobile Tel.: 443-280-0294 Email: pjacobson@epri.com Mark Jenner, Ph. D. Senior Analyst Department of Plant Sciences - Mail Stop 1 University of California 1 Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616-8770 Office Tel.: 530-752-4112; Mobile Tel.: 618-223-9331 Email: mwjenner@ucdavis.edu; mjenner@biomassrules.com Lyons, Kevin W. Group Leader, Life Cycle Engineering Program Manager, Sustainable Manufacturing National Institute of Standards and Technology Engineering Laboratory 100 Bureau Drive, Mailstop 734 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Tel: 301 975-6550; Fax: 301 975 2104 Email: Lyons, Kevin W. kevin.lyons@nist.gov 5 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Martin, Harry F. Siemens Energy, Inc 4400 Alafaya Trail MC Q2-399 Orlando FL 32826 (407) 736-4727 Email(s): harry.martin@siemens.com; hmartin240@msn.com MCDonald, Denny The Babcock & Wilcox Company Res: 7584 Wellesley St. NW Massillon, Ohio, 44646. Tel: Cell: 330 705-1850; Work: 330-860-6175 Email: dkmcdonald@babcock.com Mehta, Dr. Hardayal Ph. D., PE Chief Consulting Engineer, Mechanics GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy 6926 Castlerock Drive San Jose, CA 95120 Cell: 408 828 1141; (H) Tel: 408 268 8291; (O); 408 997 2402 Email: hardayal.mehta@ge.com Miles, T R TR Miles Technical Consultants, Inc. 1470 SW Woodward Way Portland OR, USA 97225 Tel: 503-292-0107; Cell: 503-780-8185; 503-292-2919 f Email: tmiles@trmiles.com 6 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Morton, D. Keith Consulting Engineer, Structural & Seismic Analysis Department Idaho National Laboratory 2525 Fremont Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3720 Tel: 208 526 1274; Fax: 208 526 6224 Email: dana.morton@inl.gov Nottingham, Lawrence D. Structural Integrity Associates. Inc. 11515 Vanstory Drive Suite 125 Huntersville, NC 28078 Office: (704) 597-5554; Cell: (704) 236-1412 Email: lnottingham@structint.com O’Donnell, W. J. Ph. D., PE O’Donnel Consulting Engineers, INC. 2940 South Park Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 Tel: 412 835 5007 Email:wjo@odonnellconsulting.com Piekutowski, Dr Marian 4 Elizabeth Street Hobart, TASMANIA 7000 Australia P: +613 6230 5323; M: +614 1701 3858 E: marian.piekutowski@hydro.com.au Poling, ChristopherW. Process Technology Engineer The Babcock & Wilcox Company Mail Station: BVCB1J 20 S. Van Buren Ave. ¤ Barberton, OH 44203 Office: (330) 860-1523 ¤ Mobile: (440) 781-7483 E-mail: cwpoling@babcock.com 7 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Ramesh, M. P. President, Wind Resource & Technology Enercon India 10, Casa Birgitta, 101 Brunton Road, Bangalore-560025, INDIA Phone (land line) 011-91-944 906 2818; alternate: 011-91-897-150-1818 (cell) 011-91-897-150-1818 E-mail: rameshmuthya@hotmail.com Rao, K. R. Ph.D., PE, F-ASME, FIE (India), CE (India) 360, Woodhollow Cove Brandon, MS 39047 Tel: 601-992-1379; Fax: 601-992 1076; Cell: 601 212 3694 Email: kr768@bellsouth.net; Rayegan, Rambod c/o Dr. Yong X. Ph.D PACCAR Professor of Engineering Director, PACCAR Technology Institute Chair, Department of Mechanical & Energy Engineering College of Engineering UNT Discovery Park 1155 Union Circle #311098 Denton, TX 76203-5017, USA Tel: 940-565-2400 Fax: 940-369-8675 Email: yongxtao@gmail.com Reedy, Roger F., PE REEDY Engineering Inc., 3425 S. Bascom Ave, Suite E, Campbell, CA 95008-7300 Tel: 408 558 0330; Tel (C): 408 891 5543 Email: rasearch@reedyeng.com Riccardella, Dr. Peter (Pete) C. Ph. D. Residence: 333 Adams St Denver Colorado 80206-4420 Tel: 303 792 0077; Cell: 303 478 5545 Email: Priccardella@Structint.com 8 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Robinson, Dr. Curt Executive Director, Geothermal Resources Council 2001, Second St. suite 5 Davis, CA. 95617 Tel: 530-758-2360; Cell: 530-902-2787 Email: crobinson@geothermal.org ; Rocafort, Luis A. Bon O'Donnell Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2940 South Park Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 Phone: (412) 835-5007; Cell: 412-657-9565 E-mail: lab@odonnellconsulting.com Romero, Dr. Manuel Director Adjunto - Deputy Director IMDEA Energía, URJC-Centro de Apoyo Tecnológico, C/ Tulipán s/n E-28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain Phone: +34-914888563 (Sec.)/ 011-34-916137506 (Directo), E-mail: manuel.romero@imdea.org Seifert, Gary Idaho National Lab (INL) 2525 Fremont Ave, Mail Stop 2213 PO Box 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3760 Tel: 208 526 9522; Cell: 208 521 8385 Secretary 208-526-1486 (Shepard) Email: gary.seifert@inl.gov Shevenell, Lisa Ph. D. 3372 Skyline View Dr. Reno, NV 89509 775-240-7323 (cell) Lisa.Shevenell@gmail.com SINGH, K. (Kris), P. Ph. D. President and Chief Executive Officer, HOLTEC International; Holtec International Holtec Center 555 Lincoln Drive West Marlton, NJ 08053 Telephone: 856-797-0900 Ext. 636; Fax: 856-797-0909 Email: k.singh@holtec.com 9 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Spain,.Stephen D. P.E. HDR Engineering, Inc. 1001 SW 5th Ave, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97204 Tel: 503-423-3700 Cell: (207) 776-2309 Email: Stephen.Spain@HDRinc.com Sriram, Dr. Ram D. Chief, Software and Systems Division Information Technology Laboratory Mail Stop 8970 National Institute of Standards and Technology 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001 U.S.A. Tel. (301) 975-3507; Fax (301) 975-6097 e-mail (official) sriram@nist.gov Tanzosh, James M. Materials & Manufacturing Technology The Babcock & Wilcox Company 20 S. Van Buren Ave. ¤ Barberton, OH 44203 Tel: Work: 330 860 1448; Cell: 330.714 6631 Email: jmtanzosh@babcock.com Tao, Dr. Yong X. Ph.D PACCAR Professor of Engineering Director, PACCAR Technology Institute Chair, Department of Mechanical & Energy Engineering College of Engineering UNT Discovery Park 1155 Union Circle #311098 Denton, TX 76203-5017, USA Tel: 940-565-2400 Fax: 940-369-8675 Email: yongxtao@gmail.com Thareja, Dr. D. V. Director (Technical) SNC-LAVALIN Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. Power Division 3rd Floor, Wing-B, Commercial Plaza Radisson Hotel, Mahipalpur New Delhi - 110037, India Tel (land) - 91-11-47619100, 91-11-47619153; Tel (cell) - 91-9810990183; Fax - 91-11-47619200 Email: tharejacwc@yahoo.com Tousey, Terry 10 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 5832 Cataumet Court St. Louis, Missouri 63128 Independent Consultant - ALTERNATIVE FUELS & RESOURCES, LLC Tel: (314) 422-9841 Email: ttousey@aol.com Viterna, Dr. Larry 10900 Euclid Ave., OLIN 302 Cleveland, OH 44106 -7074 Ph 216-368-0374 Email: lav36@case.edu Larry.viterna@case.edu Weakland, Dennis Ironwood Consulting 215 Woodridge Court Canonsburg, Pa 15317 United States of America Tel: 412-974-3374 Mobile: (412) 974-3374 Email: weaklandd@gmail.com Weitzel, Paul S. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Residence: 8946 Fairpark Ave. NW Canal Fulton OH 44614 Tel: 330 854 4206 (home); Work: 330 860 1655 Email: psweitzel@babcock.com Weissman, Alexander 3706 Menlo Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 Tel: 240-274-0278 Email: alexw@umd.edu Willems, Ryan 4 Elizabeth Street Hobart, TASMANIA 7000 Australia P: +613 6230 5596 E: ryan.willems@hydro.com.au 11 of 10 Post Publication Contributor Address Posting_7-23-11 Williams, James (Jim) L. President - WTRG Economics 190 Round Mountain Lane PO Box 250, London, AR 72847 Tel: 479-293-4081 Email: wtrg@wtrg.com Wolfe, Dr. Douglas E. 119 Materials Research Institute (MRI) 230 Innovation Boulevard The Penn State University University Park, PA 16802 814.865.0316 (office); 814.571.7575 (cell); Email: dew125@psu.edu Yokell, Stanley, P.E., Fellow of the ASME President MGT Inc. Unit F201 The Academy 970 Aurora Avenue Boulder, CO 80302-7299 Tel 303 494 9608; Mobile 303 817 1721; Fax 303 499 1849 Email syokell@mgt-inc.com Zayas, Jose Sandia National Laboratories Sr. Manager, Renewable Energy Technologies Renewable Energy Technologies 06120 Sandia National Laboratories Bldg. 6585, Rm. 2013, MS 1104 1515 Eubank SE Albuquerque, NM 87123-1104 USA Tel: (505) 284 9446 (Bus); (505) 238 3410 (Cell) Email: jrzayas@sandia.gov 12 of 10 Post Publication Dedicated Address Posting_7-23-11 Dr. Robert T. NORMAN 1139 Wightman St, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 R: 412 687 4753; rtnorman@pitt.edu Mr. V. R. P. Rao, FIE, CE (India) Rajeswari Nilayam, Plot # 124 Bhudevinagar-2; Tirumalagiri Post Secunderabad-500015, AP India R: 011-91-40-27791404; ecmhyd@gmail.com Mr. Jayanth Gowda (s/o Late Dr. Byre Gowda) 139 Regal Court, Monroeville, PA 15146 R: 412-373-5966 Email: jay.gowda@audiocommunications.com