Polygon Discovery Names: ________________________ ________________________ A. Complete the following tasks: 1. With a straightedge, draw the polygons in the chart below. Do this on blank paper for these diagrams need to be large enough to measure angles with a protractor. Be sure all are convex (although the results would work if concave). 2. Measure and record the measures of each angle. The triangle has been completed as an example. 3. Add the angle measures together for a sum total of the angle measure of the interior angles. 4. If the polygon was regular, what would each interior angle measure? Polygon Degrees per Angle Sum of interior angles Angle Measures if regular Triangle (3-gon) 23o, 77o, 80o 180o 60o Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Decagon Dodecagon 15-gon Conclusions: 1. Find a formula for determining the sum of the interior angles of an n-gon? 2. What would the sum of the interior angles be for a 50-gon? B. A diagonal is a segment connecting non-consecutive vertices of a polygon. Complete the following tasks: 1. On the polygon diagrams from Part A, use a colored pencil and straightedge to draw the diagonals from a single vertex to all other vertices. Count these diagonals and record in the data table below. 2. At this point complete PART C. 3. Using a different color, draw all possible remaining diagonals. Count the total diagonals in each polygon and record in the table below. 4. Move on to PART D Polygon Diagonals from a Single Vertex Total Diagonals Triangle (3-gon) 0 0 Quadrilateral 1 2 Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Decagon Dodecagon 15-gon Conclusions: 1. Find a formula to determine the number of diagonals that can be drawn from a single vertex of a polygon. 2. Find a formula to determine the total number of diagonals that can be drawn from all vertices in a polygon. 3. How many diagonals can be drawn from a single vertex of a convex 29-gon? 4. How many total diagonals can be drawn from all vertices of a convex 22-gon? C. When a diagonal is drawn from a single vertex to all other vertices a number of triangles are formed. Complete the following tasks: 1. Using the diagrams from Part A, count the number triangles formed. Record this in the table below. 2. Each triangle has 180o as the sum of the interior angle measures. Determine the measure of the interior angles for each polygon. Polygon # of Triangles Formed Interior Angles Measure for Each Triangle Interior Angles Measure For the Polygon Triangle (3-gon) 1 180o 180o Quadrilateral 2 180o 360o Pentagon 180o Hexagon 180o Octagon 180o Decagon 180o Dodecagon 180o 15-gon 180o Conclusions: 1. Find a formula to determine the number of triangles formed by drawing all diagonals from a single vertex of a polygon. 2. How many triangles are formed if they are formed in this manner for a 25-gon? Return to finish Part B D. An exterior angle on a polygon is the angle formed by a side of a polygon and the extension of the side adjacent to that side (see diagram) Angle P is an exterior angle P Complete the following tasks: 1. On the diagrams from Part A, extend each side to form exterior angles at each vertex. 2. Use a protractor to measure one exterior angle at each vertex. Record these values in the table below. 3. Add the exterior angles (one per vertex) and record the sum Polygon Measures of Exterior Angles for Each Vertex Sum of Exterior Angles Triangle (3-gon) 157o, 103o, 100o 360o Quadrilateral Pentagon Hexagon Octagon Decagon Dodecagon 15-gon Conclusions: 1. What is the sum of the exterior angle measures for any polygon if taken one per vertex?