RetireInvest Word Styles

Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Corporate Style Guide
For documents prepared in Microsoft Word
December 2006
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
Word Documents............................................................................................................. 4
Launching the templates ............................................................................................................................. 4
Choosing a template ................................................................................................................................... 4
Letter Template ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Fax Template ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Proposal Template................................................................................................................................ 4
SOA Template ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Page Layout .................................................................................................................... 5
Margins ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Letter Template ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Headers and Footers ................................................................................................................................... 5
Using Word Styles ........................................................................................................... 6
Formatting Text Using Word Styles ............................................................................................................ 6
Applying the New Formatting to Existing Text ............................................................................................ 6
Checking the template in use ............................................................................................................... 6
Option 1: Create a new document and paste your content in .............................................................. 7
Option 2: Attach the RetireInvest template to a current document ....................................................... 8
RetireInvest Toolbar .................................................................................................................................... 1
Troubleshooting Word Styles ...................................................................................................................... 1
Formatting Policy............................................................................................................. 2
Capital Letters ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Use of Colour .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Preferred Word Forms ................................................................................................................................. 2
RetireInvest Word Styles ................................................................................................. 3
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
RetireInvest has adopted a visual identity and set of font styles to be applied across the spectrum
of documents and presentations prepared that deliver the messages and opportunities presented
by our products and services. The goal of these activities is to establish a brand consistency
throughout all materials prepared by staff and to allow for easy application of the visual identity to
existing documents.
Key features of the RetireInvest visual identity include:
Pre-defined text styles for use in all Word documents
A common typeface, available on all PCs: Microsoft Sans Serif
A bold, fresh colour palette, with colours designed to target both the Retirees and Accumulator
A selection of photographs compiled into the RetireInvest photo library
A ‘word’ library, which adds a further element of design and depth to the RetireInvest brand
Refreshed logo artwork, although the logo itself has not changed, updated logo has a more
streamlined look
This document describes the visual identity as it applies to Word documents and gives instruction
on its application.
It is essential that all documents are prepared in adherence with the new style guidelines.
If you have any questions about the new visual identity, please contact the Marketing Team:
<contact details>
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Word Documents
Each document prepared in Word is built on a template. The new RetireInvest template has built
into it a set of coordinating styles that allow the user to control the look and behaviour of the
Launching the templates
<how to find the template on the network>
Choosing a template
Templates have been developed for the following:
General RetireInvest documents
RetireInvest Letter
RetireInvest Fax
RetireInvest Proposal
RetireInvest SoA
Each template, although incorporating the same formatting, has unique features, particularly with
margin settings and page layout.
Once a RetireInvest Template is launched, a new file is created and all of the Page Layouts, Styles
and Customised Toolbars are available to the user.
Letter Template
<text here about the Letter Template>
Fax Template
<text here about the Fax Template>
Proposal Template
The RetireInvest Proposal Template is designed to be used for reports.
When a new RetireInvest Proposal Template is launched, a number of set-up pages are included
automatically. Text placeholders and instructions are in place on the set-up pages for the user to
populate the document with data. The set-up pages include:
Cover page
Document version control – to be removed from the final version of the document
Table of contents page
Heading 1 style for first page
SOA Template
The SoA document has been updated with the new visual identity styles. All of the functions
available within the SoA template are still current and it can continue to be used as previously
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Page Layout
The margins for documents created in the RetireInvest Word template are:
1cm from paper edge
1cm from paper edge
These margins ensure that all documents are centred on the page and that content doesn't sit too
close to the left-hand edge when documents are bound. The margin measurements apply to
documents in both Portrait and Landscape orientation.
Graphics, tables or other elements inserted into a Word document should be kept within the
margins of the page.
Letter Template
<text about letter template margins>
Headers and Footers
The Header of each page should succinctly describe the document title, (for example Corporate
Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents) and if appropriate, include the Client’s name. The
header should carry through each page from the first page of the main body of the document.
The Footer of each page contains a table which holds:
 In the left-hand cell: Document ID and/or location
 In the centre cell: Page numbering
 In the right-hand cell: the RetireInvest logo
The size, shape and placement of the RetireInvest logo should not be changed. If you do not
require the logo to appear on each page of your document, delete the logo graphic from the table
cell and leave it blank.
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Using Word Styles
All documents prepared in Word are built on Templates and Styles. One of the features of
Microsoft Word is the ability to customise these Templates and Styles utilising a variety of
typefaces, sizes, colours, line spacing, and numbering. This customisation allows for consistency
of documents and also ensures that text cut and pasted across RetireInvest Template documents
keeps its formatting. Applying Style formatting will be dealt with later in this section.
Formatting Text Using Word Styles
The base font is Microsoft Sans Serif 11pt, black and all other Styles are built using this font.
The new version of the RetireInvest templates have restrictions built in which control the use of the
styles and formatting. This means that only the Styles available within the templates can be used,
and no other type of formatting can be applied.
The full suite of Word Styles for RetireInvest can be seen by selecting:
Styles and Formatting
The panel that appears on the right of the screen details the formatting available within the
template. A detailed library of Word Styles for RetireInvest is also included at the end this
Applying the New Formatting to Existing Text
As mentioned above, all documents within Microsoft Word
are built on a template. In most cases, this template is
called Normal.
Checking the template in use
You can check to see which template is applied to your
document by going to:
Template (see figure, right)
If the template listed is not, the styles,
formatting, toolbar and layout will not be available within
your document.
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
There are 2 ways to convert your document to the RetireInvest template.
Before you start, ensure that the file is saved on the desktop of your computer.
Option 1: Create a new document and paste your content in
This option, although perhaps more time consuming, is the preferred way to convert your existing
documents into the new RetireInvest template. It ensures that formatting consistency is adhered to
and allows you to control the look and feel of your document between templates. It is advisable to
copy and paste a document in smaller pieces, rather than the whole document
To start, create a new document from the template, by double-clicking on your
desktop. This will launch a new document file. Save the file.
Select the text that you want to include in your document and clear the formatting from it by
selecting ‘Clear Formatting’ from the list of Styles. This will revert all of the text back to ‘Normal’
font. Remember, this is Normal font in another template, not the RetireInvest template, so it still
may appear incorrect
Copy the text
Paste this content into the RetireInvest template and it will
take on the characteristics of Normal (i.e., Microsoft Sans
Serif, 11pt, left-aligned). From this point you can then apply
other Styles – headings, bullets, etc – and maintain the
integrity of the template
It is important to clear the formatting first, then copy and paste
the text to your new document.
Clear Formatting (see figure, right) is the safest way to ensure
that you are not transferring additional formatting from one
template to another. If Clear Formatting is not available in your
list of Styles, go to:
Show (at the bottom of the panel)
Select Custom from the settings available list. The Format
Settings window will appear (see figure, below)
Ensure that the Show
Clear Formatting box
is checked
Click OK
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Option 2: Attach the RetireInvest template to a current document
By ‘attaching’ the RetireInvest template to your current document, you will enable the RetireInvest
Styles and Toolbar, however other elements of the template such as margins and footer layout will
not be included. To attach the RetireInvest template go to:
Templates and Add-Ins
The document template and its path (or location) are
listed in the Templates tab. To attach the RetireInvest
template go to:
Attach (see figure, right)
In the resulting window, navigate to Desktop and
Click Open
This will attach the template and return you to the
Templates and Add-ins window (right).
To overwrite the settings in your document with the
RetireInvest Styles, particularly Headings and Bullets,
Go to:
Organizer (bottom left-hand corner). The following
window will appear:
This is the Organizer for Styles within your document (left hand panel) and the styles available
in other templates on your computer (right hand panel). The default setting in the right-hand
panel is – change this to by doing the following:
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Click Close File (on the right-hand panel)
Click Open File (on the right-hand panel)
Navigate to Desktop and select
Click Open (see figure, below)
You now have the opportunity to load into your document the correct RetireInvest styles. More
importantly you will overwrite the styles currently appearing in your document. Do the following:
In the right hand panel ( select all of the styles. You can do this by clicking the
first style (1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1), hold down the Shift key, scroll down to the last style (TOC9)
Click Copy, in between the two panels
Agree to overwrite all the styles – this will ensure that Headings and Bullets are working
correctly in your document (see figure, below)
You will still need to check
your document for
consistency, and may need
to apply the correct style
formatting manually. To do
this, go to:
Styles and Formatting
Styles and Formatting
Task Pane will appear
to the right of your
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
RetireInvest Toolbar
For ease, the most commonly used Styles have been developed into a toolbar which will appear on all documents built on the RetireInvest Template.
If the toolbar is not visible on the screen, go to:
 View
 Toolbars
 RetireInvest
<descriptions of the RetireInvest toolbar styles>
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Troubleshooting Word Styles
I can’t see the Style
Go to:
 View
 Toolbars
Select the Change Toolbar. Drag into position
RetireInvest Word
In order for the RetireInvest Word Styles to be available within a
Styles are not available document, the RetireInvest template must be attached and active.
in my document
To check this go to:
 File
 Properties
If not attached, create a new document using the RetireInvest Template
and cut and paste your content into it. Then reformat.
When I try to apply a
Style, nothing happens
Occasionally when text is copied and pasted from another document (not
necessarily a document built on the RetireInvest template), Word Style
formatting applied does not execute. Usually this happens when a single
Style (say, Bullet) is being applied to text that contains more than one
other Style. For example:
Body-10pt spacing
Applying Bullet Style to this group of text
may result in no change in the formatting.
Body-10pt spacing
To rectify this situation, firstly convert all of the differing text Styles to
Normal. Then, apply the Bullet Style. If, by doing this, the Style
formatting still does not execute, the document may need to be refreshed
by opening and closing.
Extra lines and weird
things are appearing in
my interactive Table of
Word picks up all references to Styles that go into building an interactive
Table of Contents. If extra lines, duplication or pieces of text that
shouldn’t be there are appearing in an interactive Table of Contents, the
document needs to be manually checked for Style consistency. An easy
way to do this is to view the document in ‘Normal View’, having allocated
a ‘Style Area Width’.
A Style Area Width can be created by going to:
- Tools
- Options
- View
- under Outline and Normal Options allocate say 2.5cm
Now, view your document in Normal View. You should now be able to
see the names of Styles allocated to the text throughout the document in
the left-hand margin. Check for pieces of text, or blank lines with
incorrect Word styles. Correct the document and then refresh your
interactive Table of Contents.
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Formatting Policy
<to be developed in detail>
Capital Letters
<text here>
Use of Colour
<text here>
Preferred Word Forms
<text here>
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
RetireInvest Word Styles
Following are technical descriptions of each Word Style for the RetireInvest template.
Style Name
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, English Base style and font for
(Australia), left alignment, single
all RetireInvest
line spacing
Body Text – 6pt spacing
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, English Paragraph text, with 6pt
(Australia), left alignment, single
spacing after each
line spacing, paragraph spacingparagraph
6pt after
Body Text – 10pt spacing
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, English
(Australia), left alignment, 1.5 line
spacing, paragraph spacing-10pt
Example Use
Paragraph text, 1.5 line
spacing with 10pt
spacing after each
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, English Use as style for
(Australia), left alignment, single
paragraph following a
line spacing, text indented 0.63cm bullet point. Also, use to
highlight text, or for a
quote, in a paragraph
Letter Subject
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, English Use for quotes, text to
(Australia), left alignment, single
be highlighted etc.
line spacing, text indented 2.54cm
from left and right
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
Use for subject of letters
English (Australia), left alignment, within the letter template
single line spacing, space after 6pt
Heading 1
Microsoft Sans Serif, 18pt, left
alignment, 12pt before, 6pt after,
custom colour (R=0,G=49, B=120).
Level 1 for table of contents
Heading 2
Microsoft Sans Serif, 14pt, Bold,
Second level of
left alignment, 6pt before, 6pt after, headings within a
Level 2 for table of contents
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Major chapter or section
heading throughout a
document. Should
always appear at the top
of a new page
Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt, Bold,
Third level of headings
left alignment, 6pt before, 6pt after, within a document
Level 3 for table of contents
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
Fourth level of headings
left alignment, 6pt before, 6pt after, within a document.
text condensed by 0.3pt
As per Heading 1, outline
Use as a major chapter
numbered. Not included in table of or section heading,
when numbering is
required. Should always
appear at the top of a
new page
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Style Name
Example Use
As per Heading 2, outline
numbered. Follows numbering of
Heading 5.
Not included in table of contents
Second level of
headings when
numbering is required
As per Heading 3, outline
numbered. Follows numbering of
Heading 6.
Not included in table of contents
Third level of headings
when numbering is
required Heading 8
As per Heading 4, outline
numbered. Follows numbering of
Heading 7.
Not included in table of contents
Fourth level of headings
when numbering is
Heading 9
Microsoft Sans Serif, 24pt, text
condensed by 1pt, custom colour
(R=195, G=187, B=177)
Use as highlight text
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Italics,
text condensed by 1pt, custom
colour (R=0, G=141, B=228)
Use as highlight text
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
text expanded by 1pt, custom
colour (R=0, G=141, B=228)
Use as highlight text –
only for relevant tagline
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
text condensed by 1pt, custom
colour (R=77, G=77, B=77),
Hanging indent 2cm
Heading text to identify
charts, diagrams, tables
etc throughout a
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, (1st
level – square dark blue bullet, 2nd
to 9th level – black long dash
bullet), left alignment, 0.63
incremental hanging indents, tabs
at 0.63 increments
Default bullet style for all
bullet text. This style is
only available through
the RetireInvest Toolbar.
Do not use the bullets
on the Microsoft Default
1. 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, left
alignment, 0.63 incremental
hanging indents, tabs at 0.63
increments, consecutive
Default numbering style
for all numbered text.
This style is only
available through the
RetireInvest Toolbar.
Do not use the
numbering on the
Microsoft Default toolbar
A) Article/Section, A)
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, left
alignment, 0.63 incremental
hanging indents, tabs at 0.63
increments, consecutive letters
Default lettering style for
all text. This style is
only available through
the RetireInvest Toolbar.
Do not use the
numbering on the
Microsoft Default toolbar
Microsoft Sans Serif, 8pt, Bold, left Default style for text in
alignment, custom colour
Header of RetireInvest
(R=0,G=49, B=120)
Heading 6
1.1.1 Heading 7
1/a/I, Bullets
– Bullets level 2
– Bullets level 3
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Style Name
Example Use
Microsoft Sans Serif, 7pt, left
Default style for text in
Footer of RetireInvest
documents. Use for
Document ID
1 Footnote Reference
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
left alignment, custom colour
(R=0,G=49, B=120), superscript
Automatic footnote
numbering style
Footnote text
Microsoft Sans Serif, 9pt, left
Use for footnotes
1 Endnote Reference
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
left alignment, custom colour
(R=0,G=49, B=120), superscript
Automatic endnote
numbering style
Endnote text
Microsoft Sans Serif, 9pt, left
Use for endnotes
Microsoft Sans Serif, 8pt, left
Use for notes, or
sources of information
within a document
Page Number
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, Bold,
left alignment, custom colour
(R=195,G=187, B=177)
Page numbering style.
Page numbers should
appear in the centre
bottom of each page.
See Page Layout of this
document for further
TOA Heading
Microsoft Sans Serif, 14pt, left
Use for Table of
alignment, spacing 6pt before,
Contents heading or
custom colour (R=0,G=49, B=120) other heading within a
document that is not
required to appear in a
Table of Contents.
Microsoft Sans Serif, 32pt, left
alignment, lowered by 150pt,
spacing 24pt after, custom colour
(White), following style = Subtitle
Main title of document.
Use on front cover of
documents, in front of
RetireInvest cover
Microsoft Sans Serif, 14pt, left
alignment, expanded by 2pt,
spacing 3pt after, custom colour
(R=0,G=49, B=120), following style
= Date
Subtitle title of
Use on front cover of
documents, in front of
RetireInvest cover
Corporate Style Guide | Microsoft Word documents
Style Name
Example Use
Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt, left
Use for date or author.
alignment, spacing 12pt before,
Use on front cover of
custom colour (R=0,G=49, B=120), documents, in front of
RetireInvest cover
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, left
alignment, custom colour
(R=0,G=49, B=120), Underlined
Default setting for
hyperlinks with a
RetireInvest document
Followed Hyperlink
Microsoft Sans Serif, 11pt, left
alignment, custom colour
(R=0,G=141, B=218), Underlined
Default setting for
followed hyperlinks with
a RetireInvest document
Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt, Bold,
left alignment, custom colour
(R=0,G=49, B=120)
Default setting for Level
1 of Table of Contents
generated within
RetireInvest templates
Microsoft Sans Serif, 10pt, left
alignment, left hanging indent at
0.63cm, right hanging indent at
Default setting for Levels
2 and 3 of Table of
Contents generated
within RetireInvest