SYLLABUS READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS NOW! 1.) YOUR ASSIGNMENTS are on this SYLLABUS. READ IT ALL BEFORE YOU BEGIN YOUR WORK. assignments are on this document. Download link is below to access class readings. Links for 2.) To SUBMIT WORK … A. FIRST, complete your assignments for “WEEK ONE” below (on paper or computer). Essays MUST be double spaced and size 12 Times New Roman black font. Always save your work. B. NEXT, click “WEEK ONE” below and complete the classwork SUBMISSION form. Type or copy & paste responses that you have prepared, in the spaces provided on the form. Some assignments may require you to upload a response, a photo or scan. PROOFREAD and double check your work. C. Then, submit your form with the full week completed and MOVE TO YOUR NEXT WEEK. 3.) GRADES: I will evaluate, issue a weekly score and return your submission in about 5 business days. Scores: 0 = F, 1 = D, 2 = C, 3 = B, 4 = A. Your 5 weekly grades must average to a 2 (“C”) to receive your credit. You will NOT be given an opportunity to improve your weekly grade so submit your best. MESSAGE me directly from this site. Emergencies only, call Dr. Stroud MON-FRI 9AM TO 5PM at 773-499-2668 ALL SELF-REPORTED SCORES MUST BE IN THE FORM OF A SCREENSHOT. USE THE LINK BELOW TO LEARN HOW TO SCREENSHOT AND PASTE YOUR RESULTS. WELCOME TO SPANISH II Course LAN131: SPANISH II: This course encourages interpersonal communication through speaking and writing, providing opportunities to make and respond to basic requests and questions, understand and use appropriate greetings and forms of address, participate in brief guided conversations on familiar topics, and write short. This course also emphasizes the development of reading and listening comprehension skills, such as reading isolated words and phrases in a situational context and comprehending brief written or oral directions. Additionally, students will examine the practices, products and perspectives of Spanish-speaking culture; recognize basic routine practices of the target culture; and recognize and use situation-appropriate non-verbal communication. Online Spanish Course CREATE AN ACCOUNT Spanish Dictionary This Spanish class is fully online. Use the link above to access course materials. You will be provided flash cards, recordings, practice tests, and videos. Please do not register for online tutors; this component is unnecessary and not free. Pace yourself. With proper pacing, you should finish in 5 weeks but it’s up to you. Because this course is selfdirected, you will have to decide when you feel ready for your final exam which is with your class downloads. WEEK ONE: Groups 1 - 4 Complete: Overview, Learn, Practice, Review SUBMIT ALL QUIZ RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 1 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 2 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 3 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 4 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW GO TO Complete sections 21 – 23 online – Study and do all exercises Refresher Spanish No. 1: Introducciones ASSIGNMENT: Type an eight sentence paragraph below, introducing yourself to your instructor. Use the examples below for a guideline. MY INTRODUCTION: Soy______________ I'm ____________ EXAMPLES Soy Jennifer I'm Jennifer ¡Hola, soy Jennifer! Tengo 9 años. Vivo en Houston, Texas con mi madre, mi padre y mis dos hermanos. Me gusta ir a la escuela pero odio hacer tareas y tomar exámenes. En la escuela estudio inglés, español, ciencia, sociales y matemáticas. Amo ir a la escuela y ver a mis amigos y profesores todos los días. También me gusta jugar béisbol después de la escuela. Yo no tengo hermanas, pero mi mejor amiga Olga es como mi hermana. Nosotras nos contamos todo. También estudiamos y vemos televisión juntas. Cuando crezca voy a ser enfermera y voy a cuidar a las personas enfermas. Hi! I’m Jennifer! I am 9 years old. I live in Houston, Texas with my mother, father, and two brothers. I like going to school but I hate doing homework and taking exams. At school I study English, Spanish, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics. I love going to school and seeing my friends and teachers every day. I also like to play baseball after school. I don’t have a sister but my best friend Olga is just like my sister. We tell each other everything. We also study and watch TV together. When I grow up I’m going to be a nurse and take care of sick people. Me llamo Martha My name is Martha Hola, mi nombre es Martha. Tengo 41 años y soy casada con dos hijos. Vivo en Hoboken, que está en el estado de Nueva Jersey, en la costa este de los Estados Unidos. Trabajo medio tiempo en una librería. Es un gran trabajo. Puedo leer tantos libros gratis como quiera y puedo pasar bastante tiempo con mis hijos. Mi esposo tiene su propio Hello ! My name is Martha. I am 41 years old, married with 2 kids. I live in Hoboken which is in the state of New Jersey on the east coast of the United States. I work part-time in a bookstore. It is a great job. I can read as many books as I want for free and I get to spend plenty of time with my kids. My husband has his own business and negocio y trabaja de las 8 de la mañana a las 9 de la noche. Un día él venderá el negocio por mucho dinero para poder pasar más tiempo con su familia. Cuando no estoy trabajando, paso la mayor parte de mi tiempo limpiando la casa, lavando la ropa, pagando las cuentas y cocinando para la familia. Me gustaría que mi esposo vendiera su negocio pronto para que pudiera pasar más tiempo con nosotros. works from 8am to 9pm. One day he will sell the business for a lot of money so that he can spend more time with his family. When I am not working, I spend most of my time cleaning the house, doing the laundry, paying the bills and cooking for the family. I would like my husband to sell his business soon so that he can spend more time with us. Mi nombre es Marco My name is Marco Hola, mi nombre es Marco. Tengo 17 años y me mudé a los Estados Unidos con mis padres hace 2 años, desde el Perú. No tengo hermanos o hermanas; soy hijo único. Mis padres vinieron a los Estados Unidos porque no pudieron encontrar trabajo en el Perú. Mi tía y tío se mudaron aquí hace 12 años y tienen un restaurante. Mi padre trabaja como chef y mi madre trabaja como mesera en el restaurante. Es un trabajo difícil pero ellos están felices de tener ahora suficiente dinero y de que yo tenga la oportunidad de obtener una buena educación. Dejar el Perú fue difícil para mí. Allá tenía mucha familia y amigos. Yo sólo podía hablar un poco de inglés y mi familia no tenía mucho dinero. Las cosas van mejor ahora. He hecho algunos amigos y estoy aprendiendo inglés rápido. Me voy a graduar de preparatoria el próximo año y espero ir a la universidad. Después de eso obtendré un trabajo como ingeniero y haré mucho dinero para que mis padres ya no tengan que trabajar tan duro. Hi ! My name is Marco. I am 17 years old and moved to the United States 2 years ago from Peru with my parents. I don’t have any brothers or sisters; I am an only child. My parents came to the US because they could not find work in Peru. My Aunt and Uncle had moved here 12 years ago and own a restaurant. My father works as a chef and my mother works as a waitress at the restaurant. It is hard work but they are happy that they now have enough money and that I have the opportunity to get a good education. Leaving Peru was hard for me. I had a lot of family and friends there. I could speak very little English and my family didn’t have a lot of money. Things are better now. I have made a few friends and I am learning English fast. I will graduate High School next year and hope to go to college. After that I will get a job as an Engineer and make a lot of money so that my parents don’t have to work so hard anymore. WEEK TWO: Groups 5 - 9 Complete: Overview, Learn, Practice, Review SUBMIT ALL QUIZ/REVIEW RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 5 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 6 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 7 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 8 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 9 present SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW GO TO Complete sections 24 – 26 online – Study and do all exercises Latin Culture Here you will find links to a variety of cultural information about Latin America. Pretend that you are a travel agent and are persuading me to visit each location below. ASSIGNMENT: Type in English a paragraph on each, giving highlights of the landscape, culture, and entertainment that would convince me to visit and explore. Use independent research and the links below. (Hold the “ctrl” button and then click the link) Colombia - Portal oficial de Turismo Visite México Argentina - Secretaría de Turismo Visite Costa Rica Ven a Perú ASSIGNMENT: Then use this information to create a flyer IN SPANISH for each travel destination above. ADD WORK HERE WEEK THREE: Groups 10-13 Complete: Overview, Learn, Practice, Review SUBMIT ALL QUIZ/REVIEW RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 10 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 11 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 12 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 13 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW GO TO Complete sections 27 – 31 online – Study and do all exercises Essay continued Level No. 2 – Narrative Essay ASSIGNMENT: Type a 5 paragraph mini-biography. Use the example below for a guideline. Soy______________ I'm ____________ EXAMPLES Conozcamos a Peter Let's meet Peter ¡Hola! Yo soy Peter. Tengo 7 años y vivo con mis padres en San Francisco. Estoy en el segundo grado. En los Estados Unidos lo llamamos escuela elemental. Yo amo ver dibujos animados y jugar videojuegos. Mis programas favoritos son Dora la Exploradora y Calle Sésamo. Me gustan porque son divertidos y enseñan cosas nuevas. Hi ! I’m Peter. I am 7 years old and live with my parents in San Francisco. I am in the second grade. In the United States we call that elementary school. I love watching cartoons and playing video games. My favorite shows are Dora the Explorer and Sesame Street. I like them because they are fun to watch and teach you new things. Yo tengo un hermano y una hermana. Mi hermano tiene 17 años y está en el último año de la preparatoria. Él ama los deportes e ir a fiestas. Él nunca me lleva a fiestas pero algunas veces nos lleva a mi hermana y a mí a la playa. Mi hermana se llama Jane. Tiene 11 años. A ella le gusta leer y jugar fútbol. Lee uno o dos libros cada semana y ve todos los partidos de fútbol por televisión. Ella se mete en problemas en la escuela todo el tiempo porque no hace sus tareas. Pretende poner atención en la clase pero lee sus libros debajo del escritorio. Mis padres algunas veces hacen que mi hermano le ayude con sus tareas. Muy a menudo, él simplemente hace las tareas de ella para poder salir con su novia. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 17 and is attending his last year of High School. He loves sports and going to parties. He never takes me to any parties but sometimes he takes my sister and me to the beach. My sister’s name is Jane. She is 11. She loves reading and playing soccer. She reads one or two books every week and watches every soccer game on TV. She gets into trouble at school all the time because she doesn’t do her homework. She pretends to pay attention in class but reads her books under the desk. My parents sometimes make my brother help her with her homework. Very often he just does her homework for her so that he can go out with his girlfriend. Yo también tengo una novia. Su nombre es Shenaaz. Ella se mudó con sus padres del Líbano a San Francisco. Ella es muy linda. Habla francés y árabe y está aprendiendo inglés. Ella todavía no tiene sus propios libros, entonces nos sentamos juntos en la clase y yo comparto mis libros con ella. El fin de semana, ella viene a mi casa y ve películas con mi familia y yo. A sus padres les gusta que ella pase tiempo en nuestra casa porque puede aprender inglés con nosotros. En casa, ellos sólo hablan francés o árabe. I have a girlfriend too. Her name is Shenaaz. She moved to San Francisco with her parents from Lebanon. She is very pretty. She speaks French and Arabic and is learning English. She doesn’t have her own books yet so we sit together in class and I share my books with her. On the weekend, she comes over and watches movies with me and my family. Her parents like her to spend time at our house because she can learn English with us. At home, they only speak French or Arabic. Cuando crezca, yo quiero ser policía y ayudar a atrapar criminales. Mi profesora dice que yo tendré que estudiar duro para ser más inteligente que los criminales. Los policías en la televisión parecen muy inteligentes, por lo que yo trato de sacar ‘A’ en todo, para ser inteligente como ellos. Mi papa es muy inteligente también. Él es mecánico. Puede arreglar cualquier carro en el mundo. Él me dijo que tuvo que estudiar muy When I grow up I want to be a policeman and help catch criminals. My teacher says I will have to study hard so I will be smarter than the criminals. The cops on TV seem really smart, so I make sure I get all ‘A’s in everything so I can be smart like them. My Dad is really smart too. He is a mechanic. He can fix any car in the world. He told me he had to study really hard too. If I don’t become a cop, I want to become a duro también. Si yo no me hago policía, quiero hacerme mecánico y arreglar los carros de las personas. Supongo que tendré que parar de jugar videojuegos tanto y estudiar para poder ser inteligente y ayudar a las personas cuando crezca. mechanic and fix people’s cars. I guess I will have to stop playing video games so much and study so that I can be smart and help people when I grow up. WEEK FOUR: Groups 14-18 Complete: Overview, Learn, Practice, Review SUBMIT ALL QUIZ/REVIEW RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 14 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 15 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 16 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 17 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 18 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW GO TO Complete sections 32 – 35 online – Study and do all exercises WEEK FIVE: Groups 19-22 Complete: Overview, Learn, Practice, Review SUBMIT ALL QUIZ/REVIEW RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 19 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 20 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 21 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW QUIZ LINK 22 SCREENSHOT AND PASTE THE PAGE WITH THE FINAL RESULTS BELOW GO TO Complete sections 36 – 40 online – Study and do all exercises TAKE YOUR FINAL EXAM – IT’S A DOWNLOAD MY BEST TO YOU!